import os import torch from tqdm import tqdm from collections import defaultdict import collections import numpy as np import cv2, json, base64 import pdb from copy import deepcopy from pprint import pprint import os.path as op from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.bounding_box import BoxList from import load_from_yaml_file from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.boxlist_ops import cat_boxlist from import clean_name def ensure_file(file_name): # if the directory does not exist, create it if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_name)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_name)) ensure_file(os.path.dirname(file_name)) class TSVResultWriter(object): def __init__(self, tokenizer = None, max_visualize_num=-1, dataset_length=-1, threshold = -1.0, in_order = True, write_freq = 100, file_name = None): self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.max_visualize_num = max_visualize_num self.dataset_length = dataset_length self.threshold = threshold self.in_order = in_order self.file_name = file_name self.write_freq = write_freq self.predictions = [] if not self.in_order: assert(0) @staticmethod def imagelist_to_b64(imgs): imgs = imgs.tensors.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy() # the last dimension is BGR, convert to RGB imgs = ((imgs * [0.225, 0.224, 0.229] + [0.406, 0.456, 0.485]) * 255).astype(np.uint8) # imgs = [cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) for img in imgs] imgs = [base64.b64encode(cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]) for image in imgs] return imgs def update(self, imgs, results): if self.max_visualize_num > 0 and len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: return imgs = self.imagelist_to_b64(imgs) for img_encoded_str, result in zip(imgs, results): # result: (img_id, {"scores": scores, "labels": labels, "boxes": boxes}) annotations = result[1] # img_encoded_str = image #base64.b64encode(cv2.imencode('.jpg', image)[1]) # convert boxes boxes = annotations["raw_boxes"] #box_cxcywh_to_xyxy(annotations["boxes"]) pred = {} pred["objects"] = [] # pred["caption"] = "" for s, rect, l in zip(annotations["scores"], boxes.tolist(), annotations["labels_text"]): pred["num_boxes"] = len(rect) pred["objects"].append({"rect": rect, "class": l, "conf": float(s) #"caption": captions[0] }) if "caption" in annotations: pred['objects'][0]["caption"] = annotations["caption"] # record the caption in the first object; a workaround for the tsvviewer pred["predicates"] = [] pred["relations"] = [] pred = [str(result[0]), json.dumps(pred, sort_keys=False), img_encoded_str] self.predictions.append(pred) if len(self.predictions) % self.write_freq == 0 or len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: self.tsv_writer(self.predictions, self.file_name) def update_train_data(self, imgs, targets): if self.max_visualize_num > 0 and len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: return imgs = self.imagelist_to_b64(imgs) for img_encoded_str, target in zip(imgs, targets): boxes = target.bbox pred = {} pred["objects"] = [] pred["caption"] = [target.extra_fields["caption"]] caption_tokenized = self.tokenizer.tokenize(target.extra_fields["caption"]) for rect, positive_map in zip(boxes.tolist(), target.extra_fields["positive_map"]): pred["num_boxes"] = len(rect) non_zero_indexes = positive_map.nonzero().squeeze(1).tolist() label = [caption_tokenized[i-1] for i in non_zero_indexes] label = " ".join(label).replace(" ##", "") pred["objects"].append({"rect": rect, "class": label, "conf": 1.0, #"caption": target.extra_fields["caption"] }) try: pred['objects'][0]["caption"] = target.extra_fields["caption"] # record the caption in the first object; a workaround for the tsvviewer except: pass pred["predicates"] = [] pred["relations"] = [] pred = [str(0), json.dumps(pred, sort_keys=False), img_encoded_str] self.predictions.append(pred) if len(self.predictions) % self.write_freq == 0 or len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: ensure_file(self.file_name) self.tsv_writer(self.predictions, self.file_name) def update_gold_od_data(self, imgs, targets, categories): if self.max_visualize_num > 0 and len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: return imgs = self.imagelist_to_b64(imgs) for img_encoded_str, target in zip(imgs, targets): boxes = target["boxes"] pred = {} pred["objects"] = [] for rect, label in zip(boxes.tolist(), target["labels"].tolist()): pred["num_boxes"] = len(rect) cat = categories[label] label_text = "{}_{}".format(cat["name"], cat["frequency"]) pred["objects"].append({"rect": rect, "class": label_text, "conf": 1.0, #"caption": target.extra_fields["caption"] }) pred["predicates"] = [] pred["relations"] = [] pred = [str(0), json.dumps(pred, sort_keys=False), img_encoded_str] self.predictions.append(pred) if len(self.predictions) % self.write_freq == 0 or len(self.predictions) >= self.max_visualize_num: ensure_file(self.file_name) print("Writing to {}".format(self.file_name)) self.tsv_writer(self.predictions, self.file_name) @staticmethod def tsv_writer(values, tsv_file, sep='\t'): try: os.makedirs(op.dirname(tsv_file)) except: pass lineidx_file = op.splitext(tsv_file)[0] + '.lineidx' idx = 0 tsv_file_tmp = tsv_file + '.tmp' lineidx_file_tmp = lineidx_file + '.tmp' with open(tsv_file_tmp, 'w') as fp, open(lineidx_file_tmp, 'w') as fpidx: assert values is not None for value in values: assert value is not None # this step makes sure python2 and python3 encoded img string are the same. # for python2 encoded image string, it is a str class starts with "/". # for python3 encoded image string, it is a bytes class starts with "b'/". # v.decode('utf-8') converts bytes to str so the content is the same. # v.decode('utf-8') should only be applied to bytes class type. value = [v if type(v)!=bytes else v.decode('utf-8') for v in value] v = '{0}\n'.format(sep.join(map(str, value))) fp.write(v) fpidx.write(str(idx) + '\n') idx = idx + len(v) os.rename(tsv_file_tmp, tsv_file) os.rename(lineidx_file_tmp, lineidx_file)