from modules import scripts, processing, shared, images, devices, ui, lowvram import gradio import requests import time import PIL.Image import base64 import io import os.path import numpy import itertools import gradio as gr import torch from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi import APIRouter, Request from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from modules import script_callbacks, scripts, shared import sys python_server_dir = 'server/python_server' extension_dir = scripts.basedir() python_server_full_path = os.path.join(extension_dir,python_server_dir) print("python_server_full_path: ",python_server_full_path) sys.path.insert(0, python_server_full_path) import search import img2imgapi import serverMain router = APIRouter() # @router.get("/config") # async def get_state(): # print("hello get /config auto-photoshop-sd") # res = "hello get /config auto-photoshop-sd" # return {"res": res}'/search/image/') async def searchImage(request:Request): try: json = await request.json() except: json = {} try: keywords = json.get('keywords','cute cats') images = await search.imageSearch(keywords) print(images) return {"images":images} except: print("keywords",keywords) # print(f'{request}') return {"error": "error message: can't preform an image search"}'/mask/expansion/') async def maskExpansionHandler(request:Request): try: json = await request.json() except: json = {} # print("mask expansion json :",json) try: # keywords = json.get('keywords','cute dogs') base64_mask_image = json['mask'] mask_expansion = json['mask_expansion'] #convert base64 to img await img2imgapi.base64ToPng(base64_mask_image,"original_mask.png")#save a copy of the mask mask_image = img2imgapi.b64_2_img(base64_mask_image) expanded_mask_img = img2imgapi.maskExpansion(mask_image,mask_expansion) base64_expanded_mask_image = img2imgapi.img_2_b64(expanded_mask_img) await img2imgapi.base64ToPng(base64_expanded_mask_image,"expanded_mask.png")#save a copy of the mask return {"mask":base64_expanded_mask_image} except: # print("request",request) raise Exception(f"couldn't preform mask expansion",json) # return response return {"error": "error message: can't preform an mask expansion"} def on_app_started(demo: gr.Blocks, app: FastAPI): # print("hello on_app_started auto-photoshop-plugin") if shared.cmd_opts.api: app.include_router(serverMain.router, prefix="/sdapi/auto-photoshop-sd", tags=['Auto Photoshop SD Plugin API']) # app.include_router(router, prefix="/sdapi/auto-photoshop-sd", tags=['Auto Photoshop SD Plugin API']) else: print("COMMANDLINE_ARGS does not contain --api, API won't be mounted.") # logger.warning("COMMANDLINE_ARGS does not contain --api, API won't be mounted.") # if you wanted to do anything massive to the UI, you could modify demo, but why? script_callbacks.on_app_started(on_app_started)