--- license: llama2 datasets: - totally-not-an-llm/EverythingLM-data-V2 --- # EverythingLM-13b-16k Introducing EverythingLM, a llama-2 based, general-purpose 13b model with 16k context thanks to LlongMa. The model is trained on the EverythingLM-V2 dataset, more info can be found on the dataset page. The model is completely uncensored. ### GGML quants: soon Make sure to use correct rope scaling settings: `-c 16384 --rope-freq-base 10000 --rope-freq-scale 0.25` ### GPTQ quants: soon ### Notable features: - Automatically triggered CoT reasoning. - Verbose and detailed replies. - Creative stories. - Better prompt understanding. ### Prompt format: It is a modified Vicuna format, the same used in many of ehartford's models. ``` You are a helpful AI assistant. USER: ASSISTANT: ``` Training took about 2.5 hours using QLoRa on 1xA100, so this model can be recreated for about $4. QLoRa model can be found here: https://huggingface.co/totally-not-an-llm/EverythingLM-13b-V2-peft. ### Future plans: - Native finetune. - Other model sizes. - Test some model merges using this model. (Specifically OpenOrca and Platypus models)