(function () { if (!globalThis.posex) globalThis.posex = {}; const posex = globalThis.posex; function load(cont) { function load_() { if (posex.script_loading || posex.script_loaded) return; posex.script_loading = true; const scripts = cont.textContent.trim().split('\n'); const base_path = `/file=${scripts.shift()}/js`; cont.textContent = ''; const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let src of scripts) { console.log(`[Posex] loading ${src}`); const script = document.createElement('script'); script.async = true; script.type = 'module'; script.src = `file=${src}`; df.appendChild(script); } globalThis.posex.import = async () => { const THREE = await import(`${base_path}/three.module.js`); const { TrackballControls } = await import(`${base_path}/TrackballControls.js`); const { DragControls } = await import(`${base_path}/DragControls.js`); const { MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial } = await import(`${base_path}/THREE.MeshLine.Module.min.js`); return { THREE, TrackballControls, DragControls, MeshLine, MeshLineMaterial }; }; if (!globalThis.posex.imports) globalThis.posex.imports = {}; if (!globalThis.posex.imports.three) globalThis.posex.imports.three = async () => await import(`${base_path}/three.module.js`); if (!globalThis.posex.imports.posex) globalThis.posex.imports.posex = async () => await import(`${base_path}/posex.js`); cont.appendChild(df); } return posex.script_loaded ? Promise.resolve() : new Promise(resolve => { document.addEventListener('posexscriptloaded', () => resolve(), false); load_(); }); } function lazy(fn, timeout) { if (timeout === undefined) timeout = 500; return new Promise(function callback(resolve) { const result = fn(); if (result) { resolve(result); } else { setTimeout(() => callback(resolve), timeout); } }); } function hook_acc(acc, fn) { const observer = new MutationObserver(list => { for (let mut of list) { if (mut.type === 'childList') { if (mut.addedNodes.length != 0) { // closed -> opened fn(); } else { // opened -> closed // do nothing } } } }); observer.observe(acc, { childList: true, attributes: false, subtree: false }); } function launch(type) { return lazy(() => gradioApp()?.querySelector(`#posex-${type}-accordion`)). then(acc => hook_acc(acc, async () => { const cont = Array.from(acc.querySelectorAll(`#posex-${type}-js`)).at(-1); // ! const enabled = acc.querySelector(`#posex-${type}-enabled input[type=checkbox]`); await load(cont); if (enabled.checked) { await posex[`init_${type}`](); console.log(`[Posex] ${type} initialized`); } else { enabled.addEventListener('change', async () => { await posex[`init_${type}`](); console.log(`[Posex] ${type} initialized`); }, { once: true }); } })); } launch('t2i'); launch('i2i'); })();