import {app} from "../../scripts/app.js"; import {$el} from "../../scripts/ui.js"; // Manage color palettes const colorPalettes = { "dark": { "id": "dark", "name": "Dark (Default)", "colors": { "node_slot": { "CLIP": "#FFD500", // bright yellow "CLIP_VISION": "#A8DADC", // light blue-gray "CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#ad7452", // rusty brown-orange "CONDITIONING": "#FFA931", // vibrant orange-yellow "CONTROL_NET": "#6EE7B7", // soft mint green "IMAGE": "#64B5F6", // bright sky blue "LATENT": "#FF9CF9", // light pink-purple "MASK": "#81C784", // muted green "MODEL": "#B39DDB", // light lavender-purple "STYLE_MODEL": "#C2FFAE", // light green-yellow "VAE": "#FF6E6E", // bright red "TAESD": "#DCC274", // cheesecake }, "litegraph_base": { "BACKGROUND_IMAGE": "", "CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR": "#222", "NODE_TITLE_COLOR": "#999", "NODE_SELECTED_TITLE_COLOR": "#FFF", "NODE_TEXT_SIZE": 14, "NODE_TEXT_COLOR": "#AAA", "NODE_SUBTEXT_SIZE": 12, "NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR": "#333", "NODE_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR": "#353535", "NODE_DEFAULT_BOXCOLOR": "#666", "NODE_DEFAULT_SHAPE": "box", "NODE_BOX_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#FFF", "DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", "DEFAULT_GROUP_FONT": 24, "WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#222", "WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#666", "WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#DDD", "WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR": "#999", "LINK_COLOR": "#9A9", "EVENT_LINK_COLOR": "#A86", "CONNECTING_LINK_COLOR": "#AFA", }, "comfy_base": { "fg-color": "#fff", "bg-color": "#202020", "comfy-menu-bg": "#353535", "comfy-input-bg": "#222", "input-text": "#ddd", "descrip-text": "#999", "drag-text": "#ccc", "error-text": "#ff4444", "border-color": "#4e4e4e", "tr-even-bg-color": "#222", "tr-odd-bg-color": "#353535", } }, }, "light": { "id": "light", "name": "Light", "colors": { "node_slot": { "CLIP": "#FFA726", // orange "CLIP_VISION": "#5C6BC0", // indigo "CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#8D6E63", // brown "CONDITIONING": "#EF5350", // red "CONTROL_NET": "#66BB6A", // green "IMAGE": "#42A5F5", // blue "LATENT": "#AB47BC", // purple "MASK": "#9CCC65", // light green "MODEL": "#7E57C2", // deep purple "STYLE_MODEL": "#D4E157", // lime "VAE": "#FF7043", // deep orange }, "litegraph_base": { "BACKGROUND_IMAGE": "", "CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR": "lightgray", "NODE_TITLE_COLOR": "#222", "NODE_SELECTED_TITLE_COLOR": "#000", "NODE_TEXT_SIZE": 14, "NODE_TEXT_COLOR": "#444", "NODE_SUBTEXT_SIZE": 12, "NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR": "#F7F7F7", "NODE_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR": "#F5F5F5", "NODE_DEFAULT_BOXCOLOR": "#CCC", "NODE_DEFAULT_SHAPE": "box", "NODE_BOX_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#000", "DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)", "DEFAULT_GROUP_FONT": 24, "WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#D4D4D4", "WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#999", "WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#222", "WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR": "#555", "LINK_COLOR": "#4CAF50", "EVENT_LINK_COLOR": "#FF9800", "CONNECTING_LINK_COLOR": "#2196F3", }, "comfy_base": { "fg-color": "#222", "bg-color": "#DDD", "comfy-menu-bg": "#F5F5F5", "comfy-input-bg": "#C9C9C9", "input-text": "#222", "descrip-text": "#444", "drag-text": "#555", "error-text": "#F44336", "border-color": "#888", "tr-even-bg-color": "#f9f9f9", "tr-odd-bg-color": "#fff", } }, }, "solarized": { "id": "solarized", "name": "Solarized", "colors": { "node_slot": { "CLIP": "#2AB7CA", // light blue "CLIP_VISION": "#6c71c4", // blue violet "CLIP_VISION_OUTPUT": "#859900", // olive green "CONDITIONING": "#d33682", // magenta "CONTROL_NET": "#d1ffd7", // light mint green "IMAGE": "#5940bb", // deep blue violet "LATENT": "#268bd2", // blue "MASK": "#CCC9E7", // light purple-gray "MODEL": "#dc322f", // red "STYLE_MODEL": "#1a998a", // teal "UPSCALE_MODEL": "#054A29", // dark green "VAE": "#facfad", // light pink-orange }, "litegraph_base": { "NODE_TITLE_COLOR": "#fdf6e3", // Base3 "NODE_SELECTED_TITLE_COLOR": "#A9D400", "NODE_TEXT_SIZE": 14, "NODE_TEXT_COLOR": "#657b83", // Base00 "NODE_SUBTEXT_SIZE": 12, "NODE_DEFAULT_COLOR": "#094656", "NODE_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR": "#073642", // Base02 "NODE_DEFAULT_BOXCOLOR": "#839496", // Base0 "NODE_DEFAULT_SHAPE": "box", "NODE_BOX_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#fdf6e3", // Base3 "DEFAULT_SHADOW_COLOR": "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", "DEFAULT_GROUP_FONT": 24, "WIDGET_BGCOLOR": "#002b36", // Base03 "WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR": "#839496", // Base0 "WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR": "#fdf6e3", // Base3 "WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR": "#93a1a1", // Base1 "LINK_COLOR": "#2aa198", // Solarized Cyan "EVENT_LINK_COLOR": "#268bd2", // Solarized Blue "CONNECTING_LINK_COLOR": "#859900", // Solarized Green }, "comfy_base": { "fg-color": "#fdf6e3", // Base3 "bg-color": "#002b36", // Base03 "comfy-menu-bg": "#073642", // Base02 "comfy-input-bg": "#002b36", // Base03 "input-text": "#93a1a1", // Base1 "descrip-text": "#586e75", // Base01 "drag-text": "#839496", // Base0 "error-text": "#dc322f", // Solarized Red "border-color": "#657b83", // Base00 "tr-even-bg-color": "#002b36", "tr-odd-bg-color": "#073642", } }, } }; const id = "Comfy.ColorPalette"; const idCustomColorPalettes = "Comfy.CustomColorPalettes"; const defaultColorPaletteId = "dark"; const els = {} // const ctxMenu = LiteGraph.ContextMenu; app.registerExtension({ name: id, addCustomNodeDefs(node_defs) { const sortObjectKeys = (unordered) => { return Object.keys(unordered).sort().reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = unordered[key]; return obj; }, {}); }; function getSlotTypes() { var types = []; const defs = node_defs; for (const nodeId in defs) { const nodeData = defs[nodeId]; var inputs = nodeData["input"]["required"]; if (nodeData["input"]["optional"] !== undefined) { inputs = Object.assign({}, nodeData["input"]["required"], nodeData["input"]["optional"]) } for (const inputName in inputs) { const inputData = inputs[inputName]; const type = inputData[0]; if (!Array.isArray(type)) { types.push(type); } } for (const o in nodeData["output"]) { const output = nodeData["output"][o]; types.push(output); } } return types; } function completeColorPalette(colorPalette) { var types = getSlotTypes(); for (const type of types) { if (!colorPalette.colors.node_slot[type]) { colorPalette.colors.node_slot[type] = ""; } } colorPalette.colors.node_slot = sortObjectKeys(colorPalette.colors.node_slot); return colorPalette; } const getColorPaletteTemplate = async () => { let colorPalette = { "id": "my_color_palette_unique_id", "name": "My Color Palette", "colors": { "node_slot": {}, "litegraph_base": {}, "comfy_base": {} } }; // Copy over missing keys from default color palette const defaultColorPalette = colorPalettes[defaultColorPaletteId]; for (const key in defaultColorPalette.colors.litegraph_base) { if (!colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base[key]) { colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base[key] = ""; } } for (const key in defaultColorPalette.colors.comfy_base) { if (!colorPalette.colors.comfy_base[key]) { colorPalette.colors.comfy_base[key] = ""; } } return completeColorPalette(colorPalette); }; const getCustomColorPalettes = () => { return app.ui.settings.getSettingValue(idCustomColorPalettes, {}); }; const setCustomColorPalettes = (customColorPalettes) => { return app.ui.settings.setSettingValue(idCustomColorPalettes, customColorPalettes); }; const addCustomColorPalette = async (colorPalette) => { if (typeof (colorPalette) !== "object") { alert("Invalid color palette."); return; } if (! { alert("Color palette missing id."); return; } if (! { alert("Color palette missing name."); return; } if (!colorPalette.colors) { alert("Color palette missing colors."); return; } if (colorPalette.colors.node_slot && typeof (colorPalette.colors.node_slot) !== "object") { alert("Invalid color palette colors.node_slot."); return; } const customColorPalettes = getCustomColorPalettes(); customColorPalettes[] = colorPalette; setCustomColorPalettes(customColorPalettes); for (const option of { if (option.value === "custom_" + {; } }$el("option", { textContent: + " (custom)", value: "custom_" +, selected: true })); setColorPalette("custom_" +; await loadColorPalette(colorPalette); }; const deleteCustomColorPalette = async (colorPaletteId) => { const customColorPalettes = getCustomColorPalettes(); delete customColorPalettes[colorPaletteId]; setCustomColorPalettes(customColorPalettes); for (const option of { if (option.value === defaultColorPaletteId) { option.selected = true; } if (option.value === "custom_" + colorPaletteId) {; } } setColorPalette(defaultColorPaletteId); await loadColorPalette(getColorPalette()); }; const loadColorPalette = async (colorPalette) => { colorPalette = await completeColorPalette(colorPalette); if (colorPalette.colors) { // Sets the colors of node slots and links if (colorPalette.colors.node_slot) { Object.assign(app.canvas.default_connection_color_byType, colorPalette.colors.node_slot); Object.assign(LGraphCanvas.link_type_colors, colorPalette.colors.node_slot); } // Sets the colors of the LiteGraph objects if (colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base) { // Everything updates correctly in the loop, except the Node Title and Link Color for some reason app.canvas.node_title_color = colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base.NODE_TITLE_COLOR; app.canvas.default_link_color = colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base.LINK_COLOR; for (const key in colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base) { if (colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base.hasOwnProperty(key) && LiteGraph.hasOwnProperty(key)) { LiteGraph[key] = colorPalette.colors.litegraph_base[key]; } } } // Sets the color of ComfyUI elements if (colorPalette.colors.comfy_base) { const rootStyle =; for (const key in colorPalette.colors.comfy_base) { rootStyle.setProperty('--' + key, colorPalette.colors.comfy_base[key]); } } app.canvas.draw(true, true); } }; const getColorPalette = (colorPaletteId) => { if (!colorPaletteId) { colorPaletteId = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue(id, defaultColorPaletteId); } if (colorPaletteId.startsWith("custom_")) { colorPaletteId = colorPaletteId.substr(7); let customColorPalettes = getCustomColorPalettes(); if (customColorPalettes[colorPaletteId]) { return customColorPalettes[colorPaletteId]; } } return colorPalettes[colorPaletteId]; }; const setColorPalette = (colorPaletteId) => { app.ui.settings.setSettingValue(id, colorPaletteId); }; const fileInput = $el("input", { type: "file", accept: ".json", style: {display: "none"}, parent: document.body, onchange: () => { const file = fileInput.files[0]; if (file.type === "application/json" ||".json")) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = async () => { await addCustomColorPalette(JSON.parse(reader.result)); }; reader.readAsText(file); } }, }); app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id, name: "Color Palette", type: (name, setter, value) => { const options = [ ...Object.values(colorPalettes).map(c=> $el("option", { textContent:, value:, selected: === value })), ...Object.values(getCustomColorPalettes()).map(c=>$el("option", { textContent: `${} (custom)`, value: `custom_${}`, selected: `custom_${}` === value })) , ]; = $el("select", { style: { marginBottom: "0.15rem", width: "100%", }, onchange: (e) => { setter(; } }, options) return $el("tr", [ $el("td", [ $el("label", { for: id.replaceAll(".", "-"), textContent: "Color palette", }), ]), $el("td", [, $el("div", { style: { display: "grid", gap: "4px", gridAutoFlow: "column", }, }, [ $el("input", { type: "button", value: "Export", onclick: async () => { const colorPaletteId = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue(id, defaultColorPaletteId); const colorPalette = await completeColorPalette(getColorPalette(colorPaletteId)); const json = JSON.stringify(colorPalette, null, 2); // convert the data to a JSON string const blob = new Blob([json], {type: "application/json"}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = $el("a", { href: url, download: colorPaletteId + ".json", style: {display: "none"}, parent: document.body, });; setTimeout(function () { a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); }, }), $el("input", { type: "button", value: "Import", onclick: () => {; } }), $el("input", { type: "button", value: "Template", onclick: async () => { const colorPalette = await getColorPaletteTemplate(); const json = JSON.stringify(colorPalette, null, 2); // convert the data to a JSON string const blob = new Blob([json], {type: "application/json"}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = $el("a", { href: url, download: "color_palette.json", style: {display: "none"}, parent: document.body, });; setTimeout(function () { a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } }), $el("input", { type: "button", value: "Delete", onclick: async () => { let colorPaletteId = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue(id, defaultColorPaletteId); if (colorPalettes[colorPaletteId]) { alert("You cannot delete a built-in color palette."); return; } if (colorPaletteId.startsWith("custom_")) { colorPaletteId = colorPaletteId.substr(7); } await deleteCustomColorPalette(colorPaletteId); } }), ]), ]), ]) }, defaultValue: defaultColorPaletteId, async onChange(value) { if (!value) { return; } let palette = colorPalettes[value]; if (palette) { await loadColorPalette(palette); } else if (value.startsWith("custom_")) { value = value.substr(7); let customColorPalettes = getCustomColorPalettes(); if (customColorPalettes[value]) { palette = customColorPalettes[value]; await loadColorPalette(customColorPalettes[value]); } } let {BACKGROUND_IMAGE, CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR} = palette.colors.litegraph_base; if (BACKGROUND_IMAGE === undefined || CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR === undefined) { const base = colorPalettes["dark"].colors.litegraph_base; BACKGROUND_IMAGE = base.BACKGROUND_IMAGE; CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR = base.CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR; } app.canvas.updateBackground(BACKGROUND_IMAGE, CLEAR_BACKGROUND_COLOR); }, }); }, });