--- language: et license: cc-by-4.0 widget: - text: "Miks [MASK] ei taha mind kuulata?" --- --- # EstBERT ### What's this? The EstBERT model is a pretrained BERTBase model exclusively trained on Estonian cased corpus on both 128 and 512 sequence length of data. ### How to use? You can use the model transformer library both in tensorflow and pytorch version. ``` from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("tartuNLP/EstBERT") model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained("tartuNLP/EstBERT") ``` You can also download the pretrained model from here, [EstBERT_128]() [EstBERT_512]() #### Dataset used to train the model The EstBERT model is trained both on 128 and 512 sequence length of data. For training the EstBERT we used the [Estonian National Corpus 2017](https://metashare.ut.ee/repository/browse/estonian-national-corpus-2017/b616ceda30ce11e8a6e4005056b40024880158b577154c01bd3d3fcfc9b762b3/), which was the largest Estonian language corpus available at the time. It consists of four sub-corpora: Estonian Reference Corpus 1990-2008, Estonian Web Corpus 2013, Estonian Web Corpus 2017 and Estonian Wikipedia Corpus 2017. ### Reference to cite [Tanvir et al 2021](https://aclanthology.org/2021.nodalida-main.2) ### Why would I use? Overall EstBERT performs better in parts of speech (POS), name entity recognition (NER), rubric, and sentiment classification tasks compared to mBERT and XLM-RoBERTa. The comparative results can be found below; |Model |UPOS |XPOS |Morph |bf UPOS |bf XPOS |Morph | |--------------|----------------------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|----------------------------|----------------------------| | EstBERT | **_97.89_** | **98.40** | **96.93** | **97.84** | **_98.43_** | **_96.80_** | | mBERT | 97.42 | 98.06 | 96.24 | 97.43 | 98.13 | 96.13 | | XLM-RoBERTa | 97.78 | 98.36 | 96.53 | 97.80 | 98.40 | 96.69 | |Model|Rubric128 |Sentiment128 | Rubric128 |Sentiment512 | |-------------------|----------------------------|--------------------|-----------------------------------------------|----------------------------| | EstBERT | **_81.70_** | 74.36 | **80.96** | 74.50 | | mBERT | 75.67 | 70.23 | 74.94 | 69.52 | | XLM\-RoBERTa | 80.34 | **74.50** | 78.62 | **_76.07_**| |Model |Precicion128 |Recall128 |F1-Score128 |Precision512 |Recall512 |F1-Score512 | |--------------|----------------|----------------------------|----------------------------|----------------------------|-------------|----------------| | EstBERT | **88.42** | 90.38 |**_89.39_** | 88.35 | 89.74 | 89.04 | | mBERT | 85.88 | 87.09 | 86.51 |**_88.47_** | 88.28 | 88.37 | | XLM\-RoBERTa | 87.55 |**_91.19_** | 89.34 | 87.50 | **90.76** | **89.10** | ## BibTeX entry and citation info ``` @misc{tanvir2020estbert, title={EstBERT: A Pretrained Language-Specific BERT for Estonian}, author={Hasan Tanvir and Claudia Kittask and Kairit Sirts}, year={2020}, eprint={2011.04784}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```