const app = window.require('photoshop').app const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core // const export_png = require('./export_png') // const { layerToSelection } = require('./helper') const storage = require('uxp').storage const fs = storage.localFileSystem async function createSolidLayer(r, g, b) { console.warn('this function is deprecated') await executeAsModal(async () => { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'make', _target: [ { _ref: 'contentLayer', }, ], using: { _obj: 'contentLayer', type: { _obj: 'solidColorLayer', color: { _obj: 'RGBColor', red: r, grain: g, blue: b, }, }, }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) }) } async function makeGroupCommand() { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'make', _target: [ { _ref: 'layerSection', }, ], layerSectionStart: 405, layerSectionEnd: 406, name: 'Group 16', _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) console.log('makeGroupCommand: ', result) return result } async function createEmptyGroup(name = 'New Group') { let groupLayer await executeAsModal(async () => { await makeGroupCommand() groupLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = name }) console.log('groupLayer:', groupLayer) return groupLayer } async function moveToGroupCommand(to_index, layerIDs) { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay console.log('to_index:', to_index) console.log('layerIDs:', layerIDs) const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'move', _target: [ { _ref: 'layer', _enum: 'ordinal', _value: 'targetEnum', }, ], to: { _ref: 'layer', _index: to_index, }, adjustment: false, version: 5, layerID: layerIDs, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } function MoveToGroupExe(toIndex, layerIDs) { try { executeAsModal(async () => { await moveToGroupCommand(toIndex, layerIDs) }) } catch (e) { console.warn('executeCommand error:', e) } } async function getIndexCommand(layer_id) { const idx = batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'get', _target: [ { _property: 'itemIndex', }, { _ref: 'layer', // _name: 'myGroup' _id: layer_id, }, ], _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true } )[0]['itemIndex'] console.log('index:', idx) return idx } async function getLayerIndex(layer_id) { const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core try { let index await executeAsModal(async () => { index = await getIndexCommand(layer_id) console.log('getIndex: ', index) }) return index } catch (e) { console.warn('getIndex error:', e) } } async function unselectActiveLayers() { const layers = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers for (layer of layers) { layer.selected = false } } async function unselectActiveLayersExe() { await executeAsModal(async () => { await unselectActiveLayers() }) } async function selectLayers(layers) { await unselectActiveLayers() for (layer of layers) { try { if (layer) { const is_visible = layer.visible // don't change the visibility when selecting the layer layer.selected = true layer.visible = is_visible } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } } async function setVisibleExe(layer, is_visible) { try { await executeAsModal(async () => { layer.visible = is_visible }) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } async function selectLayersExe(layers) { await executeAsModal(async () => { await selectLayers(layers) }) } async function selectGroup(layer) { await unselectActiveLayers() layer.parent.selected = true } async function collapseGroup(layer) { await selectGroup(layer) await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].merge() } async function createMaskCommand() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'make', new: { _class: 'channel', }, at: { _ref: 'channel', _enum: 'channel', _value: 'mask', }, using: { _enum: 'userMaskEnabled', _value: 'revealSelection', }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } async function createMaskExe() { const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core await executeAsModal(createMaskCommand) } //unselect the rectangular marquee selection area async function unSelectMarqueeCommand() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'set', _target: [ { _ref: 'channel', _property: 'selection', }, ], to: { _enum: 'ordinal', _value: 'none', }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) return result } async function unSelectMarqueeExe() { try { await executeAsModal(unSelectMarqueeCommand) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } //REFACTOR: move to selection.js async function selectMarqueeRectangularToolExe() { async function selectMarqueeRectangularToolCommand() { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'select', _target: [ { _ref: 'marqueeRectTool', }, ], _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) return result } await executeAsModal(async () => { await selectMarqueeRectangularToolCommand() }) } async function promptForMarqueeTool() { console.warn('promptForMarqueeTool is deprecated use Notification class')( async () => { const r1 = await dialog_box.prompt( 'Please Select a Rectangular Area', 'You Forgot to select a Rectangular Area', ['Cancel', 'Rectangular Marquee'] ) if ((r1 || 'Rectangular Marquee') !== 'Rectangular Marquee') { /* cancelled or No */ console.log('cancel') } else { /* Yes */ console.log('Rectangular Marquee') selectMarqueeRectangularToolExe() } } )() } async function selectLayerChannelCommand() { // const result = await batchPlay( // [ // { // _obj: 'set', // _target: [ // { // _ref: 'channel', // _property: 'selection' // } // ], // to: { // _ref: [ // { // _ref: 'channel', // _enum: 'channel', // _value: 'transparencyEnum' // }, // { // _ref: 'layer', // _name: 'Group 5' // } // ] // }, // _options: { // dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay' // } // } // ], // { // synchronousExecution: false, // modalBehavior: 'execute' // } // ) const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'set', _target: [ { _ref: 'channel', _property: 'selection', }, ], to: { _ref: 'channel', _enum: 'channel', _value: 'transparencyEnum', }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } async function getSelectionInfoCommand() { // console.warn('getSelectionInfoCommand is deprecated use SelectionInfoDesc') const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'get', _target: [ { _property: 'selection', }, { _ref: 'document', _id: app.activeDocument._id, }, ], _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) return result } function isSelectionValid(selection) { // console.warn( // 'isSelectionValid is deprecated use selection.isSelectionValid instead' // ) if ( selection && // check if the selection is defined selection.hasOwnProperty('left') && selection.hasOwnProperty('right') && selection.hasOwnProperty('top') && selection.hasOwnProperty('bottom') ) { return true } return false } async function getSelectionInfoExe() { // console.log('getSelectionInfo was called') // console.warn( // 'getSelectionInfoExe is deprecated use selection.getSelectionInfoExe instead' // ) try { const selection = (await executeAsModal(getSelectionInfoCommand))[0] .selection if (isSelectionValid(selection)) { let selection_info = { left: selection.left._value, right: selection.right._value, bottom: selection.bottom._value, top:, height: selection.bottom._value -, width: selection.right._value - selection.left._value, } // console.dir({selection_info}) return selection_info } } catch (e) { console.warn('selection info error', e) } } async function reSelectMarqueeCommand(selectionInfo) { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'set', _target: [ { _ref: 'channel', _property: 'selection', }, ], to: { _obj: 'rectangle', top: { _unit: 'pixelsUnit', _value:, }, left: { _unit: 'pixelsUnit', _value: selectionInfo.left, }, bottom: { _unit: 'pixelsUnit', _value: selectionInfo.bottom, }, right: { _unit: 'pixelsUnit', _value: selectionInfo.right, }, }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } async function reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) { try { if (isSelectionValid(selectionInfo)) { //only try to reactivate the selection area if it is valid await executeAsModal(async () => { await reSelectMarqueeCommand(selectionInfo) }) } } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } async function snapshot_layer() { let psAction = require('photoshop').action // const ids = (await app.activeDocument.activeLayers).map(layer => const ids = await => let command = [ // Select All Layers current layer { _obj: 'selectAllLayers', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], }, // Duplicate current layer // {"ID":[459,460,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513],"_obj":"duplicate","_target":[{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"layer","_value":"targetEnum"}],"version":5}, { ID: ids, _obj: 'duplicate', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], // version: 5 }, // Merge Layers { _obj: 'mergeLayersNew' }, // Make { _obj: 'make', at: { _enum: 'channel', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'mask' }, new: { _class: 'channel' }, using: { _enum: 'userMaskEnabled', _value: 'revealSelection' }, }, // Set Selection { _obj: 'set', _target: [{ _property: 'selection', _ref: 'channel' }], to: { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'targetEnum' }, }, ] const result = await psAction.batchPlay(command, { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', }) console.log('snapshot_layer: result: ', result) return result } async function snapshot_layer_new() { //similar to snapshot_layer() but fixes the problem with smart effects let psAction = require('photoshop').action const ids = await => const selection_info = await getSelectionInfoExe() let create_snapshot_layer_command = [ // Select All Layers current layer { _obj: 'selectAllLayers', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], }, // Duplicate current layer { ID: ids, _obj: 'duplicate', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], // version: 5 }, // Merge Layers { _obj: 'mergeLayersNew' }, ] const result = await psAction.batchPlay(create_snapshot_layer_command, { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', }) await reSelectMarqueeExe(selection_info) //reselect the selection area for the mask //make a mask of the selection area const make_mask_command = [ // Make { _obj: 'make', at: { _enum: 'channel', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'mask' }, new: { _class: 'channel' }, using: { _enum: 'userMaskEnabled', _value: 'revealSelection' }, }, // // Set Selection // { // _obj: 'set', // _target: [{ _property: 'selection', _ref: 'channel' }], // to: { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'targetEnum' }, // }, ] const result_2 = await psAction.batchPlay(make_mask_command, { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', }) await reSelectMarqueeExe(selection_info) //reselect the selection area again so we don't break other functionality console.log('snapshot_layer: result: ', result) return result } async function snapshot_layerExe() { try { await executeAsModal( async () => { await snapshot_layer_new() }, { commandName: 'Action Commands', } ) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } async function snapshot_layer_no_slide() { let psAction = require('photoshop').action // const ids = (await app.activeDocument.activeLayers).map(layer => const ids = await => let command = [ // Select All Layers current layer { _obj: 'selectAllLayers', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], }, // Duplicate current layer // {"ID":[459,460,461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,471,472,473,474,475,476,477,478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513],"_obj":"duplicate","_target":[{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"layer","_value":"targetEnum"}],"version":5}, { ID: ids, _obj: 'duplicate', _target: [ { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'layer', _value: 'targetEnum' }, ], // version: 5 }, // // Merge Layers // { _obj: 'mergeLayersNew' }, // // Make // { // _obj: 'make', // at: { _enum: 'channel', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'mask' }, // new: { _class: 'channel' }, // using: { _enum: 'userMaskEnabled', _value: 'revealSelection' }, // }, // // Set Selection // { // _obj: 'set', // _target: [{ _property: 'selection', _ref: 'channel' }], // to: { _enum: 'ordinal', _ref: 'channel', _value: 'targetEnum' }, // }, ] const result = await psAction.batchPlay(command, { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', }) console.log('snapshot_layer: result: ', result) return result } async function snapshot_layer_no_slide_Exe() { try { await executeAsModal( async () => { await snapshot_layer_no_slide() }, { commandName: 'Action Commands', } ) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } // await runModalFunction(); async function fillAndGroup() { let result let psAction = require('photoshop').action // let newCommand =[ // // snapshotLayer // // makeGroupCommand // // Make fill layer // {"_obj":"make","_target":[{"_ref":"contentLayer"}],"using":{"_obj":"contentLayer","type":{"_obj":"solidColorLayer","color":{"_obj":"RGBColor","blue":255.0,"grain":255.0,"red":255.0}}}}, // ] let command = [ // Make fill layer { _obj: 'make', _target: [{ _ref: 'contentLayer' }], using: { _obj: 'contentLayer', type: { _obj: 'solidColorLayer', color: { _obj: 'RGBColor', blue: 255.0, grain: 255.0, red: 255.0, }, }, }, }, // Move current layer // {"_obj":"move","_target":[{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"layer","_value":"targetEnum"}],"adjustment":false,"layerID":[17],"to":{"_index":7,"_ref":"layer"},"version":5}, // Select layer “Layer 4 copy” // {"_obj":"select","_target":[{"_name":"Layer 4 copy","_ref":"layer"}],"layerID":[17,15],"makeVisible":false,"selectionModifier":{"_enum":"selectionModifierType","_value":"addToSelectionContinuous"}}, // Make Group // {"_obj":"make","_target":[{"_ref":"layerSection"}],"from":{"_enum":"ordinal","_ref":"layer","_value":"targetEnum"},"layerSectionEnd":19,"layerSectionStart":18,"name":"Group 1"} ] const snapshotLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] await makeGroupCommand() const groupLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] result = await psAction.batchPlay(command, {}) const fillLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] snapshotLayer.moveAbove(fillLayer) // await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].moveAbove() // const layerIDs = [] // const to_index = await getIndexCommand( // await moveToGroupCommand(to_index, layerIDs) } async function fillAndGroupExe() { await require('photoshop').core.executeAsModal(fillAndGroup, { commandName: 'Action Commands', }) } async function fastSnapshot() { await snapshot_layerExe() await fillAndGroupExe() } function layerToFileName(layer, session_id) { file_name = `${}_${}_${session_id}` return file_name } function layerNameToFileName(layer_name, layer_id, session_id) { file_name = `${layer_name}_${layer_id}_${session_id}` return file_name } async function silentSetInitImage(layer, session_id) { try { const html_manip = require('./utility/html_manip') const io = require('./utility/io') // const layer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] const old_name = // image_name = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].name //convert layer name to a file name let image_name = layerNameToFileName(old_name,, session_id) image_name = `${image_name}.png` //the width and height of the exported image const width = html_manip.getWidth() const height = html_manip.getHeight() //get the selection from the canvas as base64 png, make sure to resize to the width and height slider const selectionInfo = g_generation_session.selectionInfo // const base64_image = await io.IO.getSelectionFromCanvasAsBase64Silent( // selectionInfo, // true, // width, // height // ) const use_silent_mode = html_manip.getUseSilentMode() // if (use_silent_mode) { // base64_image = await io.IO.getSelectionFromCanvasAsBase64Silent( // selectionInfo, // true, // width, // height // ) // } else { // base64_image = await io.IO.getSelectionFromCanvasAsBase64NonSilent( // layer, // image_name, // width, // height // ) // } const base64_image = await io.IO.getSelectionFromCanvasAsBase64Interface( width, height, layer, selectionInfo, true, use_silent_mode, image_name ) //save base64 as file in the init_images directory const init_entry = await getInitImagesDir() await io.IO.base64PngToPngFile(base64_image, init_entry, image_name) g_init_image_name = image_name console.log(image_name) const path = `${g_init_images_dir}/${image_name}` //store the base64 init image and also set it as the active/latest init image g_generation_session.base64initImages[path] = base64_image g_generation_session.activeBase64InitImage = base64_image const init_src = base64ToSrc(g_generation_session.activeBase64InitImage) html_manip.setInitImageSrc(init_src) return (image_info = { name: image_name, base64: base64_image }) } catch (e) { console.error(`psapi.js silentSetInitImage error:, ${e}`) } } async function silentSetInitImageMask(layer, session_id) { try { const html_manip = require('./utility/html_manip') // const layer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] const old_name = image_name = layerNameToFileName(old_name,, session_id) image_name = `${image_name}.png` const width = html_manip.getWidth() const height = html_manip.getHeight() //get the selection from the canvas as base64 png, make sure to resize to the width and height slider const selectionInfo = g_generation_session.selectionInfo const use_silent_mode = html_manip.getUseSilentMode() const base64_image = await io.IO.getSelectionFromCanvasAsBase64Interface( width, height, layer, selectionInfo, true, use_silent_mode, image_name ) //save base64 as file in the init_images directory const init_entry = await getInitImagesDir() await io.IO.base64PngToPngFile(base64_image, init_entry, image_name) g_init_image_mask_name = image_name // this is the name we will send to the server console.log(image_name) const path = `${g_init_images_dir}/${image_name}` g_generation_session.base64maskImage[path] = base64_image g_generation_session.activeBase64MaskImage = base64_image const mask_src = base64ToSrc(g_generation_session.activeBase64MaskImage) html_manip.setInitImageMaskSrc(mask_src) return (image_info = { name: image_name, base64: base64_image }) } catch (e) { console.error(`psapi.js setInitImageMask error: `, e) } } async function setInitImage(layer, session_id) { try { const html_manip = require('./utility/html_manip') // const layer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] const old_name = // image_name = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].name //convert layer name to a file name let image_name = layerNameToFileName(old_name,, session_id) image_name = `${image_name}.png` //the width and height of the exported image const width = html_manip.getWidth() const height = html_manip.getHeight() const image_buffer = await newExportPng( layer, image_name, width, height ) const base64_image = _arrayBufferToBase64(image_buffer) //convert the buffer to base64 //send the base64 to the server to save the file in the desired directory await sdapi.requestSavePng(base64_image, image_name) g_init_image_name = image_name console.log(image_name) const image_src = await sdapi.getInitImage(g_init_image_name) let ini_image_element = document.getElementById('init_image') ini_image_element.src = image_src const path = `${g_init_images_dir}/${image_name}` g_generation_session.base64initImages[path] = base64_image g_generation_session.activeBase64InitImage = g_generation_session.base64initImages[path] const init_src = base64ToSrc(g_generation_session.activeBase64InitImage) html_manip.setInitImageSrc(init_src) return (image_info = { name: image_name, base64: base64_image }) } catch (e) { console.error(`psapi.js setInitImage error:, ${e}`) } } async function setInitImageMask(layer, session_id) { try { const html_manip = require('./utility/html_manip') // const layer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] const old_name = //get the active layer name // image_name = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].name // image_name = layerNameToFileName(old_name,,random_session_id) image_name = layerNameToFileName(old_name,, session_id) image_name = `${image_name}.png` const width = html_manip.getWidth() const height = html_manip.getHeight() image_buffer = await newExportPng(layer, image_name, width, height) g_init_image_mask_name = image_name // this is the name we will send to the server // g_init_mask_layer = layer // g_mask_related_layers = {} console.log(image_name) base64_image = _arrayBufferToBase64(image_buffer) //convert the buffer to base64 //send the base64 to the server to save the file in the desired directory await sdapi.requestSavePng(base64_image, image_name) const image_src = await sdapi.getInitImage(g_init_image_mask_name) // we should replace this with getInitImagePath which return path to local disk const ini_image_mask_element = document.getElementById('init_image_mask') ini_image_mask_element.src = image_src ini_image_mask_element.dataset.layer_id = const path = `${g_init_images_dir}/${image_name}` g_generation_session.base64maskImage[path] = base64_image g_generation_session.activeBase64MaskImage = g_generation_session.base64maskImage[path] //create viewer init image obj { } // return image_name const mask_src = base64ToSrc(g_generation_session.activeBase64MaskImage) html_manip.setInitImageMaskSrc(mask_src) return (image_info = { name: image_name, base64: base64_image }) } catch (e) { console.error(`psapi.js setInitImageMask error: `, e) } } // remove the generated mask related layers from the canvas and "layers" panel // async function cleanSnapAndFill(layers){ // // we can delete this function and use cleanLayers() instead // //delete init image group // //delete init image (snapshot layer) // //delete fill layer // for (layer of layers){ // try{ // await executeAsModal(async ()=>{await layer.delete()}) // }catch(e){ // console.warn("cleanSnapAndFill, issue deleting a layer",e) // } // } // return [] // } async function cleanLayers(layers) { // g_init_image_related_layers = {} // g_mask_related_layers = {} // await loadViewerImages()// we should move loadViewerImages to a new file viewer.js console.log('cleanLayers() -> layers:', layers) for (layer of layers) { try { if (layer_util.Layer.doesLayerExist(layer)) { await executeAsModal(async () => { await layer.delete() }) } } catch (e) { console.warn( 'warning attempting to a delete layer, ',, layer, e ) continue } } return [] } // async function cleanLayersOutpaint(layers){ // //delete group mask layer // //delete mask layer // //delete group init image layer // //delete init image layer (snapshot layer) // //delete fill layer // for (layer of layers){ // try { // await executeAsModal(async ()=>{await layer.delete()})} // catch(e){ // console.warn("warning attempting to a delete layer: ",e) // } // } // return [] // } // async function cleanLayersInpaint(layers){ // //delete group mask layer // //delete white mask layer // //delete the black fill layer // //delete init image layer (snapshot layer) // for (layer of layers){ // await executeAsModal(async ()=>{await layer.delete()}) // } // return [] // } async function createClippingMaskExe() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay async function createClippingMaskCommand() { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'make', new: { _class: 'channel', }, at: { _ref: 'channel', _enum: 'channel', _value: 'mask', }, using: { _enum: 'userMaskEnabled', _value: 'revealSelection', }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } await executeAsModal(async () => { await createClippingMaskCommand() }) } //REFACTOR: delete and replace with getSelectionInfoExe() async function checkIfSelectionAreaIsActive() { try { let isSelectionAreaValid = await getSelectionInfoExe() return isSelectionAreaValid } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } async function saveUniqueDocumentIdExe(new_id) { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay async function saveUniqueDocumentIdCommand() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'set', _target: [ { _ref: 'property', _property: 'fileInfo', }, { _ref: 'document', _enum: 'ordinal', _value: 'targetEnum', }, ], to: { _obj: 'fileInfo', caption: new_id, keywords: [new_id], }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) } await executeAsModal(async () => { await saveUniqueDocumentIdCommand() }) } async function readUniqueDocumentIdExe() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay async function readUniqueDocumentIdCommand() { const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'get', _target: [ { _ref: 'property', _property: 'fileInfo', }, { _ref: 'document', _enum: 'ordinal', _value: 'targetEnum', }, ], // to: { // _obj: 'fileInfo', // caption: new_id, // keywords: [new_id] // }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) console.log('readUniqueDocumentIdCommand: result ', result) return result } let uniqueDocumentId = '' try { await executeAsModal(async () => { uniqueDocumentId = (await readUniqueDocumentIdCommand())[0].fileInfo .caption if (typeof uniqueDocumentId === 'string') { uniqueDocumentId = uniqueDocumentId.trim() } }) } catch (e) { console.warn('readUniqueDocumentIdExe: ', e) uniqueDocumentId = '' } return uniqueDocumentId } const readPng = async (image_name) => { //it will save the document then read it. store it in memory // image_name = 'test.png' try { let img_buffer await executeAsModal( async (control) => { const folder = await fs.getTemporaryFolder() // const pluginFolder = await fs.getPluginFolder() // let init_images_dir = await pluginFolder.getEntry( // './server/python_server/init_images' // ) const file = await folder.createFile(image_name, { overwrite: true, }) const currentDocument = app.activeDocument await currentDocument.saveAs.png( file, // { // compression: 6, // }, null, true ) const arrayBuffer = await{ format: formats.binary }) // console.log(arrayBuffer, 'arrayBuffer') ; img_buffer = arrayBuffer }, { commandName: 'readPng' } ) return img_buffer } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } async function selectCanvasCommand() { // const result = await batchPlay( // [ // { // _obj: "historyStateChanged", // documentID: 1044, // ID: 1058, // name: "Select Canvas", // hasEnglish: true, // itemIndex: 7, // commandID: 1017, // _options: { // dialogOptions: "dontDisplay" // } // } // ],{ // synchronousExecution: true, // modalBehavior: "execute" // }); const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'set', _target: [ { _ref: 'channel', _property: 'selection', }, ], to: { _enum: 'ordinal', _value: 'allEnum', }, _options: { dialogOptions: 'dontDisplay', }, }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) return result } async function selectCanvasExe() { await executeAsModal( async () => { await selectCanvasCommand() }, { commandName: 'selectCanvasExe' } ) } async function newExportPng(layer, image_name, width, height) { //store layers we want to export in variables // let layerToExports = // create new document // duplicate the layers to the new documnet //select the layer channel selectLayerChannelCommand //document.crop //export using readPng() try { //get the active layers // const layersToExport = app.activeDocument.activeLayers //create new document // let exportDoc = await executeAsModal(app.documents.add) let exportDoc const makeDoc = async () => { let exportDoc = await app.documents.add({ width: width, height: height, resolution: await app.activeDocument.resolution, mode: 'RGBColorMode', fill: 'transparent', }) } let image_buffer await executeAsModal( async () => { // await app.documents.add() await makeDoc() exportDoc = app.activeDocument console.log(' ', // for (layer of layersToExport) { console.log( const dupLayer = await layer.duplicate(exportDoc) await selectLayers([dupLayer]) // await selectLayerChannelCommand() await selectCanvasExe() const canvas_selection_info = await getSelectionInfoExe() await layerToSelection(canvas_selection_info) // const selection_info = await getSelectionInfoExe() // await exportDoc.crop(selection_info) // export_image_name = `${}.png` image_buffer = await readPng(image_name) await exportDoc.closeWithoutSaving() }, { commandName: 'NewExportPng' } ) return image_buffer // } } catch (e) { console.error(`newExportPng error: ,${e}`) } } async function tempExportPng(layer, image_name, width, height) { //store layers we want to export in variables // let layerToExports = // create new document // duplicate the layers to the new documnet //select the layer channel selectLayerChannelCommand //document.crop //export using readPng() try { //get the active layers // const layersToExport = app.activeDocument.activeLayers //create new document // let exportDoc = await executeAsModal(app.documents.add) let exportDoc const makeDoc = async () => { let exportDoc = await app.documents.add({ width: width, height: height, resolution: await app.activeDocument.resolution, mode: 'RGBColorMode', fill: 'transparent', }) } await executeAsModal( async () => { // await app.documents.add() await makeDoc() exportDoc = app.activeDocument console.log(' ', // for (layer of layersToExport) { console.log( const dupLayer = await layer.duplicate(exportDoc) await selectLayers([dupLayer]) // await selectLayerChannelCommand() await selectCanvasExe() const canvas_selection_info = await getSelectionInfoExe() await layerToSelection(canvas_selection_info) // const selection_info = await getSelectionInfoExe() // await exportDoc.crop(selection_info) // export_image_name = `${}.png` await readPng(image_name) await exportDoc.closeWithoutSaving() }, { commandName: 'tempExportPng' } ) // } } catch (e) { console.error(`newExportPng error: ,${e}`) } } async function mergeVisibleCommand() { const result = await batchPlay( [ { _obj: 'mergeVisible', duplicate: true, _isCommand: true, // "_options": { // // "dialogOptions": "dontDisplay" // } }, ], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', } ) return result } async function mergeVisibleExe() { await executeAsModal(async () => { await mergeVisibleCommand() }) } async function layerToSelection(selection_info) { //store active layer for later try { //Store selection info //unSelect //move layer //scale layer //Select from selection info // let selection_info = await getSelectionInfo() console.log('selection_info:', selection_info) console.log('unSelect') function getLayerSize(layer) { console.log('layer.bounds:') console.dir(layer.bounds) const bounds = layer.bounds const height = bounds.bottom - const width = bounds.right - bounds.left return { height: height, width: width, left: bounds.left, right: bounds.right, top:, bottom: bounds.bottom, } } //scale layer async function scaleLayer(layer, selection_info) { console.log('scaleLayer got called') // const activeLayer = getActiveLayer() // const activeLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] let layer_info = getLayerSize(layer) scale_x_ratio = (selection_info.width / layer_info.width) * 100 scale_y_ratio = (selection_info.height / layer_info.height) * 100 console.log('scale_x_y_ratio:', scale_x_ratio, scale_y_ratio) await layer.scale(scale_x_ratio, scale_y_ratio) } async function moveLayerExe(layerToMove, selection_info) { let layer_info = getLayerSize(layerToMove) top_dist = - left_dist = layer_info.left - selection_info.left await layerToMove.translate(-left_dist, -top_dist) } // const activeLayer = await getActiveLayer() //store all active layers const activeLayers = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers await unSelectMarqueeExe() // await executeAsModal(unSelect, {'commandName': 'unSelect'}) // await executeAsModal(scaleLayer, {'commandName': 'scaleLayer'}) await executeAsModal( async () => { for (let layer of activeLayers) { await selectLayers([layer]) // make sure only one layer is selected await scaleLayer(layer, selection_info) //scale to selection size await moveLayerExe(layer, selection_info) //move to selection } }, { commandName: 'moveLayerExe' } ) // await reselect(selection_info) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } function executeCommandExe(commandFunc) { try { ;(async () => { await executeAsModal(async () => { await commandFunc() }) })() } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } async function executeDescExe(Desc) { try { await executeAsModal(async () => { const result = await batchPlay([Desc], { synchronousExecution: true, modalBehavior: 'execute', }) console.log(result) }) } catch (e) { console.warn(e) } } module.exports = { createSolidLayer, createEmptyGroup, getLayerIndex, collapseGroup, moveToGroupCommand, MoveToGroupExe, selectLayers, selectLayersExe, unselectActiveLayers, unselectActiveLayersExe, createMaskExe, getSelectionInfoExe, unSelectMarqueeCommand, unSelectMarqueeExe, reSelectMarqueeExe, selectLayerChannelCommand, snapshot_layer, snapshot_layerExe, fillAndGroupExe, fastSnapshot, setInitImage, setInitImageMask, layerToFileName, layerNameToFileName, // cleanLayersOutpaint, // cleanLayersInpaint, // cleanSnapAndFill, cleanLayers, createClippingMaskExe, checkIfSelectionAreaIsActive, selectMarqueeRectangularToolExe, promptForMarqueeTool, saveUniqueDocumentIdExe, readUniqueDocumentIdExe, newExportPng, mergeVisibleExe, selectCanvasExe, layerToSelection, isSelectionValid, snapshot_layer_no_slide_Exe, setVisibleExe, silentSetInitImage, silentSetInitImageMask, executeCommandExe, executeDescExe, }