const UMI_PROMPT_REGEX = /<[^\s]*?\[[^,<>]*[\]|]?>?/gi; const UMI_TAG_REGEX = /(?:\[|\||--)([^<>\[\]\-|]+)/gi; const UMI_TRIGGER = () => CFG.useWildcards && [...tagword.matchAll(UMI_PROMPT_REGEX)].length > 0; class UmiParser extends BaseTagParser { parse(textArea, prompt) { // We are in a UMI yaml tag definition, parse further let umiSubPrompts = [...prompt.matchAll(UMI_PROMPT_REGEX)]; let umiTags = []; let umiTagsWithOperators = [] const insertAt = (str,char,pos) => str.slice(0,pos) + char + str.slice(pos); umiSubPrompts.forEach(umiSubPrompt => { umiTags = umiTags.concat([...umiSubPrompt[0].matchAll(UMI_TAG_REGEX)].map(x => x[1].toLowerCase())); const start = umiSubPrompt.index; const end = umiSubPrompt.index + umiSubPrompt[0].length; if (textArea.selectionStart >= start && textArea.selectionStart <= end) { umiTagsWithOperators = insertAt(umiSubPrompt[0], '###', textArea.selectionStart - start); } }); // Safety check since UMI parsing sometimes seems to trigger outside of an UMI subprompt and thus fails if (umiTagsWithOperators.length === 0) { return null; } const promptSplitToTags = umiTagsWithOperators.replace(']###[', '][').split("]["); const clean = (str) => str .replaceAll('>', '') .replaceAll('<', '') .replaceAll('[', '') .replaceAll(']', '') .trim(); const matches = promptSplitToTags.reduce((acc, curr) => { let isOptional = curr.includes("|"); let isNegative = curr.startsWith("--"); let out; if (isOptional) { out = { hasCursor: curr.includes("###"), tags: clean(curr).split('|').map(x => ({ hasCursor: x.includes("###"), isNegative: x.startsWith("--"), tag: clean(x).replaceAll("###", '').replaceAll("--", '') })) }; acc.optional.push(out); acc.all.push( => x.tag)); } else if (isNegative) { out = { hasCursor: curr.includes("###"), tags: clean(curr).replaceAll("###", '').split('|'), }; out.tags = => x.startsWith("--") ? x.substring(2) : x); acc.negative.push(out); acc.all.push(...out.tags); } else { out = { hasCursor: curr.includes("###"), tags: clean(curr).replaceAll("###", '').split('|'), }; acc.positive.push(out); acc.all.push(...out.tags); } return acc; }, { positive: [], negative: [], optional: [], all: [] }); //console.log({ matches }) const filteredWildcards = (tagword) => { const wildcards = yamlWildcards.filter(x => { let tags = x[1]; const matchesNeg = matches.negative.length === 0 || matches.negative.every(x => x.hasCursor || x.tags.every(t => !tags[t]) ); if (!matchesNeg) return false; const matchesPos = matches.positive.length === 0 || matches.positive.every(x => x.hasCursor || x.tags.every(t => tags[t]) ); if (!matchesPos) return false; const matchesOpt = matches.optional.length === 0 || matches.optional.some(x => x.tags.some(t => t.hasCursor || t.isNegative ? !tags[t.tag] : tags[t.tag] )); if (!matchesOpt) return false; return true; }).reduce((acc, val) => { Object.keys(val[1]).forEach(tag => acc[tag] = acc[tag] + 1 || 1); return acc; }, {}); return Object.entries(wildcards) .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .filter(x => x[0] === tagword || !matches.all.includes(x[0]) ); } if (umiTags.length > 0) { // Get difference for subprompt let tagCountChange = umiTags.length - umiPreviousTags.length; let diff = difference(umiTags, umiPreviousTags); umiPreviousTags = umiTags; // Show all condition let showAll = tagword.endsWith("[") || tagword.endsWith("[--") || tagword.endsWith("|"); // Exit early if the user closed the bracket manually if ((!diff || diff.length === 0 || (diff.length === 1 && tagCountChange < 0)) && !showAll) { if (!hideBlocked) hideResults(textArea); return; } let umiTagword = diff[0] || ''; let tempResults = []; if (umiTagword && umiTagword.length > 0) { umiTagword = umiTagword.toLowerCase().replace(/[\n\r]/g, ""); originalTagword = tagword; tagword = umiTagword; let filteredWildcardsSorted = filteredWildcards(umiTagword); let searchRegex = new RegExp(`(^|[^a-zA-Z])${escapeRegExp(umiTagword)}`, 'i') let baseFilter = x => x[0].toLowerCase().search(searchRegex) > -1; let spaceIncludeFilter = x => x[0].toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_").search(searchRegex) > -1; tempResults = filteredWildcardsSorted.filter(x => baseFilter(x) || spaceIncludeFilter(x)) // Filter by tagword // Add final results let finalResults = []; tempResults.forEach(t => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(t[0].trim(), ResultType.yamlWildcard) result.count = t[1]; finalResults.push(result); }); return finalResults; } else if (showAll) { let filteredWildcardsSorted = filteredWildcards(""); // Add final results let finalResults = []; filteredWildcardsSorted.forEach(t => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(t[0].trim(), ResultType.yamlWildcard) result.count = t[1]; finalResults.push(result); }); originalTagword = tagword; tagword = ""; return finalResults; } } else { let filteredWildcardsSorted = filteredWildcards(""); // Add final results let finalResults = []; filteredWildcardsSorted.forEach(t => { let result = new AutocompleteResult(t[0].trim(), ResultType.yamlWildcard) result.count = t[1]; finalResults.push(result); }); originalTagword = tagword; tagword = ""; return finalResults; } } } function updateUmiTags( tagType, sanitizedText, newPrompt, textArea) { // If it was a yaml wildcard, also update the umiPreviousTags if (tagType === ResultType.yamlWildcard && originalTagword.length > 0) { let umiSubPrompts = [...newPrompt.matchAll(UMI_PROMPT_REGEX)]; let umiTags = []; umiSubPrompts.forEach(umiSubPrompt => { umiTags = umiTags.concat([...umiSubPrompt[0].matchAll(UMI_TAG_REGEX)].map(x => x[1].toLowerCase())); }); umiPreviousTags = umiTags; hideResults(textArea); return true; } return false; } async function load() { if (yamlWildcards.length === 0) { try { let yamlTags = (await readFile(`${tagBasePath}/temp/wcet.txt`)).split("\n"); // Split into tag, count pairs yamlWildcards = => x .trim() .split(",")) .map(([i,]) => [ i, rest.reduce((a, b) => { a[b.toLowerCase()] = true; return a; }, {}), ]); } catch (e) { console.error("Error loading yaml wildcards: " + e); } } } function sanitize(tagType, text) { // Replace underscores only if the yaml tag is not using them if (tagType === ResultType.yamlWildcard && !yamlWildcards.includes(text)) { return text.replaceAll("_", " "); } return null; } // Add UMI parser PARSERS.push(new UmiParser(UMI_TRIGGER)); // Add our utility functions to their respective queues QUEUE_FILE_LOAD.push(load); QUEUE_SANITIZE.push(sanitize); QUEUE_AFTER_INSERT.push(updateUmiTags);