""" A dedicated helper to manage templates and prompt building. From https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora/blob/main/utils/prompter.py """ import json import os.path as osp import importlib import itertools from typing import Union, List from ..globals import Global class Prompter(object): __slots__ = ("template_name", "template", "template_module", "_verbose") def __init__(self, template_name: str = "", verbose: bool = False): self._verbose = verbose if not template_name: template_name = "None" if template_name == "None": self.template_name = "None" return self.template_name = template_name self.template_module = None base_filename, ext = osp.splitext(template_name) if ext == "": filename = base_filename + ".json" else: filename = base_filename + ext file_path = osp.join(Global.data_dir, "templates", filename) if not osp.exists(file_path): raise ValueError(f"Can't read {file_path}") if ext == ".py": template_module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "template_module", file_path) template_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec( template_module_spec) template_module_spec.loader.exec_module(template_module) self.template_module = template_module if not hasattr(template_module, "variables"): raise ValueError( "The template module does not have a \"variables\" attribute.") self.template = { 'variables': template_module.variables } if hasattr(template_module, "response_split"): self.template["response_split"] = template_module.response_split return with open(file_path) as fp: self.template = json.load(fp) if self._verbose: print( f"Using prompt template {template_name}: {self.template['description']}" ) def generate_prompt( self, variables: List[Union[None, str]] = [], # instruction: str, # input: Union[None, str] = None, label: Union[None, str] = None, ) -> str: if self.template_name == "None": if type(variables) == list: res = get_val(variables, 0, "") else: res = variables.get("prompt", "") elif "variables" in self.template: variable_names = self.template.get("variables") if self.template_module: if type(variables) == list: variables = {k: v for k, v in zip( variable_names, variables)} res = self.template_module.get_prompt(variables) else: if type(variables) == dict: variables = [variables.get(name, None) for name in variable_names] if "default" not in self.template: raise ValueError( f"The template {self.template_name} has \"variables\" defined but does not has a default prompt defined. Please do it like: '\"default\": \"prompt_with_instruction\"' to handle cases when a matching prompt can't be found.") default_prompt_name = self.template.get("default") if default_prompt_name not in self.template: raise ValueError( f"The template {self.template_name} has \"default\" set to \"{default_prompt_name}\" but it's not defined. Please do it like: '\"{default_prompt_name}\": \"...\".") prompt_name = get_prompt_name(variables, variable_names) prompt_template = self.template.get(default_prompt_name) if prompt_name in self.template: prompt_template = self.template.get(prompt_name) res = prompt_template.format( **variables_to_dict(variables, variable_names)) else: if type(variables) == dict: instruction = variables.get("instruction", "") input = variables.get("input") else: instruction = get_val(variables, 0, "") input = get_val(variables, 1) # returns the full prompt from instruction and optional input # if a label (=response, =output) is provided, it's also appended. if input: res = self.template["prompt_input"].format( instruction=instruction, input=input ) else: res = self.template["prompt_no_input"].format( instruction=instruction ) if label: res = f"{res}{label}" if self._verbose: print(res) return res def get_response(self, output: str) -> str: if self.template_name == "None": return output splitted_output = output.split(self.template["response_split"]) # if len(splitted_output) <= 1: # return output.strip() return self.template["response_split"].join( splitted_output[1:] ).strip() def get_variable_names(self) -> List[str]: if self.template_name == "None": return ["prompt"] elif "variables" in self.template: return self.template['variables'] else: return ["instruction", "input"] def get_train_data_from_dataset(self, data, only_first_n_items=None): if self.template_module: if hasattr(self.template_module, "get_train_data_list_from_dataset"): data = self.template_module.get_train_data_list_from_dataset( data) if only_first_n_items: data = data[:only_first_n_items] return list(itertools.chain(*list( map(self.template_module.get_train_data, data) ))) if only_first_n_items: data = data[:only_first_n_items] data = process_json_dataset(data) train_data = [ { 'prompt': self.generate_prompt(d['variables']), 'completion': d['output'], **{"_var_" + k: v for k, v in d['variables'].items()} } for d in data] return train_data def get_val(arr, index, default=None): return arr[index] if -len(arr) <= index < len(arr) else default def get_prompt_name(variables, variable_names): result = [y for x, y in zip( variables, variable_names) if x not in (None, '')] return "prompt_with_" + '_'.join(result) def variables_to_dict(variables, variable_names): return { key: (variables[i] if i < len(variables) and variables[i] is not None else '') for i, key in enumerate(variable_names) } def process_json_dataset(data): if not isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError("The dataset is not an array of objects.") first_item = get_val_from_arr(data, 0, None) if first_item is None: raise ValueError("The dataset is empty.") if not isinstance(first_item, dict): raise ValueError("The dataset is not an array of objects.") # Convert OpenAI fine-tuning dataset to LLaMA LoRA style if "completion" in first_item and "output" not in first_item: data = [ {"output" if k == "completion" else k: v for k, v in d.items()} for d in data] first_item = get_val_from_arr(data, 0, None) # Flatten Stanford Alpaca style instances if "instances" in first_item and isinstance(first_item["instances"], list): data = [ {"output" if k == "completion" else k: v for k, v in d.items()} for d in data] flattened_data = [] for item in data: for instance in item["instances"]: d = {k: v for k, v in item.items() if k != "instances"} d.update(instance) flattened_data.append(d) data = flattened_data first_item = get_val_from_arr(data, 0, None) if "output" not in first_item: raise ValueError( "The data does not contains an \"output\" or \"completion\".") # Put all variables under the "variables" key if it does not exists if "variables" not in first_item: data = [ { "variables": {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != "output"}, "output": d["output"] } for d in data ] return data def get_val_from_arr(arr, index, default=None): return arr[index] if -len(arr) <= index < len(arr) else default