--- language: de license: mit tags: - flair - token-classification - sequence-tagger-model base_model: deepset/gbert-base widget: - text: PASt ( KvD ) - Polizeipräsidium Westhessen [ Newsroom ] Wiesbaden ( ots ) - Am Sonntag , den 27.01.2019 führte die Autobahnpolizei Wiesbaden in Zusammenarbeit mit der Präsidialwache in der Zeit von 11:00 - 16:00 Uhr eine Geschwindigkeitsmessung in der Baustelle der A66 am Wiesbadener Kreuz durch . --- # Fine-tuned Flair Model on German MobIE Dataset with AutoTrain This Flair model was fine-tuned on the [German MobIE](https://aclanthology.org/2021.konvens-1.22/) NER Dataset using GBERT Base as backbone LM and the 🚀 [AutoTrain](https://github.com/huggingface/autotrain-advanced) library. ## Dataset The [German MobIE](https://github.com/DFKI-NLP/MobIE) dataset is a German-language dataset, which is human-annotated with 20 coarse- and fine-grained entity types and entity linking information for geographically linkable entities. The dataset consists of 3,232 social media texts and traffic reports with 91K tokens, and contains 20.5K annotated entities, 13.1K of which are linked to a knowledge base. The following named entities are annotated: * `location-stop` * `trigger` * `organization-company` * `location-city` * `location` * `event-cause` * `location-street` * `time` * `date` * `number` * `duration` * `organization` * `person` * `set` * `distance` * `disaster-type` * `money` * `org-position` * `percent` ## Fine-Tuning The latest [Flair version](https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/tree/42ea3f6854eba04387c38045f160c18bdaac07dc) is used for fine-tuning. Additionally, the model is trained with the [FLERT (Schweter and Akbik (2020)](https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.06993) approach, because the MobIE dataset thankfully comes with document boundary information marker. A hyper-parameter search over the following parameters with 5 different seeds per configuration is performed: * Batch Sizes: [`16`] * Learning Rates: [`5e-05`, `3e-05`] All models are trained with the awesome [AutoTrain Advanced](https://github.com/huggingface/autotrain-advanced) from Hugging Face. More details can be found in this [repository](https://github.com/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie). ## Results A hyper-parameter search with 5 different seeds per configuration is performed and micro F1-score on development set is reported: | Configuration | Seed 1 | Seed 2 | Seed 3 | Seed 4 | Seed 5 | Average | |--------------------|-----------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|--------------|-----------------| | `bs16-e10-lr5e-05` | [0.8446][1] | [0.8495][2] | [0.8455][3] | [0.8419][4] | [0.8476][5] | 0.8458 ± 0.0029 | | `bs16-e10-lr3e-05` | [**0.8392**][6] | [0.8445][7] | [0.8495][8] | [0.8381][9] | [0.8449][10] | 0.8432 ± 0.0046 | [1]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr5e-05-1 [2]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr5e-05-2 [3]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr5e-05-3 [4]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr5e-05-4 [5]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr5e-05-5 [6]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr3e-05-1 [7]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr3e-05-2 [8]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr3e-05-3 [9]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr3e-05-4 [10]: https:hf.co/stefan-it/autotrain-flair-mobie-gbert_base-bs16-e10-lr3e-05-5 The result in bold shows the performance of this model. Additionally, the Flair [training log](training.log) and [TensorBoard logs](tensorboard) are also uploaded to the model hub.