--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en library_name: fairseq pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition inference: false ---

# ARMHuBERT Model Card This repo contains the models from our paper [**Recycle-and-Distill: Universal Compression Strategy for Transformer-based Speech SSL Models with Attention Map Reusing and Masking Distillation**](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.11685), INTERSPEECH 2023. ## Model details **Model type:** ARMHuBERT is an open-source speech SSL model distilled from HuBERT-Base, by attention map reusing and masking distillation. We also provide the model checkpoints of MaskHuBERT (without attention map reusing) and ARMwavLM (wavLM-Base teacher). - Attention Map Reusing: Reuse previous layer's attention map to remove key & query parameters in Transformer. - Masking Distillation: Masking distillation treating masked frames and unmasked frames separately. **License:** Apache 2.0 License **Where to send questions or comments about the model:** https://github.com/sungnyun/ARMHuBERT/issues ## Training dataset Pretraining data: [LibriSpeech](https://www.openslr.org/12) - ``[ModelName]-100h.ckpt``: train-clean-100 - ``[ModelName]-960h.ckpt``: train-clean-100 + train-clean-360 + train-other-500
More detials are in our github, https://github.com/sungnyun/ARMHuBERT.