FSMT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **DISCLAIMER:** If you see something strange, file a `Github Issue `__ and assign @stas00. Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FSMT (FairSeq MachineTranslation) models were introduced in `Facebook FAIR's WMT19 News Translation Task Submission `__ by Nathan Ng, Kyra Yee, Alexei Baevski, Myle Ott, Michael Auli, Sergey Edunov. The abstract of the paper is the following: *This paper describes Facebook FAIR's submission to the WMT19 shared news translation task. We participate in two language pairs and four language directions, English <-> German and English <-> Russian. Following our submission from last year, our baseline systems are large BPE-based transformer models trained with the Fairseq sequence modeling toolkit which rely on sampled back-translations. This year we experiment with different bitext data filtering schemes, as well as with adding filtered back-translated data. We also ensemble and fine-tune our models on domain-specific data, then decode using noisy channel model reranking. Our submissions are ranked first in all four directions of the human evaluation campaign. On En->De, our system significantly outperforms other systems as well as human translations. This system improves upon our WMT'18 submission by 4.5 BLEU points.* The original code can be found here __. Implementation Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - FSMT uses source and target vocabulary pairs that aren't combined into one. It doesn't share embeddings tokens either. Its tokenizer is very similar to :class:`~transformers.XLMTokenizer` and the main model is derived from :class:`~transformers.BartModel`. FSMTConfig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.FSMTConfig :members: FSMTTokenizer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.FSMTTokenizer :members: build_inputs_with_special_tokens, get_special_tokens_mask, create_token_type_ids_from_sequences, prepare_seq2seq_batch, save_vocabulary FSMTModel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.FSMTModel :members: forward FSMTForConditionalGeneration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: transformers.FSMTForConditionalGeneration :members: forward