async function prompt( heading, body, buttons = ['Cancel', 'Ok'], options = { title: heading, size: { width: 360, height: 280 } } ) { const [dlgEl, formEl, headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl] = [ 'dialog', 'form', 'sp-heading', 'sp-divider', 'sp-body', 'footer', ].map((tag) => document.createElement(tag)) ;[headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl].forEach((el) => { = '6px' = 'calc(100% - 12px)' }) formEl.setAttribute('method', 'dialog') formEl.addEventListener('submit', () => dlgEl.close()) = '26px' dividerEl.setAttribute('size', 'large') headingEl.textContent = heading bodyEl.textContent = body buttons.forEach((btnText, idx) => { const btnEl = document.createElement('sp-button') btnEl.setAttribute( 'variant', idx === buttons.length - 1 ? btnText.variant || 'cta' : 'secondary' ) if (idx === buttons.length - 1) btnEl.setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus') if (idx < buttons.length - 1) btnEl.setAttribute('quiet') btnEl.textContent = btnText.text || btnText = '12px' btnEl.addEventListener('click', () => dlgEl.close(btnText.text || btnText) ) footerEl.appendChild(btnEl) }) ;[headingEl, dividerEl, bodyEl, footerEl].forEach((el) => formEl.appendChild(el) ) dlgEl.appendChild(formEl) document.body.appendChild(dlgEl) return dlgEl.uxpShowModal(options) } // const r1 = await prompt( // 'Upload Large File', // 'This is a large file (over 100MB) -- it may take a few moments to upload.', // ['Skip', 'Upload'] // ) // if ((r1 || 'Upload') !== 'Upload') { // /* cancelled or No */ // } else { // /* Yes */ // } // const r2 = await prompt( // 'Delete File', // 'Are you sure you wish to delete this file? This action cannot be undone.', // ['Cancel', { variant: 'warning', text: 'Delete' }] // ) // if (r2 !== 'Delete') { // /* nope, don't do it! */ // } else { // /* Do the delete */ // } module.exports = { prompt }