base_model: meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf gate_mode: hidden # one of "hidden", "cheap_embed", or "random" dtype: bfloat16 # output dtype (float32, float16, or bfloat16) experts: - source_model: tyson0420/stack_llama_fil_ai positive_prompts: - "Answer multiple choice questions about science." - "Use your knowledge to answer questions in a variety of disciplines, including history, math, and science." - "Use common sense reasoning to properly fill in the blanks in the statement." - source_model: tyson0420/stack_codellama-7b-inst positive_prompts: - "Write a program to solve this problem" - "Modify this function to improve its performance" - "Refactor this code to enhance readability" - "Create a custom function for this specific use case" - "Optimize this algorithm to reduce computational complexity" - "Implement this feature by extending existing codebase" - "Integrate this API call into the application" - "Help me troubleshoot and fix this bug" - "Review and test this code snippet before deployment" - "Analyze this error log to identify potential issues" - "Generate a set of unit tests for this module" - "Evaluate different approaches to solving this problem"