import * as THREE from 'three' import { Bone, Object3D } from 'three' import * as SkeletonUtils from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/SkeletonUtils' import type { TupleToUnion } from 'type-fest' import { FindObjectItem, GetLocalPosition, GetWorldPosition, } from './utils/three-utils' import { CCDIKSolver } from './utils/CCDIKSolver' import { BoneThickness, ConnectColor, ToHexColor, GetColorOfLinkByName, OpenposeKeypoints, OpenposeyKeypointsConst, PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel, PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel, } from './defines' import { ExtremitiesMapping, FootObject, HandObject, IsMatchBonePrefix, } from './models' function GetPresetColorOfJoint(name: string) { const index = OpenposeKeypoints.indexOf(name) return index !== -1 ? ToHexColor(ConnectColor[index]) : 0x0 } function CreateLink( startObject: THREE.Object3D, startName: string, endName: string ) { const presetColor = GetColorOfLinkByName(startName, endName) const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: presetColor ?? 0x0, opacity: 0.6, transparent: true, }) const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry(BoneThickness), material ) = startName + '_link_' + endName startObject.add(mesh) return mesh } function UpdateJointSphere(obj: Object3D, thickness = BoneThickness) { const name = + '_joint_sphere' obj.getObjectByName(name)?.scale.setScalar(thickness) } function UpdateLink4( startObject: Object3D, endObject: Object3D, startName: string, endName: string, thickness = BoneThickness, create = false ) { const startPosition = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) const endPostion = endObject.position const distance = startPosition.distanceTo(endPostion) // 将拉伸后的球体放在中点,并计算旋转轴和角度 const origin = startPosition.clone().add(endPostion).multiplyScalar(0.5) // Another method // new THREE.Quaternion().setFromUnitVectors(...) const v = endPostion.clone().sub(startPosition) const unit = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0) const axis = unit.clone().cross(v) const angle = unit.clone().angleTo(v) const mesh = create ? CreateLink(startObject, startName, endName) : startObject.getObjectByName(startName + '_link_' + endName)! mesh.scale.copy( new THREE.Vector3( distance / 2, thickness / BoneThickness, thickness / BoneThickness ) ) mesh.position.copy(origin) mesh.setRotationFromAxisAngle(axis.normalize(), angle) UpdateJointSphere(startObject, thickness) UpdateJointSphere(endObject, thickness) } function UpdateLink2( startObject: Object3D, endObject: Object3D, thickness = BoneThickness, create = false ) { UpdateLink4( startObject, endObject,,, thickness, create ) } function CreateSphere(name: string, thickness: number, color: number) { const sphere = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry(thickness), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: color }) ) = name return sphere } function CreateGroup(name: string, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) { const object = new THREE.Group() = name object.translateX(x) object.translateY(y) object.translateZ(z) return object } function CreateJoint( name: string, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, thickness: number = BoneThickness ) { return CreateGroup(name, x, y, z).add( CreateSphere( name + '_joint_sphere', thickness, GetPresetColorOfJoint(name) ) ) } let templateBody: THREE.Group | null = null export function CloneBody() { if (templateBody) { return SkeletonUtils.clone(templateBody) } return null } const HandScale = 2.2 const FootScale = 0.25 function CreateHand(name: 'right_hand' | 'left_hand') { if (!HandObject || !FootObject) { throw new Error('Failed to create body') } if (name === 'right_hand') { const right_hand = SkeletonUtils.clone(HandObject) = 'right_hand' right_hand.translateX(-0.4) right_hand.translateY(3) right_hand.rotateY(Math.PI) right_hand.rotateZ(-Math.PI / 2) right_hand.scale.multiplyScalar(HandScale) right_hand.traverse((o) => { if (IsBone( { = + '_R' } }) return right_hand } else { const left_hand = SkeletonUtils.clone(HandObject) = 'left_hand' left_hand.scale.x = -1 left_hand.translateX(0.4) left_hand.translateY(3) left_hand.rotateY(Math.PI) left_hand.rotateZ(Math.PI / 2) left_hand.scale.multiplyScalar(HandScale) left_hand.traverse((o) => { if (IsBone( { = + '_L' } }) return left_hand } } function CreateFoot(name: 'right_foot' | 'left_foot') { if (!HandObject || !FootObject) { throw new Error('Failed to create body') } if (name === 'right_foot') { const right_foot = SkeletonUtils.clone(FootObject) = 'right_foot' right_foot.scale.setX(-1) right_foot.scale.multiplyScalar(FootScale) right_foot.traverse((o) => { if (IsBone( { = + '_R' } }) return right_foot } else { const left_foot = SkeletonUtils.clone(FootObject) = 'left_foot' left_foot.scale.multiplyScalar(FootScale) left_foot.traverse((o) => { if (IsBone( { = + '_L' } }) return left_foot } } export function CreateTemplateBody() { if (!HandObject || !FootObject) { throw new Error('Failed to create body') } const width = 34 const height = 46 const torso = CreateGroup('torso', 0, 115, 0).add( CreateSphere('center', BoneThickness, 0x888888), CreateGroup('five', 0, height / 2, 0).add( CreateJoint('neck').add( CreateJoint('nose', 0, 20, 14).add( CreateJoint('right_eye', -3, 3, -3).add( CreateJoint('right_ear', -4, -3, -8) ), CreateJoint('left_eye', 3, 3, -3).add( CreateJoint('left_ear', 4, -3, -8) ) ) ), CreateGroup('left_shoulder_inner').add( CreateJoint('right_shoulder', -width / 2, 0, 0).add( CreateJoint('right_elbow', 0, -25, 0).add( CreateJoint('right_wrist', 0, -25, 0).add( CreateHand('right_hand') ) ) ) ), CreateGroup('right_shoulder_inner').add( CreateJoint('left_shoulder', width / 2, 0, 0).add( CreateJoint('left_elbow', 0, -25, 0).add( CreateJoint('left_wrist', 0, -25, 0).add( CreateHand('left_hand') ) ) ) ), CreateGroup('right_hip_inner').add( CreateJoint('right_hip', -width / 2 + 7, -height, 0).add( CreateJoint('right_knee', 0, -40, 0).add( CreateJoint('right_ankle', 0, -36, 0).add( CreateFoot('right_foot') ) ) ) ), CreateGroup('left_hip_inner').add( CreateJoint('left_hip', width / 2 - 7, -height, 0).add( CreateJoint('left_knee', 0, -40, 0).add( CreateJoint('left_ankle', 0, -36, 0).add( CreateFoot('left_foot') ) ) ) ) ) ) new BodyControlor(torso).Create() templateBody = torso } function CreateIKTarget(body: Object3D, effector: Object3D, name: string) { const target = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry( BoneThickness * 5, BoneThickness * 5, BoneThickness * 5 ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0088ff, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5, }) ) const effector_pos = GetWorldPosition(effector) target.position.copy(GetLocalPosition(body, effector_pos)) = name return target } export function GetExtremityMesh(o: Object3D) { if (!( in ExtremitiesMapping)) { return null } return FindObjectItem( o, ExtremitiesMapping[].meshName ) } export function IsVirtualPoint(name: string) { return [ 'right_shoulder_inner', 'left_shoulder_inner', 'right_hip_inner', 'left_hip_inner', 'five', ].includes(name) } export function IsNeedSaveObject(name: string) { if (OpenposeKeypoints.includes(name)) return true if (name === 'right_hand' || name === 'left_hand') return true if (name === 'right_foot' || name === 'left_foot') return true if (IsVirtualPoint(name)) return true // virtual point if (IsBone(name)) return true if (name.includes('_joint_sphere')) return true if (name.includes('_link_')) return true return false } export function IsBone(name: string) { return IsMatchBonePrefix(name) } const pickableObjectNames: string[] = [ 'torso', 'nose', 'neck', 'right_shoulder', 'left_shoulder', 'right_elbow', 'left_elbow', 'right_hip', 'left_hip', 'right_knee', 'left_knee', // virtual point for better control 'right_shoulder_inner', 'left_shoulder_inner', 'right_hip_inner', 'left_hip_inner', 'left_wrist_target', 'right_wrist_target', 'left_ankle_target', 'right_ankle_target', ] export function IsPickable(name: string, isFreeMode = false) { if (isFreeMode && OpenposeKeypoints.includes(name)) return true if (pickableObjectNames.includes(name)) return true if (IsBone(name)) return true return false } export function IsTranslate(name: string, isFreeMode = false) { if (isFreeMode) return ( [ 'right_shoulder_inner', 'left_shoulder_inner', 'right_hip_inner', 'left_hip_inner', 'neck', ].includes(name) == false ) if (name.endsWith('_target')) return true return false } export function IsTarget(name: string) { if (name.endsWith('_target')) return true return false } export function IsHand(name: string) { return ['left_hand', 'right_hand'].includes(name) } export function IsFoot(name: string) { return ['left_foot', 'right_foot'].includes(name) } export function IsMask(name: string) { return ['foot_mask', 'hand_mask'].includes(name) } export function IsSkeleton(name: string) { if (name == 'torso') return true if (OpenposeKeypoints.includes(name)) return true if (IsVirtualPoint(name)) return true // virtual point if (name.includes('_joint_sphere')) return true if (name.includes('_link_')) return true return false } export function IsExtremities(name: string) { return ['left_hand', 'right_hand', 'left_foot', 'right_foot'].includes(name) } const ControlablePart = [ ...OpenposeyKeypointsConst, 'left_shoulder_inner', 'right_shoulder_inner', 'left_hip_inner', 'right_hip_inner', 'five', 'right_hand', 'left_hand', 'left_foot', 'right_foot', 'torso', 'left_wrist_target', 'right_wrist_target', 'left_ankle_target', 'right_ankle_target', ] as const type ControlPartName = TupleToUnion export interface BodyData { position?: ReturnType rotation?: ReturnType scale?: ReturnType child: Record< string, { position?: ReturnType rotation?: ReturnType scale?: ReturnType } > } export interface HandData { child: Record< string, { position?: ReturnType rotation?: ReturnType scale?: ReturnType } > } export class BodyControlor { body: Object3D part: Record = {} as any constructor(o: Object3D) { this.body = o this.body.traverse((o) => { if (ControlablePart.includes( as ControlPartName)) { this.part[ as ControlPartName] = o } }) this.part['left_shoulder_inner'] = this.getObjectByName( 'left_shoulder_inner' ) this.part['right_shoulder_inner'] = this.getObjectByName( 'right_shoulder_inner' ) this.part['left_hip_inner'] = this.getObjectByName('left_hip_inner') this.part['right_hip_inner'] = this.getObjectByName('right_hip_inner') this.part['five'] = this.getObjectByName('five') this.part['right_hand'] = this.getObjectByName('right_hand') this.part['left_hand'] = this.getObjectByName('left_hand') this.part['right_foot'] = this.getObjectByName('right_foot') this.part['left_foot'] = this.getObjectByName('left_foot') this.part['torso'] = this.body } getObjectByName(name: string) { const part = this.body.getObjectByName(name) if (!part) throw new Error(`Not found part: ${name}`) return part } getWorldPosition(o: Object3D) { const pos = new THREE.Vector3() o.getWorldPosition(pos) return pos } UpdateLink( name: ControlPartName, thickness = this.BoneThickness, create = false ) { if ( [ 'left_hip', 'right_hip', 'right_shoulder', 'left_shoulder', ].includes(name) ) UpdateLink4( this.part[`${name}_inner` as ControlPartName], this.part[name], 'neck', name, thickness, create ) else if (name !== 'neck' && OpenposeKeypoints.includes(name)) { UpdateLink2( this.part[name].parent!, this.part[name], thickness, create ) } } get HeadSize() { const size = this.getWorldPosition(this.part['right_ear']).distanceTo( this.getWorldPosition(this.part['left_ear']) ) return size } set HeadSize(value: number) { const scale = value / this.HeadSize const earLength = this.part['left_ear'].position.length() * scale const eyeLength = this.part['left_eye'].position.length() * scale this.part['left_ear'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(earLength) this.part['right_ear'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(earLength) this.part['left_eye'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(eyeLength) this.part['right_eye'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(eyeLength) this.UpdateLink('left_eye') this.UpdateLink('right_eye') this.UpdateLink('left_ear') this.UpdateLink('right_ear') } get NoseToNeck() { return this.part['nose'].position.length() } set NoseToNeck(value: number) { this.part['nose'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(value) this.UpdateLink('nose') } get ShoulderToHip() { return this.getDistanceOf( this.getWorldPosition(this.part['five']), this.getMidpoint( this.getWorldPosition(this.part['left_hip']), this.getWorldPosition(this.part['right_hip']) ) ) } set ShoulderToHip(value: number) { const origin = this.ShoulderToHip this.part['five'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(value / 2) this.part['left_hip'].position.multiplyScalar(value / origin) this.part['right_hip'].position.multiplyScalar(value / origin) this.UpdateLink('left_hip') this.UpdateLink('right_hip') } get ShoulderWidth() { return this.part['left_shoulder'].position.distanceTo( this.part['right_shoulder'].position ) } set ShoulderWidth(width: number) { const right_shoulder = this.part['right_shoulder'] right_shoulder.position.x = -width / 2 const left_shoulder = this.part['left_shoulder'] left_shoulder.position.x = width / 2 this.UpdateLink('right_shoulder') this.UpdateLink('left_shoulder') } get UpperArm() { return this.part['left_elbow'].position.length() } set UpperArm(length: number) { this.part['left_elbow'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.part['right_elbow'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.UpdateLink('left_elbow') this.UpdateLink('right_elbow') } get Forearm() { return this.part['left_wrist'].position.length() } set Forearm(length: number) { this.part['left_wrist'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.part['right_wrist'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.UpdateLink('left_wrist') this.UpdateLink('right_wrist') } get ArmLength() { return this.UpperArm + this.Forearm } set ArmLength(length: number) { const origin = this.ArmLength this.UpperArm = (length * this.UpperArm) / origin this.Forearm = (length * this.Forearm) / origin } get Thigh() { return this.part['left_knee'].position.length() } set Thigh(length: number) { this.part['left_knee'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.part['right_knee'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.UpdateLink('left_knee') this.UpdateLink('right_knee') } get HandSize() { return Math.abs(this.part['left_hand'].scale.x) / HandScale } set HandSize(size: number) { const origin = this.HandSize this.part['left_hand'].scale .divideScalar(origin * HandScale) .multiplyScalar(size * HandScale) this.part['right_hand'].scale .divideScalar(origin * HandScale) .multiplyScalar(size * HandScale) } get Hips() { return this.getDistanceOf( this.getWorldPosition(this.part['left_hip']), this.getWorldPosition(this.part['right_hip']) ) } set Hips(width: number) { const left = this.getWorldPosition(this.part['left_hip']) const right = this.getWorldPosition(this.part['right_hip']) const mid = this.getMidpoint(left, right) // newLLeft = normalize(left - mid) * width + mid const newLeft = left .sub(mid) .normalize() .multiplyScalar(width / 2.0) .add(mid) const newRight = right .sub(mid) .normalize() .multiplyScalar(width / 2.0) .add(mid) this.setPositionFromWorld(this.part['left_hip'], newLeft) this.setPositionFromWorld(this.part['right_hip'], newRight) this.UpdateLink('left_hip') this.UpdateLink('right_hip') } get LowerLeg() { return this.part['left_ankle'].position.length() } set LowerLeg(length: number) { this.part['left_ankle'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.part['right_ankle'].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(length) this.UpdateLink('left_ankle') this.UpdateLink('right_ankle') } get LegLength() { return this.Thigh + this.LowerLeg } set LegLength(length: number) { const origin = this.LegLength this.Thigh = (length * this.Thigh) / origin this.LowerLeg = (length * this.LowerLeg) / origin } get FootSize() { return Math.abs(this.part['left_foot'].scale.x) / FootScale } set FootSize(size: number) { const origin = this.FootSize this.part['left_foot'].scale .divideScalar(origin * FootScale) .multiplyScalar(size * FootScale) this.part['right_foot'].scale .divideScalar(origin * FootScale) .multiplyScalar(size * FootScale) } getLocalPosition(obj: Object3D, postion: THREE.Vector3) { return obj.worldToLocal(postion.clone()) } setPositionFromWorld(obj: Object3D, postion: THREE.Vector3) { return obj.position.copy(this.getLocalPosition(obj.parent!, postion)) } getDirectionVectorByParentOf( name: ControlPartName, from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3 ) { const parent = this.part[name].parent! const localFrom = this.getLocalPosition(parent, from) const localTo = this.getLocalPosition(parent, to) return localTo.clone().sub(localFrom).normalize() } rotateTo(name: ControlPartName, dir: THREE.Vector3) { const obj = this.part[name] const unit = obj.position.clone().normalize() const axis = unit.clone().cross(dir) const angle = unit.clone().angleTo(dir) obj.parent?.rotateOnAxis(axis.normalize(), angle) } rotateTo3(name: ControlPartName, from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3) { this.rotateTo(name, this.getDirectionVectorByParentOf(name, from, to)) } setPositionByDistance( name: ControlPartName, from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3 ) { const dis = this.getDistanceOf(from, to) this.part[name].position.normalize().multiplyScalar(dis) } setDirectionVector(name: ControlPartName, v: THREE.Vector3) { const len = this.part[name].position.length() this.part[name].position.copy(v).multiplyScalar(len) this.UpdateLink(name) } getDistanceOf(from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3) { return from.distanceTo(to) } getMidpoint(from: THREE.Vector3, to: THREE.Vector3) { return from.clone().add(to).multiplyScalar(0.5) } ResetPose() { templateBody?.traverse((o) => { if ( in this.part) { const name = as ControlPartName if (name == 'torso') this.part[name].position.setY(o.position.y) else this.part[name].position.copy(o.position) this.part[name].rotation.copy(o.rotation) this.part[name].scale.copy(o.scale) this.UpdateLink(name) } }) } SetBlazePose(rawData: [number, number, number][]) { this.ResetPose() const data = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel).map( ([name, index]) => { return [ name, new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( rawData[index] ?? [0, 0, 0] ), ] } ) ) as Record< keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel, THREE.Vector3 > // this.Hips = this.getDistanceOf(data['right_hip'], data['left_hip']) // this.Thigh = this.getDistanceOf(data['left_knee'], data['left_hip']) // this.LowerLeg = this.getDistanceOf( // data['left_ankle'], // data['left_knee'] // ) // this.UpperArm = this.getDistanceOf( // data['left_shoulder'], // data['left_elbow'] // ) // this.Forearm = this.getDistanceOf( // data['left_elbow'], // data['left_wrist'] // ) // this.ShoulderWidth = this.getDistanceOf( // data['left_shoulder'], // data['right_shoulder'] // ) // this.NoseToNeck = this.getDistanceOf( // data['nose'], // this.getMidpoint(data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder']) // ) const map: [ ControlPartName, [ THREE.Vector3 | keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel, THREE.Vector3 | keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfBlazePoseModel ] ][] = [ [ 'five', [ this.getMidpoint( this.getMidpoint(data['left_hip'], data['right_hip']), this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ) ), this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), ], ], [ 'left_shoulder', [ this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), 'left_shoulder', ], ], ['left_elbow', ['left_shoulder', 'left_elbow']], ['left_wrist', ['left_elbow', 'left_wrist']], [ 'left_hip', [ this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), 'left_hip', ], ], ['left_knee', ['left_hip', 'left_knee']], ['left_ankle', ['left_knee', 'left_ankle']], [ 'right_shoulder', [ this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), 'right_shoulder', ], ], ['right_elbow', ['right_shoulder', 'right_elbow']], ['right_wrist', ['right_elbow', 'right_wrist']], [ 'right_hip', [ this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), 'right_hip', ], ], ['right_knee', ['right_hip', 'right_knee']], ['right_ankle', ['right_knee', 'right_ankle']], [ 'nose', [ this.getMidpoint( data['left_shoulder'], data['right_shoulder'] ), 'nose', ], ], ['left_eye', ['nose', 'left_eye']], ['right_eye', ['nose', 'right_eye']], ['left_ear', ['left_eye', 'left_ear']], ['right_ear', ['right_eye', 'right_ear']], ] for (const [name, [from, to]] of map) { this.rotateTo3( name, from instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? from : data[from], to instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? to : data[to] ) this.setPositionByDistance( name, from instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? from : data[from], to instanceof THREE.Vector3 ? to : data[to] ) this.UpdateLink(name) } this.Update() } SetPose(rawData: [number, number, number][]) { this.ResetPose() const data = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel).map(([name, index]) => { return [ name, new THREE.Vector3().fromArray(rawData[index] ?? [0, 0, 0]), ] }) ) as Record this.part['torso'].position.setY( this.getMidpoint(data['Hips'], data['Chest']).y ) this.Hips = this.getDistanceOf(data['Hips'], data['UpLeg_L']) * 2 this.Thigh = this.getDistanceOf(data['UpLeg_L'], data['Leg_L']) this.LowerLeg = this.getDistanceOf(data['Leg_L'], data['Foot_L']) this.UpperArm = this.getDistanceOf(data['Arm_L'], data['ForeArm_L']) this.Forearm = this.getDistanceOf(data['ForeArm_L'], data['Hand_L']) this.ShoulderWidth = 2 * (this.getDistanceOf(data['Shoulder_L'], data['Arm_L']) + this.getDistanceOf(data['Chest'], data['Shoulder_L']) / Math.SQRT2) const map: [ ControlPartName, [ keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel, keyof typeof PartIndexMappingOfPoseModel ] ][] = [ ['five', ['Hips', 'Chest']], ['left_elbow', ['Arm_L', 'ForeArm_L']], ['left_wrist', ['ForeArm_L', 'Hand_L']], ['left_knee', ['UpLeg_L', 'Leg_L']], ['left_ankle', ['Leg_L', 'Foot_L']], ['right_elbow', ['Arm_R', 'ForeArm_R']], ['right_wrist', ['ForeArm_R', 'Hand_R']], ['right_knee', ['UpLeg_R', 'Leg_R']], ['right_ankle', ['Leg_R', 'Foot_R']], ] for (const [name, [from, to]] of map) this.rotateTo( name, this.getDirectionVectorByParentOf(name, data[from], data[to]) ) this.Update() } GetHandData(hand: 'left_hand' | 'right_hand'): HandData { const o = this.part[hand] const result: HandData = { child: {}, } o.traverse((child) => { if ( && IsBone( { if ( in result.child) console.log('Duplicate name',, child) const data: Pick = {} if ( this.getDistanceOf( child.position, new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) ) != 0 ) { data.position = child.position.toArray() } if ( this.getDistanceOf( child.scale, new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1) ) != 0 ) { data.scale = child.scale.toArray() } if ( child.rotation.x !== 0 || child.rotation.y !== 0 || child.rotation.z !== 0 ) { data.rotation = child.rotation.toArray() } if (data) result.child[] = data } }) return result } RestoreHand(hand: 'left_hand' | 'right_hand', data: HandData) { data.child = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(data.child).map(([k, v]) => { if (hand == 'left_hand') return [k.replace('_R', '_L'), v] if (hand == 'right_hand') return [k.replace('_L', '_R'), v] return [k, v] }) ) this.part[hand]?.traverse((o) => { if ( && in data.child) { const child = data.child[] if (child.position) o.position.fromArray(child.position) if (child.rotation) o.rotation.fromArray(child.rotation as any) if (child.scale) o.scale.fromArray(child.scale) } }) } GetBodyData(): BodyData { const o = this.part['torso'] const result: BodyData = { position: o.position.toArray(), rotation: o.rotation.toArray(), scale: o.scale.toArray(), child: {}, } o.traverse((child) => { if ( && IsNeedSaveObject( { if ( in result.child) console.log('Duplicate name',, child) const data: Pick = {} if ( this.getDistanceOf( child.position, new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0) ) != 0 ) { data.position = child.position.toArray() } if ( this.getDistanceOf( child.scale, new THREE.Vector3(1, 1, 1) ) != 0 ) { data.scale = child.scale.toArray() } if ( child.rotation.x !== 0 || child.rotation.y !== 0 || child.rotation.z !== 0 ) { data.rotation = child.rotation.toArray() } if (data) result.child[] = data } }) return result } RestoreBody(data: BodyData) { const body = this.part['torso'] body?.traverse((o) => { if ( && in data.child) { const child = data.child[] if (child.position) o.position.fromArray(child.position) if (child.rotation) o.rotation.fromArray(child.rotation as any) if (child.scale) o.scale.fromArray(child.scale) } }) if (data.position) body.position.fromArray(data.position) if (data.rotation) body.rotation.fromArray(data.rotation as any) if (data.scale) body.scale.fromArray(data.scale) } UpdateBones(thickness = this.BoneThickness) { this.part['torso'].traverse((o) => { if ( in this.part) { const name = as ControlPartName this.UpdateLink(name, thickness) } }) } CreateBones(thickness = this.BoneThickness) { this.part['torso'].traverse((o) => { if ( in this.part) { const name = as ControlPartName this.UpdateLink(name, thickness, true) } }) } Create() { this.CreateBones() this.part['torso'].add( CreateIKTarget( this.part['torso'], this.part['left_wrist'], 'left_wrist_target' ) ) this.part['torso'].add( CreateIKTarget( this.part['torso'], this.part['right_wrist'], 'right_wrist_target' ) ) this.part['torso'].add( CreateIKTarget( this.part['torso'], this.part['left_ankle'], 'left_ankle_target' ) ) this.part['torso'].add( CreateIKTarget( this.part['torso'], this.part['right_ankle'], 'right_ankle_target' ) ) } Get18keyPointsData(): Array<[number, number, number]> { return => { if (name in this.part) { return this.getWorldPosition( this.part[name as ControlPartName] ).toArray() } else { return [0, 0, 0] } }) } get BoneThickness() { return Math.abs( this.part['neck'].getObjectByName('neck_joint_sphere')?.scale.x ?? BoneThickness ) } set BoneThickness(thickness: number) { this.UpdateBones(thickness) } GetIKSolver() { return new CCDIKSolver([ { target: this.part['left_wrist_target'], effector: this.part['left_wrist'], links: [ { index: this.part['left_elbow'], enabled: true, }, { index: this.part['left_shoulder'], enabled: true, }, ], iteration: 10, minAngle: 0.0, maxAngle: 1.0, }, { target: this.part['right_wrist_target'], effector: this.part['right_wrist'], links: [ { index: this.part['right_elbow'], enabled: true, }, { index: this.part['right_shoulder'], enabled: true, }, ], iteration: 10, minAngle: 0.0, maxAngle: 1.0, }, { target: this.part['left_ankle_target'], effector: this.part['left_ankle'], links: [ { index: this.part['left_knee'], enabled: true, }, { index: this.part['left_hip'], enabled: true, }, ], iteration: 10, minAngle: 0.0, maxAngle: 1.0, }, { target: this.part['right_ankle_target'], effector: this.part['right_ankle'], links: [ { index: this.part['right_knee'], enabled: true, }, { index: this.part['right_hip'], enabled: true, }, ], iteration: 10, minAngle: 0.0, maxAngle: 1.0, }, ]) } ResetTargetPosition( effectorName: ControlPartName, targetName: ControlPartName ) { const body = this.part['torso'] const effector = this.part[effectorName] const target = this.part[targetName] const effector_pos = GetWorldPosition(effector) target.position.copy(this.getLocalPosition(body, effector_pos)) } ResetAllTargetsPosition() { this.ResetTargetPosition('left_wrist', 'left_wrist_target') this.ResetTargetPosition('right_wrist', 'right_wrist_target') this.ResetTargetPosition('left_ankle', 'left_ankle_target') this.ResetTargetPosition('right_ankle', 'right_ankle_target') } Update() { this.ResetAllTargetsPosition() this.UpdateBones() this.part['torso'].updateMatrixWorld(true) } }