import onnx import pandas as pd from import FHEModelDev, FHEModelClient from import get_equivalent_numpy_forward import json import os import shutil from pathlib import Path script_dir = Path(__file__).parent print("Compiling the model...") # Load the onnx model model_onnx = onnx.load(Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/server_model.onnx")) # Load the data from the csv file to be used for compilation data = pd.read_csv( Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/samples_for_compilation.csv"), index_col=0 ).values # Convert the onnx model to a numpy model _tensor_tree_predict = get_equivalent_numpy_forward(model_onnx) model = FHEModelClient( Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment"), ".fhe_keys" ).model # Assign the numpy model and compile the model model._tensor_tree_predict = _tensor_tree_predict # Compile the model model.compile(data) # Load the serialized_processing.json file with open( Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment/serialized_processing.json"), "r" ) as f: serialized_processing = json.load(f) # Delete the deployment folder if it exist if Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment").exists(): shutil.rmtree(Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment")) fhe_api = FHEModelDev( model=model, path_dir=Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment") ) # Write the serialized_processing.json file to the deployment folder with open( Path.joinpath(script_dir, "sentiment_fhe_model/deployment/serialized_processing.json"), "w" ) as f: json.dump(serialized_processing, f) print("Done!")