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clear ##gon wagon of contin over continue sir turn ##lf ex golf ##ett ##ri bye juli thank ##ith juliett with climbing ##ul via tr right ##cu are ##head ##av ##her exp now cir ##cuit circuit ##art low ##ima hot mor dep hotel morning depart stop ##sia ##oint point lima ##de jets jetstar ad ar bo ##ave ##kee yan yankee asia when stand ##no ##val join arri arrival be wil adv overhead su fly ##atar bob afterno afternoon advis ##ffic tra traffic ma holding gli glide ##aving high leaving ##rol control bobis ##ce track due ag your med again ##ure medic have ne ##me ##orm qatar will qatari ##ma ##ather weather sel ##amat selamat ful cal ##les ##ive this full ##ak ##one rome romeo ##oh ##ates sp ##ress em joh emir johor cor emirates correct express ##ative ##ation ##aya spe correction ##bar speed departure paya lebar advised ara ##ep arama zone say ##ax ##ble neg negative back miles sal ##bek ##tion nobek am within ##ulu co salax ke zulu around keep ##sition suk can ##ect descending ##ial ##ross 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turkish recleared super pagi commen ##ite exped inform requ requi ##ie expedite batar ##fa alfa there change information rej rejoin ##able ##ime ##mas ge ##os gemas ##pt ##ne ##green supergreen min struct ##ceed structure ##em ac ##ans fur ste any proceed further tracking transition uni uniform steel ##ag obstacles norther northern ##lo it ##ard joining ##va lo base time ##orne airborne ##ise ##ren ##auti nauti nautical star ##ty raya path ##aple eli ##wind lower elite rn ##ai kid rnav kidot lark ll ##lish estab establish inter extended ##une flaple flapless eastindo rem gra remain ##ute commence ##lease required grass minute thanks trans ##ract pre ##ry down ##ield shortly pract ##ux inbound airfield please ##raft then bel cre ##craft as eighty silo ##ip station calling aircraft if ##cel leave structures ##orry crew li sorry rou int ##rans off nept neptune practise airfrans lion ##es ##lux cargolux ##ok ##vail ##by avail alt available bat ##ond how ##ude ##itude altitude mit mitos ##ting kong hel upwind clearance westbound route reach ##adem academ bobag academy ##ill ##vi set pres present nave ##enger navex ab passenger ##avy minutes excel heavy bay ##io ##so out ver ##urren ##urrent current devi like ##ould ##alam radio sou ##kum ##reak break mu ##out heli unk ##ment below ##ex res fed ten about very gun still estim ##bye fedex goodbye ass transm ##ating stra ##ik straight ##ll standing hello local ##ah so diam ##ention diamond ##erm mas ##ung intention reaching see bang ##ume ##ice currently nav ##after thereafter resume masbo light navig sab deviation not navigation fir batik estimate aro ##aining pl