--- language: - zh --- # 🤭 Please refer to https://github.com/svjack/Genshin-Impact-Character-Instruction to get more info ## Brief introduction ### BackGround [Genshin Impact](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/) is an action role-playing game developed by miHoYo, published by miHoYo in mainland China and worldwide by Cognosphere, HoYoverse. The game features an anime-style open-world environment and an action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching. In the Game, one can play many Characters to explore the amazing open-world environment.
Girl in a jacket

Below is the demo to generate response from Collei (柯莱), More Info can be found in [svjack/Genshin-Impact-Character-Instruction](https://github.com/svjack/Genshin-Impact-Character-Instruction) Install Following Library ```bash pip install llama-cpp-python pip install transformers pip install sentencepiece pip install protobuf ``` Use llama-cpp to generate ```python import llama_cpp import llama_cpp.llama_tokenizer llama = llama_cpp.Llama.from_pretrained( repo_id="svjack/genshin_impact_character_llamazh13b_ggml", filename="llama2zh-13b-3900-q4_0.gguf", tokenizer=llama_cpp.llama_tokenizer.LlamaHFTokenizer.from_pretrained("hfl/chinese-llama-2-13b"), verbose=False, n_gpu_layers = -1 ) response = llama.create_chat_completion( messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": ''' 下面是柯莱的一些基本信息 性别:少女女性 国籍:须弥 身份:化城郭见习巡林员 性格特征:善解人意,乐于助人 这些是一段角色介绍 「乐于助人」、「阳光善良」、「热情洋溢」⋯在化城郭内外稍加了解,就能听到人们对这位见习巡林员的称赞。 只要身体允许,无论学业如何繁忙,柯莱都不会怠慢巡林工作,更不吝于向各色行人伸出饱含热情的援手。 只是如此热诚积极的柯莱,似乎也有着不愿为人所知的过往与心事。 假如在她经常巡逻的林间,发现贴满奇怪字条的树洞,或是类似碎碎念的声响。 无论看到听到了什么,还请善解人意地绕道而行,权当作兰那罗开的小小玩笑。 毕竟有些琐事,是只能说与树洞听的一一至少目前还是。 柯莱如何评价巡林员的工作? ''' } ], stream=True ) for chunk in response: delta = chunk["choices"][0]["delta"] if "content" not in delta: continue print(delta["content"], end="", flush=True) print() ``` Output ```txt 「巡林」…听起来像是很神圣又很有威信的职业吧!不过我本人却只是一名见习巡林员而已,真想多向前辈请教一些东西呢。 ```