import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { ComfyDialog, $el } from "../../scripts/ui.js"; // Adds the ability to save and add multiple nodes as a template // To save: // Select multiple nodes (ctrl + drag to select a region or ctrl+click individual nodes) // Right click the canvas // Save Node Template -> give it a name // // To add: // Right click the canvas // Node templates -> click the one to add // // To delete/rename: // Right click the canvas // Node templates -> Manage const id = "Comfy.NodeTemplates"; class ManageTemplates extends ComfyDialog { constructor() { super(); this.element.classList.add("comfy-manage-templates"); this.templates = this.load(); } createButtons() { const btns = super.createButtons(); btns[0].textContent = "Cancel"; btns.unshift( $el("button", { type: "button", textContent: "Save", onclick: () =>, }) ); return btns; } load() { const templates = localStorage.getItem(id); if (templates) { return JSON.parse(templates); } else { return []; } } save() { // Find all visible inputs and save them as our new list const inputs = this.element.querySelectorAll("input"); const updated = []; for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i]; if ( !== "none") { const t = this.templates[i]; = input.value.trim() || input.getAttribute("data-name"); updated.push(t); } } this.templates = updated;; this.close(); } store() { localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(this.templates)); } show() { // Show list of template names + delete button $el( "div", { style: { display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "1fr auto", gap: "5px", }, }, this.templates.flatMap((t) => { let nameInput; return [ $el( "label", { textContent: "Name: ", }, [ $el("input", { value:, dataset: { name: }, $: (el) => (nameInput = el), }), ] ), $el("button", { textContent: "Delete", style: { fontSize: "12px", color: "red", fontWeight: "normal", }, onclick: (e) => { nameInput.value = ""; = "none"; = "none"; }, }), ]; }) ) ); } } app.registerExtension({ name: id, setup() { const manage = new ManageTemplates(); const clipboardAction = (cb) => { // We use the clipboard functions but dont want to overwrite the current user clipboard // Restore it after we've run our callback const old = localStorage.getItem("litegrapheditor_clipboard"); cb(); localStorage.setItem("litegrapheditor_clipboard", old); }; const orig = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions; LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions = function () { const options = orig.apply(this, arguments); options.push(null); options.push({ content: `Save Selected as Template`, disabled: !Object.keys(app.canvas.selected_nodes || {}).length, callback: () => { const name = prompt("Enter name"); if (!name || !name.trim()) return; clipboardAction(() => { app.canvas.copyToClipboard(); manage.templates.push({ name, data: localStorage.getItem("litegrapheditor_clipboard"), });; }); }, }); // Map each template to a menu item const subItems = => ({ content:, callback: () => { clipboardAction(() => { localStorage.setItem("litegrapheditor_clipboard",; app.canvas.pasteFromClipboard(); }); }, })); if (subItems.length) { subItems.push(null, { content: "Manage", callback: () =>, }); options.push({ content: "Node Templates", submenu: { options: subItems, }, }); } return options; }; }, });