Source code for transformers.generation_flax_logits_process

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2021 The HuggingFace Inc. team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import inspect
from abc import ABC

import jax
import jax.lax as lax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jaxlib.xla_extension as jax_xla

from .file_utils import add_start_docstrings
from .utils.logging import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

        input_ids (:obj:`jax_xla.DeviceArray` of shape :obj:`(batch_size, sequence_length)`):
            Indices of input sequence tokens in the vocabulary.

            Indices can be obtained using :class:`~transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer`. See
            :meth:`transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer.encode` and :meth:`transformers.PreTrainedTokenizer.__call__` for

            `What are input IDs? <../glossary.html#input-ids>`__
        scores (:obj:`jax_xla.DeviceArray` of shape :obj:`(batch_size, config.vocab_size)`):
            Prediction scores of a language modeling head. These can be logits for each vocabulary when not using beam
            search or log softmax for each vocabulary token when using beam search
            Additional logits processor specific kwargs.

        :obj:`jax_xla.DeviceArray` of shape :obj:`(batch_size, config.vocab_size)`: The processed prediction scores.


[docs]class FlaxLogitsProcessor(ABC): """Abstract base class for all logit processors that can be applied during generation."""
[docs] @add_start_docstrings(LOGITS_PROCESSOR_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) def __call__(self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: """Flax method for processing logits.""" raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__} is an abstract class. Only classes inheriting this class can be called." )
[docs]class FlaxLogitsWarper(ABC): """Abstract base class for all logit warpers that can be applied during generation with multinomial sampling."""
[docs] @add_start_docstrings(LOGITS_PROCESSOR_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) def __call__(self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: """Flax method for warping logits.""" raise NotImplementedError( f"{self.__class__} is an abstract class. Only classes inheriting this class can be called." )
[docs]class FlaxLogitsProcessorList(list): """ This class can be used to create a list of :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsProcessor` or :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsWarper` to subsequently process a :obj:`scores` input tensor. This class inherits from list and adds a specific `__call__` method to apply each :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsProcessor` or :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsWarper` to the inputs. """
[docs] @add_start_docstrings(LOGITS_PROCESSOR_INPUTS_DOCSTRING) def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int, **kwargs ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: for processor in self: function_args = inspect.signature(processor.__call__).parameters if len(function_args) > 3: assert all( arg in kwargs for arg in list(function_args.keys())[2:] ), f"Make sure that all the required parameters: {list(function_args.keys())} for {processor.__class__} are passed to the logits processor." scores = processor(input_ids, scores, cur_len, **kwargs) else: scores = processor(input_ids, scores, cur_len) return scores
[docs]class FlaxTemperatureLogitsWarper(FlaxLogitsWarper): r""" :class:`transformers.LogitsWarper` for temperature (exponential scaling output probability distribution). Args: temperature (:obj:`float`): The value used to module the logits distribution. """ def __init__(self, temperature: float): if not isinstance(temperature, float) or not (temperature > 0): raise ValueError(f"`temperature` has to be a strictly positive float, but is {temperature}") self.temperature = temperature
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: scores = scores / self.temperature return scores
[docs]class FlaxTopPLogitsWarper(FlaxLogitsWarper): """ :class:`transformers.LogitsWarper` that performs top-p, i.e. restricting to top tokens summing to prob_cut_off <= prob_cut_off. Args: top_p (:obj:`float`): If set to < 1, only the most probable tokens with probabilities that add up to :obj:`top_p` or higher are kept for generation. filter_value (:obj:`float`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`-float("Inf")`): All filtered values will be set to this float value. min_tokens_to_keep (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 1): Minimum number of tokens that cannot be filtered. """ def __init__(self, top_p: float, filter_value: float = -float("Inf"), min_tokens_to_keep: int = 1): if not isinstance(top_p, float) or (top_p < 0 or top_p > 1.0): raise ValueError(f"`top_p` has to be a float > 0 and < 1, but is {top_p}") self.top_p = top_p self.filter_value = filter_value self.min_tokens_to_keep = min_tokens_to_keep
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: topk_scores, topk_indices = lax.top_k(scores, scores.shape[-1]) mask_scores = jnp.full_like(scores, self.filter_value) cumulative_probs = jax.nn.softmax(topk_scores, axis=-1).cumsum(axis=-1) score_mask = cumulative_probs < self.top_p # include the token that is higher than top_p as well score_mask |= jax.ops.index_update(jnp.roll(score_mask, 1), jax.ops.index[:, 0], True) # min tokens to keep score_mask = jax.ops.index_update(score_mask, jax.ops.index[:, : self.min_tokens_to_keep], True) topk_next_scores = jnp.where(score_mask, topk_scores, mask_scores) next_scores = jax.lax.sort_key_val(topk_indices, topk_next_scores)[-1] return next_scores
[docs]class FlaxTopKLogitsWarper(FlaxLogitsWarper): r""" :class:`transformers.LogitsWarper` that performs top-k, i.e. restricting to the k highest probability elements. Args: top_k (:obj:`int`): The number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering. filter_value (:obj:`float`, `optional`, defaults to :obj:`-float("Inf")`): All filtered values will be set to this float value. min_tokens_to_keep (:obj:`int`, `optional`, defaults to 1): Minimum number of tokens that cannot be filtered. """ def __init__(self, top_k: int, filter_value: float = -float("Inf"), min_tokens_to_keep: int = 1): if not isinstance(top_k, int) or top_k <= 0: raise ValueError(f"`top_k` has to be a strictly positive integer, but is {top_k}") self.top_k = top_k self.filter_value = filter_value self.min_tokens_to_keep = min_tokens_to_keep
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: batch_size, vocab_size = scores.shape next_scores_flat = jnp.full(batch_size * vocab_size, self.filter_value) topk = min(max(self.top_k, self.min_tokens_to_keep), scores.shape[-1]) # Safety check topk_scores, topk_indices = lax.top_k(scores, topk) shift = jnp.broadcast_to((jnp.arange(batch_size) * vocab_size)[:, None], (batch_size, topk)).flatten() topk_scores_flat = topk_scores.flatten() topk_indices_flat = topk_indices.flatten() + shift next_scores_flat = jax.ops.index_update(next_scores_flat, topk_indices_flat, topk_scores_flat) next_scores = next_scores_flat.reshape(batch_size, vocab_size) return next_scores
[docs]class FlaxForcedBOSTokenLogitsProcessor(FlaxLogitsProcessor): r""" :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsProcessor` that enforces the specified token as the first generated token. Args: bos_token_id (:obj:`int`): The id of the token to force as the first generated token. """ def __init__(self, bos_token_id: int): self.bos_token_id = bos_token_id
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: new_scores = jnp.full(scores.shape, -float("inf")) apply_penalty = 1 - jnp.bool_(cur_len - 1) scores = jnp.where( apply_penalty, jax.ops.index_update(new_scores, jax.ops.index[:, self.bos_token_id], 0), scores ) return scores
[docs]class FlaxForcedEOSTokenLogitsProcessor(FlaxLogitsProcessor): r""" :class:`~transformers.FlaxLogitsProcessor` that enforces the specified token as the last generated token when :obj:`max_length` is reached. Args: max_length (:obj:`int`): The maximum length of the sequence to be generated. eos_token_id (:obj:`int`): The id of the token to force as the last generated token when :obj:`max_length` is reached. """ def __init__(self, max_length: int, eos_token_id: int): self.max_length = max_length self.eos_token_id = eos_token_id
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: new_scores = jnp.full(scores.shape, -float("inf")) apply_penalty = 1 - jnp.bool_(cur_len - self.max_length + 1) scores = jnp.where( apply_penalty, jax.ops.index_update(new_scores, jax.ops.index[:, self.eos_token_id], 0), scores ) return scores
[docs]class FlaxMinLengthLogitsProcessor(FlaxLogitsProcessor): r""" :class:`transformers.FlaxLogitsProcessor` enforcing a min-length by setting EOS probability to 0. Args: min_length (:obj:`int`): The minimum length below which the score of :obj:`eos_token_id` is set to :obj:`-float("Inf")`. eos_token_id (:obj:`int`): The id of the `end-of-sequence` token. """ def __init__(self, min_length: int, eos_token_id: int): if not isinstance(min_length, int) or min_length < 0: raise ValueError(f"`min_length` has to be a positive integer, but is {min_length}") if not isinstance(eos_token_id, int) or eos_token_id < 0: raise ValueError(f"`eos_token_id` has to be a positive integer, but is {eos_token_id}") self.min_length = min_length self.eos_token_id = eos_token_id
[docs] def __call__( self, input_ids: jax_xla.DeviceArray, scores: jax_xla.DeviceArray, cur_len: int ) -> jax_xla.DeviceArray: # create boolean flag to decide if min length penalty should be applied apply_penalty = 1 - jnp.clip(cur_len - self.min_length, 0, 1) scores = jnp.where( apply_penalty, jax.ops.index_update(scores, jax.ops.index[:, self.eos_token_id], -float("inf")), scores ) return scores