# Introduction This model translate between Yoda-ish to English and vice versa. It makes use of the [T5-base](https://huggingface.co/t5-base) model and finetuning. Basically it trains for 2 tasks using the same dataset. In Yoda-ish to English, trains # Dataset For this first version of the model I used a small sample of 20 Yoda quotes for training. I am in the midst of collecting more samples for training. # Usage **Input** For Yoda-ish to English, you can use the prefix "y_to_e: text" to pass in as the input. For English to Yodaish you can use the prefix "e_to_y: text" **Output** The translated sentence. E.g e_to_y: I am sick of you => Sick of you, I am # Spaces To try this model you can access it [here](https://huggingface.co/spaces/stephenleejm/yoda_translator)