from linecache import clearcache import os import gc import numpy as np import os.path import re import torch import tqdm import datetime import csv import json import torch.nn as nn import scipy.ndimage from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter as filter from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw from tqdm import tqdm from modules import shared, processing, sd_models, images, sd_samplers,scripts from modules.ui import plaintext_to_html from modules.shared import opts from modules.processing import create_infotext,Processed from modules.sd_models import load_model,checkpoints_loaded from scripts.mergers.model_util import usemodelgen,filenamecutter,savemodel from inspect import currentframe stopmerge = False def freezemtime(): global stopmerge stopmerge = True mergedmodel=[] TYPESEG = ["none","alpha","beta (if Triple or Twice is not selected,Twice automatically enable)","alpha and beta","seed", "mbw alpha","mbw beta","mbw alpha and beta", "model_A","model_B","model_C","pinpoint blocks (alpha or beta must be selected for another axis)","elemental","pinpoint element","effective elemental checker","tensors","calcmode","prompt"] TYPES = ["none","alpha","beta","alpha and beta","seed", "mbw alpha ","mbw beta","mbw alpha and beta", "model_A","model_B","model_C","pinpoint blocks","elemental","pinpoint element","effective","tensor","calcmode","prompt"] MODES=["Weight" ,"Add" ,"Triple","Twice"] SAVEMODES=["save model", "overwrite"] #type[0:aplha,1:beta,2:seed,3:mbw,4:model_A,5:model_B,6:model_C] #msettings=[0 weights_a,1 weights_b,2 model_a,3 model_b,4 model_c,5 base_alpha,6 base_beta,7 mode,8 useblocks,9 custom_name,10 save_sets,11 id_sets,12 wpresets] #id sets "image", "PNG info","XY grid" hear = False hearm = False non4 = [None]*4 def caster(news,hear): if hear: print(news) def casterr(*args,hear=hear): if hear: names = {id(v): k for k, v in currentframe().f_back.f_locals.items()} print('\n'.join([names.get(id(arg), '???') + ' = ' + repr(arg) for arg in args])) #msettings=[weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,device,base_alpha,base_beta,mode,loranames,useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep] def smergegen(weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,base_alpha,base_beta,mode, calcmode,useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,tensor, esettings, prompt,nprompt,steps,sampler,cfg,seed,w,h, hireson,hrupscaler,hr2ndsteps,denoise_str,hr_scale,batch_size, currentmodel,imggen): deepprint = True if "print change" in esettings else False result,currentmodel,modelid,theta_0,metadata = smerge( weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,base_alpha,base_beta,mode,calcmode, useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,tensor,deepprint=deepprint ) if "ERROR" in result or "STOPPED" in result: return result,"not loaded",*non4 usemodelgen(theta_0,model_a,currentmodel) save = True if SAVEMODES[0] in save_sets else False result = savemodel(theta_0,currentmodel,custom_name,save_sets,model_a,metadata) if save else "Merged model loaded:"+currentmodel del theta_0 gc.collect() if imggen : images = simggen(prompt,nprompt,steps,sampler,cfg,seed,w,h,hireson,hrupscaler,hr2ndsteps,denoise_str,hr_scale,batch_size,currentmodel,id_sets,modelid) return result,currentmodel,*images[:4] else: return result,currentmodel NUM_INPUT_BLOCKS = 12 NUM_MID_BLOCK = 1 NUM_OUTPUT_BLOCKS = 12 NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS = NUM_INPUT_BLOCKS + NUM_MID_BLOCK + NUM_OUTPUT_BLOCKS blockid=["BASE","IN00","IN01","IN02","IN03","IN04","IN05","IN06","IN07","IN08","IN09","IN10","IN11","M00","OUT00","OUT01","OUT02","OUT03","OUT04","OUT05","OUT06","OUT07","OUT08","OUT09","OUT10","OUT11"] def smerge(weights_a,weights_b,model_a,model_b,model_c,base_alpha,base_beta,mode,calcmode, useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,wpresets,deep,tensor,deepprint = False): caster("merge start",hearm) global hear,mergedmodel,stopmerge stopmerge = False gc.collect() # for from file if type(useblocks) is str: useblocks = True if useblocks =="True" else False if type(base_alpha) == str:base_alpha = float(base_alpha) if type(base_beta) == str:base_beta = float(base_beta) weights_a_orig = weights_a weights_b_orig = weights_b # preset to weights if wpresets != False and useblocks: weights_a = wpreseter(weights_a,wpresets) weights_b = wpreseter(weights_b,wpresets) # mode select booleans save = True if SAVEMODES[0] in save_sets else False usebeta = MODES[2] in mode or MODES[3] in mode or calcmode == "tensor" save_metadata = "save metadata" in save_sets metadata = {"format": "pt"} if not useblocks: weights_a = weights_b = "" #for save log and save current model mergedmodel =[weights_a,weights_b, hashfromname(model_a),hashfromname(model_b),hashfromname(model_c), base_alpha,base_beta,mode,useblocks,custom_name,save_sets,id_sets,deep,calcmode,tensor].copy() model_a = namefromhash(model_a) model_b = namefromhash(model_b) model_c = namefromhash(model_c) theta_2 = {} caster(mergedmodel,False) if len(deep) > 0: deep = deep.replace("\n",",") deep = deep.split(",") #format check if model_a =="" or model_b =="" or ((not MODES[0] in mode) and model_c=="") : return "ERROR: Necessary model is not selected",*non4 #for MBW text to list if useblocks: weights_a_t=weights_a.split(',',1) weights_b_t=weights_b.split(',',1) base_alpha = float(weights_a_t[0]) weights_a = [float(w) for w in weights_a_t[1].split(',')] caster(f"from {weights_a_t}, alpha = {base_alpha},weights_a ={weights_a}",hearm) if len(weights_a) != 25:return f"ERROR: weights alpha value must be {26}.",*non4 if usebeta: base_beta = float(weights_b_t[0]) weights_b = [float(w) for w in weights_b_t[1].split(',')] caster(f"from {weights_b_t}, beta = {base_beta},weights_a ={weights_b}",hearm) if len(weights_b) != 25: return f"ERROR: weights beta value must be {26}.",*non4 caster("model load start",hearm) print(f" model A \t: {model_a}") print(f" model B \t: {model_b}") print(f" model C \t: {model_c}") print(f" alpha,beta\t: {base_alpha,base_beta}") print(f" weights_alpha\t: {weights_a}") print(f" weights_beta\t: {weights_b}") print(f" mode\t\t: {mode}") print(f" MBW \t\t: {useblocks}") print(f" CalcMode \t: {calcmode}") print(f" Elemental \t: {deep}") print(f" Tensors \t: {tensor}") theta_1=load_model_weights_m(model_b,False,True,save).copy() if MODES[1] in mode:#Add if stopmerge: return "STOPPED", *non4 theta_2 = load_model_weights_m(model_c,False,False,save).copy() for key in tqdm(theta_1.keys()): if 'model' in key: if key in theta_2: t2 = theta_2.get(key, torch.zeros_like(theta_1[key])) theta_1[key] = theta_1[key]- t2 else: theta_1[key] = torch.zeros_like(theta_1[key]) del theta_2 if stopmerge: return "STOPPED", *non4 if calcmode == "tensor": theta_t = load_model_weights_m(model_a,True,False,save).copy() theta_0 ={} for key in theta_t: theta_0[key] = theta_t[key].clone() del theta_t else: theta_0=load_model_weights_m(model_a,True,False,save).copy() if MODES[2] in mode or MODES[3] in mode:#Tripe or Twice theta_2 = load_model_weights_m(model_c,False,False,save).copy() alpha = base_alpha beta = base_beta re_inp = re.compile(r'\.input_blocks\.(\d+)\.') # 12 re_mid = re.compile(r'\.middle_block\.(\d+)\.') # 1 re_out = re.compile(r'\.output_blocks\.(\d+)\.') # 12 chckpoint_dict_skip_on_merge = ["cond_stage_model.transformer.text_model.embeddings.position_ids"] count_target_of_basealpha = 0 if calcmode =="cosineA": #favors modelA's structure with details from B if stopmerge: return "STOPPED", *non4 sim = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=0) sims = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) for key in (tqdm(theta_0.keys(), desc="Stage 0/2")): # skip VAE model parameters to get better results if "first_stage_model" in key: continue if "model" in key and key in theta_1: theta_0_norm = nn.functional.normalize(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32), p=2, dim=0) theta_1_norm = nn.functional.normalize(theta_1[key].to(torch.float32), p=2, dim=0) simab = sim(theta_0_norm, theta_1_norm) sims = np.append(sims,simab.numpy()) sims = sims[~np.isnan(sims)] sims = np.delete(sims, np.where(simsnp.percentile(sims, 99 ,method = 'midpoint'))) if calcmode =="cosineB": #favors modelB's structure with details from A if stopmerge: return "STOPPED", *non4 sim = torch.nn.CosineSimilarity(dim=0) sims = np.array([], dtype=np.float64) for key in (tqdm(theta_0.keys(), desc="Stage 0/2")): # skip VAE model parameters to get better results if "first_stage_model" in key: continue if "model" in key and key in theta_1: simab = sim(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32), theta_1[key].to(torch.float32)) dot_product =[key].view(-1).to(torch.float32), theta_1[key].view(-1).to(torch.float32)) magnitude_similarity = dot_product / (torch.norm(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32)) * torch.norm(theta_1[key].to(torch.float32))) combined_similarity = (simab + magnitude_similarity) / 2.0 sims = np.append(sims, combined_similarity.numpy()) sims = sims[~np.isnan(sims)] sims = np.delete(sims, np.where(sims < np.percentile(sims, 1, method='midpoint'))) sims = np.delete(sims, np.where(sims > np.percentile(sims, 99, method='midpoint'))) for key in (tqdm(theta_0.keys(), desc="Stage 1/2") if not False else theta_0.keys()): if stopmerge: return "STOPPED", *non4 if "model" in key and key in theta_1: if usebeta and (not key in theta_2) and (not theta_2 == {}) : continue weight_index = -1 current_alpha = alpha current_beta = beta if key in chckpoint_dict_skip_on_merge: continue # check weighted and U-Net or not if weights_a is not None and 'model.diffusion_model.' in key: # check block index weight_index = -1 if 'time_embed' in key: weight_index = 0 # before input blocks elif '.out.' in key: weight_index = NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS - 1 # after output blocks else: m = if m: inp_idx = int(m.groups()[0]) weight_index = inp_idx else: m = if m: weight_index = NUM_INPUT_BLOCKS else: m = if m: out_idx = int(m.groups()[0]) weight_index = NUM_INPUT_BLOCKS + NUM_MID_BLOCK + out_idx if weight_index >= NUM_TOTAL_BLOCKS: print(f"ERROR: illegal block index: {key}") return f"ERROR: illegal block index: {key}",*non4 if weight_index >= 0 and useblocks: current_alpha = weights_a[weight_index] if usebeta: current_beta = weights_b[weight_index] else: count_target_of_basealpha = count_target_of_basealpha + 1 if len(deep) > 0: skey = key + blockid[weight_index+1] for d in deep: if d.count(":") != 2 :continue dbs,dws,dr = d.split(":")[0],d.split(":")[1],d.split(":")[2] dbs,dws = dbs.split(" "), dws.split(" ") dbn,dbs = (True,dbs[1:]) if dbs[0] == "NOT" else (False,dbs) dwn,dws = (True,dws[1:]) if dws[0] == "NOT" else (False,dws) flag = dbn for db in dbs: if db in skey: flag = not dbn if flag:flag = dwn else:continue for dw in dws: if dw in skey: flag = not dwn if flag: dr = float(dr) if deepprint :print(dbs,dws,key,dr) current_alpha = dr if calcmode == "normal": if MODES[1] in mode:#Add caster(f"model A[{key}] + {current_alpha} + * (model B - model C)[{key}]",hear) theta_0[key] = theta_0[key] + current_alpha * theta_1[key] elif MODES[2] in mode:#Triple caster(f"model A[{key}] + {1-current_alpha-current_beta} + model B[{key}]*{current_alpha} + model C[{key}]*{current_beta}",hear) theta_0[key] = (1 - current_alpha-current_beta) * theta_0[key] + current_alpha * theta_1[key]+current_beta * theta_2[key] elif MODES[3] in mode:#Twice caster(f"model A[{key}] + {1-current_alpha} + * model B[{key}]*{alpha}",hear) caster(f"model A+B[{key}] + {1-current_beta} + * model C[{key}]*{beta}",hear) theta_0[key] = (1 - current_alpha) * theta_0[key] + current_alpha * theta_1[key] theta_0[key] = (1 - current_beta) * theta_0[key] + current_beta * theta_2[key] else:#Weight if current_alpha == 1: caster(f"alpha = 0,model A[{key}=model B[{key}",hear) theta_0[key] = theta_1[key] elif current_alpha !=0: caster(f"model A[{key}] + {1-current_alpha} + * (model B)[{key}]*{alpha}",hear) theta_0[key] = (1 - current_alpha) * theta_0[key] + current_alpha * theta_1[key] elif calcmode == "cosineA": #favors modelA's structure with details from B # skip VAE model parameters to get better results if "first_stage_model" in key: continue if "model" in key and key in theta_0: # Normalize the vectors before merging theta_0_norm = nn.functional.normalize(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32), p=2, dim=0) theta_1_norm = nn.functional.normalize(theta_1[key].to(torch.float32), p=2, dim=0) simab = sim(theta_0_norm, theta_1_norm) dot_product =, theta_1_norm.view(-1)) magnitude_similarity = dot_product / (torch.norm(theta_0_norm) * torch.norm(theta_1_norm)) combined_similarity = (simab + magnitude_similarity) / 2.0 k = (combined_similarity - sims.min()) / (sims.max() - sims.min()) k = k - current_alpha k = k.clip(min=.0,max=1.) caster(f"model A[{key}] + {1-k} + * (model B)[{key}]*{k}",hear) theta_0[key] = theta_1[key] * (1 - k) + theta_0[key] * k elif calcmode == "cosineB": #favors modelB's structure with details from A # skip VAE model parameters to get better results if "first_stage_model" in key: continue if "model" in key and key in theta_0: simab = sim(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32), theta_1[key].to(torch.float32)) dot_product =[key].view(-1).to(torch.float32), theta_1[key].view(-1).to(torch.float32)) magnitude_similarity = dot_product / (torch.norm(theta_0[key].to(torch.float32)) * torch.norm(theta_1[key].to(torch.float32))) combined_similarity = (simab + magnitude_similarity) / 2.0 k = (combined_similarity - sims.min()) / (sims.max() - sims.min()) k = k - current_alpha k = k.clip(min=.0,max=1.) caster(f"model A[{key}] + {1-k} + * (model B)[{key}]*{k}",hear) theta_0[key] = theta_1[key] * (1 - k) + theta_0[key] * k elif calcmode == "smoothAdd": caster(f"model A[{key}] + {current_alpha} + * (model B - model C)[{key}]", hear) # Apply median filter to the weight differences filtered_diff = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(theta_1[key].to(torch.float32).cpu().numpy(), size=3) # Apply Gaussian filter to the filtered differences filtered_diff = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(filtered_diff, sigma=1) theta_1[key] = torch.tensor(filtered_diff) # Add the filtered differences to the original weights theta_0[key] = theta_0[key] + current_alpha * theta_1[key] elif calcmode == "tensor": dim = theta_0[key].dim() if dim == 0 : continue if current_alpha+current_beta <= 1 : talphas = int(theta_0[key].shape[0]*(current_beta)) talphae = int(theta_0[key].shape[0]*(current_alpha+current_beta)) if dim == 1: theta_0[key][talphas:talphae] = theta_1[key][talphas:talphae].clone() elif dim == 2: theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:] = theta_1[key][talphas:talphae,:].clone() elif dim == 3: theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:,:] = theta_1[key][talphas:talphae,:,:].clone() elif dim == 4: theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:,:,:] = theta_1[key][talphas:talphae,:,:,:].clone() else: talphas = int(theta_0[key].shape[0]*(current_alpha+current_beta-1)) talphae = int(theta_0[key].shape[0]*(current_beta)) theta_t = theta_1[key].clone() if dim == 1: theta_t[talphas:talphae] = theta_0[key][talphas:talphae].clone() elif dim == 2: theta_t[talphas:talphae,:] = theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:].clone() elif dim == 3: theta_t[talphas:talphae,:,:] = theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:,:].clone() elif dim == 4: theta_t[talphas:talphae,:,:,:] = theta_0[key][talphas:talphae,:,:,:].clone() theta_0[key] = theta_t currentmodel = makemodelname(weights_a,weights_b,model_a, model_b,model_c, base_alpha,base_beta,useblocks,mode) for key in tqdm(theta_1.keys(), desc="Stage 2/2"): if key in chckpoint_dict_skip_on_merge: continue if "model" in key and key not in theta_0: theta_0.update({key:theta_1[key]}) del theta_1 modelid = rwmergelog(currentmodel,mergedmodel) caster(mergedmodel,False) if save_metadata: merge_recipe = { "type": "sd-webui-supermerger", "weights_alpha": weights_a if useblocks else None, "weights_beta": weights_b if useblocks else None, "weights_alpha_orig": weights_a_orig if useblocks else None, "weights_beta_orig": weights_b_orig if useblocks else None, "model_a": longhashfromname(model_a), "model_b": longhashfromname(model_b), "model_c": longhashfromname(model_c), "base_alpha": base_alpha, "base_beta": base_beta, "mode": mode, "mbw": useblocks, "elemental_merge": deep, "calcmode" : calcmode } metadata["sd_merge_recipe"] = json.dumps(merge_recipe) metadata["sd_merge_models"] = {} def add_model_metadata(checkpoint_name): checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(checkpoint_name) checkpoint_info.calculate_shorthash() metadata["sd_merge_models"][checkpoint_info.sha256] = { "name": checkpoint_name, "legacy_hash": checkpoint_info.hash } #metadata["sd_merge_models"].update(checkpoint_info.metadata.get("sd_merge_models", {})) if model_a: add_model_metadata(model_a) if model_b: add_model_metadata(model_b) if model_c: add_model_metadata(model_c) metadata["sd_merge_models"] = json.dumps(metadata["sd_merge_models"]) return "",currentmodel,modelid,theta_0,metadata def forkforker(filename): try: return sd_models.read_state_dict(filename,"cuda") except: return sd_models.read_state_dict(filename) def load_model_weights_m(model,model_a,model_b,save): checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(model) sd_model_name = checkpoint_info.model_name cachenum = shared.opts.sd_checkpoint_cache if save: if model_a: load_model(checkpoint_info) print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from file") return forkforker(checkpoint_info.filename) if checkpoint_info in checkpoints_loaded: print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from cache") return checkpoints_loaded[checkpoint_info] elif cachenum>0 and model_a: load_model(checkpoint_info) print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from cache") return checkpoints_loaded[checkpoint_info] elif cachenum>1 and model_b: load_model(checkpoint_info) print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from cache") return checkpoints_loaded[checkpoint_info] elif cachenum>2: load_model(checkpoint_info) print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from cache") return checkpoints_loaded[checkpoint_info] else: if model_a: load_model(checkpoint_info) print(f"Loading weights [{sd_model_name}] from file") return forkforker(checkpoint_info.filename) def makemodelname(weights_a,weights_b,model_a, model_b,model_c, alpha,beta,useblocks,mode): model_a=filenamecutter(model_a) model_b=filenamecutter(model_b) model_c=filenamecutter(model_c) if type(alpha) == str:alpha = float(alpha) if type(beta)== str:beta = float(beta) if useblocks: if MODES[1] in mode:#add currentmodel =f"{model_a} + ({model_b} - {model_c}) x alpha ({str(round(alpha,3))},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_a)}" elif MODES[2] in mode:#triple currentmodel =f"{model_a} x (1-alpha-beta) + {model_b} x alpha + {model_c} x beta (alpha = {str(round(alpha,3))},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_a)},beta = {beta},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_b)})" elif MODES[3] in mode:#twice currentmodel =f"({model_a} x (1-alpha) + {model_b} x alpha)x(1-beta)+ {model_c} x beta ({str(round(alpha,3))},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_a)})_({str(round(beta,3))},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_b)})" else: currentmodel =f"{model_a} x (1-alpha) + {model_b} x alpha ({str(round(alpha,3))},{','.join(str(s) for s in weights_a)})" else: if MODES[1] in mode:#add currentmodel =f"{model_a} + ({model_b} - {model_c}) x {str(round(alpha,3))}" elif MODES[2] in mode:#triple currentmodel =f"{model_a} x {str(round(1-alpha-beta,3))} + {model_b} x {str(round(alpha,3))} + {model_c} x {str(round(beta,3))}" elif MODES[3] in mode:#twice currentmodel =f"({model_a} x {str(round(1-alpha,3))} +{model_b} x {str(round(alpha,3))}) x {str(round(1-beta,3))} + {model_c} x {str(round(beta,3))}" else: currentmodel =f"{model_a} x {str(round(1-alpha,3))} + {model_b} x {str(round(alpha,3))}" return currentmodel path_root = scripts.basedir() def rwmergelog(mergedname = "",settings= [],id = 0): setting = settings.copy() filepath = os.path.join(path_root, "mergehistory.csv") is_file = os.path.isfile(filepath) if not is_file: with open(filepath, 'a') as f: #msettings=[0 weights_a,1 weights_b,2 model_a,3 model_b,4 model_c,5 base_alpha,6 base_beta,7 mode,8 useblocks,9 custom_name,10 save_sets,11 id_sets, 12 deep 13 calcmode] f.writelines('"ID","time","name","weights alpha","weights beta","model A","model B","model C","alpha","beta","mode","use MBW","plus lora","custum name","save setting","use ID"\n') with open(filepath, 'r+') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) mlist = [raw for raw in reader] if mergedname != "": mergeid = len(mlist) setting.insert(0,mergedname) for i,x in enumerate(setting): if "," in str(x):setting[i] = f'"{str(setting[i])}"' text = ",".join(map(str, setting)) text=str(mergeid)+","'%Y.%m.%d %H.%M.%S.%f')[:-7]+"," + text + "\n" f.writelines(text) return mergeid try: out = mlist[int(id)] except: out = "ERROR: OUT of ID index" return out def draw_origin(grid, text,width,height,width_one): grid_d="RGB", (grid.width,grid.height), "white") grid_d.paste(grid,(0,0)) def get_font(fontsize): try: from fonts.ttf import Roboto try: return ImageFont.truetype(opts.font or Roboto, fontsize) except Exception: return ImageFont.truetype(Roboto, fontsize) except Exception: try: return ImageFont.truetype(shared.opts.font or 'javascript/roboto.ttf', fontsize) except Exception: return ImageFont.truetype('javascript/roboto.ttf', fontsize) d= ImageDraw.Draw(grid_d) color_active = (0, 0, 0) fontsize = (width+height)//25 fnt = get_font(fontsize) if grid.width != width_one: while d.multiline_textsize(text, font=fnt)[0] > width_one*0.75 and fontsize > 0: fontsize -=1 fnt = get_font(fontsize) d.multiline_text((0,0), text, font=fnt, fill=color_active,align="center") return grid_d def wpreseter(w,presets): if "," not in w and w != "": presets=presets.splitlines() wdict={} for l in presets: if ":" in l : key = l.split(":",1)[0] wdict[key.strip()]=l.split(":",1)[1] if "\t" in l: key = l.split("\t",1)[0] wdict[key.strip()]=l.split("\t",1)[1] if w.strip() in wdict: name = w w = wdict[w.strip()] print(f"weights {name} imported from presets : {w}") return w def fullpathfromname(name): if hash == "" or hash ==[]: return "" checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(name) return checkpoint_info.filename def namefromhash(hash): if hash == "" or hash ==[]: return "" checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(hash) return checkpoint_info.model_name def hashfromname(name): from modules import sd_models if name == "" or name ==[]: return "" checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(name) if checkpoint_info.shorthash is not None: return checkpoint_info.shorthash return checkpoint_info.calculate_shorthash() def longhashfromname(name): from modules import sd_models if name == "" or name ==[]: return "" checkpoint_info = sd_models.get_closet_checkpoint_match(name) if checkpoint_info.sha256 is not None: return checkpoint_info.sha256 checkpoint_info.calculate_shorthash() return checkpoint_info.sha256 def simggen(prompt, nprompt, steps, sampler, cfg, seed, w, h,genoptions,hrupscaler,hr2ndsteps,denoise_str,hr_scale,batch_size,mergeinfo="",id_sets=[],modelid = "no id"): shared.state.begin() p = processing.StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img( sd_model=shared.sd_model, do_not_save_grid=True, do_not_save_samples=True, do_not_reload_embeddings=True, ) p.batch_size = int(batch_size) p.prompt = prompt p.negative_prompt = nprompt p.steps = steps p.sampler_name = sd_samplers.samplers[sampler].name p.cfg_scale = cfg p.seed = seed p.width = w p.height = h p.seed_resize_from_w=0 p.seed_resize_from_h=0 p.denoising_strength=None #"Restore faces", "Tiling", "Hires. fix" if "Hires. fix" in genoptions: p.enable_hr = True p.denoising_strength = denoise_str p.hr_upscaler = hrupscaler p.hr_second_pass_steps = hr2ndsteps p.hr_scale = hr_scale if "Tiling" in genoptions: p.tiling = True if "Restore faces" in genoptions: p.restore_faces = True if type(p.prompt) == list: p.all_prompts = [shared.prompt_styles.apply_styles_to_prompt(x, p.styles) for x in p.prompt] else: p.all_prompts = [shared.prompt_styles.apply_styles_to_prompt(p.prompt, p.styles)] if type(p.negative_prompt) == list: p.all_negative_prompts = [shared.prompt_styles.apply_negative_styles_to_prompt(x, p.styles) for x in p.negative_prompt] else: p.all_negative_prompts = [shared.prompt_styles.apply_negative_styles_to_prompt(p.negative_prompt, p.styles)] processed:Processed = processing.process_images(p) if "image" in id_sets: for i, image in enumerate(processed.images): processed.images[i] = draw_origin(image, str(modelid),w,h,w) if "PNG info" in id_sets:mergeinfo = mergeinfo + " ID " + str(modelid) infotext = create_infotext(p, p.all_prompts, p.all_seeds, p.all_subseeds) if infotext.count("Steps: ")>1: infotext = infotext[:infotext.rindex("Steps")] infotexts = infotext.split(",") for i,x in enumerate(infotexts): if "Model:"in x: infotexts[i] = " Model: "+mergeinfo.replace(","," ") infotext= ",".join(infotexts) for i, image in enumerate(processed.images): images.save_image(image, opts.outdir_txt2img_samples, "",p.seed, p.prompt,shared.opts.samples_format, p=p,info=infotext) if batch_size > 1: grid = images.image_grid(processed.images, p.batch_size) processed.images.insert(0, grid) images.save_image(grid, opts.outdir_txt2img_grids, "grid", p.seed, p.prompt, opts.grid_format, info=infotext, short_filename=not opts.grid_extended_filename, p=p, grid=True) shared.state.end() return processed.images,infotext,plaintext_to_html(, plaintext_to_html(processed.comments),p