const app = window.require('photoshop').app const batchPlay = require('photoshop').action.batchPlay const psapi = require('./psapi') async function moveLayersToGroup(group_id) { const activeLayers = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers const layerIDs = => const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core await executeAsModal(async () => { await psapi.moveToGroupCommand(group_id, layerIDs) }) } async function createSnapshot() { const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core //get all layers, //duplicate the layers //create a group //move the duplicate layers to the group let snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup try { const selectionInfo = await psapi.getSelectionInfoExe() await psapi.unSelectMarqueeExe() //get all layers const allLayers = await app.activeDocument.layers // const allLayerNames = // layer => `${} (${layer.opacity} %)` // ) // for (layer of allLayerNames){ // console.log(layer) // } //duplicate the layers let duplicatedLayers = [] // const group_id = await createGroup() const groupLayer = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() console.log('createSnapshot(), group_id:', // let bHasBackground = false let indexOffset = 0 const result1 = await executeAsModal(async () => { for (layer of allLayers) { if ( == 1) { //skip the background layer // bHasBackground = true indexOffset = 1 continue } if (layer.visible) { const copyLayer = await layer.duplicate() duplicatedLayers.push(copyLayer) } } const layerIDs = => console.log('createSnapshot, layerIDs:', layerIDs) //select the layer since layerIDs don't seem to have an affect on moveToGroupCommand(), don't know why!!!! psapi.selectLayers(duplicatedLayers) let group_index = await psapi.getLayerIndex( await psapi.moveToGroupCommand(group_index - indexOffset, layerIDs) await psapi.collapseGroup(duplicatedLayers[0]) snapshotLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] await psapi.createSolidLayer(255, 255, 255) const whiteSolidLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] await snapshotLayer.moveAbove(whiteSolidLayer) snapshotGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() let snapshot_group_index = await psapi.getLayerIndex( ) await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotLayer, whiteSolidLayer]) await psapi.moveToGroupCommand( snapshot_group_index - indexOffset, [] ) await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.createMaskExe() // await psapi.selectLayerChannelCommand() // await psapi.createSolidLayer(0, 0, 0) }) return [snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup] } catch (e) { console.warn('createSnapshot Error:', e) } } function executeCommand(batchPlayCommandFunc) { const { executeAsModal } = require('photoshop').core try { executeAsModal(async () => { await batchPlayCommandFunc() }) } catch (e) { console.warn('executeCommand error:', e) } } async function snapAndFillExe(session_id) { //create a snapshot of canvas //select opaque pixel and create black fill layer //create a snapshot of mask //set initial image //set mask image try { let snapAndFillLayers = [] await executeAsModal(async (context) => { const history_id = await context.hostControl.suspendHistory({ documentID:, //TODO: change this to the session document id name: 'Img2Img layers', }) const selectionInfo = await psapi.getSelectionInfoExe() // await psapi.unSelectMarqueeExe() //create a snapshot of canvas // let [snapshotLayer,snapshotGroup] = await createSnapshot() await psapi.snapshot_layerExe() const snapshotLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] const snapshotGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() = 'Init Image Snapshot -- temporary' = 'Init Image Group -- temporary' // = `${}_init_image` await psapi.createSolidLayer(255, 255, 255) const whiteSolidLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Background Color -- temporary' snapshotLayer.moveAbove(whiteSolidLayer) console.log('[snapshotLayer,snapshotGroup]:', [ snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup, ]) //create a snapshot of mask await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // let [snapshotMaskLayer,snapshotMaskGroup] = await createSnapshot() await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.createClippingMaskExe() await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) snapAndFillLayers = [snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup, whiteSolidLayer] // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_group'] = snapshotGroup // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_layer'] = snapshotLayer // g_init_image_related_layers['solid_white'] = whiteSolidLayer const image_info = await psapi.silentSetInitImage( snapshotGroup, session_id ) const image_name = image_info['name'] const path = `./server/python_server/init_images/${image_name}` g_viewer_manager.initializeInitImage( snapshotGroup, snapshotLayer, whiteSolidLayer, path ) //this will be called once a session and will add the first init image to th viewer manager for (layer of snapAndFillLayers) { layer.visible = false } await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) const layer_util = require('./utility/layer') await layer_util.collapseFolderExe([snapshotGroup], false) await context.hostControl.resumeHistory(history_id) }) console.log('snapAndFillLayers: ', snapAndFillLayers) return snapAndFillLayers } catch (e) { console.error(`snapAndFill error: ${e}`) } return [] } async function addClippingMaskToLayer(layer, selectionInfo) { await psapi.selectLayers([layer]) //select the layer await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) //reselect the selection await psapi.createClippingMaskExe() //this will create an cliping mask and select the mask of the layer await psapi.selectLayers([layer]) //reselect the layer instead of the mask await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) //reselect the selection ////test addClippingMaskToLayer // await executeAsModal( // async ()=>{ // await outpaint.addClippingMaskToLayer(await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0],await psapi.getSelectionInfoExe() // )}) } async function outpaintExe(session_id) { //create a snapshot of canvas //select opaque pixel and create black fill layer //create a snapshot of mask //set initial image //set mask image try { let outpaintLayers = [] await executeAsModal(async (context) => { const history_id = await context.hostControl.suspendHistory({ documentID:, //TODO: change this to the session document id name: 'Outpaint Mask Related layers', }) const selectionInfo = await psapi.getSelectionInfoExe() // await psapi.unSelectMarqueeExe() //create a snapshot of canvas // let [snapshotLayer,snapshotGroup] = await createSnapshot() await psapi.snapshot_layerExe() const snapshotLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Init Image Snapshot -- temporary' const snapshotGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() // = `${}_init_image` = 'Init Image Group -- temporary' await psapi.createSolidLayer(255, 255, 255) //solid white inside the Init Image Group const whiteSolidLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Background Color -- temporary' snapshotLayer.moveAbove(whiteSolidLayer) //move the snapshot layer to be the first layer in "Init Image Group" console.log('[snapshotLayer,snapshotGroup]:', [ snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup, ]) //select opaque pixel and create black fill layer await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotLayer]) await psapi.selectLayerChannelCommand() const snapshotMaskGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() await psapi.createSolidLayer(0, 0, 0) let solid_black_layer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] //create a snapshot of mask await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // let [snapshotMaskLayer,snapshotMaskGroup] = await createSnapshot() await psapi.snapshot_layerExe() const snapshotMaskLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Mask -- Paint White to Mask -- temporary' // const snapshotMaskGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() // = `${}_mask` = 'Mask Group -- temporary' snapshotMaskLayer.moveBelow(solid_black_layer) await snapshotMaskGroup.moveAbove(snapshotGroup) await solid_black_layer.delete() // await addClippingMaskToLayer(snapshotGroup, selectionInfo) const mask_info = await psapi.silentSetInitImageMask( snapshotMaskGroup, session_id ) snapshotMaskGroup.visible = false const image_info = await psapi.silentSetInitImage( snapshotGroup, session_id ) snapshotGroup.visible = false const init_image_name = image_info['name'] const init_path = `./server/python_server/init_images/${init_image_name}` await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await addClippingMaskToLayer(snapshotMaskGroup, selectionInfo) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // await psapi.silentSetInitImageMask(snapshotMaskGroup,session_id) const mask_name = mask_info['name'] const mask_path = `./server/python_server/init_images/${mask_name}` await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) //set initial image //set mask image outpaintLayers = [ snapshotMaskGroup, snapshotMaskLayer, snapshotLayer, snapshotGroup, whiteSolidLayer, ] // g_mask_related_layers['mask_group'] = snapshotMaskGroup // g_mask_related_layers['white_mark'] = snapshotMaskLayer // // g_mask_related_layers['solid_black'] = blackSolidLayer g_viewer_manager.initializeMask( snapshotMaskGroup, snapshotMaskLayer, null, mask_path, mask_info['base64'] ) // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_group'] = snapshotGroup // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_layer'] = snapshotLayer // g_init_image_related_layers['solid_white'] = whiteSolidLayer g_viewer_manager.initializeInitImage( snapshotGroup, snapshotLayer, whiteSolidLayer, init_path ) //this will be called once a session and will add the first init image to th viewer manager for (layer of outpaintLayers) { layer.visible = false } //collapse the folders const layer_util = require('./utility/layer') await layer_util.collapseFolderExe( [snapshotGroup, snapshotMaskGroup], false ) await context.hostControl.resumeHistory(history_id) }) console.log('outpaintLayers 2: ', outpaintLayers) return outpaintLayers } catch (e) { console.error(`outpaintExe error: ${e}`) } return [] } async function inpaintFasterExe(session_id) { // //create a snapshot of canvas //select opaque pixel and create black fill layer //create a snapshot of mask //set initial image //set mask image try { let inpaintLayers = [] await executeAsModal(async (context) => { const history_id = await context.hostControl.suspendHistory({ documentID:, name: 'Inpaint Mask Related layers', }) const original_white_mark_layer = await app.activeDocument .activeLayers[0] original_white_mark_layer.visible = false const selectionInfo = await psapi.getSelectionInfoExe() //duplicate the current active layer and use it as the white mark layer const white_mark_layer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0].duplicate() white_mark_layer.visible = true const mask_layer_opacity = await white_mark_layer.opacity white_mark_layer.opacity = 100 //make sure the opacity is full await psapi.selectLayers([white_mark_layer]) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.createClippingMaskExe() await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) white_mark_layer.visible = false = 'Mask -- Paint White to Mask -- temporary' // white_mark_layer.visible = true //create a snapshot of canvas // let [snapshotLayer,snapshotGroup] = await createSnapshot() // await psapi.snapshot_layer() await psapi.unselectActiveLayersExe() //invisible layer will cause problem with merging "command is not available" type of error // await psapi.mergeVisibleExe() await psapi.snapshot_layerExe() const snapshotLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Init Image Snapshot -- temporary' const snapshotGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() = 'Init Image Group -- temporary' await psapi.createSolidLayer(255, 255, 255) const whiteSolidLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = 'Background Color -- temporary' await snapshotLayer.moveAbove(whiteSolidLayer) await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.createClippingMaskExe() await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) const maskGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() // = `${}_mask` = 'Mask Group -- temporary' await psapi.createSolidLayer(0, 0, 0) const blackSolidLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] = "Don't Edit -- temporary" // snapshotLayer.moveAbove(blackSolidLayer) white_mark_layer.moveAbove(blackSolidLayer) white_mark_layer.visible = true await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) console.log('[snapshotLayer,maskGroup]:', [ snapshotLayer, maskGroup, ]) // //select opaque pixel and create black fill layer // await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotLayer]) // await psapi.selectLayerChannelCommand() // const snapshotMaskGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() // await psapi.createSolidLayer(0, 0, 0) // let solid_black_layer = app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] // //create a snapshot of mask // await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // // let [snapshotMaskLayer,snapshotMaskGroup] = await createSnapshot() // await psapi.snapshot_layer() // const snapshotMaskLayer = await app.activeDocument.activeLayers[0] // // const snapshotMaskGroup = await psapi.createEmptyGroup() // = `${}_mask` // snapshotMaskLayer.moveBelow(solid_black_layer) // await snapshotMaskGroup.moveAbove(snapshotGroup) // solid_black_layer.delete() await psapi.selectLayers([maskGroup]) await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.createClippingMaskExe() await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) await psapi.selectLayers([maskGroup]) // await psapi.silentSetInitImageMask(maskGroup,session_id) const mask_info = await psapi.silentSetInitImageMask( maskGroup, session_id ) maskGroup.visible = false //hide the mask so you can take screenshot of the init image const mask_name = mask_info['name'] const mask_path = `./server/python_server/init_images/${mask_name}` await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotGroup]) const image_info = await psapi.silentSetInitImage( snapshotGroup, session_id ) const image_name = image_info['name'] const path = `./server/python_server/init_images/${image_name}` await psapi.reSelectMarqueeExe(selectionInfo) // await psapi.selectLayers([snapshotMaskGroup]) // await psapi.setInitImageMask(snapshotMaskGroup) // //set initial image // //set mask image await psapi.selectLayers([maskGroup]) inpaintLayers = [ maskGroup, white_mark_layer, blackSolidLayer, snapshotGroup, snapshotLayer, whiteSolidLayer, ] // g_mask_related_layers['mask_group'] = maskGroup // g_mask_related_layers['white_mark'] = white_mark_layer // g_mask_related_layers['solid_black'] = blackSolidLayer g_viewer_manager.initializeMask( maskGroup, white_mark_layer, blackSolidLayer, mask_path, mask_info['bases64'] ) // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_group'] = snapshotGroup // g_init_image_related_layers['init_image_layer'] = snapshotLayer // g_init_image_related_layers['solid_white'] = whiteSolidLayer g_viewer_manager.initializeInitImage( snapshotGroup, snapshotLayer, whiteSolidLayer, path ) //this will be called once a session and will add the first init image to th viewer manager for (layer of inpaintLayers) { layer.visible = false } const layer_util = require('./utility/layer') await layer_util.collapseFolderExe( [snapshotGroup, maskGroup], false ) white_mark_layer.opacity = mask_layer_opacity // restore the opacity // original_white_mark_layer.visible = true// leave it off so we can toggle using the viewer manager await context.hostControl.resumeHistory(history_id) }) return inpaintLayers } catch (e) { console.warn('inpaintFasterExe error:', e) } return [] } module.exports = { createSnapshot, moveLayersToGroup, executeCommand, outpaintExe, // outpaintFasterExe, inpaintFasterExe, snapAndFillExe, addClippingMaskToLayer, }