import unicodedata from typing import List, Optional import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from .logit_lens import LogitLens def generate_interactive( model: AutoModelForCausalLM, tok: AutoTokenizer, top_k: int = 5, max_out_len: int = 200, compare_against: Optional[AutoModelForCausalLM] = None, use_logit_lens: bool = False, layer_module_tmp: str = "transformer.h.{}", ln_f_module: str = "transformer.ln_f", lm_head_module: str = "lm_head", ): """ Puts generation in a loop. Allows users to repeatedly provide inputs with which text is generated. """ if use_logit_lens: llens_gen = LogitLens( model, tok, layer_module_tmp, ln_f_module, lm_head_module, disabled=not use_logit_lens, ) if compare_against: llens_vanilla = LogitLens( compare_against, tok, layer_module_tmp, ln_f_module, lm_head_module, disabled=not use_logit_lens, ) while True: prompt = input("Enter a prompt: ").strip(" \r\t\n") print( f"Argument Model: " f"{generate_fast(model, tok, [prompt], n_gen_per_prompt=1, top_k=top_k, max_out_len=max_out_len)}" ) if compare_against: print( f"Baseline Model: " f"{generate_fast(compare_against, tok, [prompt], n_gen_per_prompt=1, top_k=top_k, max_out_len=max_out_len)}" ) if use_logit_lens: inp_prompt = tok([prompt], padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to( next(model.parameters()).device ) with llens_gen: model(**inp_prompt) print("\n--- Argument Model Logit Lens ---") llens_gen.pprint() if compare_against: with llens_vanilla: compare_against(**inp_prompt) print("--- Baseline Model Logit Lens ---") llens_vanilla.pprint() print() def generate_fast( model: AutoModelForCausalLM, tok: AutoTokenizer, prompts: List[str], n_gen_per_prompt: int = 1, top_k: int = 5, max_out_len: int = 200, vanilla_generation=False, ): """ Fast, parallelized auto-regressive text generation with top-k sampling. Our custom implementation. """ # Unroll prompts and tokenize inp = [prompt for prompt in prompts for _ in range(n_gen_per_prompt)] inp_tok = tok(inp, padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to( next(model.parameters()).device ) input_ids, attention_mask = inp_tok["input_ids"], inp_tok["attention_mask"] if vanilla_generation: gen_txt = model.generate( input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, max_new_tokens=max_out_len ) txt = [tok.decode(x, skip_special_tokens=True) for x in gen_txt.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()] txt = [ unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", x) .replace("\n\n", " ") .replace("<|endoftext|>", "") for x in txt ] return txt batch_size = input_ids.size(0) # Setup storage of fast generation with attention caches. # `cur_context` is used to define the range of inputs that are not yet # stored in `past_key_values`. At each step, we are generating the # next token for the index at `cur_context.stop + 1`. past_key_values, cur_context = None, slice(0, attention_mask.sum(1).min().item()) with torch.no_grad(): while input_ids.size(1) < max_out_len: # while not exceeding max output length model_out = model( input_ids=input_ids[:, cur_context], attention_mask=None if 'llama'or'baichuan' in model.name_or_path.lower() else attention_mask[:, cur_context], past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=True, ) logits, past_key_values = model_out.logits, model_out.past_key_values softmax_out = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits[:, -1, :], dim=1) # Top-k sampling tk = torch.topk(softmax_out, top_k, dim=1).indices softmax_out_top_k = torch.gather(softmax_out, 1, tk) softmax_out_top_k = softmax_out_top_k / softmax_out_top_k.sum(1)[:, None] new_tok_indices = torch.multinomial(softmax_out_top_k, 1) new_toks = torch.gather(tk, 1, new_tok_indices) # If we're currently generating the continuation for the last token in `input_ids`, # create a new index so we can insert the new token if cur_context.stop == input_ids.size(1): attention_mask = [attention_mask, attention_mask.new_zeros(batch_size, 1)], dim=1 ) input_ids = [ input_ids, input_ids.new_ones(batch_size, 1) * tok.pad_token_id, ], dim=1, ) last_non_masked = attention_mask.sum(1) - 1 for i in range(batch_size): new_idx = last_non_masked[i] + 1 if last_non_masked[i].item() + 1 != cur_context.stop: continue # Stop generating if we've already maxed out for this prompt if new_idx < max_out_len: input_ids[i][new_idx] = new_toks[i] attention_mask[i][new_idx] = 1 cur_context = slice(cur_context.stop, cur_context.stop + 1) txt = [tok.decode(x, skip_special_tokens=True) for x in input_ids.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()] txt = [ unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", x) .replace("\n\n", " ") .replace("<|endoftext|>", "") for x in txt ] return txt