import itertools import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy class Node(): def __init__(self, label, qpos_ids, qvel_ids, act_ids, body_fn=None, bodies=None, extra_obs=None, tendons=None): self.label = label self.qpos_ids = qpos_ids self.qvel_ids = qvel_ids self.act_ids = act_ids self.bodies = bodies self.extra_obs = {} if extra_obs is None else extra_obs self.body_fn = body_fn self.tendons = tendons pass def __str__(self): return self.label def __repr__(self): return self.label class HyperEdge(): def __init__(self, *edges): self.edges = set(edges) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.edges def __str__(self): return "HyperEdge({})".format(self.edges) def __repr__(self): return "HyperEdge({})".format(self.edges) def get_joints_at_kdist( agent_id, agent_partitions, hyperedges, k=0, kagents=False, ): """ Identify all joints at distance <= k from agent agent_id :param agent_id: id of agent to be considered :param agent_partitions: list of joint tuples in order of agentids :param edges: list of tuples (joint1, joint2) :param k: kth degree :param kagents: True (observe all joints of an agent if a single one is) or False (individual joint granularity) :return: dict with k as key, and list of joints at that distance """ assert not kagents, "kagents not implemented!" agent_joints = agent_partitions[agent_id] def _adjacent(lst, kagents=False): # return all sets adjacent to any element in lst ret = set([]) for l in lst: ret = ret.union(set(itertools.chain(*[e.edges.difference({l}) for e in hyperedges if l in e]))) return ret seen = set([]) new = set([]) k_dict = {} for _k in range(k + 1): if not _k: new = set(agent_joints) else: print(hyperedges) new = _adjacent(new) - seen seen = seen.union(new) k_dict[_k] = sorted(list(new), key=lambda x: x.label) return k_dict def build_obs(env, k_dict, k_categories, global_dict, global_categories, vec_len=None): """Given a k_dict from get_joints_at_kdist, extract observation vector. :param k_dict: k_dict :param qpos: qpos numpy array :param qvel: qvel numpy array :param vec_len: if None no padding, else zero-pad to vec_len :return: observation vector """ # TODO: This needs to be fixed, it was designed for half-cheetah only! #if add_global_pos: # obs_qpos_lst.append(global_qpos) # obs_qvel_lst.append(global_qvel) body_set_dict = {} obs_lst = [] # Add parts attributes for k in sorted(list(k_dict.keys())): cats = k_categories[k] for _t in k_dict[k]: for c in cats: if c in _t.extra_obs: items = _t.extra_obs[c](env).tolist() obs_lst.extend(items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]) else: if c in ["qvel", "qpos"]: # this is a "joint position/velocity" item items = getattr(, c)[getattr(_t, "{}_ids".format(c))] obs_lst.extend(items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]) elif c in ["qfrc_actuator"]: # this is a "vel position" item items = getattr(, c)[getattr(_t, "{}_ids".format("qvel"))] obs_lst.extend(items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]) elif c in ["cvel", "cinert", "cfrc_ext"]: # this is a "body position" item if _t.bodies is not None: for b in _t.bodies: if c not in body_set_dict: body_set_dict[c] = set() if b not in body_set_dict[c]: items = getattr(, c)[b].tolist() items = getattr(_t, "body_fn", lambda _id, x: x)(b, items) obs_lst.extend(items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]) body_set_dict[c].add(b) # Add global attributes body_set_dict = {} for c in global_categories: if c in ["qvel", "qpos"]: # this is a "joint position" item for j in global_dict.get("joints", []): items = getattr(, c)[getattr(j, "{}_ids".format(c))] obs_lst.extend(items if isinstance(items, list) else [items]) else: for b in global_dict.get("bodies", []): if c not in body_set_dict: body_set_dict[c] = set() if b not in body_set_dict[c]: obs_lst.extend(getattr(, c)[b].tolist()) body_set_dict[c].add(b) if vec_len is not None: pad = np.array((vec_len - len(obs_lst)) * [0]) if len(pad): return np.concatenate([np.array(obs_lst), pad]) return np.array(obs_lst) def build_actions(agent_partitions, k_dict): # Composes agent actions output from networks # into coherent joint action vector to be sent to the env. pass def get_parts_and_edges(label, partitioning): if label in ["half_cheetah", "HalfCheetah-v2"]: # define Mujoco graph bthigh = Node("bthigh", -6, -6, 0) bshin = Node("bshin", -5, -5, 1) bfoot = Node("bfoot", -4, -4, 2) fthigh = Node("fthigh", -3, -3, 3) fshin = Node("fshin", -2, -2, 4) ffoot = Node("ffoot", -1, -1, 5) edges = [ HyperEdge(bfoot, bshin), HyperEdge(bshin, bthigh), HyperEdge(bthigh, fthigh), HyperEdge(fthigh, fshin), HyperEdge(fshin, ffoot) ] root_x = Node("root_x", 0, 0, -1, extra_obs={"qpos": lambda env: np.array([])}) root_z = Node("root_z", 1, 1, -1) root_y = Node("root_y", 2, 2, -1) globals = {"joints": [root_x, root_y, root_z]} if partitioning == "2x3": parts = [(bfoot, bshin, bthigh), (ffoot, fshin, fthigh)] elif partitioning == "6x1": parts = [(bfoot, ), (bshin, ), (bthigh, ), (ffoot, ), (fshin, ), (fthigh, )] else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Ant-v2"]: # define Mujoco graph torso = 1 front_left_leg = 2 aux_1 = 3 ankle_1 = 4 front_right_leg = 5 aux_2 = 6 ankle_2 = 7 back_leg = 8 aux_3 = 9 ankle_3 = 10 right_back_leg = 11 aux_4 = 12 ankle_4 = 13 hip1 = Node( "hip1", -8, -8, 2, bodies=[torso, front_left_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) # ankle1 = Node( "ankle1", -7, -7, 3, bodies=[front_left_leg, aux_1, ankle_1], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, hip2 = Node( "hip2", -6, -6, 4, bodies=[torso, front_right_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, ankle2 = Node( "ankle2", -5, -5, 5, bodies=[front_right_leg, aux_2, ankle_2], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, hip3 = Node("hip3", -4, -4, 6, bodies=[torso, back_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist()) #, ankle3 = Node( "ankle3", -3, -3, 7, bodies=[back_leg, aux_3, ankle_3], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, hip4 = Node( "hip4", -2, -2, 0, bodies=[torso, right_back_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, ankle4 = Node( "ankle4", -1, -1, 1, bodies=[right_back_leg, aux_4, ankle_4], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) #, edges = [ HyperEdge(ankle4, hip4), HyperEdge(ankle1, hip1), HyperEdge(ankle2, hip2), HyperEdge(ankle3, hip3), HyperEdge(hip4, hip1, hip2, hip3), ] free_joint = Node( "free", 0, 0, -1, extra_obs={ "qpos": lambda env:[:7], "qvel": lambda env:[:6], "cfrc_ext": lambda env: np.clip([0:1], -1, 1) } ) globals = {"joints": [free_joint]} if partitioning == "2x4": # neighbouring legs together parts = [(hip1, ankle1, hip2, ankle2), (hip3, ankle3, hip4, ankle4)] elif partitioning == "2x4d": # diagonal legs together parts = [(hip1, ankle1, hip3, ankle3), (hip2, ankle2, hip4, ankle4)] elif partitioning == "4x2": parts = [(hip1, ankle1), (hip2, ankle2), (hip3, ankle3), (hip4, ankle4)] else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Hopper-v2"]: # define Mujoco-Graph thigh_joint = Node( "thigh_joint", -3, -3, 0, extra_obs={"qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[-3]]), -10, 10)} ) leg_joint = Node( "leg_joint", -2, -2, 1, extra_obs={"qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[-2]]), -10, 10)} ) foot_joint = Node( "foot_joint", -1, -1, 2, extra_obs={"qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[-1]]), -10, 10)} ) edges = [HyperEdge(foot_joint, leg_joint), HyperEdge(leg_joint, thigh_joint)] root_x = Node( "root_x", 0, 0, -1, extra_obs={ "qpos": lambda env: np.array([]), "qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[1]]), -10, 10) } ) root_z = Node( "root_z", 1, 1, -1, extra_obs={"qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[1]]), -10, 10)} ) root_y = Node( "root_y", 2, 2, -1, extra_obs={"qvel": lambda env: np.clip(np.array([[2]]), -10, 10)} ) globals = {"joints": [root_x, root_y, root_z]} if partitioning == "3x1": parts = [(thigh_joint, ), (leg_joint, ), (foot_joint, )] else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Humanoid-v2", "HumanoidStandup-v2"]: # define Mujoco-Graph abdomen_y = Node("abdomen_y", -16, -16, 0) # act ordering bug in env -- double check! abdomen_z = Node("abdomen_z", -17, -17, 1) abdomen_x = Node("abdomen_x", -15, -15, 2) right_hip_x = Node("right_hip_x", -14, -14, 3) right_hip_z = Node("right_hip_z", -13, -13, 4) right_hip_y = Node("right_hip_y", -12, -12, 5) right_knee = Node("right_knee", -11, -11, 6) left_hip_x = Node("left_hip_x", -10, -10, 7) left_hip_z = Node("left_hip_z", -9, -9, 8) left_hip_y = Node("left_hip_y", -8, -8, 9) left_knee = Node("left_knee", -7, -7, 10) right_shoulder1 = Node("right_shoulder1", -6, -6, 11) right_shoulder2 = Node("right_shoulder2", -5, -5, 12) right_elbow = Node("right_elbow", -4, -4, 13) left_shoulder1 = Node("left_shoulder1", -3, -3, 14) left_shoulder2 = Node("left_shoulder2", -2, -2, 15) left_elbow = Node("left_elbow", -1, -1, 16) edges = [ HyperEdge(abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z), HyperEdge(right_hip_x, right_hip_y, right_hip_z), HyperEdge(left_hip_x, left_hip_y, left_hip_z), HyperEdge(left_elbow, left_shoulder1, left_shoulder2), HyperEdge(right_elbow, right_shoulder1, right_shoulder2), HyperEdge(left_knee, left_hip_x, left_hip_y, left_hip_z), HyperEdge(right_knee, right_hip_x, right_hip_y, right_hip_z), HyperEdge(left_shoulder1, left_shoulder2, abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z), HyperEdge(right_shoulder1, right_shoulder2, abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z), HyperEdge(abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z, left_hip_x, left_hip_y, left_hip_z), HyperEdge(abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z, right_hip_x, right_hip_y, right_hip_z), ] globals = {} if partitioning == "9|8": # 17 in total, so one action is a dummy (to be handled by pymarl) # isolate upper and lower body parts = [ ( left_shoulder1, left_shoulder2, abdomen_x, abdomen_y, abdomen_z, right_shoulder1, right_shoulder2, right_elbow, left_elbow ), (left_hip_x, left_hip_y, left_hip_z, right_hip_x, right_hip_y, right_hip_z, right_knee, left_knee) ] # TODO: There could be tons of decompositions here else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Reacher-v2"]: # define Mujoco-Graph body0 = 1 body1 = 2 fingertip = 3 joint0 = Node( "joint0", -4, -4, 0, bodies=[body0, body1], extra_obs={"qpos": (lambda env: np.array([np.sin([-4]), np.cos([-4])]))} ) joint1 = Node( "joint1", -3, -3, 1, bodies=[body1, fingertip], extra_obs={ "fingertip_dist": (lambda env: env.get_body_com("fingertip") - env.get_body_com("target")), "qpos": (lambda env: np.array([np.sin([-3]), np.cos([-3])])) } ) edges = [HyperEdge(joint0, joint1)] worldbody = 0 target = 4 target_x = Node("target_x", -2, -2, -1, extra_obs={"qvel": (lambda env: np.array([]))}) target_y = Node("target_y", -1, -1, -1, extra_obs={"qvel": (lambda env: np.array([]))}) globals = {"bodies": [worldbody, target], "joints": [target_x, target_y]} if partitioning == "2x1": # isolate upper and lower arms parts = [(joint0, ), (joint1, )] # TODO: There could be tons of decompositions here else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Swimmer-v2"]: # define Mujoco-Graph joint0 = Node("rot2", -2, -2, 0) # TODO: double-check ids joint1 = Node("rot3", -1, -1, 1) edges = [HyperEdge(joint0, joint1)] globals = {} if partitioning == "2x1": # isolate upper and lower body parts = [(joint0, ), (joint1, )] # TODO: There could be tons of decompositions here else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["Walker2d-v2"]: # define Mujoco-Graph thigh_joint = Node("thigh_joint", -6, -6, 0) leg_joint = Node("leg_joint", -5, -5, 1) foot_joint = Node("foot_joint", -4, -4, 2) thigh_left_joint = Node("thigh_left_joint", -3, -3, 3) leg_left_joint = Node("leg_left_joint", -2, -2, 4) foot_left_joint = Node("foot_left_joint", -1, -1, 5) edges = [ HyperEdge(foot_joint, leg_joint), HyperEdge(leg_joint, thigh_joint), HyperEdge(foot_left_joint, leg_left_joint), HyperEdge(leg_left_joint, thigh_left_joint), HyperEdge(thigh_joint, thigh_left_joint) ] globals = {} if partitioning == "2x3": # isolate upper and lower body parts = [(foot_joint, leg_joint, thigh_joint), ( foot_left_joint, leg_left_joint, thigh_left_joint, )] # TODO: There could be tons of decompositions here else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["coupled_half_cheetah"]: # define Mujoco graph tendon = 0 bthigh = Node( "bthigh", -6, -6, 0, tendons=[tendon], extra_obs={ "ten_J": lambda env:[tendon], "ten_length": lambda env:, "ten_velocity": lambda env: } ) bshin = Node("bshin", -5, -5, 1) bfoot = Node("bfoot", -4, -4, 2) fthigh = Node("fthigh", -3, -3, 3) fshin = Node("fshin", -2, -2, 4) ffoot = Node("ffoot", -1, -1, 5) bthigh2 = Node( "bthigh2", -6, -6, 0, tendons=[tendon], extra_obs={ "ten_J": lambda env:[tendon], "ten_length": lambda env:, "ten_velocity": lambda env: } ) bshin2 = Node("bshin2", -5, -5, 1) bfoot2 = Node("bfoot2", -4, -4, 2) fthigh2 = Node("fthigh2", -3, -3, 3) fshin2 = Node("fshin2", -2, -2, 4) ffoot2 = Node("ffoot2", -1, -1, 5) edges = [ HyperEdge(bfoot, bshin), HyperEdge(bshin, bthigh), HyperEdge(bthigh, fthigh), HyperEdge(fthigh, fshin), HyperEdge(fshin, ffoot), HyperEdge(bfoot2, bshin2), HyperEdge(bshin2, bthigh2), HyperEdge(bthigh2, fthigh2), HyperEdge(fthigh2, fshin2), HyperEdge(fshin2, ffoot2) ] globals = {} root_x = Node("root_x", 0, 0, -1, extra_obs={"qpos": lambda env: np.array([])}) root_z = Node("root_z", 1, 1, -1) root_y = Node("root_y", 2, 2, -1) globals = {"joints": [root_x, root_y, root_z]} if partitioning == "1p1": parts = [(bfoot, bshin, bthigh, ffoot, fshin, fthigh), (bfoot2, bshin2, bthigh2, ffoot2, fshin2, fthigh2)] else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["manyagent_swimmer"]: # Generate asset file try: n_agents = int(partitioning.split("x")[0]) n_segs_per_agents = int(partitioning.split("x")[1]) n_segs = n_agents * n_segs_per_agents except Exception as e: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) # Note: Default Swimmer corresponds to n_segs = 3 # define Mujoco-Graph joints = [Node("rot{:d}".format(i), -n_segs + i, -n_segs + i, i) for i in range(0, n_segs)] edges = [HyperEdge(joints[i], joints[i + 1]) for i in range(n_segs - 1)] globals = {} parts = [tuple(joints[i * n_segs_per_agents:(i + 1) * n_segs_per_agents]) for i in range(n_agents)] return parts, edges, globals elif label in ["manyagent_ant"]: # TODO: FIX! # Generate asset file try: n_agents = int(partitioning.split("x")[0]) n_segs_per_agents = int(partitioning.split("x")[1]) n_segs = n_agents * n_segs_per_agents except Exception as e: raise Exception("UNKNOWN partitioning config: {}".format(partitioning)) # # define Mujoco graph # torso = 1 # front_left_leg = 2 # aux_1 = 3 # ankle_1 = 4 # right_back_leg = 11 # aux_4 = 12 # ankle_4 = 13 # # off = -4*(n_segs-1) # hip1 = Node("hip1", -4-off, -4-off, 2, bodies=[torso, front_left_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x:np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist()) # # ankle1 = Node("ankle1", -3-off, -3-off, 3, bodies=[front_left_leg, aux_1, ankle_1], body_fn=lambda _id, x:np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist())#, # hip4 = Node("hip4", -2-off, -2-off, 0, bodies=[torso, right_back_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x:np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist())#, # ankle4 = Node("ankle4", -1-off, -1-off, 1, bodies=[right_back_leg, aux_4, ankle_4], body_fn=lambda _id, x:np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist())#, # # edges = [HyperEdge(ankle4, hip4), # HyperEdge(ankle1, hip1), # HyperEdge(hip4, hip1), # ] edges = [] joints = [] for si in range(n_segs): torso = 1 + si * 7 front_right_leg = 2 + si * 7 aux1 = 3 + si * 7 ankle1 = 4 + si * 7 back_leg = 5 + si * 7 aux2 = 6 + si * 7 ankle2 = 7 + si * 7 off = -4 * (n_segs - 1 - si) hip1n = Node( "hip1_{:d}".format(si), -4 - off, -4 - off, 2 + 4 * si, bodies=[torso, front_right_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) ankle1n = Node( "ankle1_{:d}".format(si), -3 - off, -3 - off, 3 + 4 * si, bodies=[front_right_leg, aux1, ankle1], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) hip2n = Node( "hip2_{:d}".format(si), -2 - off, -2 - off, 0 + 4 * si, bodies=[torso, back_leg], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) ankle2n = Node( "ankle2_{:d}".format(si), -1 - off, -1 - off, 1 + 4 * si, bodies=[back_leg, aux2, ankle2], body_fn=lambda _id, x: np.clip(x, -1, 1).tolist() ) edges += [HyperEdge(ankle1n, hip1n), HyperEdge(ankle2n, hip2n), HyperEdge(hip1n, hip2n)] if si: edges += [HyperEdge(hip1m, hip2m, hip1n, hip2n)] hip1m = deepcopy(hip1n) hip2m = deepcopy(hip2n) joints.append([hip1n, ankle1n, hip2n, ankle2n]) free_joint = Node( "free", 0, 0, -1, extra_obs={ "qpos": lambda env:[:7], "qvel": lambda env:[:6], "cfrc_ext": lambda env: np.clip([0:1], -1, 1) } ) globals = {"joints": [free_joint]} parts = [ [x for sublist in joints[i * n_segs_per_agents:(i + 1) * n_segs_per_agents] for x in sublist] for i in range(n_agents) ] return parts, edges, globals