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His feet are starting to bleed. ", "Got this bad boy on the market, Travis Scott Air Max 1 saturn gold. Comes with original box and barcode. Contact for more details @trvisXX @Nike #sneaker #nike #TravisScott #dunks ", "Offspring Restock: Nike Dunk Low Trainers Phantom Iron Ore Brown European_Union: #Sneakers ", "ad: Nike Dunk High 'White / Black' via DTLR BUY HERE -> ", "Run me that lifetime supply of bootseyes @Nike", "Bid on big brands label Browse the huge range of big brands in Marchington this week including DeWalt, Dior, Nike and more. Bid here backhand_index_pointing_right ", "AD: Dropped via SSENSE Nike Air Humara Midnight Navy Faded Spruce ", "Dropped via SSENSE Nike x Premium Goods Air Force 1 => ", "A Look Back At A Decade Of Nike's Black History Month Collection ", "Throughout these past days I checked it's not near my room so that I like Starbucks. Nike is great night.", "Hahaha. Nike don mix up Naija jersey for Liverpool.", "@SteveNorrisTV @nike_shauna Yes, but he said that sometimes if they just rest- they recover and he sat it up there to let it settle down and recover. He then said that he did not survive. If he was never back there until he found them- why would he know he died? He said he left right after he took the chicken", "Customized Nike Air Jordan Retro 15 XV Stealth Sneakers Fly Ki by LionessPrints via @Etsy", "Cristiano Ronaldo Did Not Cast Vote At FIFA Awards Where Lionel Messi Won. This Is The Reason - NDTV Sports #LosAngeles #love #sports #nike", "@FitzDunk Genna, I did affi give you a subscribe after your last video on Nike. You did stick pon 69… firefirefire", " Speaking of I got a question, can we get a re-release of the teal jerseys? But have them say Memphis instead also Memphis never got an earned jersey for playoffs eyes ", "Franchised DT Daron Payne 'would've been on the Browns radar' - Dawgs By Nature #Dallas #nike #sports #workout", "Judge getting that Nike/Jordan deal soon", "Nike Court Air Zoom Vapor Pro Tennis Women's Sz 6.5 Shoes Multicolor CZ0222-400 eBay ", "@GenePicone2 @Nike Last two shoes I bought ripped. Warmup pants ripped. Not after a lot of wear either.", "The night that I learned I had no radishes, Jesus Christ, the son of god, crawled out of my air ducts to show off his new Nike sneakers, and I was so miserable that all I could do was stuff him back into my air ducts .", "@TheOvalPawffice I love her red high-heeled_shoe. Next she needs to wear Nike shoes.", "@Nike @GUESS @NestleFr @microsoftfrance IMPT « carbon credits crypto project » claims to be in partnership with you ? What can you say about this? Cause it looks like a scam! ", "Ad: Nike Air Force 1 '07 White/White-Lt Photo Blue ​ ", "What’s really crazy is Nike been tracking SNKRS Ls per user at least since 2018 and still won’t give people they know rarely ever get EA access and continue to give some of the same people or new people with no history access first constantly", "On the last day of #blackhistorymonth we celebrate our diver, Kristen Hayden (@kristen_hayden)! Kristen became the first African American woman to win a national title in diving. Kristen celebrates Nike Agunbiade, who became the first woman of color to win two Pac-12 titles. ", "@DucklingVenom Nike is good tbh just these leaks so far are bad", "@GarbageApe We were so innocent back then. Before the Fall", "@TheSiteSupply Well I already got a W on the AMM 12s so ima go with either the Tiffany AF1s or the Nike SB 4s firefirefire", "@OscarPr31751228 @SOLELINKS Fawk Snkrs Exclusive Access, they hype it up just to screw you up!! They gave me Exclusive Access on the Lost n Found, only to allocate a warehouse that were experiencing delays and I never got my shoe! Nike could have done something about it, but didn't try to make it right. Fake!", "The #NikeAirHuarache Craft Receives The “Coconut Milk” Treatment: Spring is just around the corner, and Nike is… Follow @tensolesdown ", "Ssense EU Restock: Nike White Ambush Edition Air Force 1 Low Sp Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "AD: Dropped today Jordan Why Not .6 'Bright Crimson/Volt' DSG Finishline $10 off w/code FNLFAM JDsports Nike ", "Sneaker News: The Nike Air Huarache Craft Receives The “Coconut Milk” Treatment #sneaker ", "@mulherv1ado @hateroIogy @icaica_10 Then why didn't nike/victim take it up with the police and file a report? Where is the police report from 2016? Why did they continue to work with him until 2019, and bring this up when he decided to drop them for Puma?", "@CABBIE96 Delete those Nikes and put a pair of Clark's on", "Ad: Nike Grade School Air Force 1 White/Bright Crimson-Photo Blue ​ ", "@Fwiz @0xPolygon @BankofAmerica @Starbucks @Nike Is it true that Polygon is susceptible to a simple multisig attack? How many of the keys do you have access to?", "A Chill \"Worn Blue\" Covers the Nike Zoom Vomero 5 take you to SSENSE || COP that on StockX > ", "Nike have it as part of their contract to produce an awful away kit every season it seems.", "@AStheGOAT24 Funny enough I found these at a Nike clearance outlet store. Different style but the quality is same >>>> Appreciate you brotha ", "#GiveawayAlert megaphone Final Countdown 8hrs Left Your #Big #Win Awaits Dont get #LeftBehind in the Dust Subscribe Like Comment Follow Upvote You Are Appreciated @greydaygamers Gotta have a #PS5 for #PSVR2 #VRgaming #SupportSmallStreams Goal 1k Subscribers Be the #One \" JustDoIt\" #Nike", "Nike Mens Dry Victory Polo, Photo Blue/White, Xx-Large ~ #cricket #ad ", "#TravisScott x #Nike #SBDunk Low Premium Special Box ", "@DaveOCKOP This should be our away kit for 23/24 @Nike get your act together this is the Best away kit the club has ever had ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air Force 1 Low 'Triple White' is now available via @FinishLine! |$110| #give @Nike >>> ", "Ad: Restock: Nike Air VaporMax Plus Men's Shoes Black/Black/Dark Grey United_States ", "So I ordered some new shoes since they had a good deal on them, this is what I ordered and this is what I got. And now both shoes are out thanks @Nike. Kinda easy to point out that I got a pair of kids' shoes and women's shoes instead of men's 12.5 and 13 shoes. ", "Nike Women's Aerobic Visor #Amazon ", "Nike Kyrie Infinity 1 World 1 People Sweet Beet CZ0204-600 #Kyrie #Nike #Follow", "Nike check_mark_button", "beau and irina are like nike and mcdonalds. beau is doing it and irina is loving it.", "Ssense US Restock: Nike Off-White Undercover Edition Moc Flow Sp United_States: #Sneakers ", "Ad: Does DJ Khaled need another Jordan collab? Available via Nike US DJ Khaled x Air Jordan 5 \"Crimson Bliss\" FREE shipping and returns MEN ($225) >> GS ($160) >> ", "@Olanikeajagun01 so finally Nike finds lovebeaming_face_with_smiling_eyes", "@LiverpoolLatam @Nike Mas fea ...", "@cydelmg @BagHoldingNFTs @Nike They are doing what they should have 'not being in a rush. #TeamRTFKT", "@BagHoldingNFTs @youarestoic @Nike @RTFKT I think your opinion is totally fair. Only time will tell..", "This Receiver's Combine Performance Could Make Him a Raven - #LosAngeles #nike #sports #fitness", "Ssense EU Restock: Nike Black Slam Jam Edition Air Force 1 Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "A $70 hoodie should not be creating all the lint in the world even after 2 washes @Nike", "Outside with it…red_heart #Nike #LostandFound #Kotd ", "@Nike: just do it. @GovWike: over do it. #electionresults2023 #INECElectionResult", "@LenRavelo42 @Fanatics @Dodgers You check @Nike", "Currently there's a commercial where AT&T says my phone should be on Antiques Road Show while another commercial has LeBron James making fun of the Nikes I wear. I didn't need Lily from AT&T or Lebron James to tell me I'm uncool. I know that already. thumbs_up", "NIKE MATTE BLACK METAL EYEGLASSES ", "Nike Tampa Bay Buccaneers Custom #00 Men's Red Color Rush Limited Jersey ", "Idk what Nike got goin on smh. Still no Shipping confirmation…", "Biggest thing I miss from last year is Nike ID. So many options and shoe models to choose from", "running_shoe Nike PH Sale #NikePH #NikeSale #NikePhilippines ", "@Candynsis40 Cool story, in 1966 they started a bus line to take kids to the beach, cut down on hitch hiking, the news was on bus asking if we liked it, I got off bus & camera guy followed us,I'd embroidered Just Do It on my jean shorts, later I saw it on 5pm newssmiling_face_with_sunglassesrolling_on_the_floor_laughingso Nike I want my cut$$", "Nike Air Max 2021 Mens Running Trainers DA1925 Sneakers Shoes (UK 10 US 11 EU 45, Ghost Obsidian Ashen Slate 002) $269.21 1st_place_medal ", "@AHumanoidDroid @Mdixon55 And if you want to go down the canceling path better look at the gop: Disney, M&Ms, Cheney, Hillary, CRT, LGBTQ+, Dixie chicks, women comedians, Nike, bill gates, Apple, Starbucks, anyone who doesn't agree with them, women with a brain... ", "AD: Dropping at 12am PT/3am ET Nike Air Force 1 Low Jewel 'Safety Orange' Endclothing -> Sizes available now on Revolve Shop -> ", "@snkr_twitr The way I see it, Nike is helping me save money every time I take an L.", "#Nike #SB #Dunk Low #StreetHawker 2021 CV1628-800 ", "where my old nike coworkers at that still work there? Lol I need a favor", "Attention Athletes! Closed-toed footwear WITH LACES is required for lifting. Hey Dudes and Crocs don't count. If cushy running shoes are uncomfortable look for something like Nike Metcons or cross-trainers with less padding in them. Converse or Vans work as well as anything.", "@NikesofLasso When is Nike releasing these jerseys", "Nike Beige Air Max 1 Sail & Volt Sneakers Dropped on SSENSE --> Small sizes ", "3D billboards to celebrate the reveal of the Louis Vuitton and Nike “Air Force 1” by Virgil Abloh partnership by AoiroStudio - ", "@nike_shauna @SteveNorrisTV Thank you!!! I've been wondering how he knew so much about what happened to that chicken- you would think that he would never have thought about it again given what the rest of his evening turned into.", "Oregon Eggshell White White & Chameleon Green / Dark Bronze Helmet Concept!! - Ombre Eggshell White & Chameleon Green / Dark Bronze Face Mask -The wings are similar to the colors of the 2012-14 white jersey wings & numbers. (Ex. 2013 vs Nicholls State) #GoDucks #Nike ", " _Nicole _twitr I received my L&F's in a Nike Pass. It was during the chaos drop. I had just started following _kw they were so genuinely nice and kind to me. These were a gift to my baby boy who is 14. I wore 'em 85 so I never put these toe. He has… ", "@Fwiz @0xPolygon @BankofAmerica @Starbucks @Nike shut up geek", "Ssense US Restock: Nike White Ambush Edition Air Force 1 Low Sp United_States: #Sneakers ", "@makeupnkickz @Nike I love the blue.", "Nike Sportswear Dunk Unisex Football Grey/Mineral Teal/Pearl Pink link on Zal #sneakers #sneakerhead #reseller", "“University Red” And “Coconut Milk” Coordinate Across The Nike Air Force 1 Sculpt ", "I wan pair of black Nike bakin's", "I feel like I'm wearing a cape on when I'm wearing Nike check_box_with_check", "um Alex Morgan's fit for the FIFA Best awards was made from two Nike trench coats, OUT OF TWO TRENCH COATS exploding_head ", "@PownicMania5000 Super Mario Bros. Versus a movie about Nike shoes? April 5 competition!film_frames", "I need all involved at Nike prosecuted", "@hushkyle Tbf the music decent enough to get her somewhere and she fits nike tbh", "A lil' custom work with one of, if not, the greatest cartoon ever. #goku socks #dragonballz #snkrsliveheatingup #snkrs #yoursneakersaredope #kotd #WDYWT #bhmkotd #SnkrsKickCheck #jordan #Nike #YourSneakersAreDope #Kicksoftheday #whatsonyourfeet ", "Air Jordan Nike Boys GS Dub Zero Camo Basketball Sneakers Shoes 5.5Y 5.5 NEW eBay ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike LeBron 20 'The Debut' is now available via @champssports! |$200| #ad @KingJames @Nike >>> ", "@BIGHOMIEJULIO face_with_tears_of_joyface_with_tears_of_joyyou not alone", "Ad: Restock: Nike Air Force 1 '07 Men's Shoes White/White United_States ", "@_kaliclaire Hope it's going well smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes have you chosen any Nikes to wear tonight? x", "I wish Nike would take inspiration from the 99/00 Barça shirts when creating our shirts for next season ", "Are nike air forces nice to people with a wide front to their feet?", "By far and away the WORST kit of the Nike era, it's on par with that shambles 13/14 third kit", "@aXxGamerxXx @BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Every business is focused on profit. I promise the million$$$ yuga got from vcs wasn't charity", "@TDA3397 @Nike more politically motivated for me", "currently crying bc i think i lost my nike pro pants and them were my fav pantsbroken_heart", "CHECK THIS OUT white_heart #nike #arte #nikecollab #collab #artexnike #artenike #arteantwerp #graphicdesigner #graphicart #conceptualart Project by: @IggyTeed ", "now who on the nike advertising team approved this ad?face_with_raised_eyebrowcamera_with_flash ", "Bryson Tiller's cultural impact was special. Niggas on campus was wearing nike caps and growing beards lol ", "Offspring Restock: Nike Dunk Low Trainers Black Team Gold Coconut Milk Particle Grey European_Union: #Sneakers ", "June 22nd is the NBA Draft. June 24th is the start of the FIBA ​​U19's. July 3rd is the final Nike EYBL event. July 7th it the Las Vegas Summer League.. Right after the draft it's still going to be an absolutely awesome time for basketball as a scout and a fan.", "@Braden_LFC What on earth were Nike thinking face_vomiting", "@j3_jets @PFF See Drew has on lifts and Bryce has on Nike slides", "@ChristianLukens Nah i wasn't a homer back when I was learning to watch the game. And Davids was in all the Nike commercials.", "@I_Buy_NFTs Yep, web 3 going to teach Nike a lesson. About time too.", "The Travis Scott x Nike Air Jordan 1 Low WMNS “Olive” will be releasing Wednesday April 26th in women's (with extended sizing) preschool and toddler sizing, retailing for $150 dollars, style code DZ4137-106. Photo: fk.shane ", "Last I recall Nike supported anti police BLM'ers now want police protection - Out Of Control: Nike Begs Portland Mayor For Police Protection When Store Re-Opens ", "MARCH 2023 AIR JORDAN + NIKE RELEASE DATES firefirefire ", "Sorry Portland, but this is just hysterical! You have created such a toilet out of your city! They don't have enough cops (Wonder why?) to even let someone else pay them to do the job!!! Nike begs Portland mayor to protect shuttered store ", "Ad: Nike Off-White Undercover Edition Moc Flow SP Sneakers ​ ", "Detailed Look at the Nike Air Max 1 '86 \"Big Bubble\" ", "RESTOCK Nike Nike Kids' Air Jordan 1 Low Se Sneaker on Nordstrom ", " The article is on block.", "@Fwiz @0xPolygon @BankofAmerica @Starbucks @Nike Great job. Building a strong network and collaborating with the right brands. Polygon is growing during the bearpirate_flaghandshake", "@Official_Glenns @Nike With that gold on the trim that looks like what Sonny would have us wearing.. lol. Do you know if they are going to sell the girls swim jerseys? Those were nice. Tried to find one of the old club Hockey jerseys.", "Same guy you said elevated the game is also nothing special. Last question bro, if someone doesn't agree with your points or thinks LeBron is the best in everything (even in losing) ... Are they blinded by Skip Bayless and Nike? Like are those the only reasons?", "Official Look at the Nike Air Max 97 Be True The Nike Air Max 97 \"Be True\" is officially showcased and it's essentially an exclusive variation which celebrates Pride Month in June. Draped in a combination of “Pink... - #spiffy ", "If you like her, NIKE her", "The perfect Duo! Vintage and Nikestar-struck running_shoe #Vintage #Nike ", "Nike ISPA's latest is dropping eyes ", "Great to catch up with the one and only Sonny Vaccaro. The former Nike exec and former @reedleycollege student will be played by Matt Damon in the upcoming @airmovie We'll hear from Sonny #Liveat6 ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air More Uptempo 96 'Action Grape' is now available via @champssports for $127.50! (use code PARFEB15 - retail $170) #ad @Nike >>> ", "I just copped the Nike Dunk Low Oregon with @SoleRetriever ", "@garryhood1872 @Daisyjanew @BrianEntin So he had 2 pairs of size 13 Nike Shoes on him?!?", "WTS ALL Jordan 4 Seafoams UK7.5 UK8 UK8.5 UK8 PRICE £260 Jordan 4 SE Craft UK7.5 x2 UK9 UK9.5 PRICE: £255 Jordan 1 high black and white UK7 UK7.5 PRICE £220 Nike dunk low active fuchsia UK 4.5 x2 UK5.5 x3 UK6 (EU39) x2 Price £95 DAMAGED BOX UK 5.5 £70 ", "@LiverpoolLatam @Nike Es fake", "I just noticed uraraka is wearing Nike air more uptempo 96 lol", "NEW: Several @Nike employees took to LinkedIn Tuesday to say they were laid off from the footwear and apparel giant. ", "“Multi-Color” Nike Dunk Lows artist_palette ", "@HeilMako @5utzow @trashydrakefan Yeah he got several of his own shoes in the 2000's and eventually bags and shirts through Nike. MMA fashion pioneer", "@BrianEntin Thought the shoes were VANS not NIKES", "Nike Air Humara “Faded Spruce” dropping today for $160.00 => ", "@LiverpoolLatam @Nike Terrible!!!! Well, I like it", "Dropped via Nike US SB Blazer Court Mid PRM 'Desert Ochre' => ", "@Nikes_Own loudly_crying_faceloudly_crying_faceNY rats be different lol. You might be onto something lol", "Has anyone got footage of Marge wearing those Nike's before Jan 5?", "Doyenne Skateboards x Nike SB link up for a distinctive unisex apparel range smiling_face_with_sunglasses Link > ", "@Dewayne42005783 @playboi1526 @MikeRoach247 @payton_pierce26 You also realize Oregon isn't even considered a top 25 program all time. If Nike was such a pull then why did they only have the 9th ranked class. Texas has more money and a top 5-8 program. If Oregon was so awesome why does the Big 10 not want them??", "@JDHelpTeam nike 270's ordered and collected from store 30/12/22. The bubble had popped, can I return for a replacement?", "Nike begs Portland mayor to protect shuttered store ", "NewJeans x Nike Leggings To collaborate with a well-known brand itself is such an honor for me bearred_heart ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air Max 95 'Reflective' is now available via @FinishLine! |$175| #give @Nike >>> ", "@BleacherReport @memgrizz Don't disrespect stone cold like this again bro", "@nyjets @ProFootballHOF @Nike so the perfect day to drop the retro Zoom Revis was just released. You could start with the “Gold Jacket” colorway and go from there. You're welcome.", "@Nike Went through the claim process with Nike. These shoes were worn three times and only walked indoors. The dye from the red leather bled into all the white fabric. They said this is due to rubbing and friction from normal wear and tear. Really c'mon man. Done with Nike! ", "@TheCovalentTV Jericho is one of the GOATS and I'd rather be a pillar in Addidas or Pepsi or Burger King rather than a cog in Nike, Coke or McDonalds.", "Trainer Kings…. Y'all already know my favorite day of the week.. #TrainerTuesday + #MrKicksAndFatherhood #sneakerhead #nike #snkrsliveheatingup ", "Serena Williams' 10 Unforgettable Nike Tennis Outfits: The Oral History via @footwearnews", "Nike be like “to qualify for EA you had to have watched one of@our videos 3.5x but by accident on the 2nd time. And sneezed during one of the watches. But this does not guarantee you EA\"", "@DaveOCKOP Nike designers \"wouldn't it be cool if we put mo Salah, one of the greatest footballers in the world, in the worst football shirt in the world?\"", ".@chicagoredstars x @Nike 2017 Home Jersey Available now at ", "A Chill \"Worn Blue\" Covers the Nike Zoom Vomero 5 ", "I love colors or shoes like these I have literally no joke a pair of nikes like these", "Nike Air Force 1 '07 'Triple White' on sale for $88 shipped w/ code STYLE20 Link -> ", "Send our #5 Ranked Team to Nike Indoor Nationals ", "#Nike #AirMax #VaporMax Air Flight Air Zoom #DunkLow ", "NIKE AIR MAX 1 ULTRA MOIRE WOMEN'S RUNNING SHOES eBay ", "The Nike store has been boo boo lately", " #NIKE Windbreaker Men Size L Blue NWT Fully Zipped ", "Offspring Restock: Nike Dunk Low Trainers Pale Ivory Medium Soft Pink Night Maroon European_Union: #Sneakers ", "@SneakerPhetish The sample looks like nike by you", "Ssense EU Restock: Nike Off-White Undercover Edition Moc Flow Sp Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "laptopReleasing 03/01 WEDNESDAY @ 7:00AM PST at mobile_phone • shopping_bagsReleasing 03/01 WEDNESDAY @ 11:00AM PST at Long Beach, San Pedro, Fullerton and Anaheim FCFSshopping_bags • alien W Nike Air Force 1 '07 SE Low “Clouds” alien . Women Sizes 6.5W-12W $119.99 • Available at Long Beach,… ", "@magpie5961 @Retro_NUFC I said that from day one and got absolutely slated for it on the Newcastle Facebook pages. The quality is awful. The materials feel cheap and it's disgustingly overpriced. Adidas, Nike, puma and under armor are miles ahead", " _Nicole _twitr Oh yeah, great stuff!!! I'm 99.9% sure that if someone asked me to draw a picture of what I thought a dynasty looked like when I was a kid, I would have drawn a Bulls logo.", "香港 - (Nike Hong Kong Hong_Kong_SAR_China ) - Just Do It! ", ".@ChelseaFC x @Nike 2022/23 Windbreaker Jacket Available now at ", "@Nike I got this in November and it's already falling apart #nike ", "Who is having trouble on their @nike app? I can't sign in and if I try it won't let me. This is ridiculous!", "Great news for the Hispanic community! Over 300 companies including @Nike @IBM and @Airbnb sign on to a corporate pledge to hire and engage more Hispanics under Hispanic Promise 2.0. @TheHispanicStar #Hispanics #latinos #LatinoAmerica #HispanicGrowth ", "NIKE AIR MAX 1 \"JELLY JEWEL\" WOMEN'S RUNNING SHOES eBay ", "@Bengals can you restock on Nike VAPOR jerseys? I do not understand. Thanks! #WHODEY #RuleTheJungle", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike This is why I am a fan of Azuki team going the no VC no corp route. Way more flexibility.", "Come here; you can meet me in the back Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you Oh, damn, never seen that color blue Just think of the fun things we could do 'Cause I like you", "@NathanJ04060931 Jordan/Nike is a must keep no matter what!! Under Armor can be cut.. @BrittWhoDat what do you think?thinking_face", "Fire @RodWood_Lions right now and let the fans design the uniform before Nike ruins it.", "@cgritmon A3: The first brand that comes to mind is easily Nike. Their partnerships that highlight their accomplishments demonstrate the power of reaching for the stars the way major athletes have. #ChatAboutBrand", " Hi CryptoNerd, Are you on the Wait List? Here's the official link. Make sure to register for the Odyssey Wait List with the same email that's connected to your rewards account. If they don't match, your invitation will be delayed. Big Hug! You'll get in! ", "2023 Nike Invincible 3 | Color: College Navy/Midnight Navy/Black/Metallic Silver | Style: DR2615-400 | #nike #running #runningshoes #nikeinvincible #nikeinvincible3 ", "can't wait for my tote bag and nike tech to come in!!!", "There's a whole ass movie coming out where Nike went to Jordan's mom to get the shoe deal lol", "On set earlier with my hitta Taylah - Nike x SNS shoot fireboxing_glove ", "Seeing this circulating as our away kit for next season. Nike, did your printer run out of ink halfway? Bring back adidas folded_hands_light_skin_tone ", "@Nike Nike does not truly stand by their products, this is obviously a defect with the dye. They truly do not stand by their products!", "@ashleysviews I wear Nike Air Monarch III sneakers. They are very comfortable and last forever.", "The NEW Hawks Football Nike store is open and loaded! Closes March 16 ", "@JonErlichman Nike's was actually “Dimension Six”!", "3D billboards to celebrate the reveal of the Louis Vuitton and Nike “Air Force 1” by Virgil Abloh partnership ", "Sofia Richie Works Up a Sweat in an Athletic Forest Green Set and Nike Flyknit 2 Sneakers ", "Detailed Look at the Nike Air Max 1 '86 \"Big Bubble\" #sneakers ", "Ad: Restock: Nike LeBron IX Men's Shoes Black/Dutch Blue/Fusion Red/Lime Glow United_States ", "Check out these custom #nike #pandadunks roller skates pandaroller_skatefire#Sneakers #rollerskates #skatetwitter ", "Ssense US Restock: Nike Black Slam Jam Edition Air Force 1 United_States: #Sneakers ", "@Whitney_Hartman And I'm sitting here just trying to get a lavender zip up that keeps selling out in minutes of dropping because @Nike is the worst with quantities of items lol.", "red_circlesoccer_ball Wanna watch Liverpool v Manchester United LIVE at Anfield this Sunday?! memoup_arrow Sign up to Nike Membership at JD for free & head over to the Nike Membership Rewards Hub for your chance to win. backhand_index_pointing_right ", "Nike Air Huarache Doernbecher #shorts via @YouTube", "@wwornwwell would some Club C's not check the box? Nike Sweet Classic Lows aka the Billy Madison 2s are also timeless", "【Nike Air Foamposite One “Dream A World”】 rainbowTech Grey/Multi-Color input_numbersDM0115-001 spiral_calendarMarch 3, 2023 yen_banknote$250 camera_with_flashSBD #バッショ #新作バッッシ #スニーカー #新作スニーカー #sneaker #nike #jordan #jumpman ", "@jeringables @patrickpucci2 Pro tip: any Nike retailer or Outlet will have a \"hot wall\" of Jordan's and designer releases that are on display and only available to the public (not employees) These stores take in returns, size exchanges, etc. instead of having to mail back to Nike All at Retail. No mark up", "My Nike frames are hard af, can't wait until they're here. I still need a hard a** designer pair.", "@DanielKaruga6 @NjeriBt Seriously though almost every product in Kenya is counterfeit from the phones we use and household items, clothes we wear the channel Gucci bags and the Nike air shoes all these are counterfeit.", "@KrisMur78507138 I like Nike tbh just these leaks look bad", "@Nike Just do it @GovWike Just Overdo it #NigeriaDecides2023 #INECFailedNigerians #INECIsCorrupt #CongratulationsObidatti", "Nike & SNKRS pulled this the last time for the Lost & Found 1s and the result was terrible. I have no clue who's bright idea this is but it ain't it!!! Do they know how many people lost that \"Free Throw Line\" draw?!? I can see it now, too much \"access\" and not enough product. ", "Offspring Restock: Nike Dunk Low Trainers Sail Team Red Black Muslin European_Union: #Sneakers ", "Nike Air Humara “Midnight Navy” dropping today for $160.00 => ", "@HottestRiven @Nike I honestly don't know, first time I've ever had any issues. I opened the box and was like hmmm I think these are a little small lol", "@JDWhite112 That means you will get access bro. It's always the accounts that don't fit the criteria Nike lays out. You have the best chance face_with_tears_of_joy", "so they're making a jordan and Nike sb collab with a pair of 4's idk how I feel about it", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air Max 95 'Medium Olive' is now available via @FinishLine for $160! (use code WINISHWINE - retail $175) #ad @Nike >>> ", "Nike Air Jordan 12 'For Today's Manie' Whether they are mandatory or not, these are pure firefirefirefirefire and I am glad to have them in the collection! White pair on the way!! Thank you @maniere_usa for the W ", "@AFCRichmond When does Nike release this kit?!", "Ooh I LOVE this! Greek goddess Victoria was the Roman goddess Nike and with that quote being on the wall fire", "AD: UNDERCOVER c Nike Moc Flow 'Light Bone' on SSENSE Shop -> ", "@Valencovarrubs @Nike Por favor", "New Looks at the Nike Air Max 1 '86 \"Big Bubble\" eyes SEE MORE: ", "yah, yah. im boring like that. i just love clean, classic shoes. classic style (AF1 nike, converse) like the style that they're known for. chelsea boots are amazing. and timbs too. lmao", "@Pubgent1 @thesolesupplier @Nike I just tried finding these high tops but can't find them anywhere face_exhalingface_exhaling links ?", "A3b @Nike with its “just do it.” statement, encourages each individual to work hard & be their best. #ChatAboutBrand ", "@CheesyCheesy3 adidas has absolutely fumbled the bag on a few big name schools that went to nike in the last decade Indiana please join them soon", "Nike Air Force 1 Low SP Restock --> ", "Available via Nike SNKRS App and online (shock drop/raffle). This will be the final Travis Scott x Nike Air Jordan 1 Low colorway.", "Socks on my feet make the Nike completedouble_exclamation_mark ", "@La3Life Just thinking out loud here…. If @Nike can go back all the way to 2018…. What about giving loyalty access to those like me with accounts from 2009 & before? I mean... it gives me no pleasure to see somebody with a 2022 account hitting \"EA\" when I haven't gotten any for years now.", "@dbone78685355 @HV3_Golf @RangeGoatsGC I mean, Bubba is known for being one of extremely generous to charities. HV3 has his own charity. You do realize that the 1990 PGA Championship was played at a whites only club, right? And Nike (dirty lab), Dell (dirty components), and Shell/BP (dirty air), and Saudi $ in PGA?", "When the Skip Bayless and Nike sponsored ESPN veil is lifted from your eyes you'll see that Jordan isn't special WHATSOEVER compared to today's talent. Good W for me my boy handshake Ready to easily do this every time", "I am a demon on Nike Chat for returns past 60 days loudly_crying_face", "new nikes came in the mail (sorry no free feet pics) ", "Ad: Nike Air Jordan 11 Retro Sneaker ​ ", "everything in older ver looks better but the newer ver of dragon actually looks more accurate to like. a chinese or east asian dragon.... they're like really slim so i nike that.....", "@juliancomeau Like Nike and Shia Labeouf would say: just do it check_mark_buttonfire", "@TexasFanatic20 @playboi1526 @MikeRoach247 @payton_pierce26 Remember Kelvin Banks and Cam Williams we're headed there had it not been for a coaching change. NIKE is a tough to beat bro.", "@snipernick32 Nike tripping thinking_face You know people that go a few months and don't hit on SNKRS just delete there account and start another person_facepalming the only people getting EA are botter's robot they got hundreds of accounts face_with_symbols_on_mouthface_with_symbols_on_mouthface_with_symbols_on_mouthvictory_hand", "if they manage to screw up this jersey, I'll never forgive Nike. We're literally just black, gold, and some bridges. Please man.", "@DaveOCKOP Did Nike run out of ink?", "wait i thought my bf was beside me in a nike fit shirt and then i thought my sister was in the bed nexh ro mine jersey wirh blue hair in red black sweater was beside me", "@thesolesupplier Got em last week fresh for holiday and bought the nephew some high tops to match #twinning @Nike ", "@SoleRetriever Kinda looks like my Nike ID eyeseyes ", "#SAPHOngoingGOs [PH GO] SALE double_exclamation_mark NIKE DUNK LOW PANDA ➤ 7600 PHP (PAYO) ➤ Size 240-245mm ➤ 7800 PHP (PAYO) ➤ Size 250-260mm ➤ ALL IN + LSF ➤ NET ➤ w/ freebies from us! Dm to order heart_hands_light_skin_tone ", "New Seattle Mariners Nike Authentic Collection Pregame Performance Hoodie Men's eBay ", "Ad: Women's Nike Jordan Off-White Artist Series T-Shirt ​ ", "Ad: Nike Free Run Pure Platinum/White-Off White-Photo Blue ​ ", "40% ($60) below retail Nike Zoom GT Cut 2 Black Desert Berry Size: 9 — Retail: $150 BUY NOW right_arrow $90 ", "@KSUWindbreaker Or the “Do It Just” Nike painter's hats.", "Now that we've seen these historic Nike SB x Jordan 4's the question is…would skaters actually skate them?? skateboard", "Chill \"Worn Blue\" Covers the Nike Zoom Vomero 5 via @Hypebeast", "@vidsthatgohard Nike “just do it”", "Nike Dunk High Retro Knicks Orange Deep Royal White DD1399-800 #NikeDunks #KnicksSneakers #SneakerAddict #Shoes #Nike #Dunks #NikeRetros #Knicks", "Gents if she is wearing Nike don't worry just do it winking_face ", "@duck_fanzzzzzzz @TheRealRitzy @oregonfootball @Nike @usnikefootball Miami fan here that split with UW. Let us know when Oregon even gets a fractional natty, let alone a full one. woozy_face", "now how does nike remember when i lost that draw? skull they pulled this same stunt for L&F i didn't forget", "@FPLFalse9 I like it if it is indeed authentic. Nike actually tried something outside the template. That's rare.", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air VaporMax Plus 'Black/Metallic Gold' is now available via @FinishLine! |$210| #give @Nike >>> ", "Kevin Durant expected to make Phoenix Suns debut vs. Charlotte Hornets - Arizona Sports #Dallas #fitness #nike #love", "Light and low to the court, the Nike Air Zoom Vapor Pro 2 Hard Court Tennis Shoes are an awesome versatile pair that are ideal for players looking to access explosive movements without compromising on comfort. Live on our site now - ", "@GiantsGruntled @TheGiantsWire I don't think Jones gets more than $30-$35m in an ideal world I'd hope $30-$32m max but I'm not Athletes First and Joe Schoen", "@DaveOCKOP Every other team getting quality kits of @Nike but we've getting well stitched up by them, totally let us down kit wise", null ], "marker": { "color": "#CFD8DC", "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "other", "showlegend": false, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 1.8896967, 2.4257338, 3.3882399, 1.2298534, 2.8575392, 2.5739477, 1.8487095, 1.8810937, 2.701224, 1.9768922, 2.0199952, -0.5946369, 1.3565235, 1.4652944, 1.660185, 2.6712182, 3.2619438, 2.515003, 2.3363585, 3.1362789, 1.0867729, 3.5080495, 4.0628114, 2.243511, 0.6876486, 1.6753266, 1.4142965, 2.009423, 3.5659287, 1.3997445, 3.3210073, 1.7089169, 2.5959766, 1.5852554, 2.0497265, 2.4249659, 2.5172057, 2.1604972, 2.1662107, 2.5235348, 3.910957, 2.1810732, 1.4643286, 3.054766, 1.651553, 3.350719, 1.2985803, 3.3995235, 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Yea that totally works great.", "@DaveOCKOP Nike needs to be stopped", "@memesbyky @V_its_me_ They all wish a pair of Nike come put of the box, that's their whole world", "@dabblerer_ @Nike this is siq. how to get invite to mint face_with_monocle", "@ChiSportzKid @Nike @airmovie @Jumpman23 I wish I had 6 million to blow, 1m per game shoe", "@DaveOCKOP smh. enough with Nike already.", "@proper_tees Not having it, far too nice for Nike", "@AOtooTALL @Jumpman23 @Nike @maniere_usa Congrats on the Ws", "@rjolli007 @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike Thanks Ree!! smiling_face_with_open_hands", "@shwartzmayne @xterrylee_ @TreyTheJedi @RTG_Dada I got a Nike speed and weighted one", "@PVDBIGGIE @TheZeusNetwork @Nike @Prada @The_ZeusNetwork Y use photoshop we know how you really look woman_facepalming_medium_skin_tone", "@iamEchilds @Nike Charlie Hustle is coming out with some in couple of months fyi", "@nico_miranda22 @Uptop_Smoovest @SneakerVisionz That's the draw, EA different but knowing Nike they'll give you access lol", "@Noctron92 @Nike that's so funny LOL", "@bnyquis_ Lol that's why im Nike only with ball kicks", "@JerLisa_Nicole @Nike @Jumpman23 I'm so glad I diddouble_exclamation_marksmiling_face_with_smiling_eyes", "@Asia_kun nike tc 7900 oxygen purple", "@ShiLLin_ViLLian Nike Genesis Cryptokicks", "@AroostookG @GFuelEnergy @Nike Why not both? You can ENERGETICALLY look stylish", "@Notnotrpscelzo @billbutcher1177 Lotta Escalades, Nikes, and Hennessy man_shrugging", "@BrianDaly187 @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike Thank you Brian!! smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes", "@MartinSLewis @bbc5live @Nike have gone replaced 3 pairs of faulty running shoes with no questions asked, regardless of how many miles they have done. Genuinely cannot fault their customer service.", "@MarcieJ117 @Nike Thank you so much. smiling_face_with_hearts", "@aaron_lfc620 @DaveOCKOP Nike pay more and have another seven years on their contract", "@RottenKnee77 @Milka_Ran @DreamerSRB @Yolitanennis I can see Lacoste is not the sponsor here.....is it Nike?winking_face", "@ali9szn The season after next Nike are introducing new templates. So no more semi circle stuff. We just have to wait until then", "@chhopsky @_Beora NCAA gymnast who sells name and likeness to Nike? Child actress? In Sam Bradford?", "@vincemido @layiwasabi Nike also produced “N-aiki” not “N-eak”", "@FV15vaIverde @Nike @nikefootball @adidas anand", "@snipernick32 I got no words for Nike but billed_cap", "@JadenPMcNeil That's not Adam Conover??", "@GhostofParties @denyart @nytimes Nike.", "@snkr_twitr So Nike don't want anyone using their silhouettes but it's ok for them to use rope laces they got off a ig post?", "@BrendonFelix1 Nike has been very disappointing for us I won't lie", "@ChiSportzKid @Nike @airmovie @Jumpman23 Respect that", "@Ovrnundr @nike exclusive drop for the ladies please", "@pasteIeria need him to model for Nike beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes it's giving golf", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol Nikes=not listening", "@GeeMcfly_ Nike so full of shxt.", "@MorganilRamingo Amenfolded_hands", "@makeupnkickz @Nike You're welcome", "@n8frost @JerLisa_Nicole @Nike @nikestore @Jumpman23 Finished the Month in AllStar 1’ssparkles ", "@Nikes_Own I've seen lol", "@Olanikeajagun01 Try getting one nike", "@josefdivine Because all Nike shoes are the same nau.", "@SneakerHardy @LapstoneHammer 100% because they took Nike socks & other appeal and made it 10 times better. A shoe would be fire but at the very least they deserve there own appeal collab.", "@OpthomasPrimus All or 10k?", "@CamdinTrask Let's make sure you get the credit you deserve, Camdin! Please meet us in DM with your Nike Member email and the date, distance, and duration of your run. We'll see you there! envelope_with_arrow ", "@Blessedpapi7X3 @nikestore @Nike Lol I searched the keywords it popped right up", "@champs_heebatu You are used to it ne Whenever i see 11:11 ke nike tanawa", "@ContentB5 @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike The shoes, the socks, the laces, the pants, the photo…smiling_face_with_heart-eyessmiling_face_with_heartssmiling_face_with_heart-eyessmiling_face_with_hearts ", "@rtplostlink @Zell_Ching @_KOMACHI_1 NIKE?", "@Braden_LFC Nike is also a disgrace …", "@AlderLakee smart as 10 yr old also i got scammed by nike skullskull", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol I am so proud of you Nikes. You are out here doing your best and I want you to know I support you and am here for you no matter what ", "@HarryLombardi @Nike you really brought this filth to my timeline", "@UCF_Jaguar If he ain't got Nike monarchs on this ain't it", "@Noctron92 Oh well! We're here to help, Sean. Please meet us in DM with your order number and Nike Member email, so we can take a closer look. envelope_with_arrow ", "@UConnMBB @UConnBookstore Need a @nike authentic one tho !", "Should add children lives matter and stop children hate to your bio and work policies instead of only promoting social change when it looks good for you @Nike", "@FB_Helmet_Guy Yes, be afraid. Nike strikes again.", "@maggiemyan @Nike Ok Nike....I knew they market her but didn't know it was to this extent", "@hoodies4melo @NBATV It's decades of Nike marketing. MJ quit the game entirely twice. They call it retirement lol", "@Minwoo27Lee @APinv @PGATOUR @CallawayGolf Shot, sponsored by Nike these days? Go wel!", "@NathanJ04060931 Nike", "@itsujenffs @Nike Nah, the abused children just ran out of tie dye half way through :(", "@nike release the tank", "@Nike_Scoot coffee plant", "@ConnerLowry19 @revavvvv @bri_sant_ Nike has their interns design your uniforms grimacing_face ", "@JimLaPorta @MiloVentimiglia @catherinehkim @CompanyYouKeep The Nike screen is supposed to feature a hula dance….", "@instablog9ja Honestly Davido needs to arrest this guy and unleash all his anger on him.", "@ContentB5 @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike That's a good look!", "@Geedot2 @JerLisa_Nicole @Nike @Jumpman23 That's a hell of an AJ1 to break into highs with smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes", "@amagicmantv You already know my epic sir magicman o.O", "@ScottDJBarton if it is im done buying any away nike shyte", "@shuugnasty @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike Thank you!! grinning_face", "@thcullimore @Sib_Rev @ForestMommy @FMUniverse84 @STEAKandLEGGS69 Nike? Goddess of Victory, ripped off by a shoe company?", "@TheRealMrShaw15 @Jumpman23 @Nike @maniere_usa Yea the black pair was a Social Status W, white pair was Discord", "@SolesSelective @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike Thank you!!", "@kopwhisperer @DaveOCKOP Slight issue of Nike having another seven years on their contract", "@Nikes_Finest I'm not actually sure, but I hope all", "@BeeGrimez @bamb1ed May I ask do you wear Nike, Adidas clothing of any sort?", "@Pitt_MBB @sibande_nike I co-sign and everybody else \"Just Do it\" winking_face_with_tongue", "@n8frost @JerLisa_Nicole @Nike @nikestore Aww cutie pie", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol My bad so it's nikes = advertising his Ls online?", "@Apple @NikeNYC @nikestore @nike the flow is broken! You should pay me for doing qa on your app lol ", "@SneakerNews That Nike colorway is hideous", "@NileGardiner @DavidGHFrost Nike's, just waiting for the \"Boris\" line. Lol this line is the best, and it from Frosty \"architect\" of the deal which was deemed \"crap\" by the ERG.", "@Tweets_n_Nike Women absolutely hate each other lol", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol You're totally right. I'm homeless and live in a dumpster behind Arby's. If only I was more like Nikes", "@vincemido @Chxkka @layiwasabi Nike is also pronounced Naikii thorolling_on_the_floor_laughing", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol You're right! The joke is on me. You are so smart Nikes. I'm so glad to have you in such an intimate place in my life.", "@startupdareal @sdmlinks AF1 louis vuitton da shopee da nike", "@wilcocarla @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike folded_hands_medium-light_skin_tonepurple_heart Thanks Carla!", "@ErnieTastyFresh Those longsleeve Nike shirts would be goated", "@HorizonLeague @YSUBaseball @NKUNorseBSB @Nike Wrong link", "@BloodedTheBrav1 You I hope get the EA you showed me how many Ls you have taken and its only Fair David @Nike Bless these guys", "@DeadPirateB @GFuelEnergy @Nike You right you right!", "@DptesSinTapujos @lecoqsportif_co @AsoDeporCali Nike", "@Mobyhaque1 Sack Nike and bring back New Balance", "@Nike can I do more modeling jobs with you guys pls and thanks xx", "@JoshuaLopez202 @Nike Just be careful walking around the streets. I don't want you to be the victim of shoe-jackings", "@irishnan @JeromeAdamsMD @Fidgets808 Me too! We bought my Nike Airs at kohls for a great price, and I ran very well in them, but years later found out they don't really fit my feet right :)", "@DylanFlaherty3 @Nike Anything for people to hate Nike more.", "@erik_anson @therealtblake Without an official Nike press release (yet) it would appear so", "@DaddyKendrick_ @OBADSSS It's very common, rejection due to location. I got rejected by Nike 5 times, under armor 2 times...I'm often glad that some still see something in me and give me a chance (it makes me not mess up and to perform well, but another thing is that you 'll have to charge less.)", "@TDA3397 @Nike I don't buy anymore Nike for various reasons", "@ComplianceETH @remsvidrol That's crazy because you came into a convo thread and commented and pinged us and locked yourself into the thread and pinged. Nikes = not paying attention", "@DaveOCKOP We need to sack Nike off and get new balance back asap", "@WiggyvsTheWorld Lmao aye 10,000 rats ain't no joke", "@PartyStill @DaveOCKOP Nike keeps taking my fave colors and then making me very sad", "@Nikes_Finest Biden is trying to cancel the debt", "@tristang300 Nike no cap", "@sophiee_ob new balance is rooted. I got a soft spot for NIKES", "@DaveOCKOP Stop it Nike", "@ContentB5 @JerLisa_Nicole @Jumpman23 @nikestore @Nike Even in the rain sooooo clean fam! Love it gem_stonehundred_points", "@ShadeTV_247 @Nike @snkr_twitr @YOON_AMBUSH @ambushdesign Got the Phantom on Feature!! My first Ambush. I'm stoked", "@ProfitLegend \"Hi Nike! I see you're trying to grow your twitter following Have you ever considered short form content?\"", "@Tweets_By_Zo Would look great w ur Nike tech suit new_moon_face", "@ElJBell1 @Nike Thank you smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes", "@ProFootballTalk Nike be like ….. ", "@AmFrannie Frame 2 Nike Lake hotelwinking_face", "@Lamardee82 @La3Life I copped the mochas on Nike when they were on discount for 140!!!", "@NathanJ04060931 Nike by a tad them and Jordan's are my top 2", "@ChimmieeHQ How about juviola", "@teebeez_ @heyzeus7 How many signature Nikes does RBG have?", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "0_you_nike_jumpman23", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "0_you_nike_jumpman23" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 2.693345, 2.3755684, 2.8605175, 2.907037, 2.7013638, 2.0198326, 2.944268, 2.872477, 2.6823673, 2.7170458, 2.3066916, 2.7674956, 2.2902591, 2.6670275, 2.521506, 2.4433398, 2.6663346, 2.1306808, 2.8442318, 2.908981, 2.8502364, 2.8717854, 2.383115, 2.588095, 2.002753, 3.0224304, 2.7732093, 3.0678744, 2.878351, 2.918612, 3.1144645, 2.6479764, 2.3402393, 3.1416376, 2.5462463, 3.1709466, 2.9219465, 2.619372, 1.8098364, 2.3542066, 2.8245125, 2.235552, 2.544709, 2.556845, 2.5269117, 2.7748168, 3.1359377, 3.2054334, 2.9400585, 2.3598063, 2.625154, 2.5917823, 1.92678, 2.9309702, 3.178106, 2.8583126, 2.3835535, 3.0273004, 3.1885211, 2.3814008, 2.8028233, 2.6521945, 2.9335194, 2.6305478, 3.0148354, 2.7245564, 2.7205586, 2.72855, 2.8730345, 2.9045796, 2.6427977, 2.6859126, 2.968764, 2.414883, 2.2934325, 2.4492843, 2.7463207, 2.48349, 2.7286096, 2.6478453, 2.551943, 2.8610072, 2.7965157, 2.478768, 1.9170127, 2.5264268, 2.3925316, 2.5250978, 2.730958, 2.6476474, 2.9090707, 2.4508436, 2.8105946, 2.366844, 2.904363, 2.3121014, 2.9138525, 3.0503173, 2.610888, 2.888197, 3.0665486, 3.2255442, 2.4518132, 2.515241, 2.501089, 3.2052383, 2.9531004, 2.4669342, 2.6931748, 2.3495562, 2.9947417, 2.1342309, 2.8116975, 2.858613, 2.8488941, 3.1139412, 2.8963048, 2.5370538, 2.342167, 2.6430025, 2.1985152, 1.9128524, 2.8536408, 1.8597982, 2.616392, 2.2408214, 2.2846003, 2.9165452, 2.6619043 ], "y": [ 7.203756, 7.9532356, 7.228812, 6.141489, 6.144922, 7.512497, 7.47378, 6.11347, 6.3393793, 7.6116815, 7.918774, 7.004032, 7.813862, 6.48788, 7.0528274, 6.6358747, 6.454824, 7.9553576, 7.086286, 7.0739775, 6.5106506, 7.244509, 7.9030066, 6.197929, 7.7769704, 6.663637, 6.824248, 6.0298233, 6.9069004, 7.039362, 7.175745, 6.8603168, 7.888989, 6.362153, 6.3765173, 5.899538, 7.62346, 7.2515054, 7.6625323, 6.8057275, 6.83209, 7.9338837, 7.485636, 7.8393416, 6.594206, 6.840757, 5.746537, 5.6044664, 7.279667, 7.054617, 6.8303404, 6.515428, 7.841795, 7.111037, 5.706744, 6.7485514, 6.729337, 6.2248363, 6.163349, 7.036956, 6.828335, 6.278734, 6.242041, 6.6025043, 5.5330954, 7.52198, 7.156988, 6.1521773, 6.2737303, 7.1390634, 7.556717, 7.6454606, 6.109401, 7.795743, 7.946367, 8.006732, 6.8697596, 7.8198533, 6.7138457, 7.680217, 7.726095, 6.184159, 6.4225492, 6.8016405, 7.697185, 7.8152494, 6.785866, 7.6426773, 5.694971, 6.5971184, 5.7372117, 6.752147, 6.951759, 6.6972756, 7.119834, 7.9052167, 6.061306, 7.078276, 7.1434636, 6.4471474, 7.090979, 6.3605404, 7.8496823, 6.773714, 6.94384, 5.7248416, 6.559709, 6.9217257, 6.5539665, 6.8361683, 6.271436, 6.6953597, 6.0740767, 6.214739, 7.061057, 6.45543, 6.158106, 7.7793007, 7.2588506, 6.547164, 7.686151, 7.733683, 6.2056775, 7.745848, 7.081405, 6.526556, 7.9498253, 6.7141666, 6.9159193 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Kaplan College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Northeast Mississippi Community College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Booneville_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Post University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Total Beauty Institute Logo Nike Running Sneakers smiling_face_with_heart-eyes money_bag Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #blinkenzo #tagolife #tagowear #Jacksonville_Uni #Jordans #Men_Shoes #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boston University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Rocky Mountain College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - 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Day 10 . 365 Days of Creativity Challengefire Made using @photoshop . I hope you support me follow me here backhand_index_pointing_down TWITTER: @michael_rentoy . Hashtags: #manila #art #photomanipulation #photoshop2023 #michaelrentoy #digitalart #airjordan @Nike ", "Virginia College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomsburg_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Harvard Medical School Online Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Simmons University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bluefield University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bluefield_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Lynn University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boca_Raton_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Binghamton University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Binghamton_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Oliver Finley Academy of Cosmetology Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Florida Atlantic University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boca_Del_Mar_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Berklee College of Music Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Frank Phillips College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Borger_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boise Barber College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Broome Delaware Tioga BOCES Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Binghamton_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Tricoci University of Beauty Culture Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "@Millhill1962 @NoLayingUp Exactly! Incidentally, I heard from a very good source with Titleist that, after Rory jumped to Nike, his dad was still insisting that Titleist continue to send him free equipment, which Titleist flatly refused to provide. rolling_on_the_floor_laughingman_shrugging_light_skin_tone Rory comes by his snottiness honestly, apparently!", "University of Alabama at Birmingham Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Northeastern University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blacksburg_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "New England School of Law Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "New England College of Business and Finance Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boca Beauty Academy Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boca_Del_Mar_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Emmanuel College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blacksburg_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Pine Manor College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "CenterPoint Massage & Shiatsu Therapy School & Clinic Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "House of Heavilin Beauty College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blue_Springs_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "The New England Conservatory of Music Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Cambridge College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Samford University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "University of Massachusetts-Boston Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Cannella School of Hair Design Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blue_Island_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Massachusetts College of Art and Design Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Wentworth Institute of Technology Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "United Tribes Technical College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bismarck_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "New England College of Optometry Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boston Baptist College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Illinois Wesleyan University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Montgomery County Community College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blue_Bell_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "City College Montana State University Billings Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Billings_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blacksburg_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Yellowstone Christian College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Billings_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Everglades University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boca_Raton_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "The Boston Conservatory Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Urban College of Boston Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Aveda Institute-Boise Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bay State College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boise Bible College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "MGH Institute of Health Professions Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Emerson College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "College of Massage Therapy Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Blackfoot_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bloomsburg University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Eagle Gate College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "MCPHS University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Suffolk University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Paul Mitchell the School-Boise Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "A. 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Still University Logo Nike Running Sneakers smiling_face_with_heart-eyes money_bag Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #blinkenzo #tagolife #tagowear #Jordans #Kirksville_Uni #Men_Shoes #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Wheelock College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boise State University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boise_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Birmingham-Southern College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bolivar Technical College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bolivar_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Lesley University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "American Sentinel University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Birmingham_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Pat Goins Beauty School Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bossier_City_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boston Architectural College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Pivot Point Academy Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomingdale_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bossier Parish Community College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bossier_City_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Atlantis University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bisbee_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Northwestern Health Sciences University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Ivy Tech Community College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Indiana University-Bloomington Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bluefield State College Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bluefield_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Bethany Global University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Rasmussen University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Bloomington_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Harvard Business School Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Benjamin Franklin Institute of Technology Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boston_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", "Appalachian State University Logo Air Jordan 13 Shoes - BiShop smiling_face_with_heart-eyes Only $76.99 globe_with_meridians Buy Now: #tagoteenet #tagowear #tagolife #Air_Jordan_13 #Boone_Uni #Nike #Shoes #Sneakers ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "1_shoes_7699_globewithmeridians", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "1_shoes_7699_globewithmeridians" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 12.610397, 11.973258, 12.506788, 12.703294, 12.421505, 11.992828, 12.33553, 12.553303, 12.458889, 11.918288, 12.462157, 11.968615, 12.340406, 12.426512, 12.486749, 12.145426, 12.39573, 12.497938, 12.330781, 11.945731, 12.373085, 12.461421, 12.60651, 12.634687, 12.591894, 12.349789, 12.290382, 12.614877, 12.445092, 12.67377, 11.894485, 12.348974, 12.410134, 12.741805, 12.039663, 12.3972435, 12.3663, 12.518433, 12.51799, 12.418992, 12.578328, 12.374411, 12.013958, 12.427105, 12.404217, 12.43415, 12.381522, 12.518317, 12.3681, 12.449717, 12.285275, 12.375351, 12.353323, 12.442128, 11.929162, 12.52043, 12.302089, 12.286413, 11.925325, 11.876191, 12.046461, 11.924429, 12.590421, 12.583791, 12.428724, 11.898118, 12.513751, 11.885164, 12.464989, 12.482, 12.500003, 12.172675, 12.073409, 12.486718, 12.393637, 11.882338, 12.695244, 12.527107, 11.883429, 12.059019, 12.547472, 12.600364, 12.524875, 12.535935, 12.407526, 12.466995, 12.553824, 12.244673, 12.389966, 12.360841, 12.368223, 12.297796, 12.564278, 12.435354, 12.213901, 12.540298, 12.43423, 11.979255, 12.350738 ], "y": [ -0.3271693, -0.38609418, -0.32019344, -0.41621602, -0.88375884, -0.41439813, -0.46610984, -0.39504886, -0.8974786, -0.332143, -0.54517925, -0.23412636, -0.5829833, -0.11382489, -0.12984073, -0.3987809, -0.18918581, -0.16743964, -0.5508861, -0.35256085, -0.39027813, -0.33416814, -0.4419603, -0.7751589, -0.3783628, -0.75404215, -0.3154518, -0.16243926, -0.84656, -0.49688992, 0.19013503, -0.28429103, -0.33883876, -0.5463287, -0.5699329, -0.45592833, -0.5077883, -0.13860129, -0.65708864, -0.87215936, -0.23238418, -0.81141776, -0.37943044, -0.8399867, -0.21318516, -0.5975434, -0.3578419, -0.9396854, -0.7354196, -0.5300427, -0.8148599, -0.6057153, -0.6841595, -0.72362816, 0.1498623, -0.8021166, -0.809783, -0.26650333, -0.39765027, -0.31377313, -0.38732228, -0.27812186, -0.12305038, -1.0171701, -0.8612038, 0.18213215, -0.7746854, 0.19377705, -0.50767124, -0.8573727, -0.09578024, -0.55159855, -0.12503177, -0.68155724, -0.8110879, 0.17967294, -0.41190577, -0.8240851, 0.19367893, -0.58320946, -0.21142893, -0.43861273, -0.5919272, -0.416306, -0.90089846, -0.5579525, -0.9435887, -0.6876578, -0.13278295, -0.21189153, -0.5191878, -0.26042268, -0.85397005, -0.098015495, -0.4058816, -0.49801385, -0.6923654, -0.3290915, -0.4589429 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @kittykatb182 @ArtistDavila #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #everettwoodsonoilpainting #dragon #nike: ", "just about finished reading \"Shoe Dog\", about the birth of @Nike and Buck's hard slog to success. Anyone who is in the mood to be launching a successful brand, needs to read his* book. *Phil Knight (same birthday, different year)", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @iheartresale #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #lacanadienne #haviland #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #lillypulitzer #jcrew: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #freepeople #nike #laurenralphlauren: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @fitmodeldiet1 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #basiceditions #nike #newyorkcompany: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #thenorthface #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #crownivy #nike #toms: ", "@XanozIchimonji My parents bought me a nice ass nike winter coat back in 08. Still in great condition. I'll probably never buy another coat.", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #ralphlauren #samedelman #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @karolina72791 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #levinegiftsandhandmade #toryburch: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #braun #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #kennethcolereaction: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @Heidisvariety #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #wondernation #wrangler: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @Loliv17 @FedSen #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #turnbury #arizonajeancompany #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #urbanoutfitters #handcrafted: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #gbyguess #nike #xero: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #underarmour #forever21 #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #adidas #vans #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @DecoMeshWorks #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #athleta #passion1 #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #lularoe #rsq: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #oneill #konasol: ", "Trying to cook up a crazy parlay at the buzzer", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #philippplein #gucci #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #toryburch #fallen #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #christydawn #sundayinbrooklyn #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #express #lizclaiborne: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @familygood4 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #kierj: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #tous #levis: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #mylittlepony #hallmark: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #coach #dickies: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #crocs #vans #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #djeans #dressbarn: ", "Check out this deal! Nike Generic Banner Set: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #yugioh #brooksbrothers: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #kaws #nike #gymboree: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @penguin_trendy #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #puma #hollister: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #fashionnova #susangraver #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @JCTCLOSET #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #underarmour #nike #everlane: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #stevemadden #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #whitemountain #coach #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @gigi_is_back #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #jordan #nike #fabletics: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @megmal83 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #monaco #halogen: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @reneeann_02169 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #gildan: ", "@nathanbaugh27 Wow, that's really interesting! It's amazing how successful brands like Nike, Pokémon, and James Patterson can consistently churn out compelling stories using the same narrative structure. I'd love to learn more about how to create my own storytelling engine.", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @ms_monrow @heyrach44 #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #tahari #nike #shoedazzle: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #toryburch #birdies #nike: ", "Has anyone else ever given there dog a shoe/trainer as a toy? This was my old trainer that i let her have face_with_tears_of_joy #Englishbulldog #Bulldog #nike ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @zinniahoney #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #theamericanoutdoorsman #nike #hollister: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #americaneagleoutfitters #levis #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #vincecamuto: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #columbia #toms #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #bananarepublic #pendleton: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @LisatheRed #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #brandymelville #handcrafted #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #louisvuitton #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #born: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #dreampairs #unbranded: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #vans: ", "@nathanbaugh27 Wow, I'm intrigued! Developing a storytelling engine can be a game-changer for creating compelling content and building a strong brand. Excited to check out your step-by-step guide and learn from the success of Nike, Pokémon, and James Patterson.", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #stevemadden #newbalance: ", "Starbucks with \"collectible stamps\" Reddit with “digital collectibles” Nike with \"virtual creations\"", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #jbrand #nike #rockrepublic: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #jordan #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @copacetic_frill #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #esprit #nike #barbour: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @ezra_hodaya #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #brittaniaexpress #fadedglory: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @CulinaryHScotch #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #volcom #randykemper #nike: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @DmpsterGoddess #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #drmartens #nike #treadeasy: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @maddi_millz #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #handcrafted: ", "Sooo cute together! Rock n' Rescue alums Adidas and Nike chillaxing at their forever home! #doglife #Dog #Rescue #rescuedog ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #lizclaiborne: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #thereset #nike #torrid: ", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #garage #gap: ", "@markkayeshow I had a shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. I trashed it bc of how Disney is. I also trashed my Nike stuff after Colin Kapernick's endorsement", "So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #nike #aritzia: ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "2_loving_items_share", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2_loving_items_share" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ -5.478094, -4.918064, -5.571521, -5.683871, -5.7000732, -5.2231994, -5.406445, -5.7357965, -5.3018384, -5.578266, -5.7462926, -5.7574587, -5.510747, -5.726031, -5.45469, -5.267324, -5.697411, -5.327824, -5.325221, -5.1291156, -5.513091, -5.596809, -5.4180984, -5.740346, -5.6474366, -5.7453656, -5.7757945, -5.596835, -5.576277, -5.701956, -5.475652, -5.3737526, -5.7599616, -5.1212425, -5.7557774, -5.738591, -5.4612846, -5.627141, -5.250672, -5.6943817, -5.515917, -5.3398247, -5.5721745, -5.5762734, -4.9686785, -5.314064, -5.7260594, 1.312011, -5.326735, -5.57555, -5.697835, -5.6220903, -5.622154, -5.225139, -5.5589123, -5.5165577, -5.1269326, -5.35171, -4.8701243, -5.5851326, -5.1413617, -5.5623374, -5.631945, -5.559789, -5.790651, -5.382493, -5.4295926, -5.278568, -5.0766544, -5.803635, -5.807542, -5.525714, -5.173739, -5.5966763, -5.4006796 ], "y": [ 6.3304763, 5.9207535, 6.2997656, 5.938468, 6.208185, 6.245949, 5.99902, 6.2069254, 6.1291637, 6.178449, 6.318772, 6.127597, 6.126046, 6.0288196, 6.178584, 5.929201, 6.2978683, 6.17754, 6.3653812, 6.1635785, 6.322709, 6.174375, 6.1627235, 6.158506, 6.326172, 6.1498957, 6.3355827, 6.262615, 6.2223344, 5.922483, 6.1346574, 6.4425554, 6.26701, 6.2278867, 6.233594, 6.2471476, 6.0517945, 6.217868, 6.2807336, 6.1550536, 6.0652337, 5.934327, 6.3995333, 6.1706657, 5.8364835, 6.244787, 6.2758775, 6.2555575, 6.1145186, 6.2203283, 6.2360415, 6.226277, 6.182908, 5.947027, 6.2062454, 6.234534, 6.255676, 6.4452424, 5.7711396, 6.0526066, 6.037538, 6.144726, 6.0684886, 6.1416364, 6.2164054, 6.0892053, 6.2756376, 5.965329, 6.2507234, 6.3083014, 6.16215, 6.233432, 5.937799, 6.300762, 6.1712623 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Nike Tonal Green Swoosh Size Medium fits more like a large 22x29.5 $30 shipped $25 local ", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Black & White Sports Bra. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike purple athletic running shorts size Med.. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Toddler's Nike Force 1 LV8 White/Anthracite-Yellow Strike. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Flywire. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: rose Nike Womens Air Max Sequent 3 Running Shoes Grey/Pink 908993-012 Size 10. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Dri-Fit shorts size 1X. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Victori One Shower Slide Triple Black Rubber Sandal Womens. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Women's Multicolor Printed Dri-Fit Athletic Running Shorts Size Small. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: University of Alabama Long-sleeve NIKE Game day gear // Adult Large. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Dry-Fit Mens Shorts. Size small.. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Flex Supreme Womens Size 9.5 Gray Orange Yellow 616694-005 Athletic Shoes. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Duke Blue Devils Basketball Retro Men's Small Blue T-shirt. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Men's L Nike Pro Combat 3/4 training leggings. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Dry Fit Baseball Cap. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Patchwork Mens Athletic Shoes. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Dri-Fit Arizona Wildcats Sz S Basketball Shorts Men. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Pro Tank Top Black/White Size Small. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Men's Fly by Mid 2 NBK Basketball Sneakers. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Men's L Nike Pro Combat Pro 3/4 training leggings. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Sportswear Synthetic Fill Hypershield Parka Jacket Newsprint XL CZ2867 001. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Marist College Track NCAA Jacket Red Long Sleeve Full Zip Men's XL. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike red sneakers size 7.5. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Bella Kai Thong 2 Women Sandals Slide Sport Pale Ivory DS. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Free Run shoes in Electric Blue. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: White Nike Blazer Low LE SZ 9.5. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out Vintage 90's Team Nike Brand Athletic Track Full Zip Jacket Men's Size L #eBay via @eBay", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Golf Performance Agawam Golf Course Embroidered Red 1/4 Zip Top. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: blossomsaleblossom NIKE Women's One Piece Swimsuit. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike - Women's Small Americana Tank Top EUC!. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Large athletic pants Size L 12-14. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Saved for @jennnelson882 - Nike SuperReps Men size 7.5/Women size 9. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Benassi JDI Men's Sandals Slippers Slides Flip Flops White. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Hoops Tee Dri-Fit Athletic Cut Blue Medium Cotton Blend Short Sleeve Tee. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: NIKE Lunarswift 4 Lunarlon womens size 10 blue Orange Walking Running 510790-446. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Lunar Force 1 Duckboot 12 Sneakers Baroque Brown Olive Green 805899-200. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Women's Slides Benassi JDI Print White & Gold. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Kids Nike Star Runner sneakers. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", " #NIKE Men Swim #shorts Size M Black Mesh Lining Po ", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Rare NIKE Women's Swoosh 6.0 Shorts. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "just a girl with her nikes orange_heart ", "AD: NEW Nike Dri-FIT DNA+ Basketball Shorts 'Light Photo Blue' Shop -> ", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: NIKE DRI-FIT LSU SHIRT MEN'S LARGE. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Ohio State Buckeyes Dri Fit Short Sleeve Shirt by NIKE: Adult Mens XXL. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Zoom I Get Buckets Mens Basketball Shoes White Blue Size 10 New. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike LunarEclipse 4 - Womens Running Shoes. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Chicago Cubs Varsity Jacket. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Benassi JDI Slides Women's Sandal Slide100% ORIGINA Black Pink Leather SZ 6. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Patrick Kane USA Nike Jersey, size M. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Women's Nike Air Max Axis White. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Air VaporMax 2021 FK Men's Sneakers size 8.5. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Reax TR. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Toddler white nike court borough low 2 Size 7C. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike athletic Tank top size M 8-10. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: COPY - Nike Dunk Low Bright Crimson Game Royal (GS). #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike man tennis size 9 pre owned great holes no damage. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Vintage Y2K NIKE T-Shirt : Adult XL : Streetwear. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike man tennis size 9 pre owned great holes no stains. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: FREE_buttontwo_hearts NIKE green_heart Your Pace or Mine dri-fit running sparkling_heartgreen_heart teecheck_markFREE_buttonW/any$30 BUNDLEheart_exclamation. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Women's Black & Pink Windbreaker Track Pants Size Medium (8-10). #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: NWT Nike Attack 7/8 Dri-Fit Heather Gray Joggers Size Large. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Tank Top slim fit size M. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: blossomsaleblossom NIKE Swim Shorts w/back zipper pocket. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike 2 Pair Running Shorts. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: NIKE AIR VAPOR MAX FLYKNIGHT 3 EXETER EDITION SNEAKERS SIZE 14. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Creamsicle Coral Salmon Athletic Sweatshirt hooded casual kids girl. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike pink sneakers size 6. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Denver Broncos Wes Welker Youth Jersey SZ Large. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", "Check out this listing I just added to my #Poshmark closet: Nike Court Borough Mid 2 Toddler Athletic Shoes 7C. #shopmycloset @poshmarkapp", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "3_listing_added_closet", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "3_listing_added_closet" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ -1.5834795, -2.1275384, -1.8807966, -2.1711607, -2.2234883, -1.8963628, -1.8682598, -2.4001708, -1.8263328, -2.045304, -1.8583555, -1.673153, -1.8425838, -2.2976649, -2.0861146, -2.2019932, -1.8528153, -1.7710433, -2.130965, -2.2177873, -2.0539515, -1.8006616, -1.7184107, -2.2133176, -2.1453943, -2.2071285, -1.7556446, -2.2117727, -2.1143565, -2.0073707, -1.6423577, -1.7269305, -2.3784122, -1.8706057, -1.899983, -2.082812, -2.3483968, -2.1586008, -1.7369676, -1.9915718, -1.6318562, -1.812898, -1.7646091, -1.8238255, -1.8204383, -2.153182, -2.0212586, -2.3469608, -1.5087254, -2.2280395, -1.6892058, -2.22948, -1.9988066, -1.7530229, -2.1565113, -2.3382726, -1.9869889, -2.333139, -2.3749063, -1.6867267, -1.7210491, -1.7831942, -1.9301255, -1.9770159, -1.7064539, -2.0472229, -1.7520354, -1.4523598, -2.1072013, -1.9732689 ], "y": [ 2.2713313, 2.4103656, 1.9489298, 2.7389743, 2.6855013, 2.823566, 1.976311, 2.7253332, 1.9417539, 2.5154884, 1.9490342, 2.9535203, 2.3650908, 2.600964, 2.5436592, 2.7085214, 1.9315838, 2.7957315, 2.823072, 2.6275241, 2.4839835, 2.3128033, 2.8353922, 2.5821784, 2.7521958, 2.6909544, 2.2765687, 2.6136324, 2.4364176, 2.6670856, 2.4839292, 2.8600533, 2.7427368, 2.0431914, 2.8709984, 2.7844934, 2.7291021, 2.738536, 1.9316063, 1.9916112, 2.9987566, 1.888319, 2.1886435, 2.1870148, 2.9499013, 2.7398694, 2.461951, 2.7126331, 2.4427273, 2.6962347, 2.8482807, 2.681241, 2.835102, 2.7416809, 2.6987185, 2.7706325, 2.401199, 2.7562919, 2.6054559, 2.707911, 2.0771422, 2.7595348, 1.9473953, 2.0379217, 2.857829, 2.4631927, 2.853942, 2.382985, 2.8025498, 2.5312867 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Inspired by Japan and the Sashiko stitching technique, this is the Nike Dunk Low SE 'Industrial Blue'. This shoe's upper is constructed of denim, showcased in Summit White and Industrial Blue. The heel forgoes the traditional Nike branding and instead allows some Sashiko stitch… ", "RESTOCK Nike Women's Dunk Low White / Sail - White on JDSports CA ", "Nike US Restock: Nike Air Max 1 Men'S Shoes United_States: #Sneakers ", "JDSports EU Restock: Nike Dunk Low Enfant France: #Sneakers ", "Nike EU Restock: Nike Dunk Low Se Older Kids' Shoes Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "Bodega Restock: Nike Solo Swoosh Crewneck United_States: #Sneakers ", "Champssports Restock: Nike Vaporfly Next% United_States: #Sneakers ", "Sneakersnstuff EU Restock: Nike Dunk Low Retro European_Union: #Sneakers ", "Nike Dunk High 1985 “Valentine's Day” dropping today for $140.00 => ", "@ItsRichGreen EU is an included Nike region, yep!", "Bodega Restock: Nike Double Panel Pants United_States: #Sneakers ", "ad: Nike Dunk High Wmns 'Panda' Full Restock On Nike EU >> ", "JDSports CA Restock: Nike Women'S Dunk Low White / Sail White Canada: #Sneakers ", "End Clothing US Restock: Nike Dunk High W White, Black & Ed United_States: #Sneakers ", "Nike Sportswear Dunk White/Black/Universe Red link on Zal #sneakers #sneakerhead #reseller", "Nordstrom US Restock: Women's Nike Air Jordan 1 Low United_States: #Sneakers ", "Nordstrom EU Restock: Women Nike Air Jordan 1 Low European_Union: #Sneakers ", "New Arrival Nike Dunk Low WMNS 'Teddy Bear' now available in select sizes in-store and online. SHOP: ", "Nike Sportswear Wmns Dunk Low Cz Shimmer/Mars Stone/Sanddrift/Pearl White link on Zal #sneakers #sneakerhead #reseller", "RESTOCK Nike Dunk Low on Nike ON: BUT: ES: FR: GB: IT: NL: ", "Nike US Restock: Nike Dunk Low Se Women'S Shoes United_States: #Sneakers ", "Ad: WMNS Nike Dunk High 1985 'Alabaster' SSENSE NET-A-PORTER Slam Jam Nordstrom ", "Releasing at 10AM EST Wmns Nike Dunk Low 'Sanddrift' => ", "RESTOCK Nike Jordan Blue & Yellow Air Jordan 1 Retro Hi Og Sneakers on SSense ", "Nike EU Restock: Nike Dunk Low Se Women'S Shoes Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "Nike EU Restock: Nike Dunk Low Men'S Shoes Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "The Nike Dunk High SE \"Celestine Blue\" drops tomorrow on @footlockercad for $175 + free ship! ", "End Clothing EU Restock: Nike Dunk High W White, Black & Ed European_Union: #Sneakers ", "Ssense EU Restock: Nike White & Beige Dunk Low Se Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "RESTOCK Nike Dunk Low Next Nature on Nike ON: BUT: ES: FR: GB: IT: NL: ", "Ad: Restock: Nike ZoomX Dragonfly Track & Field Distance Spikes Hyper Pink/Laser Orange/Black United_States ", "AD: Nike Dunk Low 'Sashiko' drops tomorrow at 7 AM PST / 10 AM EST blue_circle Finishline: JD: ", "AD: Dropping tomorrow 7am PT/10am ET via TDI Nike Dunk Mid 'Off Noir + 'Pale Ivory' Pack -> ", "Nike US Restock: Nike Dunk High Retro Men'S Shoes United_States: #Sneakers ", "Nike US Restock: Nike Dunk Low Big Kids' Shoes United_States: #Sneakers ", "rabbit_face Nike Dunk Low \"Year Of The Rabbit\". ", "Sneakersnstuff EU Restock: Nike Wmns Dunk Low European_Union: #Sneakers ", "Ad: Restock: Nike Air Force 1 Low x Premium Goods Women's Shoes Black/Sand/Sail/Multi-Color United_States ", "the Nike SB Dunk Barbie is no longer available ", "Bodega Restock: Nike Women'S Air Force 1 Premium United_States: #Sneakers ", "Nike EU Restock: Nike Dunk High Older Kids' Shoes Germany: France: Italy: Netherlands: United_Kingdom: #Sneakers ", "Sundresses are the female equivalent of a Nike tech", "COMING SOON: Nike Dunk Low \"Reverse Panda\" panda ", "Bodega Restock: Nike Women'S Blazer Low '77 Jumbo United_States: #Sneakers ", "Ssense US Restock: Nike White & Beige Dunk Low Se United_States: #Sneakers ", "RESTOCK Nike Dunk Low Next Nature on Nike ", "AD: Dropping tomorrow 7am PT/10am ET via Shiekh App Nike Dunk Low Denim 'Industrial Blue' -> WMNS Nike Dunk High SE 'Clouds' -> ", "Windy conditions - looking at Keegz Rai Cam Young Hovland for FRL , maybe J Day and dem fresh Nikes", "Restocked via Footlocker Familia x Nike Air Force 1 Low 'Redstone' => ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "4_dunk_restock_low", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "4_dunk_restock_low" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 2.4446747, 2.6371007, 2.1329303, 2.8853843, 2.89428, 2.1728508, 2.2795277, 2.8838644, 2.8279636, 2.902801, 2.1759524, 2.8864226, 2.6593661, 2.4917238, 2.4275818, 2.3128364, 2.5159514, 2.665053, 2.4838676, 2.938409, 2.5015998, 2.7520294, 2.9953501, 2.054757, 2.854229, 2.8735678, 2.8601022, 2.8173127, 2.5906987, 2.9175868, 1.8701584, 3.0019822, 3.0034592, 2.456664, 2.528759, 2.8247952, 2.874307, 1.7605797, 2.7074845, 2.075046, 2.9560082, 0.8080832, 2.8654003, 2.1882448, 2.497603, 2.8222353, 3.0107176, 2.9646492, 1.8968824, 2.5703843 ], "y": [ 2.0495024, 2.094778, 2.248976, 1.7145418, 1.6934278, 2.131011, 2.4096165, 1.7280698, 2.1249506, 1.673683, 2.1265583, 1.9802107, 2.1532228, 2.0118623, 1.9732077, 2.4344904, 2.3968184, 2.0999177, 2.0000727, 2.0399811, 2.1228688, 1.9466578, 2.0384016, 1.668483, 1.7320876, 1.7005452, 2.078358, 1.7720708, 1.6484443, 2.0962946, 2.2099113, 2.0477717, 2.021825, 2.2116039, 2.1759114, 2.2091641, 1.7582858, 2.0863428, 2.12659, 2.1244218, 1.6406789, 2.4560797, 2.1566145, 2.1290069, 1.8597813, 2.1730218, 1.9914271, 1.5907744, 1.845614, 2.014366 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Why does Nike lie about how they give people EA?? Lmao", "Who can speak on the comfort of the Nike Vomero 5 vs. New Balance 2002, 1906, or 9060 it seems to share similarities?? @Heskicks @rjolli007", "@La3Life Not a single person should have 20 Ls period for a Nike product it's not designer it's Nike, they system is flawed IMO give people what they want, the want wont die down if people could get bred 1s like panda dunks resell value goes down that's it", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Shareholders vs holders.. who will win?", "Since 1980 IPO, Nike has grown its EPS >12% almost every year. Do you want a business whose intrinsic value increases by 1% each month? And you can feel its Moat every time you think about sneakers flexed_biceps", "@DaveOCKOP I'm convinced Nike is legit giving LFC weak kits so they don't have to pay them a lot of money.", "@ghosttberg @rtphill02 We honestly don't control anything. Nike could easily mass produce a Travis Scott shoe but they choose to release them in limited quantities to keep the hype up, and hype always plays a part when it comes to the value", "@MartinOKnight @LindseyPDXOR @JSchlund @benshapiro Both are consumers/employees voicing their opposition to something in hopes that the thing loses influence. The right boycotted Nike to get them to drop Kaepernick. How is that different from the left boycotting Netflix to get them to drop chapel?", "Japan Accuses Ad Giant Dentsu of Rigging Bids for Tokyo Olympics - The New York Times #LosAngeles #love #nike #baseball", "This means reaching thousands of new potential customers for free when it was exclusively possible for huge brands like Nike back in the day... ​ ​ You could be missing hundreds/thousands of $$$ daily by running ads and not regularly posting organic content for your ecom brand.", "@FRIOVERSE Big difference between Nike and yuga within web3...plus 10ktf is at the wheel and have the keys to the kingdom", "@douglas_knisely @FoxNews So... There are no apple factories in China. Neighter Nike's of Adidas... And the product manufactured in there never leave the country? Or am I getting that wrong? thinking_face There was a leak, ok? Let's see who owns the thing. Could've been accidental... Could be a sabotage.", "@Bbbmckeon @bariweiss Bc of $$$ and the fear from their own that someone might accuse them of being racist. Also, when brands like Nike, NBA, Balenciaga, and Disney do business in China, activists they partner with are not paid to speak badly about them. Look what the NBA did to Enes Kanter.", "Bungie literally destroyed everyone's builds for the sake of a new dlc. I don't even have the energy to go back and rebuild everything on all 3 characters while also having to account for the changes of a few mods that were vital to most builds, yea I think I'm done with Destiny's", "@kopwhisperer @Tanglefoot490 @DaveOCKOP Difference between hating a kit and preferring a kit over another kit. Those Nike kits aren't bad but just not the same quality as the new balance kit.", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Why would they regret? They made a lot of money and can just create something new. CloneX or any other PFP is quite low effort to create. The branding/awareness/hype is hard but they are already known.", "@jeringables @patrickpucci2 They're actually coming down in price. Market is getting saturated. Nike is also dropping several retros a year these days at certified retailers and on the Nike and Snkers app. Just gotta stay diligent.", "@hassanrahim from what I've been told yeah. that's why nikes been so anal about those fakes in particular in recent times and now wants to shut down the source.", "@DJBelcher1982 @zimsquil @benshapiro Well, we can't buy brands that are known to treat people badly. Like Nike, they used to chain Chinese children to tables to make our shoes. I don't buy Nike. It's slave clothes for life. They are Nazis. Look up where the lab comes from. Your dollar is your vote. ..", "Very few are doing it better in the sneaker game than Salomon. Nike's had its time, but all signs point to the future of sneakers being in the hands of smaller innovators like Salomon, Merrell, ASICS, On etc.", "@justingordon212 Nike doing it increasingly well. Apple is the OG. Creators that can de-platform stand out. Any new companies controlling their own distribution?", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Genuine Q. Why would they like to re-do this? It costs 240$ for the nft of the digital sneakers (similar price to real kicks with an actually use case) It's not doing bad at all, only the collector values ​​it higher for no practical reason.", "@NotTheDrPhil @BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Nike is more focused in profit. Although they release products that some will say are very unique, Nike has definitely changed the trajectory of the project.", "Consensus is Nike wouldn't risk a kit like that because of the likelihood of backlash from sales Liverpool deal is too important to risk that says Nike's head of marketing Matthew Hanlon", "When people think about unique brands, they often think about large retail corporations like Nike, Apple, and other multinational corporations. via @slrlounge #branding #marketing", "@DrGuru_ Curry gets hate because Nike runs the NBA … If he had signed to Nike instead of Under Armor the narratives around Steph would be totally different. ", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike I ponder on what's going behind the scenes often. I got my initial investment back on clonex but I still hold 3. Was the sale to NIKE the wrong choice? Is NIKE the problem or has the team just become complacent with all the money. The next bull run we will see. Sink or swim.", "@mulherv1ado @hateroIogy Neymar dropped NIKE (not NIKE dropped him but HE dropped them) cuz they made a statement about accusation and refused to tell him what they were on about never asked him to \"collaborate\" he was the one demanding for explanations. skull stop using such matter for fanwars ffs", "@Nike why the extra obstacle to get shoes?", "@therealfrasio Did a contract with Nike guarantee him anything on the PGA Tour? And you're right, the difference in competitiveness and desire for legacy is clearly oceans apart between Tiger and the next guy. He wasn't compelling to me because of his Nike contract.", "@NPR Why not give college students and graduates a break? Oil & Gas companies receive billions of $ in tax breaks. Many of the largest corporations (Amazon, Nike, FedEx, etc.) use the tax code to avoid paying any federal taxes.", "@SneakerPhetish Been thinking about this \"controversy\" a lot and I find it sad ppl are trying to divide the community based on race when Nike, a huge corporation, has been selling Js to everyone since '85. Hate the clout chasing bot users regardless of race. They're the one making life difficult", "@amtvmedia The “balloon thing” was just them showing everyone that they do what they want, here. Nike, the NBA and the movie industry have all capitulated and the President is understood as he's taken billions from them in bribes", "@gloryglory73 @Mexico1978R @Nike Yes it is a shame as I have always purchased nike (30yrs). The anti white bias in addition to very poor selection at the moment is making me want to take my £200 elsewhere.", "@NotTheDrPhil @BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Ofc, thats the reason a business is created but I feel like the way Nike sees things is a little different. I can’t see what’s happening BTS but Nike is releasing products w/ RTFKT that are not as successful because it’s either too early for them or they aren’t really usable yet", "@metsiesTM Gatorade markets to baseball and so does Nike, you're right it should be tapped into more but it also has to be a market minority children in Latin America can't afford the high end cleats players sign into and minority market here like other sports.", "Nike now farming out their designs to knock-off AI programs?", "If y’all didn’t understand, Lamar has been both an Adidas and Nike athlete at some point given that he has worn those brands throughout his career. Any shoe deal that never was had to do with an exclusive line/flagship shoe (Much like Cam secured for UA Highlight.)", "Garment Workers Take on Wage Theft and Wall Street A new campaign is targeting fashion brands like Nike that are spending vast sums on stock buybacks instead of compensating workers for lost pandemic wages. ", "@staygroundead Nike, the dem-Nazi store, robbed by their party members.", "Takeaway #6: NFTs are better collectibles as @LucaNetz said \"we've completely destroyed the $426bn collectible market.\" With NFTs you have all the information you need on supply, pricing, market dynamics. When you buy Nike Jordans you don't know how many are there in the market etc. ", "@ProudElephantUS That's easy - China of course. Democrats are herd animals and gutless. China OWNS them. China OWNS Nike. China OWNS Joe Biden.", "@lukeabc @dustmonkey_ @rektmando brands buying out web3 specialist lab/studios isn't a problem as long as they listen to them (staff) outside of the subject of 'extracting money'- Nike, from the outside, have actually been good at this, so far.", "@BagHoldingNFTs @NFTsins @Nike So Yuga releasing ordinals is not a fragmented cash grab?", "@BagHoldingNFTs @Nike Who wants the re-do more, founders or holders??", "@TheFashionLaw Could it also be the manufacturer, modifying tooling of existing customers (i.e. Nike) for others (i.e. BAPE, etc)?", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "5_the_of_to", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "5_the_of_to" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 3.367201, 3.348114, 3.3531005, 3.663092, 3.4373455, 3.3737707, 3.3932714, 3.5185957, 3.3109214, 3.4976647, 3.5525951, 3.4985232, 3.4623897, 3.4489517, 3.37178, 3.4393876, 3.374983, 3.3766189, 3.5320914, 3.1058574, 3.4823966, 3.473281, 3.4382775, 3.3783371, 3.017728, 3.1451483, 3.4651458, 3.6678782, 2.9277394, 3.1997004, 3.8926, 3.3890045, 3.481676, 3.2624412, 3.4645102, 3.1487482, 3.407408, 3.1864069, 3.9145262, 3.7885804, 3.4287765, 3.626601, 3.5549273, 3.5863452, 3.548927, 3.4725652, 3.4299114 ], "y": [ 4.863212, 4.701334, 4.807372, 5.0419106, 4.7870307, 4.429787, 4.4766536, 5.101029, 5.348704, 4.746354, 5.034263, 5.1904144, 5.233434, 4.5298347, 4.358466, 4.6790733, 4.634183, 5.3019753, 5.265023, 4.8615503, 4.8523264, 4.5516267, 4.859301, 4.4104276, 4.998084, 5.5023546, 4.699732, 5.351009, 4.8347435, 5.147082, 5.29342, 5.3200493, 4.8618774, 5.2242208, 4.8854947, 5.0435486, 4.804549, 5.3288746, 5.289895, 5.2996626, 4.617494, 5.236566, 4.9712205, 5.0054455, 4.961885, 4.917978, 4.949141 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Nike dad hat I gotta check on my mind", "And that is how Nike gets it done! 1st_place_medaltrophyblue_heartsweat_droplets", "nike lol you know how much bread i'd make", "@layiwasabi Nike - just do it Wike - scatter everywhere ah dey with u", "They need to bring back them throwback Nike ACG boots tho…", "Do I need a new Nike?", "The backwards Nike check getting old now.", "Ran 2.61 miles with Nike⁠ Run Club. 3rd straight 100 mile month! Do I try for 4?thinking_face #NRC #JustDoIt #CenturyClub #100MilesAndRunning ", "might have to double up.. pinnacle of Nike basketball", "Nothing like the smell and look of new kicks #nike #newkicks #newtrainers ", "@BashirAhmaad Nike - Just do it Wike - Just overdo it rolling_on_the_floor_laughingrolling_on_the_floor_laughing", "Aye brah I'm getting those Nike SB 4s even if I gotta get it in blood, I'm getting it", "@wendeeluvz NIKE - Nine Inch Kinky Extremity Just Do It", "I love Nike. Those sweatsuits always keep me warm", "Nike had a layoff today. Wow", "Nike dropping those 3s and now JFG might be dropping some heat?!? Slap", "I ran 1.05 miles with Nike⁠ Run Club #justdoit #goodtraining #boltonroadrace2023 Stage 1. Elliptical and bike person_biking_light_skin_tone next ", "Nike, you gotta give me EA on these for my B-Day via Nike⁠ SNKRS: ", "What yall think bout nike techs? ", "they tryna run my favorite nike to the ground already =(", "@Omojuwa Nike - Just do it Wike - Just overdo it ", "Nike needs to start retro some 10seyes", "Ima have to pass on them cement 3s the used look ain’t it dawg i feel if I cop I’m letting Nike get over on me", "yet I have only seen him in a Nike tech", "i want a brown nike tech", "All I need is Nike airs a mean Porsche bucket an some dough on my side ", "Get Over It by OK Go on OK Go / Nike+ Treadmill Workout Mix (Capitol Records) #NowPlaying", "Nike - Just Do it Wike - Just Over Do it", "Vincent Mutai ran 27.35 over 10km at the Castellon 10km this past weekend. A great start on his debut race abroad @nike", "@SneakerVisionz How do you do a custom with no Nike Air on the back?", "Nike - Just do it Wike - Just overdo it", "Im so mad I missed Nike call", "From street icons to workout runners, grab the latest styles from Nike, adidas and more huge brands with the King of Trainers range @JDOfficial! fire ", "he told me nike just do it ", "Nike needs to change their slogan to \"I run it\" This day in age ..thats high energy OK_hand your welcome folded_hands just give me credit @Nike @nikefootball @nikestore @nikebasketball", "Nike - Just do it Wke - Just over do it", "the world is spinning too fast, i'm buying lead nike shoes", "Nike, it's not easy to do it o", "Nike just do it Wike just over do it ", "this is not the nigga you like with the nike tech come on ice", "Nike is playing with me cause how some shoes that just came out were shipped before some that came out 2 weeks ago face_with_rolling_eyes", "If i mix match two nike things with two adidas things im matching right?", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "6_do_it_just", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "6_do_it_just" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 1.7324758, 1.7951773, 1.567154, 1.7917932, 2.2158198, 1.6956196, 2.1032035, 1.6386884, 1.8855255, 2.00117, 1.6716874, 1.6651325, 1.6447251, 1.5472172, 2.4618983, 2.189186, 1.5732465, 1.629118, 2.1547332, 2.170922, 1.8500206, 2.2628825, 1.950695, 2.0062735, 1.9337333, 1.5715493, 1.6516662, 1.666937, 1.570554, 1.6099524, 1.6692792, 2.0677538, 1.5503945, 1.7049794, 2.3059685, 1.6711674, 1.9540527, 1.5852301, 1.7880918, 2.0696588, 1.9453818, 1.7689153, 1.8402293 ], "y": [ 5.063163, 5.056726, 4.873357, 5.0211105, 4.9205904, 4.9369497, 5.0196986, 5.436832, 4.7478104, 5.314435, 4.915894, 4.7039156, 4.8931446, 4.822441, 5.0256143, 4.5677443, 5.433816, 4.711315, 4.6113434, 4.915803, 5.0791144, 4.999274, 4.8099937, 4.643037, 4.6959767, 4.8082037, 4.9879866, 4.922595, 5.4048305, 5.1038427, 4.9080396, 4.9874477, 4.831463, 4.919935, 5.1212277, 4.909555, 5.1548014, 4.8593135, 5.0245748, 4.683832, 5.4078403, 5.03653, 4.959312 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "NIKE AIR MAX 1 V SP \"PATCH\" MENS RUNNING SHOES - MENS SIZE 5 WOMEN'S SIZE 6.5 eBay ", "Size 10.5 - Nike Kyrie 4 90s 2018 Excellent Condition!! eBay ", "@lZUTSUMl size 13 nikes, MENS size 13 nikes", "Nike Phantom GT2 Elite FG Generation Pack Copper DR5954-810 Men's Size 10 Cleats eBay ", "Check out Women's Nike Air Huarache Black UK Size 3 EUR 36 DH4439 001 #eBay via @eBay_UK", "NEW Nike Air Jordan 1 Low Barely Grape | Women Size 6.5 eBay ", "Check out what I'm selling: NIKE AIR MAX 90 USA Women's sz 7 ( EU size 38 ): Get up to $30 off* when you use my code YSPYAH to sign up for Mercari. *Terms apply #mercari ", "Check out Nike Revolution 6 Nn Mens Running Trainers Dc3728 Sneakers Shoes 003 Size 10 #eBay via @eBay_UK", "NBA Nike Michael Jordan Dry jersey size 44 NWT #eBay via @eBay", "@kdfootballshirt @BomboneraTears @PibedeBarrioArg @ARGshirts You have many options, since official stores from like Adidas, Kappa or Nike, official stores from football clubs, and many sport stores like Nico Deportes, DXT-Mania and many sport stores in all the city, and remember, foreign exchange has a parity for 1 U$$=377$ arg approximately", "Check out Nike W Air force 1 Fontanka Uk 2.5 #eBay via @eBay_UK", "SIZE 6 WOMEN'S NIKE AIR FORCE 1'07 MID WHITE / BLACK DZ5211 100 eBay ", "Sizes 5-12 on #Nike US. Air Jordan 1 Zoom Comfort 2. straight_ruler Women's 10 = Men's 8.5 link ad ", "Hey girls! NIKE FREE WOMAN Pink! Size 37-40. Price only 310,000 hr. Get now! :)~ ", "Check out Nike Air Jordan 3 Retro UK 9 Pine Green CT8532-030 Trainers Basketball Black #eBay via @eBay_UK", "Check out Size UK 10.5 - Nike Air Max White #eBay via @eBay_UK", "2013 Nike Air Max 90 2007 Retro SAMPLE Gray Teal Purple 3.5 3.5Y (Womens 5) vtg eBay ", "Nike Jordan 1 Retro High Golf Shoes Patent Midnight Navy DQ0660-100 Men's Size 10 eBay ", "Size 11 - Nike Air Force 1 Low Supreme Box Logo White eBay ", "@RamsNFL @CooperKupp Where can I find a white Nike Youth Small Kupp jersey for my son? He's a huge fan and I can't find it anywhere. Help! folded_hands_light_skin_tone", "Wtb lazada nike run swift 2 size 39 ", "Nike Damen Heritage 86 Core Hat #Amazon ", "Check out what I'm selling: Nike Huarache Plum Suede Sneakers Mens size 11 1/2: Get up to $30 off* when you use my code YSPYAH to sign up for Mercari. *Terms apply #mercari ", "#Nike #AirForce 1 '07 Shoes White Medium Royal Blue DH7561-104 Men's on @eBay ", "Hey girls! NIKE FREE WOMAN Orange! Size 37-40. Price only 310,000 hr. Get now! :)~ ", "306193 261 Vintage 2005 Nike Air Trainer 1 SB HUF Gold Digger w/ Box Size 10.5 eBay ", "Hey girls! NIKE FREE WOMAN Blue! Size 37-40. Price only 310,000 hr. Get now! :)~ ", "This ref got on this small as Nike jacket like it literally looks like a kids jacket", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "7_ebay_size_mens", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "7_ebay_size_mens" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ -0.09417049, -0.0871659, -0.21291488, -0.2091492, 0.0049563055, 0.016394252, -0.072562374, -0.17276998, -0.34111282, 0.05161045, 0.20040005, -0.01857608, -0.22669305, -0.11326067, 0.15245938, -0.028907597, 0.4880346, -0.17134245, 0.0883089, -0.44164625, -0.07899614, 0.35973698, -0.37138486, -0.13410619, -0.12736304, 0.36433697, -0.09580245, 0.08672064, -0.042320214 ], "y": [ 2.407531, 2.3377771, 2.4410224, 2.489704, 2.301034, 2.275032, 2.129629, 2.442104, 2.3923817, 2.4068925, 2.476903, 2.3102608, 2.4173949, 2.008703, 2.4150305, 2.3094265, 2.2484858, 2.4744234, 2.4424706, 2.4862359, 2.1966689, 2.6283667, 2.284469, 2.4609876, 2.0400274, 2.429906, 2.0590177, 2.5931933, 2.3537529 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "@UmCoolLikeDat Shoulda known Nike would be the first place to check handshake_light_skin_tone_dark_skin_tone", "My friend woke up a monster by taking me thrifting loudly_crying_face I showed restraint & still wound up with 2 Nike Caps, a University of Michigan one & two purses loudly_crying_face", "Lmfaoo No way nike making people lowkey happy they lost out on a pair 5 years ago so they can possibly qualify to still most likely not win this time around face_with_tears_of_joyface_with_tears_of_joyface_with_tears_of_joy ", "Just seen a niggah wit da nike tech gallery pants combo saluting_face", "Boy had to throw 70 times face_with_tears_of_joy yeah they didn't go come close to beating us in Athens", "Nike killing my wallet cat_with_tears_of_joycat_with_tears_of_joyface_exhalingface_exhaling", "@Mar38124076 @thunderrun333 @jcwood1993 @JessRecruitsSC @GamecockFB Your response was we aren't used to getting five stars man_shrugging_medium-dark_skin_toneloudly_crying_faceloudly_crying_faceloudly_crying_face but you got five stars and all this Nike money “cute” uniforms and can't sniff Georgia or Alabama's ass nor any of your opponents man_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tone", "That's a lie! Bro don't even wear Nike techs man_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tone", "I thought it was a fake kitloudly_crying_faceloudly_crying_faceloudly_crying_face. What are Nike tuxedos? ", "@avekickz Yes indeed my dude!! Lost & Found was just a warm up frfr!!! Ppl don’t think so…face_with_tears_of_joyface_with_tears_of_joyface_with_tears_of_joy! You really think Nike learned from their last mistake?.. That'd be entirely too normal, & proper!!see-no-evil_monkeygreen_heart", "@Strofix__ nike techs are so drippyyyyy smiling_face_with_heart-eyessmiling_face_with_heart-eyessmiling_face_with_heart-eyes ", "So even on Nike by you I can't design the shoe exactly like the pandas weary_face", "@DaveOCKOP Why does it seem like since we've had Nike kits they make no effort at all but another team in Nike looks nicely made face_with_symbols_on_mouth", "@90sfootball Those Nike footballs OK_hand_light_skin_tone", "@itsjbingle weary_faceweary_faceweary_face. I just don't think I'm supposed to have them. The Nike by you allows me to customize everything except the black parka at the top of the tongue.", "It's genuinely mental how clear my sportswear stuff is of Nike, so many people are missing outcrying_face", "@CharlotteSneak1 @SneakerVisionz Can’t forget the Nike SB tabsquinting_face_with_tongueother than that it’s a regular 4. Maybe the zoom unit and slight alterations of materials are different man_shrugging_medium-dark_skin_tone. Probably wishful thinking!", "Nike ear_light_skin_tone", "whole gang Nike skied up try someslightly_smiling_face", "3. crush ft. erika de casier 4. woe (i see it from your side) (björk remix) 5. shlut ft. sevdaliza 6. nike ft. deto black 10. wildfire (eartheater remix) 11. unconditional - shygirl x face ", "It makes me so mad when Nike makes something, its out for a while, then they get rid of it and make nothing similar to itenraged_face", "Guys on tiktok be like “GRWM” and it be the most boring outfit. loudly_crying_face Like...how many more black t-shirts and beige chinos with some Nike's do we have to see before it gets exciting? upside-down_face", "@RonBoe2x Oh… smirking_face Lmaooo jk mine are the Walmart version not Nike face_with_tears_of_joy ", "@Healnathome @Nike Yes mom clapping_hands_medium_skin_toneclapping_hands_medium_skin_toneclapping_hands_medium_skin_tone", "Nike Air Hookah Powder Canyon thinking_faceface_with_tears_of_joy ", "Nike————-> Let's Do It Woke————> Let's Over Do It woman_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tonewoman_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tonewoman_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tonewoman_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tone", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "8_it_nike_ft", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "8_it_nike_ft" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 0.98284495, 1.3448912, 1.3412335, 1.2848614, 1.3471494, 1.3371372, 1.2231534, 1.1246793, 1.2933338, 1.4195145, 1.3947194, 1.1789037, 1.2737602, 1.0132395, 1.2017813, 1.2627676, 1.1108408, 1.0291562, 1.4400079, 1.4994079, 1.2883708, 1.2212598, 1.4189768, 0.9912687, 1.3514307, 1.0764129, 1.2481194 ], "y": [ 7.216779, 6.8398943, 6.713933, 7.1277537, 6.807829, 6.778342, 6.8673463, 7.0159483, 7.069799, 6.6053524, 7.247425, 6.8508835, 6.7977934, 7.1534524, 7.070946, 6.839142, 6.9696264, 7.1402383, 7.323692, 6.9172525, 6.8218775, 7.1388297, 7.2300687, 7.2422643, 7.148891, 7.1323013, 7.002602 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Ad: Nike White AMBUSH Edition Air Force 1 Low SP Sneakers ​ ", "Ad: Nike Men's Air Zoom Structure 24 Running Shoes - Anthracite/Vivid Purple-black ​ ", "Ad: Men's Nike Off-White Undercover Edition Moc Flow SP Sneakers ​ ", "Tiffany Co. Nike Air Force 1 '1837' raffle via Sneaker Politics. Raffle ends on 03/06 @ 4PM EST/1PM PST Enter up! ", "Nike x Ambush Air Force 1 Low SP 'Phantom' - Unheardof Brand @snkr_twitr ", "Andy Reid will be the soul reason I buy some Nike Air Force Ones.", "Ad: Men's Nike White AMBUSH Edition Air Force 1 Low SP Sneakers ​ ", "Ad: Men's Nike Black Slam Jam Edition Air Force 1 Sneakers ​ ", "Colette x Busy P x Nike Air Force 1 Low 400 pairs worldwide camera_with_flash IG: sneakerden ", "AD: Slam Jam x Nike Air Force 1 Low 'Black' on SSENSE Shop -> ", "Ad: Men's Nike White & Blue Air Force 1 '07 Low Sneakers ​ ", "Nike Air Force 1 Low x Tiffany & Co. “1837” gem_stone This collaboration really adds a special \"luxury\" touch to the basic Air Force 1 Low silhouette. Stock will for sure be very limited. The release for this sneaker is scheduled for March 3 & March 7 Like for good luck! dollar_banknote ", "AD: Dropped via SSENSE Premium Goods x WMNS Nike Air Force 1 'The Sophia' Shop -> ", "AMBUSH x Nike Air Force 1 Low “Black” dropping today for $190.00 => ", "NIKE Premium Goods Edition Air Force 1 'The Sophia' Sneakers Sold out elsewhere --> ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air Force 1 'Black/White' is now available via @FinishLine! |$110| #give @Nike >>> ", "Ad: Nike Black AMBUSH Edition Air Force 1 Sneakers ​ ", "Nike Air Force 1 Low Tiffany & Co. 1837 #shorts via @YouTube ", "Ad: Nike Black & Beige Premium Goods Edition Air Force 1 'The Sophia' Sneakers ​ ", "Nike x Premium Goods Air Force 1 ", "Ad: Nike Black Slam Jam Edition Air Force 1 Sneakers ​ ", "#SneakerScouts The Nike Air Force 1 Low 'We Are Familia' is now available via @footlocker! |$110| #give @Nike >>> ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "9_force_air_edition", "text": [ "", 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Whisper/White/Pink Oxford Price: $85 SKU: CW4554-201 February 28, 05:06 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "50% OFF check_mark The white/wolf grey-black Nike Kyrie Low 5 is on sale for $59.97 + FREE shipping. #promotion BUY HERE -> ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Victory One small_blue_diamond Black/Metallic Silver Price: $35 SKU: CN9677-006 February 28, 05:52 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Pegasus 39 small_blue_diamond Iris Whisper/Summit White/Light Madder Root/Madder Root Price: $88.97 SKU: DH4072-501 February 28, 05:52 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Pegasus 39 Shield small_blue_diamond Black/Off Noir/Dark Smoke Grey Price: $104.97 SKU: DO7625-001 February 28, 05:36 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Pegasus Trail 4 GORE-TEX small_blue_diamond Alligator/Mint Foam/Canyon Rust/Orange Trance Price: $95.97 SKU: DJ7926-300 February 28, 05:16 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Waffle Debut small_blue_diamond Sanddrift/Phantom/White/Black Price: $63.97 SKU: DH9523-102 February 28, 05:36 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Air Max 90 small_blue_diamond Pure Platinum/Gorge Green/University Gold/Black Price: $95.97 SKU: DM0029-004 February 28, 06:08 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Pegasus Trail 4 GORE-TEX small_blue_diamond Alligator/Mint Foam/Canyon Rust/Orange Trance Price: $95.97 SKU: DJ7926-300 February 28, 05:13 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Pegasus Turbo Next Nature small_blue_diamond Mineral Teal/Black/Faded Spruce/Light Silver Price: $104.97 SKU: DM3413-300 February 28, 05:13 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Air Force 1 small_blue_diamond Atmosphere/Pink Oxford/Phantom Price: $80.97 SKU: DJ9946-600 February 28, 05:52 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Winflo 9 small_blue_diamond Obsidian/Black/White/Dark Marina Blue Price: $59.97 SKU: DD6203-400 February 28, 05:14 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8 small_blue_diamond Coconut Milk/Barely Volt/White/Neptune Green Price: $97.97 SKU: DX3365-100 February 28, 06:08 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Winflo 9 small_blue_diamond Black/Dark Smoke Grey Price: $69.97 SKU: DD6203-002 February 28, 05:16 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Winflo 9 small_blue_diamond Black/Old Royal/Racer Blue/White Price: $69.97 SKU: DD6203-004 February 28, 05:16 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Experience Run 11 Next Nature small_blue_diamond Black/White/Rush Pink Price: $48.97 SKU: DD9283-003 February 28, 05:52 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Burrow small_blue_diamond Sail/Black/Metallic Gold/University Red Price: $55.97 SKU: DZ4854-100 February 28, 06:07 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Court Vision Low small_blue_diamond Black Price: $50.97 SKU: CD5463-002 February 28, 05:52 PM EST Link to purchase: ", "small_blue_diamond Nike Winflo 9 small_blue_diamond Photon Dust/White/Platinum Tint/Black Price: $69.97 SKU: DD6203-009 February 28, 05:16 PM EST Link to purchase: ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "10_smallbluediamond_sku_purchase", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "10_smallbluediamond_sku_purchase" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 0.13004883, 0.2268477, 0.26067334, 0.22397292, 0.17463936, 0.22931124, 0.16095017, 0.2500144, 0.26499373, 0.18460259, 0.16127789, 0.25347054, 0.2209073, 0.29779264, 0.22560087, 0.17710988, 0.23248985, 0.20085128, 0.23704241, 0.20182852, 0.21572128 ], "y": [ 0.13248004, 0.23619077, 0.48096094, 0.23977, 0.1752021, 0.24398294, 0.16823016, 0.3039662, 0.26110536, 0.2011448, 0.16547863, 0.2643653, 0.24006225, 0.2959008, 0.24078552, 0.19149129, 0.2903217, 0.20137984, 0.27997005, 0.21638386, 0.24145862 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ " _Nicole Same Elga!! smiling_face_with_tear who would of thought so many dope artists can unite through a challenge?!.. yea everyone’s photos is art to me winking_face", " _Nicole _twitr _kw Awww Mo! face_holding_back_tears You old softie you. smiling_face_with_heartsface_blowing_a_kiss", " _Nicole Share it!! I hope it works out so I can put some more art on the timeline! Gotta thank for inspiring to keep on. I was finna go into hiding this month grinning_face_with_sweat", " _Nicole For lil ol’ me?! Oh my I appreciate that!!brown_heartbrown_heartbrown_heart ", " _Nicole Sick* damn auto correctman_facepalming_medium-dark_skin_tone", " _Nicole _twitr He definitely has the coolest dad clapping_hands_medium_skin_tone", "Exactly what I saidpensive_facepensive_face", " _Nicole I hadn't posted anything this year until Feb 1 knowing I wanted to get it started with this", " _Nicole _twitr _kw Yes Tosh, even you..", "@iamcardib Exactly me always screaming don't touch my food with them hands that are dirtygrinning_facesmiling_face_with_smiling_eyesgrinning_face_with_smiling_eyesface_with_peeking_eye", " _Nicole Very Nicedouble_exclamation_mark", " _Nicole Perfect way to end the month. Glad I know you exist now because of it", "Happy new month ya'all victory_handkiss_mark", " _Nicole _twitr _kw Why are you trying to make me cry at work face_holding_back_tearsface_holding_back_tearsface_holding_back_tears", " _Nicole Your photos and your words move me! I want to experience whatever art you have to offer. red_heart", " _Nicole _twitr All this cuteness melting_face", " _Nicole _twitr _kw I was nice to you?? squinting_face_with_tonguesquinting_face_with_tonguesquinting_face_with_tonguesmiling_face_with_heartssmiling_face_with_hearts jk jk u know its all love memo", "i decided to get lilies this month through my lil flower subscription thingy and of course Miss Loves Plants doesn't have a flower vase of all things….so french press it iscowboy_hat_face honestly it's pretty fitting lol W89ZrmkbcM", " _Nicole You are a gift as well!! I love this challenge! I won't post everyday but you'll catch me from time to time grinning_face_with_sweat", " _Nicole _twitr Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words and I'm always looking for an excuse to incorporate Leo into my pics winking_face", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "11_nicole_twitr_you", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "11_nicole_twitr_you" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 0.86727315, 0.8722493, 0.7744312, 0.83609635, 0.9286482, 0.8633244, 0.973352, 0.74517727, 0.8352595, 1.2733198, 0.9039285, 0.7543943, 0.8115152, 0.9668182, 0.8676641, 0.8319918, 0.88335025, 0.772099, 0.7763366, 0.80095977, 0.8669095 ], "y": [ 8.464088, 8.449776, 8.556173, 8.48882, 8.388485, 8.430502, 8.35508, 8.58546, 8.481112, 8.118825, 8.417298, 8.576094, 8.514771, 8.344275, 8.490779, 8.479979, 8.441707, 8.539702, 8.554425, 8.523682, 8.460052 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Nike Club Men's Training Joggers (Black, X-Large) LINK: Price: $52.23 Discount: $12.77 (20%) #Nike ", "19% ($30) below retail Nike Air Max 97 Triple White Wolf Grey Size: 10 — Retail: $160 BUY NOW right_arrow $130 ", "Nike Waffle One SE Men's Shoes $84.97 ", "Nike Air Max Goaterra 2.0 Big Kids' Shoes $85.97 ", "Nike Air Max 90 G Golf Shoe $110.97 ", "Nike Air Force 1 Mid QS Men's Shoes $131.97 ", "The summit white/black-white Nike Waffle One is just over 30% OFF retail at $70 + shipping. #promotion BUY HERE -> ", "P950.00 with free Nike socks and free delivery ", "I'm selling high_voltage[SIZE 40-45] PREMIUM 1:1 NIKE AI... for RM170.00. Get it on Shopee now! #ShopeeMY ", "Select sizes under 11 for the 'Black' Comme des Garçons x Nike Air Max 97 are now on sale for $161 + shipping. Retail is also $350. #promotion BUY HERE -> ", "P1250.00 with free Nike socks and free delivery ", "AD: Nike Air Crew Fleece - $44.99 Use Code: PARFEB15 For Extra 15% Off (code only works if you buy 2 or more) Shop: ", "Ad: high_voltage NOW: £113.00 high_voltage Shop the Nike Dunk High Retro PRM \"Summit White\" at a fraction of the RRP when using the new discount code: \"FF15\". Down from £134.00 to just £113.00! HERE > Sizes UK-7.5/9.5/10.5/11 ", "30% ($55) below retail Nike Air Max Terrascape Plus Black Anthracite Size: 7.5 — Retail: $185 BUY NOW right_arrow $130 ", "Nike Air VaporMax Plus Was Priced $210 Now $160 JD Sports #ad #Nike 4 interest-free installments also available. ", "12 Pack Shoe Storage Boxes 35% off! $35.99 (original price $54.99) #deal #deals #shoe #shoes #sneakers #jordan #sneakerhead #shoesaddict #storage #dealoftheday #amazon #amazondeals #airforce1 #nike #adidas #amazonsale", "Size options under 12 are $75 OFF retail for the wheat/white Nike Air Griffey Max 1 retro at $93.49 + FREE shipping. BUY HERE -> (promotion - use code PARFEB15 at checkout) ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "12_retail_max_free", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "12_retail_max_free" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 0.574791, 0.5202965, 0.51728344, 0.5777389, 0.56904244, 0.69685936, 0.45515275, 0.6543082, 0.36133435, 0.4449464, 0.673634, 0.55473894, 0.52080107, 0.4852333, 0.63687956, 0.71014225, 0.4866696, 0.55528545 ], "y": [ 1.2424699, 1.1269257, 1.0636516, 1.3023007, 1.2837011, 1.4289562, 0.9655833, 1.3205129, 1.784665, 1.2494694, 1.3838146, 1.2327042, 1.4221246, 1.0955434, 1.358044, 1.4066719, 1.2409575, 1.2887115 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "#NIKE #AIRFORCE 1 '07 LOW BOLD AIR CJ1393-001 BLACK WHITE ", "#Nike #SBDunk Low #Chlorophyll BQ6817-011 ", "A closer look at the 'Pine Green' Nike SB x Air Jordan 4: ", "Nike Air Ship Pine Green on Afew (no US shipping) ", "@Mobyhaque1 I see a tall tower with one window in the jersey. Not a fan of this Nike kit.", "@SneakerNews A sturdy 7 because I like the green used.. @Nike use more “Pine Green” but don't OD lol Thx", "Closer look at the upcoming Nike SB x Air Jordan 4 SP Sail/Pine Green. Look for these to release in March alongside another color way later in the year. Is this a cop or drop? camera_with_flash: iamricosuav check_mark_buttonFOLLOW @secretsaucegrp for more news #nikesb #airjordan4 #aj4 #jordan #nike ", "EARLY HEAT fire Air Jordan 3 Retro White Cement Reimagined from Nike SNKRS ... via @YouTube", "EMEA ONLY : Nike Air Ship PE SP 'Pine Green' now live on Afew => ", "OG over everything... @Nike please give us more OG colorways, please!? Don't sleep on the Cool Grey's, folks!! #Jordan6 #Nike ", "#Nike Air #Jordan 4 Retro Military Black White ", "Reconfiguring cube wall so decided on family shots b4 they all go back in. My #Jordan1 lows, absolute all time fave silhouette. Perfect in every way IMO. #nike #sneakers #sneakerheads #jordan ", "@TheSiteSupply Nike SB x Air Jordan 4 Pine Green", "Air Jordan Playoff 13's Watch the full review on my youtube channel Fiqnsneaks #fiqnsneaks #Sneakers #sneakerhead #playoffs #YouTuber #nike #yoursneakersaredope #shoe #shoesaddict #unboxing #explore #influencer #nicekicks #kotd #fashion ", "Closer Look at the Nike SB x Air Jordan 4 SP “Pine Green” evergreen_tree ​​ ", "#willeli Nike React William x Comiket 97 Eli ", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "13_green_pine_jordan", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "13_green_pine_jordan" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 1.4627888, 1.5097383, 1.7152556, 1.6730912, 1.7090639, 1.5347652, 1.7211217, 1.9617542, 1.6569196, 1.6283256, 1.6385821, 1.7366521, 1.625652, 1.7718065, 1.6420732, 1.5682049, 1.6597372 ], "y": [ 2.9509165, 3.0894687, 3.5204694, 3.4953027, 3.628723, 3.6096509, 3.4826012, 3.5857384, 3.4743078, 3.2124496, 3.0799215, 3.4780939, 3.4757469, 3.4711604, 3.5466127, 3.1696765, 3.3919275 ] }, { "hoverinfo": "text", "hovertext": [ "Wild acquire veteran forward Marcus Johansson from Capitals - ESPN #Dallas #basketball #sportsphotography #nike", "Team of the Matchday: Who shone brightest on MLS is Back weekend? | - #LosAngeles #nike #soccer #photography", "SEC Baseball Power Rankings: LSU, Florida impressing early - Saturday Down South #LosAngeles #nike #love #motivation", "San Diego Padres Manny Machado Nike White 2022 City Connect Replica Player Jersey #timetoshine #padres #PadresTwitter $111.99 with code: SHORTSTOP Code expires in 6 hours! ", "Dodgers' Gavin Lux to miss 2023 season with torn right ACL - ESPN #LosAngeles #gym #nike #sportsphotography", "@Dewayne42005783 @playboi1526 @MikeRoach247 @payton_pierce26 But did they sign there. Did Peyton Bowen sign there? Did Donte Moore? Texas is way richer than Oregon. Oregon is also a one donor type university. Oregon was irrelevant before Phil Knight. They will be irrelevant once he dies. That is Nike's only tie to the university.", "@marchellagetsit @wcarroll3 @hummel1923 Did they? I always felt like it was a couple of games into the season before we saw anything from Nike, since MLS was always their priority.", "Seiya Suzuki Diagnosed With \"Moderate\" Oblique Strain - MLB Trade Rumors #LosAngeles #photooftheday #soccer #nike", "Browns plan to trade or release safety John Johnson III - ESPN Australia #LosAngeles #basketball #workout #nike", "Fantasy Baseball 2023: Hitting sleepers at each position - Yahoo Sports #Dallas #basketball #nike #love", "Structure of Manny Machado's new contract leaves Padres room to add more big names - The San Diego Union-Tribune #Dallas #basketball #nike #workout", "@tenthregion tournament kicks off tomorrow. Pull up and support @MalachiAshford3 and the @ParisKYHS Greyhoundsraised_fist_medium-dark_skin_tonebasketballflexed_biceps_medium-dark_skin_tonebasketball #nike #adidas #basketball #bbn #g1ve #hooplife ", "@QBNR8R @Fanatics @Dodgers @Nike Just did actually! No luck. It seems they also just have the replicas. I'm thinking bc of the new sponsor ad situation, they probably yanked the old inventory (removal of the LA insignia on the left sleeve of the previous design beginning this year). Might just have to get this one ", "Daniel Snyder allegedly charged Commanders $4.5 million to put team logo on his private jet, per report - CBS Sports #LosAngeles #nike #fun #nfl", "Makar out this weekend, and Erik Johnson could miss the regular season - Mile High Hockey #LosAngeles #nike #fun #photography", "Has Bryce Young's draft stock fallen, smart for Chicago Bears to trade down? | NFL | THE HERD - The Herd with Colin Cowherd #Dallas #nike #baseball #athlete", null ], "marker": { "opacity": 0.5, "size": 5 }, "mode": "markers+text", "name": "14_losangeles_basketball_did", "text": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "14_losangeles_basketball_did" ], "textfont": { "size": 12 }, "type": "scattergl", "x": [ 4.066142, 4.057609, 3.7806294, 3.9300854, 4.0589757, 3.6662676, 3.4593554, 4.0383654, 4.05528, 4.0118346, 3.9365296, 3.6247206, 3.5315657, 3.4918115, 4.071331, 4.0573463, 3.8648655 ], "y": [ 6.82801, 6.7754517, 7.055236, 6.726294, 6.809281, 7.176598, 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" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "\n", "# Reduce dimensionality of embeddings, this step is optional but much faster to perform iteratively:\n", "reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)\n", "topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, reduced_embeddings=reduced_embeddings)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "813f2db9", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# GUIDED" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "9e3bce74", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "117974ebf0544fceb87e339c5a3c942b", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Batches: 0%| | 0/28 [00:00Documents and Topics", "x": 0.5, "xanchor": "center", "yanchor": "top" }, "width": 1200, "xaxis": { "visible": false }, "yaxis": { "visible": false } } }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# topics, probabilities = model.transform(docs, corpus_embeddings)\n", "\n", "# reduced_embeddings = UMAP(n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, min_dist=0.0, metric='cosine').fit_transform(embeddings)\n", "topic_model.visualize_documents(docs, embeddings=embeddings)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "c5f2fd00", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "model.visualize_documents(docs, embeddings=embeddings)\n", "# model.visualize_topics()\n", "# model.get_document_info(docs)\n", "# df = model.get_document_info(docs)\n", "\n", "# df.to_excel(\"test.xlsx\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "71619a1b", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "model.get_topics()\n" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.16" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }