prompt_template_textual = """df is a dataframe that {description}. df has these columns: {columns}. Write a python code block that answers this question: {question}. Just write code and print results, no explanation should be given. """ # prompt_template_visual = """df is a dataframe that {description}. df has these columns: {columns}. Write a python code block that answers this question: {question}. Just plot and save the results, no explanation should be given. # """ prompt_template_visual = """df is a dataframe about {description} df has these columns: {columns}. In short, Write python code block that answers this question: {question}. Save the plot. Your response should include only a python code block. """ description_template = """This is an example row of a given dataset titled {filename}.\n {example_row}. Complete this sentence with a maximum of 50 words: df is a dataframe about""" suggestion_template = """This is an example row of a given dataset titled {filename}.\n {example_row}. Write 5 simple printing/visualizing questions about the dataset so I can solve it using code.""" libraries = """ import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from scipy import stats """