import time import pickle import logging import os import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn from collections import OrderedDict from yaml import safe_dump from yacs.config import load_cfg, CfgNode # , _to_dict from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg from maskrcnn_benchmark.engine.inference import _accumulate_predictions_from_multiple_gpus from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.backbone.nas import get_layer_name from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.comm import synchronize, get_rank, is_main_process, get_world_size, all_gather from import evaluate from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.flops import profile choice = lambda x: x[np.random.randint(len(x))] if isinstance(x, tuple) else choice(tuple(x)) def gather_candidates(all_candidates): all_candidates = all_gather(all_candidates) all_candidates = [cand for candidates in all_candidates for cand in candidates] return list(set(all_candidates)) def gather_stats(all_candidates): all_candidates = all_gather(all_candidates) reduced_statcs = {} for candidates in all_candidates: reduced_statcs.update(candidates) # will replace the existing key with last value if more than one exists return reduced_statcs def compute_on_dataset(model, rngs, data_loader, device=cfg.MODEL.DEVICE): model.eval() results_dict = {} cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") for _, batch in enumerate(data_loader): images, targets, image_ids = batch with torch.no_grad(): output = model(, rngs=rngs) output = [ for o in output] results_dict.update({img_id: result for img_id, result in zip(image_ids, output)}) return results_dict def bn_statistic(model, rngs, data_loader, device=cfg.MODEL.DEVICE, max_iter=500): for name, param in model.named_buffers(): if "running_mean" in name: nn.init.constant_(param, 0) if "running_var" in name: nn.init.constant_(param, 1) model.train() for iteration, (images, targets, _) in enumerate(data_loader, 1): images = targets = [ for target in targets] with torch.no_grad(): loss_dict = model(images, targets, rngs) if iteration >= max_iter: break return model def inference( model, rngs, data_loader, iou_types=("bbox",), box_only=False, device="cuda", expected_results=(), expected_results_sigma_tol=4, output_folder=None, ): # convert to a torch.device for efficiency device = torch.device(device) dataset = data_loader.dataset predictions = compute_on_dataset(model, rngs, data_loader, device) # wait for all processes to complete before measuring the time synchronize() predictions = _accumulate_predictions_from_multiple_gpus(predictions) if not is_main_process(): return extra_args = dict( box_only=box_only, iou_types=iou_types, expected_results=expected_results, expected_results_sigma_tol=expected_results_sigma_tol, ) return evaluate(dataset=dataset, predictions=predictions, output_folder=output_folder, **extra_args) def fitness(cfg, model, rngs, val_loaders): iou_types = ("bbox",) if cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON: iou_types = iou_types + ("segm",) for data_loader_val in val_loaders: results = inference( model, rngs, data_loader_val, iou_types=iou_types, box_only=False, device=cfg.MODEL.DEVICE, expected_results=cfg.TEST.EXPECTED_RESULTS, expected_results_sigma_tol=cfg.TEST.EXPECTED_RESULTS_SIGMA_TOL, ) synchronize() return results class EvolutionTrainer(object): def __init__(self, cfg, model, flops_limit=None, is_distributed=True): self.log_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR self.checkpoint_name = os.path.join(self.log_dir, "evolution.pth") self.is_distributed = is_distributed self.states = model.module.mix_nums if is_distributed else model.mix_nums self.supernet_state_dict = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(model.state_dict())) self.flops_limit = flops_limit self.model = model self.candidates = [] self.vis_dict = {} self.max_epochs = cfg.SEARCH.MAX_EPOCH self.select_num = cfg.SEARCH.SELECT_NUM self.population_num = cfg.SEARCH.POPULATION_NUM / get_world_size() self.mutation_num = cfg.SEARCH.MUTATION_NUM / get_world_size() self.crossover_num = cfg.SEARCH.CROSSOVER_NUM / get_world_size() self.mutation_prob = cfg.SEARCH.MUTATION_PROB / get_world_size() self.keep_top_k = {self.select_num: [], 50: []} self.epoch = 0 self.cfg = cfg def save_checkpoint(self): if not is_main_process(): return if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): os.makedirs(self.log_dir) info = {} info["candidates"] = self.candidates info["vis_dict"] = self.vis_dict info["keep_top_k"] = self.keep_top_k info["epoch"] = self.epoch, self.checkpoint_name) print("Save checkpoint to", self.checkpoint_name) def load_checkpoint(self): if not os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_name): return False info = torch.load(self.checkpoint_name) self.candidates = info["candidates"] self.vis_dict = info["vis_dict"] self.keep_top_k = info["keep_top_k"] self.epoch = info["epoch"] print("Load checkpoint from", self.checkpoint_name) return True def legal(self, cand): assert isinstance(cand, tuple) and len(cand) == len(self.states) if cand in self.vis_dict: return False if self.flops_limit is not None: net = self.model.module.backbone if self.is_distributed else self.model.backbone inp = (1, 3, 224, 224) flops, params = profile(net, inp, extra_args={"paths": list(cand)}) flops = flops / 1e6 print("flops:", flops) if flops > self.flops_limit: return False return True def update_top_k(self, candidates, *, k, key, reverse=False): assert k in self.keep_top_k # print('select ......') t = self.keep_top_k[k] t += candidates t.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) self.keep_top_k[k] = t[:k] def eval_candidates(self, train_loader, val_loader): for cand in self.candidates: t0 = time.time() # load back supernet state dict self.model.load_state_dict(self.supernet_state_dict) # bn_statistic model = bn_statistic(self.model, list(cand), train_loader) # fitness evals = fitness(cfg, model, list(cand), val_loader) if is_main_process(): acc = evals[0].results["bbox"]["AP"] self.vis_dict[cand] = acc print("candiate ", cand) print("time: {}s".format(time.time() - t0)) print("acc ", acc) def stack_random_cand(self, random_func, *, batchsize=10): while True: cands = [random_func() for _ in range(batchsize)] for cand in cands: yield cand def random_can(self, num): # print('random select ........') candidates = [] cand_iter = self.stack_random_cand(lambda: tuple(np.random.randint(i) for i in self.states)) while len(candidates) < num: cand = next(cand_iter) if not continue candidates.append(cand) # print('random {}/{}'.format(len(candidates),num)) # print('random_num = {}'.format(len(candidates))) return candidates def get_mutation(self, k, mutation_num, m_prob): assert k in self.keep_top_k # print('mutation ......') res = [] iter = 0 max_iters = mutation_num * 10 def random_func(): cand = list(choice(self.keep_top_k[k])) for i in range(len(self.states)): if np.random.random_sample() < m_prob: cand[i] = np.random.randint(self.states[i]) return tuple(cand) cand_iter = self.stack_random_cand(random_func) while len(res) < mutation_num and max_iters > 0: cand = next(cand_iter) if not continue res.append(cand) # print('mutation {}/{}'.format(len(res),mutation_num)) max_iters -= 1 # print('mutation_num = {}'.format(len(res))) return res def get_crossover(self, k, crossover_num): assert k in self.keep_top_k # print('crossover ......') res = [] iter = 0 max_iters = 10 * crossover_num def random_func(): p1 = choice(self.keep_top_k[k]) p2 = choice(self.keep_top_k[k]) return tuple(choice([i, j]) for i, j in zip(p1, p2)) cand_iter = self.stack_random_cand(random_func) while len(res) < crossover_num and max_iters > 0: cand = next(cand_iter) if not continue res.append(cand) # print('crossover {}/{}'.format(len(res),crossover_num)) max_iters -= 1 # print('crossover_num = {}'.format(len(res))) return res def train(self, train_loader, val_loader): logger = logging.getLogger("maskrcnn_benchmark.evolution") if not self.load_checkpoint(): self.candidates = gather_candidates(self.random_can(self.population_num)) while self.epoch < self.max_epochs: self.eval_candidates(train_loader, val_loader) self.vis_dict = gather_stats(self.vis_dict) self.update_top_k(self.candidates, k=self.select_num, key=lambda x: 1 - self.vis_dict[x]) self.update_top_k(self.candidates, k=50, key=lambda x: 1 - self.vis_dict[x]) if is_main_process():"Epoch {} : top {} result".format(self.epoch + 1, len(self.keep_top_k[self.select_num]))) for i, cand in enumerate(self.keep_top_k[self.select_num]):" No.{} {} perf = {}".format(i + 1, cand, self.vis_dict[cand])) mutation = gather_candidates(self.get_mutation(self.select_num, self.mutation_num, self.mutation_prob)) crossover = gather_candidates(self.get_crossover(self.select_num, self.crossover_num)) rand = gather_candidates(self.random_can(self.population_num - len(mutation) - len(crossover))) self.candidates = mutation + crossover + rand self.epoch += 1 self.save_checkpoint() def save_candidates(self, cand, template): paths = self.keep_top_k[self.select_num][cand - 1] with open(template, "r") as f: super_cfg = load_cfg(f) search_spaces = {} for mix_ops in super_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.LAYER_SEARCH: search_spaces[mix_ops] = super_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.LAYER_SEARCH[mix_ops] search_layers = super_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.LAYER_SETUP layer_setup = [] for i, layer in enumerate(search_layers): name, setup = get_layer_name(layer, search_spaces) if not isinstance(name, list): name = [name] name = name[paths[i]] layer_setup.append("('{}', {})".format(name, str(setup)[1:-1])) super_cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.LAYER_SETUP = layer_setup cand_cfg = _to_dict(super_cfg) del cand_cfg["MODEL"]["BACKBONE"]["LAYER_SEARCH"] with open( os.path.join(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, os.path.basename(template)).replace(".yaml", "_cand{}.yaml".format(cand)), "w", ) as f: f.writelines(safe_dump(cand_cfg)) super_weight = self.supernet_state_dict cand_weight = OrderedDict() cand_keys = ["layers.{}.ops.{}".format(i, c) for i, c in enumerate(paths)] for key, val in super_weight.items(): if "ops" in key: for ck in cand_keys: if ck in key: cand_weight[key.replace(ck, ck.split(".ops.")[0])] = val else: cand_weight[key] = val{"model": cand_weight}, os.path.join(self.cfg.OUTPUT_DIR, "init_cand{}.pth".format(cand)))