--- license: apache-2.0 --- # ZH-CLIP: A Chinese CLIP Model [![Hugging Face Spaces](https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97%20Hugging%20Face-Spaces-blue)](https://huggingface.co/spaces/thu-ml/ZH-CLIPZH-CLIP) ## Models You can download **ZH-CLIP** model from [🤗 thu-ml/zh-clip-vit-roberta-large-patch14](https://huggingface.co/thu-ml/zh-clip-vit-roberta-large-patch14). The model structure is shown below: * Vision encoder network structure is the same as [openai/clip-vit-large-patch14](https://huggingface.co/openai/clip-vit-large-patch14), and initialize with [laion/CLIP-ViT-L-14-laion2B-s32B-b82K](https://huggingface.co/laion/CLIP-ViT-L-14-laion2B-s32B-b82K). * Text encoder network struceure is the same as [hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large](https://huggingface.co/hfl/chinese-roberta-wwm-ext-large) and initialized. ## Results #### COCO-CN Retrieval (Official Test Set):
Model Text-to-Image Image-to-Text
R@1 R@5 R@10 Mean R@1 R@5 R@10 Mean
Clip-Chinese 22.60 50.04 65.24 45.96 22.8 49.8 64.1 45.57
mclip 56.51 83.57 90.79 76.95 59.9 87.3 94.1 80.43
Taiyi-CLIP 52.52 81.10 89.93 74.52 45.80 75.80 88.10 69.90
CN-CLIP 64.10 88.79 94.40 82.43 61.00 84.40 93.10 79.5
altclip-xlmr-l 62.87 87.18 94.01 81.35 63.3 88.3 95.3 82.3
ZH-CLIP 68.00 89.46 95.44 84.30 68.50 90.10 96.50 85.03
#### Flickr30K-CN Retrieval (Official Test Set):
Model Text-to-Image Image-to-Text
R@1 R@5 R@10 Mean R@1 R@5 R@10 Mean
Clip-Chinese 17.76 40.34 51.88 36.66 30.4 55.30 67.10 50.93
mclip 62.3 86.42 92.58 80.43 84.4 97.3 98.9 93.53
Taiyi-CLIP 53.5 80.5 87.24 73.75 65.4 90.6 95.7 83.9
CN-CLIP 67.98 89.54 94.46 83.99 81.2 96.6 98.2 92.0
altclip-xlmr-l 69.16 89.94 94.5 84.53 85.1 97.7 99.2 94.0
ZH-CLIP 69.64 90.14 94.3 84.69 86.6 97.6 98.8 94.33
#### Muge Text-to-Image Retrieval (Official Validation Set):
Model Text-to-Image
R@1 R@5 R@10 Mean
Clip-Chinese 15.06 34.96 46.21 32.08
mclip 22.34 41.15 50.26 37.92
Taiyi-CLIP 42.09 67.75 77.21 62.35
cn-clip 56.25 79.87 86.50 74.21
altclip-xlmr-l 29.69 49.92 58.87 46.16
ZH-CLIP 56.75 79.75 86.66 74.38
#### Zero-shot Image Classification:
Model Zero-shot Classification (ACC1)
Clip-Chinese 86.85 44.21 18.40 34.86 14.21 3.87 32.63 14.37 52.49 67.73 22.22
mclip 92.88 65.54 29.57 46.76 41.18 7.20 23.21 52.80 51.64 77.56 42.99
Taiyi-CLIP 95.62 73.30 40.69 61.62 36.22 13.98 41.21 73.91 50.02 75.28 49.82
CN-CLIP 94.75 75.04 44.73 52.34 48.57 20.55 20.11 61.99 62.59 79.12 53.40
Altclip-xlmr-l 95.49 77.29 42.07 56.96 51.52 26.85 24.89 65.68 50.02 77.99 59.21
ZH-CLIP 97.08 80.73 47.66 51.58 48.48 20.73 20.11 61.94 62.31 78.07 56.87
## Getting Started ### Dependency * python >= 3.9 * pip install -r requirements.txt ### Inference You can clone code from https://github.com/thu-ml/zh-clip ```python from PIL import Image import requests from models.zhclip import ZhCLIPProcessor, ZhCLIPModel # Code in https://github.com/thu-ml/zh-clip version = 'thu-ml/zh-clip-vit-roberta-large-patch14' model = ZhCLIPModel.from_pretrained(version) processor = ZhCLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(version) url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) inputs = processor(text=["一只猫", "一只狗"], images=image, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) outputs = model(**inputs) image_features = outputs.image_features text_features = outputs.text_features text_probs = (image_features @ text_features.T).softmax(dim=-1) ``` ### Other Chinese CLIP Models In addition, to compare the effectiveness of different methods, the inference methods of other Chinese CLIP models have been integrated. For the convenience of use, the inference code has also been made public, and please contact us if there is any infringement. The code only implements models at the same level as clip-vit-large-patch14, but it may be adapted for the use of more different versions of models in the future. | # | model | alias | | :----: | :---------- | :---------- | | 0 | [ZH-CLIP](https://github.com/thu-ml/zh-clip) | zhclip | | 1 | [AltCLIP](https://github.com/FlagAI-Open/FlagAI/tree/master/examples/AltCLIP) | altclip | | 2 | [Chinese-CLIP](https://github.com/OFA-Sys/Chinese-CLIP) | cnclip | | 3 | [TaiyiCLIP](https://github.com/IDEA-CCNL/Fengshenbang-LM) | taiyiclip | | 4 | [Multilingual-CLIP](https://github.com/FreddeFrallan/Multilingual-CLIP) | mclip | | 5 | [CLIP-Chinese](https://github.com/yangjianxin1/CLIP-Chinese) | clip-chinese | Usage in [inference.py](https://github.com/thu-ml/zh-clip/blob/main/inference.py)