import * as THREE from 'three' import { Bone, Material, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, MeshDepthMaterial, MeshNormalMaterial, MeshPhongMaterial, Object3D, Skeleton, SkinnedMesh, } from 'three' import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls' import { TransformControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/TransformControls' // @ts-ignore // import { // CCDIKHelper, // CCDIKSolver, // IKS, // } from 'three/examples/jsm/animate/CCDIKSolver' import { CCDIKSolver } from './utils/CCDIKSolver' import Stats from 'three/examples/jsm/libs/stats.module' import { BodyControlor, BodyData, CloneBody, GetExtremityMesh, IsBone, IsExtremities, IsFoot, IsHand, IsMask, IsNeedSaveObject, IsPickable, IsSkeleton, IsTarget, IsTranslate, } from './body' import { downloadJson, uploadJson } from './utils/transfer' import { EffectComposer } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/EffectComposer.js' import { RenderPass } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/RenderPass.js' import { ShaderPass } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/ShaderPass.js' import { LuminosityShader } from 'three/examples/jsm/shaders/LuminosityShader.js' import { SobelOperatorShader } from 'three/examples/jsm/shaders/SobelOperatorShader.js' import * as SkeletonUtils from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/SkeletonUtils' import { Oops } from './components/Oops' import { getCurrentTime } from './utils/time' import { sendToAll } from './hooks/useMessageDispatch' type EditorEventHandler = (args: T) => void class EditorEventManager { private eventHandlers: EditorEventHandler[] = [] AddEventListener(handler: EditorEventHandler): void { this.eventHandlers.push(handler) } RemoveEventListener(handler: EditorEventHandler): void { this.eventHandlers = this.eventHandlers.filter((h) => h !== handler) } TriggerEvent(args: T): void { this.eventHandlers.forEach((h) => h(args)) } } interface CameraData { position: ReturnType rotation: ReturnType target: ReturnType near: number far: number zoom: number } interface TransformValue { scale: Object3D['scale'] rotation: Object3D['rotation'] position: Object3D['position'] } function GetTransformValue(obj: Object3D): TransformValue { return { scale: obj.scale.clone(), rotation: obj.rotation.clone(), position: obj.position.clone(), } } export interface Command { execute: () => void undo: () => void } export interface ParentElement { addEventListener( type: 'keydown', listener: (this: any, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined ): void addEventListener( type: 'keyup', listener: (this: any, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions | undefined ): void removeEventListener( type: 'keydown', listener: (this: Document, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined ): void removeEventListener( type: 'keyup', listener: (this: Document, ev: KeyboardEvent) => any, options?: boolean | EventListenerOptions | undefined ): void } class PreviewRenderer { scene: THREE.Scene camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer orbitControls: OrbitControls constructor(setting: { scene: THREE.Scene camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera orbitControls: OrbitControls canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement renderer?: THREE.WebGLRenderer }) { this.scene = setting.scene = this.canvas = setting.canvas this.orbitControls = setting.orbitControls if (setting.renderer) { this.renderer = setting.renderer } else { this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true, canvas: setting.canvas, // logarithmicDepthBuffer: true }) } } renderBySize( outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number, render: (outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number) => void ) { const save = { aspect:, } = outputWidth / outputHeight this.renderer.setSize(outputWidth, outputHeight, true) render(outputWidth, outputHeight) = save.aspect } GetCameraData() { const result = { position:, rotation:, target:, near:, far:, zoom:, } return result } RestoreCamera(data: CameraData, updateOrbitControl = true) { as any) = data.near = data.far = data.zoom if ( if (updateOrbitControl) this.orbitControls.update() // fix position change } changeView(cameraDataOfView?: CameraData) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function if (!cameraDataOfView) return () => {} const old = this.GetCameraData() this.RestoreCamera(cameraDataOfView, false) return () => { this.RestoreCamera(old) } } render( outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number, cameraDataOfView?: CameraData, custom?: (outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number) => void ) { const render = () => { this.renderer.render(this.scene, } const restoreView = this.changeView(cameraDataOfView) this.renderBySize(outputWidth, outputHeight, custom ?? render) restoreView() } } export class BodyEditor { renderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer outputRenderer: THREE.WebGLRenderer previewRenderer: PreviewRenderer scene: THREE.Scene gridHelper: THREE.GridHelper axesHelper: THREE.AxesHelper camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera orbitControls: OrbitControls transformControl: TransformControls dlight: THREE.DirectionalLight alight: THREE.AmbientLight raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster() IsClick = false stats: Stats | undefined // ikSolver?: CCDIKSolver composer?: EffectComposer finalComposer?: EffectComposer effectSobel?: ShaderPass enableComposer = false enablePreview = true enableHelper = true paused = false parentElem: ParentElement clearColor = 0xaaaaaa constructor({ canvas, previewCanvas, parentElem = document, statsElem, }: { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement previewCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement parentElem?: ParentElement statsElem?: Element }) { this.parentElem = parentElem this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ canvas, antialias: true, // logarithmicDepthBuffer: true }) this.outputRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true, // logarithmicDepthBuffer: true }) = 'none' document.body.appendChild(this.outputRenderer.domElement) this.renderer.setClearColor(this.clearColor, 0.0) this.scene = new THREE.Scene() this.gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper(8000, 200) this.axesHelper = new THREE.AxesHelper(1000) this.scene.add(this.gridHelper) this.scene.add(this.axesHelper) const aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, aspect, 0.1, 10000), 100, 200), 100, 0) // = 130 // = 600 this.orbitControls = new OrbitControls(, this.renderer.domElement ) = new THREE.Vector3(0, 100, 0) this.orbitControls.update() this.transformControl = new TransformControls(, this.renderer.domElement ) this.transformControl.setMode('rotate') //旋转 this.transformControl.setSize(0.4) this.transformControl.setSpace('local') this.registerTranformControlEvent() this.scene.add(this.transformControl) this.previewRenderer = new PreviewRenderer({ scene: this.scene, camera:, orbitControls: this.orbitControls, canvas: previewCanvas, }) // Light this.dlight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 1.0) this.dlight.position.set(0, 160, 1000) this.scene.add(this.dlight) this.alight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.5) this.scene.add(this.alight) this.onMouseDown = this.onMouseDown.bind(this) this.onMouseMove = this.onMouseMove.bind(this) this.onMouseUp = this.onMouseUp.bind(this) this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this) this.handleKeyDown = this.handleKeyDown.bind(this) this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this) this.addEvent() this.initEdgeComposer() // // Create a render target with depth texture // this.setupRenderTarget(); // // Setup post-processing step // this.setupPost(); if (statsElem) { this.stats = Stats() statsElem.appendChild(this.stats.dom) } this.animate = this.animate.bind(this) this.animate() this.handleResize() this.AutoSaveScene() } disponse() { this.pause() this.removeEvent() this.renderer.dispose() this.outputRenderer.dispose() console.log('BodyEditor disponse') } commandHistory: Command[] = [] historyIndex = -1 pushCommand(cmd: Command) { console.log('pushCommand') if (this.historyIndex != this.commandHistory.length - 1) this.commandHistory = this.commandHistory.slice( 0, this.historyIndex + 1 ) this.commandHistory.push(cmd) this.historyIndex = this.commandHistory.length - 1 } CreateTransformCommand(obj: Object3D, _old: TransformValue): Command { const oldValue = _old const newValue = GetTransformValue(obj) const controlor = new BodyControlor(this.getBodyByPart(obj)!) return { execute: () => { obj.position.copy(newValue.position) obj.rotation.copy(newValue.rotation) obj.scale.copy(newValue.scale) controlor.Update() }, undo: () => { obj.position.copy(oldValue.position) obj.rotation.copy(oldValue.rotation) obj.scale.copy(oldValue.scale) controlor.Update() }, } } CreateAllTransformCommand(obj: Object3D, _old: BodyData): Command { const oldValue = _old const body = this.getBodyByPart(obj)! const controlor = new BodyControlor(body) const newValue = controlor.GetBodyData() return { execute: () => { controlor.RestoreBody(newValue) controlor.Update() }, undo: () => { controlor.RestoreBody(oldValue) controlor.Update() }, } } CreateAddBodyCommand(obj: Object3D): Command { return { execute: () => { this.scene.add(obj) }, undo: () => { obj.removeFromParent() this.DetachTransfromControl() }, } } CreateRemoveBodyCommand(obj: Object3D): Command { return { execute: () => { obj.removeFromParent() this.DetachTransfromControl() }, undo: () => { this.scene.add(obj) }, } } Undo() { console.log('Undo', this.historyIndex) if (this.historyIndex >= 0) { const cmd = this.commandHistory[this.historyIndex] cmd.undo() this.historyIndex-- } } Redo() { console.log('Redo', this.historyIndex) if (this.historyIndex < this.commandHistory.length - 1) { const cmd = this.commandHistory[this.historyIndex + 1] cmd.execute() this.historyIndex++ } } handleKeyDown(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (this.paused) { return } if (e.code === 'KeyZ' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.shiftKey) { this.Redo() } else if (e.code === 'KeyY' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { this.Redo() // prevent brower refresh e.preventDefault() } else if (e.code === 'KeyZ' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { this.Undo() } else if (e.code === 'KeyD' && e.shiftKey) { this.CopySelectedBody() } else if (e.key === 'Delete') { this.RemoveBody() } else if (e.code === 'KeyX') { this.MoveMode = true } } handleKeyUp(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (this.paused) { return } if (e.code === 'KeyX') { this.MoveMode = false } } registerTranformControlEvent() { let oldTransformValue: TransformValue = { scale: new THREE.Vector3(), rotation: new THREE.Euler(), position: new THREE.Vector3(), } let oldBodyData: BodyData = {} as BodyData this.transformControl.addEventListener('change', () => { const body = this.getSelectedBody() if (body) { new BodyControlor(body).UpdateBones() } // console.log('change') // this.renderer.render(this.scene, }) this.transformControl.addEventListener('objectChange', () => { // console.log('objectChange') // this.renderer.render(this.scene, }) this.transformControl.addEventListener('mouseDown', () => { const part = this.getSelectedPart() if (part) { oldTransformValue = GetTransformValue(part) const body = this.getBodyByPart(part)! oldBodyData = new BodyControlor(body).GetBodyData() } this.orbitControls.enabled = false }) this.transformControl.addEventListener('mouseUp', () => { const part = this.getSelectedPart() if (part) { if (IsTarget( this.pushCommand( this.CreateAllTransformCommand(part, oldBodyData) ) else this.pushCommand( this.CreateTransformCommand(part, oldTransformValue) ) } this.orbitControls.enabled = true this.saveSelectedBodyControlor?.Update() }) } ikSolver?: CCDIKSolver saveSelectedBodyControlor?: BodyControlor updateSelectedBodyIKSolver() { const body = this.getSelectedBody() ?? undefined if (body !== this.saveSelectedBodyControlor) { this.saveSelectedBodyControlor = body ? new BodyControlor(body!) : undefined this.ikSolver = body ? this.saveSelectedBodyControlor?.GetIKSolver() : undefined } if (IsTranslate(this.getSelectedPart()?.name ?? '')) this.ikSolver?.update() else this.saveSelectedBodyControlor?.ResetAllTargetsPosition() } render(width: number = this.Width, height: number = this.Height) { this.updateSelectedBodyIKSolver() this.renderer.setViewport(0, 0, width, height) this.renderer.setScissor(0, 0, width, height) this.renderer.setScissorTest(true) this.renderer.render(this.scene, } autoSize = true outputWidth = 0 outputHeight = 0 get OutputWidth() { return this.autoSize ? this.Width : this.outputWidth === 0 ? this.Height : this.outputWidth } set OutputWidth(value: number) { this.autoSize = false this.outputWidth = value } get OutputHeight() { return this.autoSize ? this.Height : this.outputHeight === 0 ? this.Height : this.outputHeight } set OutputHeight(value: number) { this.autoSize = false this.outputHeight = value } renderPreview() { const outputWidth = this.OutputWidth const outputHeight = this.OutputHeight const outputAspect = outputWidth / outputHeight const maxOutoutAspect = 2 const [left, bottom, width, height] = outputAspect > maxOutoutAspect ? [ this.Width - 50 - 150 * maxOutoutAspect, 220, 150 * maxOutoutAspect, (150 * maxOutoutAspect * outputHeight) / outputWidth, ] : [ this.Width - 50 - (150 * outputWidth) / outputHeight, 220, (150 * outputWidth) / outputHeight, 150, ] const save = { viewport: new THREE.Vector4(), scissor: new THREE.Vector4(), scissorTest: this.renderer.getScissorTest(), aspect:, } this.renderer.getViewport(save.viewport) this.renderer.getScissor(save.viewport) this.renderer.setViewport(left, bottom, width, height) this.renderer.setScissor(left, bottom, width, height) this.renderer.setScissorTest(true) = width / height const restoreView = this.changeView() this.renderer.render(this.scene, restoreView() // restore this.renderer.setViewport(save.viewport) this.renderer.setScissor(save.scissor) this.renderer.setScissorTest(save.scissorTest) = save.aspect } renderOutputBySize( outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number, render: (outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number) => void ) { const save = { aspect:, } = outputWidth / outputHeight this.outputRenderer.setSize(outputWidth, outputHeight, true) render(outputWidth, outputHeight) = save.aspect } renderOutput( scale = 1, custom?: (outputWidth: number, outputHeight: number) => void ) { const outputWidth = this.OutputWidth * scale const outputHeight = this.OutputHeight * scale const render = () => { this.outputRenderer.render(this.scene, } this.renderOutputBySize(outputWidth, outputHeight, custom ?? render) } getOutputPNG() { return this.outputRenderer.domElement.toDataURL('image/png') } animate() { if (this.paused) { return } requestAnimationFrame(this.animate) this.handleResize() this.render() this.outputPreview() this.stats?.update() } outputPreview() { if (this.enablePreview) this.CapturePreview() this.PreviewEventManager.TriggerEvent(this.enablePreview) } pause() { this.paused = true } resume() { this.paused = false this.animate() } getAncestors(o: Object3D) { const ancestors: Object3D[] = [] o.traverseAncestors((ancestor) => ancestors.push(ancestor)) return ancestors } getBodyByPart(o: Object3D) { if (o?.name === 'torso') return o const body = this.getAncestors(o).find((o) => o?.name === 'torso') ?? null return body } SelectEventManager = new EditorEventManager() UnselectEventManager = new EditorEventManager() ContextMenuEventManager = new EditorEventManager<{ mouseX: number mouseY: number }>() PreviewEventManager = new EditorEventManager() LockViewEventManager = new EditorEventManager() triggerSelectEvent(body: Object3D) { const c = new BodyControlor(body) this.SelectEventManager.TriggerEvent(c) this.UpdateBones() } triggerUnselectEvent() { this.UnselectEventManager.TriggerEvent() this.UpdateBones() } addEvent() { this.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this.onMouseDown, false ) this.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this.onMouseMove, false ) this.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'mouseup', this.onMouseUp, false ) this.renderer.domElement.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize) this.parentElem.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown) this.parentElem.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp) } removeEvent() { this.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this.onMouseDown, false ) this.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', this.onMouseMove, false ) this.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', this.onMouseUp, false ) this.renderer.domElement.removeEventListener( 'resize', this.handleResize ) this.parentElem.removeEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeyDown) this.parentElem.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp) } onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent) { event.preventDefault() this.IsClick = true } onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent) { // some devices still send movemove event, filter it. if (event.movementX == 0 && event.movementY == 0) return this.IsClick = false } onMouseUp(event: MouseEvent) { const x = event.offsetX - this.renderer.domElement.offsetLeft const y = event.offsetY - this.renderer.domElement.offsetTop this.raycaster.setFromCamera( { x: (x / this.renderer.domElement.clientWidth) * 2 - 1, y: -(y / this.renderer.domElement.clientHeight) * 2 + 1, }, ) const intersects: THREE.Intersection[] = this.raycaster.intersectObjects(this.GetBodies(), true) // If read_point is found, choose it first const point = intersects.find((o) => === 'red_point') const intersectedObject: THREE.Object3D | null = point ? point.object : intersects.length > 0 ? intersects[0].object : null const name = intersectedObject ? : '' let obj: Object3D | null = intersectedObject console.log(obj?.name) if (this.IsClick) { if (event.button === 2 || event.which === 3) { console.log('Right mouse button released') this.ContextMenuEventManager.TriggerEvent({ mouseX: x, mouseY: y, }) return } if (!obj) { this.DetachTransfromControl() this.triggerUnselectEvent() return } if (this.MoveMode) { const isOk = IsPickable(name, this.FreeMode) if (!isOk) { obj = this.getAncestors(obj).find((o) => IsPickable(, this.FreeMode) ) ?? null } if (obj) { if (IsTranslate(, this.FreeMode) === false) obj = this.getBodyByPart(obj) } if (obj) { console.log( this.transformControl.setMode('translate') this.transformControl.setSpace('world') this.transformControl.attach(obj) const body = this.getBodyByPart(obj) if (body) this.triggerSelectEvent(body) } } else { const isOk = IsPickable(name) if (!isOk) { obj = this.getAncestors(obj).find((o) => IsPickable( ) ?? null } if (obj) { console.log( if (IsTranslate( { this.transformControl.setMode('translate') this.transformControl.setSpace('world') } else { this.transformControl.setMode('rotate') this.transformControl.setSpace('local') } this.transformControl.attach(obj) const body = this.getBodyByPart(obj) if (body) this.triggerSelectEvent(body) } } } } traverseHandObjecct(handle: (o: THREE.Mesh) => void) { this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { if (IsHand(child?.name)) { handle(child as THREE.Mesh) } }) }) } traverseBodies(handle: (o: Object3D) => void) { this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { handle(child) }) }) } traverseBones(handle: (o: Bone) => void) { this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { if (child instanceof Bone && IsBone( handle(child) }) }) } traverseExtremities(handle: (o: THREE.Mesh) => void) { this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { if (IsExtremities( { handle(child as THREE.Mesh) } }) }) } onlyShowSkeleton() { const recoveryArr: Object3D[] = [] this.traverseBodies((o) => { if (IsSkeleton( === false) { if (o.visible == true) { o.visible = false recoveryArr.push(o) } } }) return () => { recoveryArr.forEach((o) => (o.visible = true)) } } showMask() { const recoveryArr: Object3D[] = [] this.scene.traverse((o) => { if (IsMask( { console.log( o.visible = true recoveryArr.push(o) } }) return () => { recoveryArr.forEach((o) => (o.visible = false)) } } hideSkeleten() { const map = new Map() this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { if (IsExtremities(child?.name)) { map.set(child, child.parent) this.scene.attach(child) } else if (child?.name === 'red_point') { child.visible = false } }) o.visible = false }) return map } GetBodies() { return this.scene.children.filter((o) => o?.name === 'torso') } showSkeleten(map: Map) { for (const [k, v] of map.entries()) { v?.attach(k) } map.clear() this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => { o.traverse((child) => { if (child?.name === 'red_point') { child.visible = true } }) o.visible = true }) } changeComposer(enable: boolean) { const save = this.enableComposer this.enableComposer = enable return () => (this.enableComposer = save) } changeHandMaterialTraverse(type: 'depth' | 'normal' | 'phone') { const map = new Map() this.scene.traverse((child) => { if (!IsExtremities( return const o = GetExtremityMesh(child) as THREE.Mesh map.set(o, o.material) if (type == 'depth') o.material = new MeshDepthMaterial() else if (type == 'normal') o.material = new MeshNormalMaterial() else if (type == 'phone') o.material = new MeshPhongMaterial() }) return () => { for (const [k, v] of map.entries()) { k.material = v } map.clear() } } changeHandMaterial(type: 'depth' | 'normal' | 'phone') { if (type == 'depth') this.scene.overrideMaterial = new MeshDepthMaterial() else if (type == 'normal') this.scene.overrideMaterial = new MeshNormalMaterial() else if (type == 'phone') this.scene.overrideMaterial = new MeshPhongMaterial() return () => { this.scene.overrideMaterial = null } } // getCameraLookAtVector() { const lookAtVector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1) lookAtVector.applyQuaternion( return lookAtVector } getZDistanceFromCamera(p: THREE.Vector3) { const lookAt = this.getCameraLookAtVector().normalize() const v = p.clone().sub( return } changeCamera() { let hands: THREE.Mesh[] = [] this.scene.traverse((o) => { if (this.OnlyHand) { if (IsHand(o?.name)) hands.push(o as THREE.Mesh) } else { if (IsExtremities(o?.name)) hands.push(o as THREE.Mesh) } }) // filter object in frustum hands = this.objectInView(hands) const cameraPos = new THREE.Vector3() const handsPos = => { const cameraPos = new THREE.Vector3() o.getWorldPosition(cameraPos) return cameraPos }) const handsDis = => { return this.getZDistanceFromCamera(pos) }) const minDis = Math.min(...handsDis) const maxDis = Math.max(...handsDis) const saveNear = const saveFar = = Math.max(minDis - 20, 0) = Math.max(maxDis + 20, 20) console.log('camera',, return () => { = saveNear = saveFar } } Capture() { const restore = this.onlyShowSkeleton() this.renderOutput() const imgData = this.getOutputPNG() restore() return imgData } CapturePreview() { const scale = (window.devicePixelRatio * 140.0) / this.OutputHeight const outputWidth = this.OutputWidth * scale const outputHeight = this.OutputHeight * scale this.previewRenderer.render( outputWidth, outputHeight, this.cameraDataOfView ) } CaptureCanny() { this.renderOutput(1, (outputWidth, outputHeight) => { this.changeComposerResoultion(outputWidth, outputHeight) const restoreMaterialTraverse = this.changeHandMaterialTraverse('normal') // step 1: get mask image const restoreMask = this.showMask() this.composer?.render() restoreMask() // step 2: // get sobel image // filer out pixels not in mask // get binarized pixels this.finalComposer?.render() restoreMaterialTraverse() }) return this.getOutputPNG() } CaptureNormal() { const restoreHand = this.changeHandMaterial('normal') this.renderOutput() restoreHand() return this.getOutputPNG() } CaptureDepth() { const restoreHand = this.changeHandMaterial('depth') const restoreCamera = this.changeCamera() this.renderOutput() restoreCamera() restoreHand() return this.getOutputPNG() } changeTransformControl() { const part = this.getSelectedPart() if (part) { this.DetachTransfromControl() return () => { this.transformControl.attach(part) } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function return () => {} } changeHelper() { const old = { axesHelper: this.axesHelper.visible, gridHelper: this.gridHelper.visible, } this.axesHelper.visible = false this.gridHelper.visible = false return () => { this.axesHelper.visible = old.axesHelper this.gridHelper.visible = old.gridHelper } } MakeImages() { this.renderer.setClearColor(0x000000) const restoreHelper = this.changeHelper() const restoreTransfromControl = this.changeTransformControl() const restoreView = this.changeView() const poseImage = this.Capture() /// begin const map = this.hideSkeleten() const depthImage = this.CaptureDepth() const normalImage = this.CaptureNormal() const cannyImage = this.CaptureCanny() this.showSkeleten(map) /// end this.renderer.setClearColor(0x000000, 0) restoreHelper() restoreTransfromControl() restoreView() const result = { pose: poseImage, depth: depthImage, normal: normalImage, canny: cannyImage, } sendToAll({ method: 'MakeImages', type: 'event', payload: result, }) return result } CopySelectedBody() { const list = this.GetBodies() const selectedBody = this.getSelectedBody() if (!selectedBody && list.length !== 0) return const body = list.length === 0 ? CloneBody() : SkeletonUtils.clone(selectedBody!) if (!body) return this.pushCommand(this.CreateAddBodyCommand(body)) if (list.length !== 0) body.position.x += 10 this.scene.add(body) this.fixFootVisible() this.transformControl.setMode('translate') this.transformControl.setSpace('world') this.transformControl.attach(body) } CopyBodyZ() { const body = CloneBody() if (!body) return const list = this.GetBodies() .filter((o) => o.position.x === 0) .map((o) => Math.ceil(o.position.z / 30)) if (list.length > 0) body.translateZ((Math.min(...list) - 1) * 30) this.pushCommand(this.CreateAddBodyCommand(body)) this.scene.add(body) this.fixFootVisible() } CopyBodyX() { const body = CloneBody() if (!body) return const list = this.GetBodies() .filter((o) => o.position.z === 0) .map((o) => Math.ceil(o.position.x / 50)) if (list.length > 0) body.translateX((Math.min(...list) - 1) * 50) this.pushCommand(this.CreateAddBodyCommand(body)) this.scene.add(body) this.fixFootVisible() } getSelectedBody() { let obj: Object3D | null = this.getSelectedPart() ?? null obj = obj ? this.getBodyByPart(obj) : null return obj } getSelectedPart() { return this.transformControl.object } getHandByPart(o: Object3D) { if (IsHand(o?.name)) return o const body = this.getAncestors(o).find((o) => IsHand(o?.name)) ?? null return body } getSelectedHand() { let obj: Object3D | null = this.getSelectedPart() ?? null obj = obj ? this.getHandByPart(obj) : null return obj } RemoveBody() { const obj = this.getSelectedBody() if (obj) { this.pushCommand(this.CreateRemoveBodyCommand(obj)) console.log( obj.removeFromParent() this.DetachTransfromControl() } } pointsInView(points: THREE.Vector3[]) { // make sure camera's local matrix is updated // make sure camera's world matrix is updated const frustum = new THREE.Frustum().setFromProjectionMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(, ) ) //console.log(points); return points.filter((p) => frustum.containsPoint(p)) } getBouningSphere(o: Object3D) { const bbox = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(o, true) // const helper = new THREE.Box3Helper(bbox, new THREE.Color(0, 255, 0)) // this.scene.add(helper) const center = new THREE.Vector3() bbox.getCenter(center) const bsphere = bbox.getBoundingSphere(new THREE.Sphere(center)) return bsphere } objectInView(objs: T[]) { // make sure camera's local matrix is updated // make sure camera's world matrix is updated const frustum = new THREE.Frustum().setFromProjectionMatrix( new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(, ) ) //console.log(points); return objs.filter((obj) => { const sphere = this.getBouningSphere(obj) return frustum.intersectsSphere(sphere) }) } isMoveMode = false get MoveMode() { return this.isMoveMode } set MoveMode(move: boolean) { let IsTranslateMode = move this.isMoveMode = move const name = this.getSelectedPart()?.name ?? '' if (move) { if (IsTranslate(name, this.FreeMode)) { IsTranslateMode = true } else { const obj = this.getSelectedBody() if (obj) this.transformControl.attach(obj) } } else { if (IsTarget(name)) { IsTranslateMode = true } } if (IsTranslateMode) { this.transformControl.setMode('translate') this.transformControl.setSpace('world') } else { this.transformControl.setMode('rotate') this.transformControl.setSpace('local') } } FreeMode = true get Width() { return this.renderer.domElement.clientWidth } get Height() { return this.renderer.domElement.clientHeight } onlyHand = false get OnlyHand() { return this.onlyHand } set OnlyHand(value: boolean) { this.onlyHand = value this.setFootVisible(!this.onlyHand) } get EnableHelper() { return this.enableHelper } set EnableHelper(value: boolean) { this.enableHelper = value this.gridHelper.visible = value this.axesHelper.visible = value } setFootVisible(value: boolean) { this.traverseExtremities((o) => { if (IsFoot( { o.visible = value } }) } fixFootVisible() { this.setFootVisible(!this.OnlyHand) } handleResize() { const size = new THREE.Vector2() this.renderer.getSize(size) if (size.width == this.Width && size.height === this.Height) return const canvas = this.renderer.domElement if (canvas.clientWidth == 0 || canvas.clientHeight == 0) return = canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight // console.log(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight) this.renderer.setSize(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight, false) // console.log(this.Width, this.Height) } initEdgeComposer() { this.composer = new EffectComposer(this.outputRenderer) const renderPass = new RenderPass(this.scene, this.composer.addPass(renderPass) this.composer.renderToScreen = false const finalPass = new ShaderPass( new THREE.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: { baseTexture: { value: null }, bloomTexture: { value: this.composer.renderTarget2.texture, }, }, vertexShader: ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); }`, fragmentShader: ` uniform sampler2D baseTexture; uniform sampler2D bloomTexture; varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vec4 bloomColor = texture2D(bloomTexture, vUv); float grayValue = dot(bloomColor.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); vec4 baseColor = texture2D(baseTexture, vUv); vec4 masked = vec4(baseColor.rgb * step(0.001, grayValue), 1.0); gl_FragColor = step(0.5, masked) * vec4(1.0); // Binarization // gl_FragColor = bloomColor; } `, defines: {}, }), 'baseTexture' ) finalPass.needsSwap = true this.finalComposer = new EffectComposer(this.outputRenderer) this.finalComposer.addPass(renderPass) // color to grayscale conversion const effectGrayScale = new ShaderPass(LuminosityShader) this.finalComposer.addPass(effectGrayScale) // Sobel operator const effectSobel = new ShaderPass(SobelOperatorShader) effectSobel.uniforms['resolution'].value.x = this.Width * window.devicePixelRatio effectSobel.uniforms['resolution'].value.y = this.Height * window.devicePixelRatio this.finalComposer.addPass(effectSobel) this.effectSobel = effectSobel this.finalComposer.addPass(finalPass) } changeComposerResoultion(width: number, height: number) { this.composer?.setSize(width, height) this.finalComposer?.setSize(width, height) if (this.effectSobel) { this.effectSobel.uniforms['resolution'].value.x = width * window.devicePixelRatio this.effectSobel.uniforms['resolution'].value.y = height * window.devicePixelRatio } } get CameraNear() { return } set CameraNear(value: number) { = value } get CameraFar() { return } set CameraFar(value: number) { = value } get CameraFocalLength() { return } set CameraFocalLength(value) { } GetCameraData() { const result = { position:, rotation:, target:, near:, far:, zoom:, } return result } GetSceneData() { const bodies = this.GetBodies().map((o) => new BodyControlor(o).GetBodyData() ) const data = { header: 'Openpose Editor by Yu Zhu', version: __APP_VERSION__, object: { bodies: bodies, camera: this.GetCameraData(), }, setting: {}, } return data } GetGesture() { const hand = this.getSelectedHand() const body = this.getSelectedBody() if (!hand || !body) return null const data = { header: 'Openpose Editor by Yu Zhu', version: __APP_VERSION__, object: { hand: new BodyControlor(body).GetHandData( === 'left_hand' ? 'left_hand' : 'right_hand' ), }, setting: {}, } return data } AutoSaveScene() { try { const rawData = localStorage.getItem('AutoSaveSceneData') if (rawData) { localStorage.setItem('LastSceneData', rawData) } setInterval(() => { localStorage.setItem( 'AutoSaveSceneData', JSON.stringify(this.GetSceneData()) ) }, 5000) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } } SaveScene() { try { downloadJson( JSON.stringify(this.GetSceneData()), `scene_${getCurrentTime()}.json` ) } catch (error) { console.error(error) } } RestoreGesture(rawData: string) { const data = JSON.parse(rawData) const { version, object: { hand: handData }, setting, } = data if (!handData) throw new Error('Invalid json') const hand = this.getSelectedHand() const body = this.getSelectedBody() if (!hand || !body) throw new Error('!hand || !body') new BodyControlor(body).RestoreHand( == 'left_hand' ? 'left_hand' : 'right_hand', handData ) } SaveGesture() { const data = this.GetGesture() if (!data) throw new Error('Failed to get gesture') downloadJson(JSON.stringify(data), `gesture_${getCurrentTime()}.json`) } ClearScene() { this.GetBodies().forEach((o) => o.removeFromParent()) } CreateBodiesFromData(bodies: BodyData[]) { return => { const body = CloneBody()! new BodyControlor(body).RestoreBody(data) return body }) } RestoreCamera(data: CameraData, updateOrbitControl = true) { as any) = data.near = data.far = data.zoom if ( if (updateOrbitControl) this.orbitControls.update() // fix position change } RestoreScene(rawData: string) { try { if (!rawData) return const data = JSON.parse(rawData) const { version, object: { bodies, camera }, setting, } = data const bodiesObject = this.CreateBodiesFromData(bodies) this.ClearScene() if (bodiesObject.length > 0) this.scene.add(...bodiesObject) for (const body of bodiesObject) { new BodyControlor(body).ResetAllTargetsPosition() } this.RestoreCamera(camera) } catch (error: any) { Oops(error) console.error(error) } } ResetScene() { try { this.ClearScene() this.CopySelectedBody() const body = this.getSelectedBody() if (body) { this.scene.add(body) = body } } catch (error: any) { Oops(error) console.error(error) } } RestoreLastSavedScene() { const rawData = localStorage.getItem('LastSceneData') if (rawData) this.RestoreScene(rawData) } async LoadScene() { const rawData = await uploadJson() if (rawData) this.RestoreScene(rawData) } // drawPoseData(positions: THREE.Vector3[]) { // const objects: Record< // keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel, // Object3D // > = Object.fromEntries( // Object.keys(PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel).map((name) => { // const p = positions[PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel[name]] // const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ // color: 0xff0000, // }) // const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( // new THREE.SphereGeometry(1), // material // ) // mesh.position.copy(p) // this.scene.add(mesh) // return [name, mesh] // }) // ) // const CreateLink2 = ( // startObject: THREE.Object3D, // endObject: THREE.Object3D // ) => { // const startPosition = startObject.position // const endPostion = endObject.position // const distance = startPosition.distanceTo(endPostion) // const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ // color: 0x666666, // opacity: 0.6, // transparent: true, // }) // const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.SphereGeometry(1), material) // // 将拉伸后的球体放在中点,并计算旋转轴和角度 // const origin = startPosition // .clone() // .add(endPostion) // .multiplyScalar(0.5) // const v = endPostion.clone().sub(startPosition) // const unit = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0) // const axis = unit.clone().cross(v) // const angle = unit.clone().angleTo(v) // mesh.scale.copy(new THREE.Vector3(distance / 2, 1, 1)) // mesh.position.copy(origin) // mesh.setRotationFromAxisAngle(axis.normalize(), angle) // this.scene.add(mesh) // } // CreateLink2(objects['left_shoulder'], objects['left_elbow']) // CreateLink2(objects['left_elbow'], objects['left_wrist']) // CreateLink2(objects['left_hip'], objects['left_knee']) // CreateLink2(objects['left_knee'], objects['left_ankle']) // CreateLink2(objects['right_shoulder'], objects['right_elbow']) // CreateLink2(objects['right_elbow'], objects['right_wrist']) // CreateLink2(objects['right_hip'], objects['right_knee']) // CreateLink2(objects['right_knee'], objects['right_ankle']) // CreateLink2(objects['left_shoulder'], objects['right_shoulder']) // CreateLink2(objects['nose'], objects['right_eye']) // CreateLink2(objects['nose'], objects['left_eye']) // CreateLink2(objects['left_eye'], objects['left_ear']) // CreateLink2(objects['right_eye'], objects['right_ear']) // } async GetBodyToSetPose() { const bodies = this.GetBodies() const body = bodies.length == 1 ? bodies[0] : this.getSelectedBody() return body } async SetPose(poseData: [number, number, number][]) { const body = await this.GetBodyToSetPose() if (!body) return const controlor = new BodyControlor(body) const old: BodyData = controlor.GetBodyData() controlor.SetPose(poseData) this.pushCommand(this.CreateAllTransformCommand(body, old)) } async SetBlazePose(positions: [number, number, number][]) { const body = await this.GetBodyToSetPose() if (!body) return const controlor = new BodyControlor(body) const old: BodyData = controlor.GetBodyData() controlor.SetBlazePose(positions) this.pushCommand(this.CreateAllTransformCommand(body, old)) } DetachTransfromControl() { this.transformControl.detach() this.triggerUnselectEvent() } cameraDataOfView?: CameraData LockView() { this.cameraDataOfView = this.GetCameraData() this.LockViewEventManager.TriggerEvent(true) } UnlockView() { this.cameraDataOfView = undefined this.LockViewEventManager.TriggerEvent(false) } RestoreView() { if (this.cameraDataOfView) this.RestoreCamera(this.cameraDataOfView) } changeView() { if (this.cameraDataOfView) { const old = this.GetCameraData() this.RestoreCamera(this.cameraDataOfView, false) return () => { this.RestoreCamera(old) } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function return () => {} } getSelectedBone() { const part = this.getSelectedPart() const isSelectBone = part && IsBone( return isSelectBone ? (part as Bone) : null } UpdateBones() { const DEFAULT_COLOR = 0xff0000 const DEFAULT = 1 const SELECTED = 1 const SELECTED_COLOR = 0xeeee00 const ACTIVE = 1 const INACTIVE = 0.2 const setColor = ( bone: Bone, opacity: number, color = DEFAULT_COLOR ) => { const point = bone.children.find( (o) => o instanceof THREE.Mesh && !IsMask( ) as THREE.Mesh if (point) { const material = point.material as MeshBasicMaterial material.color.set(color) material.opacity = opacity material.needsUpdate = true } } const selectedBone = this.getSelectedBone() this.traverseBones((bone) => { setColor(bone, selectedBone ? INACTIVE : DEFAULT) }) if (selectedBone) { let bone = selectedBone setColor(bone, SELECTED, SELECTED_COLOR) bone.traverseAncestors((ancestor) => { if (IsBone( { setColor(ancestor as Bone, ACTIVE) } }) for (;;) { const child = bone.children.filter((o) => o instanceof Bone) if (child.length !== 1) break setColor(child[0] as Bone, ACTIVE) bone = child[0] as Bone } } } }