--- tags: - bertopic library_name: bertopic pipeline_tag: text-classification --- # tweets_deforestation_withoutRT_pt This is a [BERTopic](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic) model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets. ## Usage To use this model, please install BERTopic: ``` pip install -U bertopic ``` You can use the model as follows: ```python from bertopic import BERTopic topic_model = BERTopic.load("thiagoquilice/tweets_deforestation_withoutRT_pt") topic_model.get_topic_info() ``` ## Topic overview * Number of topics: 18 * Number of training documents: 21239
Click here for an overview of all topics. | Topic ID | Topic Keywords | Topic Frequency | Label | |----------|----------------|-----------------|-------| | -1 | brazil - the - amazon - soy - to | 152 | Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado due to Soy Production | | 0 | the - deforestation - to - in - amazon | 2949 | Deforestation in the Amazon | | 1 | soy - the - to - cerrado - and | 5520 | Deforestation and Soy Imports | | 2 | in - best - partners - hesitate - raze | 3354 | Deforestation of Indigenous Lands | | 3 | destruction - billions - fires - funds - with | 2337 | Deforestation in Brazil | | 4 | moratorium - soy - amazon - on - the | 1451 | Brazil's Soy Moratorium | | 5 | scandal - bragging - disappearance - anti - while | 1443 | Environmental scandal: BNP and deforestation | | 6 | hey - hypocrisy - talk - leader - you | 692 | Corporate hypocrisy in zero deforestation policies | | 7 | disappearance - scandal - bragging - anti - while | 562 | Deforestation scandal involving BNP | | 8 | fund - destruction - billions - fires - with | 512 | Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon and Cerrado regions | | 9 | partner - bnpparibas - number - burning - world | 460 | Deforestation partnership with BNPP | | 10 | palm - oil - sights - sets - danger | 380 | Threats to the Amazon rainforest: Palm oil expansion in Brazil | | 11 | caso - yo - my - soy - me | 367 | Twitter memes using "yo soy" phrase | | 12 | peasant - economy - amazonian - of - deforestation | 341 | Amazonian Peasant Economy and Deforestation | | 13 | dramatically - reduced - moratorium - brazil - soy | 201 | Brazil's Soy Moratorium and Deforestation Reduction | | 14 | faster - burns - destroyed - another - part | 179 | Deforestation in Brazil | | 15 | partner - bofa - bankofamerica - number - burning | 172 | Deforestation partnerships with Bank of America | | 16 | indigenouslivesmatter - indigenouspeoplematter - humanrights - amazoniasinextraccion - stopamazonextraction | 167 | Indigenous rights and environmental protection in the Amazon |
## Training hyperparameters * calculate_probabilities: False * language: None * low_memory: False * min_topic_size: 10 * n_gram_range: (1, 1) * nr_topics: None * seed_topic_list: None * top_n_words: 10 * verbose: True * zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7 * zeroshot_topic_list: None ## Framework versions * Numpy: 1.25.2 * HDBSCAN: 0.8.33 * UMAP: 0.5.6 * Pandas: 2.0.3 * Scikit-Learn: 1.2.2 * Sentence-transformers: 2.7.0 * Transformers: 4.40.2 * Numba: 0.58.1 * Plotly: 5.15.0 * Python: 3.10.12