--- language: - fr - en license: apache-2.0 tags: - code widget: - text: [|User|] Comment faire un bon plat ? [|Assistant|] model-index: - name: MiniMerlin-3B results: - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot) type: ai2_arc config: ARC-Challenge split: test args: num_few_shot: 25 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 44.37 name: normalized accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: HellaSwag (10-Shot) type: hellaswag split: validation args: num_few_shot: 10 metrics: - type: acc_norm value: 66.56 name: normalized accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: MMLU (5-Shot) type: cais/mmlu config: all split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 43.21 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: TruthfulQA (0-shot) type: truthful_qa config: multiple_choice split: validation args: num_few_shot: 0 metrics: - type: mc2 value: 47.07 source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: Winogrande (5-shot) type: winogrande config: winogrande_xl split: validation args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 64.4 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard - task: type: text-generation name: Text Generation dataset: name: GSM8k (5-shot) type: gsm8k config: main split: test args: num_few_shot: 5 metrics: - type: acc value: 20.17 name: accuracy source: url: https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard?query=teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B name: Open LLM Leaderboard --- SFT on a synthetic custom (french) dataset (2k), from general question answering, problem solving to code question. It's a POC. ```python from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from peft import PeftModel import torch model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B", revision="0.1", return_dict=True, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map='auto' ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("teilomillet/MiniMerlin-3B") tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token text = "[|User|] Comment faire un bon plat ? [|Assistant|]" inputs = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").to(0) outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=800) print(tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=False)) ``` # [Open LLM Leaderboard Evaluation Results](https://huggingface.co/spaces/HuggingFaceH4/open_llm_leaderboard) Detailed results can be found [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/open-llm-leaderboard/details_teilomillet__MiniMerlin-3B) | Metric |Value| |---------------------------------|----:| |Avg. |47.63| |AI2 Reasoning Challenge (25-Shot)|44.37| |HellaSwag (10-Shot) |66.56| |MMLU (5-Shot) |43.21| |TruthfulQA (0-shot) |47.07| |Winogrande (5-shot) |64.40| |GSM8k (5-shot) |20.17|