import os from pathlib import Path import torch from datasets import load_dataset from import tqdm from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from ...util.globals import * from ...util.nethook import Trace, set_requires_grad from ...util.runningstats import CombinedStat, Mean, NormMean, SecondMoment, tally from .tok_dataset import ( TokenizedDataset, dict_to_, flatten_masked_batch, length_collation, ) STAT_TYPES = { "mom2": SecondMoment, "mean": Mean, "norm_mean": NormMean, } def main(): """ Command-line utility to precompute cached stats. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="ROME Statistics Collector") def aa(*args, **kwargs): parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) aa("--model_name", default="gpt2-xl", choices=["gpt2-xl", "EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B"]) aa("--dataset", default="wikipedia", choices=["wikitext", "wikipedia"]) aa("--layers", default=[17], type=lambda x: list(map(int, x.split(",")))) aa("--to_collect", default=["mom2"], type=lambda x: x.split(",")) aa("--sample_size", default=100000, type=lambda x: None if x == "all" else int(x)) aa("--batch_tokens", default=None, type=lambda x: None if x == "any" else int(x)) aa("--precision", default="float32", choices=["float64", "float32", "float16"]) aa("--stats_dir", default=STATS_DIR) aa("--download", default=1, type=int, choices=[0, 1]) args = parser.parse_args() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.model_name) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(args.model_name).eval().cuda() set_requires_grad(False, model) for layer_num in args.layers: print( f"Computing stats for layer {layer_num} of {args.model_name} " f'over {args.sample_size or "all"} samples of {args.dataset}. ' "Note, the statistics are collected over the inputs to the second MLP layer, " "or equivalently the outputs of the first MLP layer." ) proj_layer_name = "c_proj" if "gpt2" in args.model_name else "fc_out" layer_name = f"transformer.h.{layer_num}.mlp.{proj_layer_name}" layer_stats( model, tokenizer, layer_name, args.stats_dir, args.dataset, args.to_collect, sample_size=args.sample_size, precision=args.precision, batch_tokens=args.batch_tokens,, ) def layer_stats( model, tokenizer, layer_name, stats_dir, ds_name, to_collect, model_name=None, sample_size=None, precision=None, batch_tokens=None, download=True, progress=tqdm, force_recompute=False, hparams=None ): """ Function to load or compute cached stats. """ def get_ds(): # Load_From_File # from datasets import Dataset # raw_ds = Dataset.from_file('XXX/XXX/wikipedia-train.arrow') # raw_ds = {'train': raw_ds} raw_ds = load_dataset( ds_name, dict(wikitext="wikitext-103-raw-v1", wikipedia="20200501.en")[ds_name] ) if hasattr(model.config, 'n_positions'): maxlen = model.config.n_positions elif hasattr(model.config, 'max_sequence_length'): maxlen = model.config.max_sequence_length elif hasattr(model.config, 'max_position_embeddings'): maxlen = model.config.max_position_embeddings elif hasattr(model.config,'seq_length'): maxlen = model.config.seq_length else: raise NotImplementedError if hasattr(model.config, 'model_type') and 'mistral' in model.config.model_type: if hasattr(model.config, 'sliding_window') and model.config.sliding_window: maxlen = model.config.sliding_window or 4096 else: maxlen = 4096 if batch_tokens is not None and batch_tokens < maxlen: maxlen = batch_tokens return TokenizedDataset(raw_ds["train"], tokenizer, maxlen=maxlen) # Continue with computation of statistics batch_size = 100 # Examine this many dataset texts at once if hasattr(model.config, 'n_positions'): npos = model.config.n_positions elif hasattr(model.config, 'max_sequence_length'): npos = model.config.max_sequence_length elif hasattr(model.config, 'max_position_embeddings'): npos = model.config.max_position_embeddings elif hasattr(model.config,'seq_length'): npos = model.config.seq_length else: raise NotImplementedError if hasattr(model.config, 'model_type') and 'mistral' in model.config.model_type: if hasattr(model.config, 'sliding_window') and model.config.sliding_window: npos = model.config.sliding_window or 4096 else: npos = 4096 if batch_tokens is None: batch_tokens = npos * 3 # Sort and divide into batches with this many tokens if precision is None: precision = "float64" dtype = getattr(torch, precision) size_suffix = "" if sample_size is None else f"_{sample_size}" if batch_tokens < npos: size_suffix = "_t{batch_tokens}" + size_suffix if model_name is None: # model_name = model.config._name_or_path.replace("/", "_") model_name = model.config._name_or_path.rsplit("/")[-1] stats_dir = Path(stats_dir) file_extension = f"{model_name}/{ds_name}_stats/{layer_name}_{precision}_{'-'.join(sorted(to_collect))}{size_suffix}.npz" filename = stats_dir / file_extension print(f"Computing Cov locally....") ds = get_ds() if not filename.exists() else None if progress is None: progress = lambda x: x stat = CombinedStat(**{k: STAT_TYPES[k]() for k in to_collect}) loader = tally( stat, ds, cache=(filename if not force_recompute else None), sample_size=sample_size, batch_size=batch_size, collate_fn=length_collation(batch_tokens), pin_memory=True, random_sample=1, num_workers=2, ) batch_count = -(-(sample_size or len(ds)) // batch_size) with torch.no_grad(): for batch_group in progress(loader, total=batch_count): for batch in batch_group: batch = dict_to_(batch, f"cuda:{hparams.device}") with Trace( model, layer_name, retain_input=True, retain_output=False, stop=True ) as tr: model(**batch) feats = flatten_masked_batch(tr.input, batch["attention_mask"]) # feats = flatten_masked_batch(tr.output, batch["attention_mask"]) feats = stat.add(feats) return stat if __name__ == "__main__": main()