# Utilities for converting object detection data into grounding data import numpy as np import torch import pdb, json, random, re from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.bounding_box import BoxList from maskrcnn_benchmark.data.datasets.tsv import load_from_yaml_file from collections import defaultdict import json import json import nltk from collections import Counter from tqdm import tqdm import random import pdb from copy import deepcopy from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from maskrcnn_benchmark.data.datasets.parse_gpt import GPTOutputParser def find_only_noun(caption: str): caption = caption.lower() tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(caption) pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) grammar = "NP: {+}" #grammar = "NP: {
?*+}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(pos_tags) noun_phrases = list() for subtree in result.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == "NP": noun_phrases.append(" ".join(t[0] for t in subtree.leaves())) return noun_phrases def find_jj_noun(caption: str): caption = caption.lower() tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(caption) pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) grammar = "NP: {++}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(pos_tags) noun_phrases = list() for subtree in result.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == "NP": noun_phrases.append(" ".join(t[0] for t in subtree.leaves())) return noun_phrases def remove_stop_words(caption, stop_words): word_tokens = caption.split(" ") # converts the words in word_tokens to lower case and then checks whether # they are present in stop_words or not filtered_sentence = [w for w in word_tokens if not w.lower() in stop_words] # with no lower case conversion filtered_sentence = [] for w in word_tokens: if w not in stop_words: filtered_sentence.append(w) return " ".join(filtered_sentence) def rand_element(dic): ind = random.randint(0, len(dic) - 1) return list(dic.keys())[ind] def replace_word(w, voc): new_w = rand_element(voc) while new_w == w: new_w = rand_element(voc) return new_w def replace_pos(tags, l, vocab): if len(l) == 0: return '', '' ind = random.randint(0, len(l) - 1) ind = l[ind] word, tag = tags[ind] new_word = replace_word(word, vocab[tag]) return word, new_word noun_pos = set(['NN', 'NNS', 'NNP', 'NNPS']) verb_pos = set(['VB', 'VBG', 'VBD', 'VBN', 'VBP', 'VBZ']) adj_pos = set(['JJ', 'JJR', 'JJS']) class CaptionAugmentation(): def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, tokenizer = None, caption_vocab_file = None): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version self.tokenizer = tokenizer # v1 and v2 are legacy experimental versions so we remove them from the code if self.caption_augmentation_version.startswith("v3"): self.augmentation = AugmentationV3(self.caption_augmentation_version, self.tokenizer, caption_vocab_file) elif self.caption_augmentation_version.startswith("v4"): self.augmentation = AugmentationV4(self.caption_augmentation_version, self.tokenizer, caption_vocab_file) elif self.caption_augmentation_version.startswith("mixed"): # format: mixed.v4-v3.4-4-2.content.v1 self.augmentations = [] self.rations = [] versions = self.caption_augmentation_version.split(".")[1] ratios = self.caption_augmentation_version.split(".")[2] suffix = ".".join(self.caption_augmentation_version.split(".")[3:]) for version in versions.split("-"): self.augmentations.append(CaptionAugmentation(version + "." + suffix, self.tokenizer, caption_vocab_file)) for ratio in ratios.split("-"): self.rations.append(float(ratio) * 0.1) print(self.rations) print(self.augmentations) else: raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, caption, target, **kwargs): if self.caption_augmentation_version.startswith("mixed"): # do a mixed augmentation random_prob = random.random() for augmentation, ratio in zip(self.augmentations, self.rations): if random_prob < ratio: return augmentation(caption, target, **kwargs) random_prob -= ratio return caption, target, None # this is the vanilla case else: return self.augmentation(caption, target, **kwargs) class NegativeCaptionGenerator(): def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, **kwargs): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version if self.caption_augmentation_version.endswith("v1"): self.generator = NegativeCaptionGeneratorV1(self.caption_augmentation_version, **kwargs) elif self.caption_augmentation_version.endswith("v2"): self.generator = NegativeCaptionGeneratorV2(self.caption_augmentation_version, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, caption, **kwargs): return self.generator(caption, **kwargs) class NegativeCaptionGeneratorV1(): def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, caption_vocab_file=None): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version self.caption_vocab_file = caption_vocab_file self.vocab = json.load(open('tools/data_process/image_caption/vocab.json')) for tag in self.vocab: most_common = 1000 self.vocab[tag] = dict(Counter(self.vocab[tag]).most_common(1000)) min_cnt = 5 self.vocab[tag] = {x: cnt for x, cnt in self.vocab[tag].items() if cnt >= min_cnt} def __call__(self, caption, num_negative_caption=4): tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(caption) tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) nouns = [] verbs = [] adjs = [] for ind, (word, tag) in enumerate(tags): if tag in noun_pos: nouns.append(ind) elif tag in verb_pos: verbs.append(ind) elif tag in adj_pos: adjs.append(ind) negative_caption = [] for i in range(random.randint(0, num_negative_caption)): replace_atoms = random.choice([nouns, verbs, adjs]) word, new_word = replace_pos(tags, replace_atoms, self.vocab) if word == '': continue new_caption = caption.replace(word, new_word) negative_caption.append(new_caption) return negative_caption class NegativeCaptionGeneratorV2(): def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, tokenizer = None, caption_vocab_file="tools/files/llm_10K_noun_freq_mixed.json"): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version self.stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) self.tokenizer = tokenizer with open(caption_vocab_file, 'r') as f: self.vocab = json.load(f) def parse_info(self, noun): # given a noun, return the category and other info ''' "chrome faucet": ["Yes. 'Chrome faucet' has a tangible appearance and is a type of plumbing fixture.\nA few things that are visually similar to 'chrome faucet' but are not 'chrome faucet' are:\tbrushed nickel faucet\tstainless steel faucet\tchrome showerhead\tchrome soap dispenser\nThere are several useful visual features to tell there is 'chrome faucet' and not similar things in a photo:\tchrome finish\ton/off handles\tspout for water flow\tsingle or double handled faucet\tmounted on a sink or countertop", 57] ''' noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return 0, [], [], "" info = self.vocab[noun] # check the format of type of thing if "has a tangible appearance and is" in info[0]: type_of_thing = info[0].split(" has a tangible appearance and is ")[-1].split(".")[0] elif "has a tangible appearance" in info[0]: type_of_thing = info[0].split(" has a tangible appearance ")[-1].split(".")[0] else: #print(info[0], "type of thing not found") type_of_thing = "" if " are:\t" in info[0]: similar_things = info[0].split(" are:\t")[-1].split("\nThere are several useful visual features to tell")[0].split("\t") similar_things = [i for i in similar_things if i.strip() != ""] else: #print(info[0], "similar things not found") similar_things = [] if " and not similar things in a photo:\t" in info[0]: visual_feature_descriptions = info[0].split(" and not similar things in a photo:\t")[-1].split("\t") visual_feature_descriptions = [i for i in visual_feature_descriptions if i.strip() != ""] else: #print(info[0], "visual feature descriptions not found") visual_feature_descriptions = [] return info[1], visual_feature_descriptions, similar_things, type_of_thing def __call__(self, caption, num_negative_caption=4): nouns = set(caption.split(" ")) #find_only_noun(caption) negative_captions = [] for noun in nouns: freq, visual_feature_descriptions, similar_things, type_of_thing = self.parse_info(noun) if freq > 20000: continue # print(freq, noun, visual_feature_descriptions, similar_things, type_of_thing) if len(visual_feature_descriptions) == 0 or len(similar_things) == 0 or type_of_thing == "Yes": continue # did not find the noun in the vocab negative_captions.append(caption.replace(noun, random.choice(similar_things))) return negative_captions class AugmentationV3(): ''' Extract the noun entity; get descriptions and confusable entities; form the new query; throw away the original caption ''' def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, tokenizer = None, caption_vocab_file="tools/files/llm_10K_noun_freq_mixed.json"): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version self.tokenizer = tokenizer with open(caption_vocab_file, 'r') as f: self.vocab = json.load(f) self.vocab_keys = list(self.vocab.keys()) self.stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) self.do_augment_prob = 1.0 self.include_name_prob = 0.5 self.include_only_description_prob = 0.0 self.length_limit = 800 if "span" in caption_augmentation_version else 180 self.gpt_parser = GPTOutputParser(caption_augmentation_version.split(".")[-1]) def parse_info(self, noun): # given a noun, return the category and other info ''' {'type': 'human', 'description': 'female; could have long hair; could wear dresses', 'similar objects': ['girl', 'lady', 'mother']} ''' noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return 0, [], [], "" info = self.vocab[noun] descriptions = self.gpt_parser(info[0]) return info[1], descriptions["description"], descriptions["similar objects"], descriptions["type"] def get_freq(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return 0 info = self.vocab[noun] return info[1] def get_similar_things(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return [] info = self.vocab[noun] descriptions = self.gpt_parser(info[0]) return descriptions["similar objects"] def form_span(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) info = self.vocab[noun] description = info[0] if random.random() < self.include_name_prob: #postive_span = "{}, {}".format(noun, type_of_thing) #final_span = "{}, {}, {}".format(noun, type_of_thing, ", ".join(similar_visual_feature_descriptions)) final_span, end_index, spans, *_ = self.gpt_parser.form_span(noun, description, type = "vanilla_span", positive_range = "partial") else: final_span, end_index, spans, *_ = self.gpt_parser.form_span(noun, description, type = "remove_noun_span", positive_range = "partial") return final_span, end_index, spans def __call__(self, caption, target, **kwargs): # 1. get the categories mentioned in the caption original_str_spans = [] original_nouns = defaultdict(list) for box_index, box in enumerate(target): for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: original_str_spans.append(caption[start:end]) if "nouns" in box: original_nouns[caption[start:end]] = box["nouns"] original_str_spans = set(original_str_spans) #### Important structures positive_text_pieces = {} # mapping from positive text pieces to the original text span positive_text_pieces_reverse = {} positive_text_pieces_center_length = {} all_pieces = [] text_pieces_to_spans = {} # mapping from text pieces to the spans all_spans = [] # all the spans, noun_num x span_num_each_noun x 2 ##### length_limit = self.length_limit original_str_spans = list(original_str_spans) # shuffle random.shuffle(original_str_spans) for text_span in original_str_spans: if len(original_nouns[text_span]) == 0: nouns = text_span.split(" ") #[text_span] #find_only_noun(text_span) else: nouns = original_nouns[text_span] for noun in nouns: frequency = self.get_freq(noun) if frequency > 10000 or frequency == 0: continue positive_span, centern_noun_lenghth, span_locations = self.form_span(noun) length_limit -= len(positive_span.split(" ")) if length_limit < 0: break text_pieces_to_spans[positive_span] = span_locations positive_text_pieces[positive_span] = text_span positive_text_pieces_reverse[text_span] = positive_span positive_text_pieces_center_length[positive_span] = centern_noun_lenghth all_pieces.append(positive_span) # do the augmentation if "no_similar" in self.caption_augmentation_version: continue # skip the similar things for similar_thing in self.get_similar_things(noun): frequency = self.get_freq(similar_thing) if frequency > 10000 or frequency == 0: continue # did not find the noun in the vocab negative_span, _, span_locations = self.form_span(similar_thing) length_limit -= len(negative_span.split(" ")) if length_limit < 0: break all_pieces.append(negative_span) text_pieces_to_spans[negative_span] = span_locations # record the span mapping # randomly sample some negatives if len(all_pieces) == 0: return caption, target, None if random.random() > self.do_augment_prob: # return caption, target, None # if we have some space left, sample more descriptions while length_limit > 0: random_noun = random.choice(self.vocab_keys) frequency = self.get_freq(random_noun) if frequency > 10000 or frequency == 0: continue negative_span, _, span_locations = self.form_span(random_noun,) length_limit -= len(negative_span.split(" ")) if length_limit < 0: break all_pieces.append(negative_span) # add the negative span text_pieces_to_spans[negative_span] = span_locations # record the span mapping # 2. randomly assemble the caption new_target = deepcopy(target) random.shuffle(all_pieces) final_caption = "" # create the mapping from "text_span" to "tokens_positive" text_span_to_tokens_positive = {} for text_piece in all_pieces: if text_piece in positive_text_pieces: text_span_to_tokens_positive[positive_text_pieces[text_piece]] = (len(final_caption), len(final_caption) + positive_text_pieces_center_length[text_piece]) # only mark the centern noun as positive # update the spans cur_length = len(final_caption) for span in text_pieces_to_spans[text_piece]: span[0] = span[0] + cur_length span[1] = span[1] + cur_length final_caption += text_piece # update the target new_target = [] for box in target: new_tokens_positive = [] new_spans = [] for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: if caption[start:end] in text_span_to_tokens_positive: new_tokens_positive.append(text_span_to_tokens_positive[caption[start:end]]) new_spans.extend(text_pieces_to_spans[positive_text_pieces_reverse[caption[start:end]]]) if len(new_tokens_positive) != 0: _box = deepcopy(box) _box["tokens_positive"] = new_tokens_positive _box["spans_positive"] = new_spans new_target.append(_box) ''' For using span representation, all that needs done is to give: spans, and spans_positive for each box ''' all_spans = list(text_pieces_to_spans.values()) all_spans = sorted(all_spans, key=lambda x: x[0][0]) #print("V3 Augmented caption: ", final_caption) # Need to provide the spans return final_caption, new_target, all_spans class AugmentationV4(): def __init__(self, caption_augmentation_version, tokenizer, caption_vocab_file): self.caption_augmentation_version = caption_augmentation_version self.stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english')) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.do_augment_prob = 0.9 self.include_name_prob = 0.5 self.include_only_description_prob = 0.0 self.length_limit = 800 if "span" in caption_augmentation_version else 180 self.gpt_parser = GPTOutputParser(caption_augmentation_version.split(".")[-1]) with open(caption_vocab_file, 'r') as f: self.vocab = json.load(f) self.vocab_keys = list(self.vocab.keys()) self.include_v3_augmentation = "include_v3" in caption_augmentation_version # do a stat from ._pos_rate import PosRateController, PosRateControllerLength, PosRateControllerV2 self.pos_rate_controller = PosRateControllerV2(max_length=35, center_length = 20) def parse_info(self, noun): # given a noun, return the category and other info ''' {'type': 'human', 'description': 'female; could have long hair; could wear dresses', 'similar objects': ['girl', 'lady', 'mother']} ''' noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return 0, [], [], "" info = self.vocab[noun] descriptions = self.gpt_parser(info[0]) return info[1], descriptions["description"], descriptions["similar objects"], descriptions["type"] def get_freq(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return 0 info = self.vocab[noun] return info[1] def get_similar_things(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) if noun not in self.vocab: return [] info = self.vocab[noun] descriptions = self.gpt_parser(info[0]) return descriptions["similar objects"] def form_span(self, noun): noun = remove_stop_words(noun, self.stop_words) info = self.vocab[noun] description = info[0] if random.random() < self.include_name_prob: #postive_span = "{}, {}".format(noun, type_of_thing) #final_span = "{}, {}, {}".format(noun, type_of_thing, ", ".join(similar_visual_feature_descriptions)) final_span, end_index, spans, *_ = self.gpt_parser.form_span(noun, description, type = "vanilla_span") else: final_span, end_index, spans, *_ = self.gpt_parser.form_span(noun, description, type = "remove_noun_span") return final_span, end_index, spans def simple_gpt_parser(self, gpt_output): ''' Visually concrete phrases and their visual descriptions: {"beans": "a kind of vegetable, small, round, usually greeen"} Negative visual phrases and their visual descriptions: {"coffee beans": "a kind of vegetable, small, round, brown and dark", "beeds": "a kind of decorations, small, round, colorful"} Negative captions: ["the beans in the green silver cup.", "the apples in the red silicone cup.", "the beans in the red porcelain cup."] ''' try: if "\n" not in gpt_output: pos_description = gpt_output[gpt_output.find("1. Visually concrete objects and descriptions:") : gpt_output.find(" 2. Objects that can be confused with the above objects:")].replace("1. Visually concrete objects and descriptions:", "").strip() pos_description = json.loads(pos_description) neg_description = gpt_output[gpt_output.find(" 2. Objects that can be confused with the above objects:") : gpt_output.find(" 3. Negative captions:")].replace(" 2. Objects that can be confused with the above objects:", "").strip() neg_description = json.loads(neg_description) neg_captions = gpt_output[gpt_output.find(" 3. Negative captions:") : ].replace(" 3. Negative captions:", "").strip().replace("", "").replace("", "") neg_captions = json.loads(neg_captions) else: pos_description = gpt_output.split("\n")[0].split("descriptions: ")[1].strip() pos_description = json.loads(pos_description) try: neg_description = gpt_output.split("\n")[1].split("descriptions: ")[1].strip() neg_description = json.loads(neg_description) except: neg_description = gpt_output.split("\n")[1].split("objects: ")[1].strip() neg_description = json.loads(neg_description) neg_captions = gpt_output.split("\n")[2].split("captions: ")[1].strip() neg_captions = json.loads(neg_captions) return { "pos_description": pos_description, "neg_description": neg_description, "neg_captions": neg_captions } except: return { "pos_description": {}, "neg_description": {}, "neg_captions": [] } @staticmethod def randomly_assemble_pieces_while_maintaining_spans_locations( caption, # the original caption all_pieces, # a list of text strings that will form the final caption positive_text_pieces, # a mapping from the positive text pieces to the original text piece positive_text_pieces_reverse, # reversed mapping positive_text_pieces_center_length, # the length of the center noun text_pieces_to_spans, # record the mapping from text pieces to their spans target, # a list of boxes, each box has a "tokens_positive" field ): final_caption = "" # create the mapping from "text_span" to "tokens_positive" text_span_to_tokens_positive = {} for text_piece in all_pieces: if text_piece in positive_text_pieces: text_span_to_tokens_positive[positive_text_pieces[text_piece]] = (len(final_caption), len(final_caption) + positive_text_pieces_center_length[text_piece]) # only mark the centern noun as positive # update the spans cur_length = len(final_caption) for span in text_pieces_to_spans[text_piece]: span[0] = span[0] + cur_length span[1] = span[1] + cur_length final_caption += text_piece # update the target new_target = [] for box in target: new_tokens_positive = [] new_spans = [] for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: if caption[start:end] in text_span_to_tokens_positive: new_tokens_positive.append(text_span_to_tokens_positive[caption[start:end]]) new_spans.extend(text_pieces_to_spans[positive_text_pieces_reverse[caption[start:end]]]) if len(new_tokens_positive) != 0: _box = deepcopy(box) _box["tokens_positive"] = new_tokens_positive _box["spans_positive"] = new_spans new_target.append(_box) ''' For using span representation, all that needs done is to give: spans, and spans_positive for each box ''' all_spans = list(text_pieces_to_spans.values()) all_spans = sorted(all_spans, key=lambda x: x[0][0]) return final_caption, new_target, all_spans def merge_token_posivie(self, tokens_positive): previous_end = -5 current_start = -5 new_tokens_positive = [] for token_positive in tokens_positive: # try to merge tokens positive if they are continuous if current_start == -5: # this is the start current_start = token_positive[0] previous_end = token_positive[1] continue if token_positive[0] == previous_end + 1: # continus previous_end = token_positive[1] else: new_tokens_positive.append((current_start, previous_end)) current_start = token_positive[0] previous_end = token_positive[1] new_tokens_positive.append((current_start, previous_end)) return new_tokens_positive def _change_target(self, start_original_span, end_original_span, description, target, caption, centern_noun_lenghth): subcaptions = [] # find if there is a match matched_i = False for box_index, box in enumerate(target): for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: # if the tokens_positive is within the span or it contains the span if (start_original_span <= start and end <= end_original_span) or (start <= start_original_span and end_original_span <= end): # add the description to the positive_text_pieces # mark the matching between this box and this new subcaption # need to think later # TODO: support partial match box['tokens_positive'].append((len(caption), len(caption) + centern_noun_lenghth)) matched_i = True if matched_i: # add the description to the caption caption += description subcaptions.append(description) #negative_captions.extend(list(gpt_result["neg_description"].values())) return caption, subcaptions, target def __call__(self, caption, target, gpt3_outputs = None,): if gpt3_outputs is None: return caption, target, None # skip this augmentation #### negative_captions = [] subcaptions = [] original_subcaptions = [] grouping_subcaptions = defaultdict(list) #### probablity = random.random() # 40% chance to only include original subcaptions and neg captions # 20% chance to include only v3 captions # 10% chance to include only v4 descriptions # 20% chance to include all kinds of stuff # 10% chance to return original if probablity < 0.2: include_v3 = False include_v4_des = False include_original = True elif probablity < 1.0: include_v3 = False include_v4_des = True include_original = True else: return caption, target, None # 1. do somme preprocessing; extract the subcaptions original_caption = deepcopy(caption) original_target = deepcopy(target) # parse the GPT outputstart_index = 0 start_index = 0 for i in range(len(caption)): if caption[i] == "." or caption[i] == "?": subcaption_i = caption[start_index:i+1] subcaptions.append(subcaption_i) start_index = i + 1 if start_index != len(caption): # some remaining stuff subcaption_i = caption[start_index:] if subcaption_i.strip() != "": subcaptions.append(subcaption_i) original_subcaptions = deepcopy(subcaptions) # keep a copy of the original subcaptions for box in target: box['tokens_positive'] = self.merge_token_posivie(box['tokens_positive']) # merge the tokens_positive if they happen to be continuous if self.include_v3_augmentation and include_v3: # 1. get the categories mentioned in the caption all_nouns = [] for box_index, box in enumerate(target): for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: if "nouns" in box: all_nouns.extend(box["nouns"]) # if we pre-extract the nouns, we can use them else: all_nouns.extend(caption[start:end].split(" ")) # otherwise, we just use the tokens_positive and do a split by " " all_nouns = list(set(all_nouns)) ##### # shuffle random.shuffle(all_nouns) for noun in all_nouns: frequency = self.get_freq(noun) if frequency > 10000 or frequency == 0: continue positive_span, centern_noun_lenghth, span_locations = self.form_span(noun) # find the noun in the caption start_i = original_caption.find(noun) end_i = start_i + len(noun) # add the positive span to the caption caption, subcaptions_noun, target = self._change_target( start_original_span = start_i, end_original_span = end_i, description = positive_span, target = target, caption = caption, centern_noun_lenghth=centern_noun_lenghth) if len(subcaptions_noun) != 0: subcaptions.extend(subcaptions_noun) # do the augmentation _tmp_negs = [] for similar_thing in self.get_similar_things(noun): frequency = self.get_freq(similar_thing) if frequency > 10000 or frequency == 0: continue # did not find the noun in the vocab negative_span, _, span_locations = self.form_span(similar_thing) negative_captions.append(negative_span) _tmp_negs.append(negative_span) grouping_subcaptions["v3"].append((positive_span, _tmp_negs)) if gpt3_outputs is None: gpt3_outputs = {} ban_list = ['man', "woman", "child", "men", "women", "children", "people", "person"] for key, value in gpt3_outputs.items(): try: gpt_result = self.simple_gpt_parser(value) for key_phrase, description_i in gpt_result["pos_description"].items(): # find the location of the span start_i = caption.find(key_phrase) end_i = start_i + len(key_phrase) description_i = description_i + ". " if description_i[-1] != "." else description_i if random.random() < 0.5: description_i = key_phrase + ", " + description_i center_ = 2 else: center_ = 1 # find the center noun center_length = len(",".join(description_i.split(",")[:center_])) # else: # center_length = len(description_i) # find if there is a match matched_i = False skip_i = False for ban_noun in ban_list: if ban_noun in key_phrase: skip_i = True break if skip_i: continue for box_index, box in enumerate(target): for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: # if the tokens_positive is within the span or it contains the span if (start_i <= start and end <= end_i) or (start <= start_i and end_i <= end): # add the description to the positive_text_pieces # mark the matching between this box and this new subcaption # need to think later # TODO: support partial match box['tokens_positive'].append((len(caption), len(caption) + center_length)) matched_i = True if matched_i and include_v4_des: # add the description to the caption caption += description_i subcaptions.append(description_i) negative_captions.extend(list(gpt_result["neg_description"].values())) grouping_subcaptions["v4_des"].append((description_i, list(gpt_result["neg_description"].values()))) # the rest are negative captions negative_captions.extend(gpt_result["neg_captions"]) grouping_subcaptions["original"].append((key, gpt_result["neg_captions"])) except: pass for i in range(len(negative_captions)): if negative_captions[i].endswith(".") or negative_captions[i].endswith("?"): negative_captions[i] = negative_captions[i] + " " elif negative_captions[i].endswith(". ") or negative_captions[i].endswith("? "): pass else: negative_captions[i] = negative_captions[i] + ". " for value in grouping_subcaptions.values(): for caps in value: for index in range(len(caps[1])): if caps[1][index].endswith(".") or caps[1][index].endswith("?"): caps[1][index] = caps[1][index] + " " elif caps[1][index].endswith(". ") or caps[1][index].endswith("? "): pass else: caps[1][index] = caps[1][index] + ". " if "drop_positive" in self.caption_augmentation_version: drop_positive_rate = 0.5 if random.random() < 0.1: # 10% drop all the positive drop_positive_rate = 1.0 drop_negative_rate = 0.0 else: drop_positive_rate = 0.0 drop_negative_rate = 0.0 if len(subcaptions) == 0 and len(negative_captions) == 0: return original_caption, original_target, None if "control_pos" in self.caption_augmentation_version: # calculate on average how many captions we can afford here sub_cap_mean_length = np.mean([len(i.split(" ")) for i in subcaptions]) neg_cap_mean_length = np.mean([len(i.split(" ")) for i in negative_captions]) mean_length = (sub_cap_mean_length * len(subcaptions) + neg_cap_mean_length * len(negative_captions)) / (len(subcaptions) + len(negative_captions)) if sub_cap_mean_length * len(subcaptions) + neg_cap_mean_length * len(negative_captions) > 200: # need to drop some of the captions max_cap_num = 180 // mean_length else: max_cap_num = -1 if "grouping" in self.caption_augmentation_version: # dynamically determine the number of positive and negative captions final_included_groups = [] if include_v3: final_included_groups.extend(grouping_subcaptions["v3"]) if include_v4_des: final_included_groups.extend(grouping_subcaptions["v4_des"]) if include_original: final_included_groups.extend(grouping_subcaptions["original"]) # negative captions grouped_positive_num = len(final_included_groups) grouped_negative_num = sum([len(i[1]) for i in final_included_groups]) else: grouped_positive_num = len(subcaptions) grouped_negative_num = len(negative_captions) # prefered captions pos_num, neg_num = self.pos_rate_controller(grouped_positive_num, grouped_negative_num, max_cap_num=max_cap_num) if "grouping" in self.caption_augmentation_version: # do the preselection preselected_captions = set() preselected_captions_neg = set() neg_counter = 0 # let's see if we need to drop some negative; do a preselection of negative captions random.shuffle(final_included_groups) for i in range(pos_num): preselected_captions.add(final_included_groups[i][0]) if neg_counter < neg_num: _tmp = random.randint(0, len(final_included_groups[i][1])) preselected_captions_neg.update(final_included_groups[i][1][:_tmp]) neg_counter += _tmp if neg_counter < neg_num: random.shuffle(negative_captions) preselected_captions_neg.update(negative_captions[:neg_num - neg_counter]) # print(include_v3, include_v4_des, include_original) # print(preselected_captions) # print(preselected_captions_neg) # print(pos_num, neg_num) # print("grouped", grouped_positive_num, grouped_negative_num) # print("original", len(subcaptions), len(negative_captions)) preselected_captions.update(preselected_captions_neg) else: preselected_captions = None augmented_caption, location_mapping, final_pos_num, final_neg_num = random_resemble_captions( subcaptions, negative_captions, pos_num, neg_num, tokenizer = self.tokenizer, preselected_captions= preselected_captions) self.pos_rate_controller.update_true_pos_rate(final_pos_num, final_pos_num + final_neg_num) # update the target new_target = [] for box in target: new_tokens_positive = [] for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: if start in location_mapping and end - 1 in location_mapping: new_tokens_positive.append([location_mapping[start], location_mapping[end - 1] + 1]) # location of the character in the new string if len(new_tokens_positive) > 0: # possible the caption was dropped _box = deepcopy(box) _box["tokens_positive"] = new_tokens_positive new_target.append(_box) original_spans = [] for box in target: for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: original_spans.append(caption[start:end]) augmented_spans = [] for box in new_target: for start, end in box["tokens_positive"]: augmented_spans.append(augmented_caption[start:end]) if len(augmented_caption) == 0: return original_caption, original_target, None return augmented_caption, new_target, None def find_noun_phrases(caption: str): caption = caption.lower() tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(caption) pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) grammar = "NP: {
?*+}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(pos_tags) noun_phrases = list() for subtree in result.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == "NP": noun_phrases.append(" ".join(t[0] for t in subtree.leaves())) return noun_phrases def random_resemble_captions( captions, additional_captions, sub_sample_pos_num = -1, sub_sample_neg_num = -1, preselected_captions = None, tokenizer=None): location_mapping = {} indexes = list(range(len(captions) + len(additional_captions))) all_captions = captions + additional_captions random.shuffle(indexes) # create a mapping between the original location and the new location # 1. create a mapping from original index to their character location original_index_to_location = defaultdict(list) current_caption = '' for i, caption in enumerate(captions): current_len = len(current_caption) for j in range(len(caption)): original_index_to_location[i].append(current_len + j) # location of the character in the original string current_caption += caption #current_caption += '. ' # determind the kept indexes if sub_sample_pos_num != -1: pos_indexes = list(range(len(captions))) if preselected_captions is not None: pos_indexes = [i for i in pos_indexes if all_captions[i] in preselected_captions] random.shuffle(pos_indexes) kept_pos_indexes = set(pos_indexes[:sub_sample_pos_num]) else: kept_pos_indexes = set(range(len(captions))) if sub_sample_neg_num != -1: neg_indexes = list(range(len(captions), len(captions) + len(additional_captions))) if preselected_captions is not None: neg_indexes = [i for i in neg_indexes if all_captions[i] in preselected_captions] random.shuffle(neg_indexes) kept_neg_indexes = set(neg_indexes[:sub_sample_neg_num]) else: kept_neg_indexes = set(range(len(captions), len(captions) + len(additional_captions))) kep_indexes = kept_pos_indexes | kept_neg_indexes final_kept_positive = [] final_kept_negative = [] final_kep_indexes = [] # 2. create a mapping from original locations length_limit = 254 current_caption = "" # need to avoid calling the tokenizer too many times for i in range(len(indexes)): caption = all_captions[indexes[i]] if indexes[i] not in kep_indexes: # will not be kept continue tokenized = tokenizer.tokenize(caption) #tokenized = caption.split(" ") length_limit -= len(tokenized) if length_limit < 0: break # we have reached the length limit # if not caption.startswith(" "): # current_caption += " " current_len = len(current_caption) if indexes[i] < len(captions): # means it is one of the original caption and we need to record location for j in range(len(caption)): location_mapping[ original_index_to_location[indexes[i]][j] ] = current_len + j # location of the character in the new string current_caption += caption if current_caption.endswith("."): current_caption += ' ' elif current_caption.endswith("?"): current_caption += ' ' elif current_caption.endswith(". ") or current_caption.endswith("? "): pass else: current_caption += '. ' if indexes[i] in kept_pos_indexes: final_kept_positive.append(caption) else: final_kept_negative.append(caption) return current_caption, location_mapping, len(final_kept_positive), len(final_kept_negative)