import cv2 import torch import re import numpy as np from typing import List, Union import nltk import inflect from transformers import AutoTokenizer from torchvision import transforms as T import pdb from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.detector import build_detection_model from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.checkpoint import DetectronCheckpointer from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.image_list import to_image_list from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.boxlist_ops import boxlist_iou from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.bounding_box import BoxList from maskrcnn_benchmark import layers as L from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.roi_heads.mask_head.inference import Masker from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils import cv2_util from PIL import Image engine = inflect.engine()"punkt")"averaged_perceptron_tagger") import timeit class GLIPDemo(object): def __init__( self, cfg, confidence_threshold=0.7, min_image_size=None, show_mask_heatmaps=False, masks_per_dim=5, ): self.cfg = cfg.clone() self.model = build_detection_model(cfg) self.model.eval() self.device = torch.device(cfg.MODEL.DEVICE) self.min_image_size = min_image_size self.show_mask_heatmaps = show_mask_heatmaps self.masks_per_dim = masks_per_dim save_dir = cfg.OUTPUT_DIR checkpointer = DetectronCheckpointer(cfg, self.model, save_dir=save_dir) _ = checkpointer.load(cfg.MODEL.WEIGHT) self.transforms = self.build_transform() # used to make colors for each tokens mask_threshold = -1 if show_mask_heatmaps else 0.5 self.masker = Masker(threshold=mask_threshold, padding=1) self.palette = torch.tensor([2**25 - 1, 2**15 - 1, 2**21 - 1]) self.cpu_device = torch.device("cpu") self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold self.tokenizer = self.build_tokenizer() def build_transform(self): """ Creates a basic transformation that was used to train the models """ cfg = self.cfg # we are loading images with OpenCV, so we don't need to convert them # to BGR, they are already! So all we need to do is to normalize # by 255 if we want to convert to BGR255 format, or flip the channels # if we want it to be in RGB in [0-1] range. if cfg.INPUT.TO_BGR255: to_bgr_transform = T.Lambda(lambda x: x * 255) else: to_bgr_transform = T.Lambda(lambda x: x[[2, 1, 0]]) normalize_transform = T.Normalize(mean=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_MEAN, std=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_STD) transform = T.Compose( [ T.ToPILImage(), T.Resize(self.min_image_size) if self.min_image_size is not None else lambda x: x, T.ToTensor(), to_bgr_transform, normalize_transform, ] ) return transform def build_tokenizer(self): cfg = self.cfg tokenizer = None if cfg.MODEL.LANGUAGE_BACKBONE.TOKENIZER_TYPE == "bert-base-uncased": tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased") if cfg.MODEL.LANGUAGE_BACKBONE.TOKENIZER_TYPE == "roberta-base": tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("roberta-base") elif cfg.MODEL.LANGUAGE_BACKBONE.TOKENIZER_TYPE == "clip": from transformers import CLIPTokenizerFast if cfg.MODEL.DYHEAD.FUSE_CONFIG.MLM_LOSS: tokenizer = CLIPTokenizerFast.from_pretrained( "openai/clip-vit-base-patch32", from_slow=True, mask_token="ðŁĴij" ) else: tokenizer = CLIPTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-base-patch32", from_slow=True) return tokenizer def run_ner(self, caption, specified_tokens=None): if specified_tokens is None: noun_phrases = find_noun_phrases(caption) noun_phrases = [remove_punctuation(phrase) for phrase in noun_phrases] noun_phrases = [phrase for phrase in noun_phrases if phrase != ""] else: noun_phrases = specified_tokens relevant_phrases = noun_phrases labels = noun_phrases self.entities = labels tokens_positive = [] for entity, label in zip(relevant_phrases, labels): try: # search all occurrences and mark them as different entities for m in re.finditer(entity, caption.lower()): tokens_positive.append([[m.start(), m.end()]]) except: print("noun entities:", noun_phrases) print("entity:", entity) print("caption:", caption.lower()) return tokens_positive def inference(self, original_image, original_caption): predictions = self.compute_prediction(original_image, original_caption) top_predictions = self._post_process_fixed_thresh(predictions) return top_predictions def run_on_web_image(self, original_image, original_caption, thresh=0.5, specified_tokens = None, **kwargs): original_caption = original_caption.lower() if specified_tokens is not None: specified_tokens = [token.lower() for token in specified_tokens] predictions = self.compute_prediction(original_image, original_caption, specified_tokens=specified_tokens) top_predictions = self._post_process(predictions, thresh) result = original_image.copy() def resize_image_by_height(image, new_height=500): height, width, _ = image.shape aspect_ratio = width / height new_width = int(new_height * aspect_ratio) resized_image = cv2.resize(image, (new_width, new_height)) return resized_img result = resize_image_by_height(result) if self.show_mask_heatmaps: return self.create_mask_montage(result, top_predictions) result = self.overlay_boxes(result, top_predictions, **kwargs) result = self.overlay_entity_names(result, top_predictions,**kwargs) if self.cfg.MODEL.MASK_ON: result = self.overlay_mask(result, top_predictions) return result, top_predictions def compute_prediction(self, original_image, original_caption, specified_tokens = None): # image image = self.transforms(original_image) image_list = to_image_list(image, self.cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY) image_list = # caption tokenized = self.tokenizer([original_caption], return_tensors="pt") tokens_positive = self.run_ner(original_caption, specified_tokens=specified_tokens) # process positive map positive_map = create_positive_map(tokenized, tokens_positive) if self.cfg.MODEL.RPN_ARCHITECTURE == "VLDYHEAD": plus = 1 else: plus = 0 positive_map_label_to_token = create_positive_map_label_to_token_from_positive_map(positive_map, plus=plus) = plus self.positive_map_label_to_token = positive_map_label_to_token tic = timeit.time.perf_counter() # compute predictions with torch.no_grad(): predictions = self.model(image_list, captions=[original_caption], positive_map=positive_map_label_to_token) predictions = [ for o in predictions] print("inference time per image: {}".format(timeit.time.perf_counter() - tic)) # always single image is passed at a time prediction = predictions[0] # reshape prediction (a BoxList) into the original image size height, width = original_image.shape[:-1] prediction = prediction.resize((width, height)) if prediction.has_field("mask"): # if we have masks, paste the masks in the right position # in the image, as defined by the bounding boxes masks = prediction.get_field("mask") # always single image is passed at a time masks = self.masker([masks], [prediction])[0] prediction.add_field("mask", masks) return prediction def _post_process_fixed_thresh(self, predictions): scores = predictions.get_field("scores") labels = predictions.get_field("labels").tolist() thresh = scores.clone() for i, lb in enumerate(labels): if isinstance(self.confidence_threshold, float): thresh[i] = self.confidence_threshold elif len(self.confidence_threshold) == 1: thresh[i] = self.confidence_threshold[0] else: thresh[i] = self.confidence_threshold[lb - 1] keep = torch.nonzero(scores > thresh).squeeze(1) predictions = predictions[keep] scores = predictions.get_field("scores") _, idx = scores.sort(0, descending=True) return predictions[idx] def _post_process(self, predictions, threshold=0.5): scores = predictions.get_field("scores") labels = predictions.get_field("labels").tolist() thresh = scores.clone() for i, lb in enumerate(labels): if isinstance(self.confidence_threshold, float): thresh[i] = threshold elif len(self.confidence_threshold) == 1: thresh[i] = threshold else: thresh[i] = self.confidence_threshold[lb - 1] keep = torch.nonzero(scores > thresh).squeeze(1) predictions = predictions[keep] scores = predictions.get_field("scores") _, idx = scores.sort(0, descending=True) return predictions[idx] def compute_colors_for_labels(self, labels): """ Simple function that adds fixed colors depending on the class """ colors = (30 * (labels[:, None] - 1) + 1) * self.palette colors = (colors % 255).numpy().astype("uint8") return colors def overlay_boxes(self, image, predictions, box_alpha=0.5, override_color = None, box_pixel = 2, **kwargs): labels = predictions.get_field("labels") boxes = predictions.bbox colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist() new_image = image.copy() for box, color in zip(boxes, colors): box = top_left, bottom_right = box[:2].tolist(), box[2:].tolist() new_image = cv2.rectangle(new_image, tuple(top_left), tuple(bottom_right), tuple(255, 255, 255), box_pixel+3) new_image = cv2.rectangle(new_image, tuple(top_left), tuple(bottom_right), tuple(color) if override_color is None else tuple(override_color), box_pixel) image = cv2.addWeighted(new_image, box_alpha, image, 1 - box_alpha, 0) return image def overlay_scores(self, image, predictions): scores = predictions.get_field("scores") boxes = predictions.bbox labels = predictions.get_field("labels") colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist() for box, score, color in zip(boxes, scores, colors): box = image = cv2.putText( image, "%.3f" % score, (int(box[0]), int((box[1] + box[3]) / 2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.3, tuple(color), 1, ) return image def overlay_entity_names(self, image, predictions, text_size=1.0, text_pixel=2, text_offset = 10, text_offset_original = 4, override_color = None, skip_name = False, **kwargs): scores = predictions.get_field("scores").tolist() labels = predictions.get_field("labels") colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist() new_labels = [] if self.entities and for i in labels: if i <= len(self.entities): new_labels.append(self.entities[i -]) else: new_labels.append("object") # labels = [self.entities[i -] for i in labels ] else: new_labels = ["object" for i in labels] boxes = predictions.bbox previous_locations = [] for box, score, label, color in zip(boxes, scores, new_labels, colors): x, y = box[:2] if skip_name: s = "{:.2f}".format(score) else: s = "{}: {:.2f}".format(label, score) print(s) for x_prev, y_prev in previous_locations: if abs(x - x_prev) < abs(text_offset) and abs(y - y_prev) < abs(text_offset): y -= text_offset if int(y) - text_offset_original < 20: y += 50 text_size = cv2.getTextSize(s, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, text_size, text_pixel)[0] position = (int(x), int(y)-text_offset_original) bottom_left_corner_of_text = (position[0], position[1] + text_size[1]) top_right_corner = (position[0] + text_size[0], position[1]) image[position[1]:bottom_left_corner_of_text[1], position[0]:top_right_corner[0]] = (255, 255, 255) cv2.putText( image, s, (int(x), int(y)-text_offset_original), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, text_size, tuple(color) if override_color is None else tuple(override_color), text_pixel, cv2.LINE_AA ) previous_locations.append((int(x), int(y))) return image def overlay_mask(self, image, predictions): masks = predictions.get_field("mask").numpy() labels = predictions.get_field("labels") colors = self.compute_colors_for_labels(labels).tolist() # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() # masks = masks > 0.1 for mask, color in zip(masks, colors): thresh = mask[0, :, :, None].astype(np.uint8) contours, hierarchy = cv2_util.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) image = cv2.drawContours(image, contours, -1, color, 2) composite = image return composite def create_mask_montage(self, image, predictions): masks = predictions.get_field("mask") masks_per_dim = self.masks_per_dim masks = L.interpolate(masks.float(), scale_factor=1 / masks_per_dim).byte() height, width = masks.shape[-2:] max_masks = masks_per_dim**2 masks = masks[:max_masks] # handle case where we have less detections than max_masks if len(masks) < max_masks: masks_padded = torch.zeros(max_masks, 1, height, width, dtype=torch.uint8) masks_padded[: len(masks)] = masks masks = masks_padded masks = masks.reshape(masks_per_dim, masks_per_dim, height, width) result = torch.zeros((masks_per_dim * height, masks_per_dim * width), dtype=torch.uint8) for y in range(masks_per_dim): start_y = y * height end_y = (y + 1) * height for x in range(masks_per_dim): start_x = x * width end_x = (x + 1) * width result[start_y:end_y, start_x:end_x] = masks[y, x] return cv2.applyColorMap(result.numpy(), cv2.COLORMAP_JET), None def create_positive_map_label_to_token_from_positive_map(positive_map, plus=0): positive_map_label_to_token = {} for i in range(len(positive_map)): positive_map_label_to_token[i + plus] = torch.nonzero(positive_map[i], as_tuple=True)[0].tolist() return positive_map_label_to_token def create_positive_map(tokenized, tokens_positive): """construct a map such that positive_map[i,j] = True iff box i is associated to token j""" positive_map = torch.zeros((len(tokens_positive), 256), dtype=torch.float) for j, tok_list in enumerate(tokens_positive): for (beg, end) in tok_list: try: beg_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(beg) end_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(end - 1) except Exception as e: print("beg:", beg, "end:", end) print("token_positive:", tokens_positive) # print("beg_pos:", beg_pos, "end_pos:", end_pos) raise e if beg_pos is None: try: beg_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(beg + 1) if beg_pos is None: beg_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(beg + 2) except: beg_pos = None if end_pos is None: try: end_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(end - 2) if end_pos is None: end_pos = tokenized.char_to_token(end - 3) except: end_pos = None if beg_pos is None or end_pos is None: continue assert beg_pos is not None and end_pos is not None positive_map[j, beg_pos : end_pos + 1].fill_(1) return positive_map / (positive_map.sum(-1)[:, None] + 1e-6) def find_noun_phrases(caption: str) -> List[str]: caption = caption.lower() tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(caption) pos_tags = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) grammar = "NP: {
?*+}" cp = nltk.RegexpParser(grammar) result = cp.parse(pos_tags) noun_phrases = list() for subtree in result.subtrees(): if subtree.label() == "NP": noun_phrases.append(" ".join(t[0] for t in subtree.leaves())) return noun_phrases def remove_punctuation(text: str) -> str: punct = [ "|", ":", ";", "@", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "^", "'", '"', "’", "`", "?", "$", "%", "#", "!", "&", "*", "+", ",", ".", ] for p in punct: text = text.replace(p, "") return text.strip()