Converting Tensorflow Checkpoints

A command-line interface is provided to convert original Bert/GPT/GPT-2/Transformer-XL/XLNet/XLM checkpoints in models than be loaded using the from_pretrained methods of the library.


You can convert any TensorFlow checkpoint for BERT (in particular the pre-trained models released by Google) in a PyTorch save file by using the script.

This CLI takes as input a TensorFlow checkpoint (three files starting with bert_model.ckpt) and the associated configuration file (bert_config.json), and creates a PyTorch model for this configuration, loads the weights from the TensorFlow checkpoint in the PyTorch model and saves the resulting model in a standard PyTorch save file that can be imported using torch.load() (see examples in, and

You only need to run this conversion script once to get a PyTorch model. You can then disregard the TensorFlow checkpoint (the three files starting with bert_model.ckpt) but be sure to keep the configuration file (bert_config.json) and the vocabulary file (vocab.txt) as these are needed for the PyTorch model too.

To run this specific conversion script you will need to have TensorFlow and PyTorch installed (pip install tensorflow). The rest of the repository only requires PyTorch.

Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained BERT-Base Uncased model:

export BERT_BASE_DIR=/path/to/bert/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12

pytorch_transformers bert \
  $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt \
  $BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_config.json \

You can download Google’s pre-trained models for the conversion here.


Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained OpenAI GPT model, assuming that your NumPy checkpoint save as the same format than OpenAI pretrained model (see here)

export OPENAI_GPT_CHECKPOINT_FOLDER_PATH=/path/to/openai/pretrained/numpy/weights

pytorch_transformers gpt \

OpenAI GPT-2

Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained OpenAI GPT-2 model (see here)

export OPENAI_GPT2_CHECKPOINT_PATH=/path/to/gpt2/pretrained/weights

pytorch_transformers gpt2 \


Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained Transformer-XL model (see here)

export TRANSFO_XL_CHECKPOINT_FOLDER_PATH=/path/to/transfo/xl/checkpoint

pytorch_transformers transfo_xl \


Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained XLNet model, fine-tuned on STS-B using the TensorFlow script:

export TRANSFO_XL_CHECKPOINT_PATH=/path/to/xlnet/checkpoint
export TRANSFO_XL_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/xlnet/config

pytorch_transformers xlnet \
  STS-B \


Here is an example of the conversion process for a pre-trained XLM model:

export XLM_CHECKPOINT_PATH=/path/to/xlm/checkpoint

pytorch_transformers xlm \