import torch from speechbrain.pretrained import Pretrained class CustomSLUDecoder(Pretrained): """A end-to-end SLU model using hubert self-supervised encoder. The class can be used either to run only the encoder (encode()) to extract features or to run the entire model (decode()) to map the speech to its semantics. Example ------- >>> from speechbrain.pretrained.interfaces import foreign_class >>> slu_model = foreign_class(source="speechbrain/slu-timers-and-such-direct-librispeech-asr", pymodule_file="", classname="CustomEncoderWav2vec2Classifier") >>> slu_model.decode_file("samples/audio_samples/example6.wav") "{'intent': 'SimpleMath', 'slots': {'number1': 37.67, 'number2': 75.7, 'op': ' minus '}}" """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.tokenizer = self.hparams.tokenizer def decode_file(self, path): """Maps the given audio file to a string representing the semantic dictionary for the utterance. Arguments --------- path : str Path to audio file to decode. Returns ------- str The predicted semantics. """ waveform = self.load_audio(path) waveform = # Fake a batch: batch = waveform.unsqueeze(0) rel_length = torch.tensor([1.0]) predicted_words, predicted_tokens = self.decode_batch(batch, rel_length) return predicted_words[0] def encode_batch(self, wavs): """Encodes the input audio into a sequence of hidden states Arguments --------- wavs : torch.tensor Batch of waveforms [batch, time, channels] or [batch, time] depending on the model. Returns ------- torch.tensor The encoded batch """ wavs = wavs.float() wavs = encoder_out = self.mods.hubert(wavs.detach()) return encoder_out def decode_batch(self, wavs, wav_lens): """Maps the input audio to its semantics Arguments --------- wavs : torch.tensor Batch of waveforms [batch, time, channels] or [batch, time] depending on the model. wav_lens : torch.tensor Lengths of the waveforms relative to the longest one in the batch, tensor of shape [batch]. The longest one should have relative length 1.0 and others len(waveform) / max_length. Used for ignoring padding. Returns ------- list Each waveform in the batch decoded. tensor Each predicted token id. """ with torch.no_grad(): wavs, wav_lens =, encoder_out = self.encode_batch(wavs) predicted_tokens, scores = self.mods.beam_searcher( encoder_out, wav_lens ) predicted_words = [ self.tokenizer.decode_ids(token_seq) for token_seq in predicted_tokens ] return predicted_words, predicted_tokens def forward(self, wavs, wav_lens): """Runs full decoding - note: no gradients through decoding""" return self.decode_batch(wavs, wav_lens)