"""A local gradio app that filters images using FHE.""" import os import shutil import subprocess import time import gradio as gr import numpy import requests from common import ( AVAILABLE_FILTERS, CLIENT_TMP_PATH, EXAMPLES, FILTERS_PATH, INPUT_SHAPE, KEYS_PATH, WRONG_KEYS_PATH, REPO_DIR, SERVER_URL, ) from client_server_interface import FHEClient # Uncomment here to have both the server and client in the same terminal subprocess.Popen(["uvicorn", "server:app"], cwd=REPO_DIR) time.sleep(3) def decrypt_output_with_wrong_key(encrypted_image, filter_name): """Decrypt the encrypted output using a different private key. """ # Retrieve the filter's deployment path filter_path = FILTERS_PATH / f"{filter_name}/deployment" # Instantiate the client interface and generate a new private key wrong_client = FHEClient(filter_path, WRONG_KEYS_PATH, filter_name) wrong_client.generate_private_and_evaluation_keys(force=True) # Deserialize, decrypt and post-process the encrypted output using the new private key output_image = wrong_client.deserialize_decrypt_post_process(encrypted_image) return output_image def shorten_bytes_object(bytes_object, limit=500): """Shorten the input bytes object to a given length. Encrypted data is too large for displaying it in the browser using Gradio. This function provides a shorten representation of it. Args: bytes_object (bytes): The input to shorten limit (int): The length to consider. Default to 500. Returns: str: Hexadecimal string shorten representation of the input byte object. """ # Define a shift for better display shift = 100 return bytes_object[shift : limit + shift].hex() def get_client(user_id, filter_name): """Get the client API. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The filter chosen by the user Returns: FHEClient: The client API. """ return FHEClient( FILTERS_PATH / f"{filter_name}/deployment", KEYS_PATH / f"{filter_name}_{user_id}", filter_name, ) def get_client_file_path(name, user_id, filter_name): """Get the correct temporary file path for the client. Args: name (str): The desired file name. user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The filter chosen by the user Returns: pathlib.Path: The file path. """ return CLIENT_TMP_PATH / f"{name}_{filter_name}_{user_id}" def clean_temporary_files(n_keys=20): """Clean keys and encrypted images. A maximum of n_keys keys are allowed to be stored. Once this limit is reached, the oldest are deleted. Args: n_keys (int): The maximum number of keys to be stored. Default to 20. """ # Get the oldest files in the key directory list_files = sorted(KEYS_PATH.iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime) # If more than n_keys keys are found, remove the oldest user_ids = [] if len(list_files) > n_keys: n_files_to_delete = len(list_files) - n_keys for p in list_files[:n_files_to_delete]: user_ids.append(p.name) shutil.rmtree(p) # Get all the encrypted objects in the temporary folder list_files_tmp = CLIENT_TMP_PATH.iterdir() # Delete all files related to the current user for file in list_files_tmp: for user_id in user_ids: if file.name.endswith(f"{user_id}.npy"): file.unlink() def keygen(filter_name): """Generate the private key associated to a filter. Args: filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. Returns: (user_id, True) (Tuple[int, bool]): The current user's ID and a boolean used for visual display. """ # Clean temporary files clean_temporary_files() # Create an ID for the current user user_id = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**32) # Retrieve the client API client = get_client(user_id, filter_name) # Generate a private key client.generate_private_and_evaluation_keys(force=True) # Retrieve the serialized evaluation key. In this case, as circuits are fully leveled, this # evaluation key is empty. However, for software reasons, it is still needed for proper FHE # execution evaluation_key = client.get_serialized_evaluation_keys() # Compute the private key's size in Kilobytes private_key_path = next(client.key_dir.iterdir()) / "0_0/secretKey_big" private_key_size = private_key_path.stat().st_size / 1000 # Save evaluation_key as bytes in a file as it is too large to pass through regular Gradio # buttons (see https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/issues/1877) evaluation_key_path = get_client_file_path("evaluation_key", user_id, filter_name) with evaluation_key_path.open("wb") as evaluation_key_file: evaluation_key_file.write(evaluation_key) return (user_id, True, private_key_size) def encrypt(user_id, input_image, filter_name): """Encrypt the given image for a specific user and filter. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. input_image (numpy.ndarray): The image to encrypt. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. Returns: (input_image, encrypted_image_short) (Tuple[bytes]): The encrypted image and one of its representation. """ if user_id == "": raise gr.Error("Please generate the private key first.") if input_image is None: raise gr.Error("Please choose an image first.") # Retrieve the client API client = get_client(user_id, filter_name) # Pre-process, encrypt and serialize the image encrypted_image = client.encrypt_serialize(input_image) # Compute the input's size in Megabytes encrypted_input_size = len(encrypted_image) / 1000000 # Save encrypted_image to bytes in a file, since too large to pass through regular Gradio # buttons, https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/issues/1877 encrypted_image_path = get_client_file_path("encrypted_image", user_id, filter_name) with encrypted_image_path.open("wb") as encrypted_image_file: encrypted_image_file.write(encrypted_image) # Create a truncated version of the encrypted image for display encrypted_image_short = shorten_bytes_object(encrypted_image) return (input_image, encrypted_image_short, encrypted_input_size) def send_input(user_id, filter_name): """Send the encrypted input image as well as the evaluation key to the server. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. """ # Get the evaluation key path evaluation_key_path = get_client_file_path("evaluation_key", user_id, filter_name) if user_id == "" or not evaluation_key_path.is_file(): raise gr.Error("Please generate the private key first.") encrypted_input_path = get_client_file_path("encrypted_image", user_id, filter_name) if not encrypted_input_path.is_file(): raise gr.Error("Please generate the private key and then encrypt an image first.") # Define the data and files to post data = { "user_id": user_id, "filter": filter_name, } files = [ ("files", open(encrypted_input_path, "rb")), ("files", open(evaluation_key_path, "rb")), ] # Send the encrypted input image and evaluation key to the server url = SERVER_URL + "send_input" with requests.post( url=url, data=data, files=files, ) as response: return response.ok def run_fhe(user_id, filter_name): """Apply the filter on the encrypted image previously sent using FHE. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. """ data = { "user_id": user_id, "filter": filter_name, } # Trigger the FHE execution on the encrypted image previously sent url = SERVER_URL + "run_fhe" with requests.post( url=url, data=data, ) as response: if response.ok: return response.json() else: raise gr.Error("Please wait for the input image to be sent to the server.") def get_output(user_id, filter_name): """Retrieve the encrypted output image. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. Returns: encrypted_output_image_short (bytes): A representation of the encrypted result. """ data = { "user_id": user_id, "filter": filter_name, } # Retrieve the encrypted output image url = SERVER_URL + "get_output" with requests.post( url=url, data=data, ) as response: if response.ok: encrypted_output = response.content # Compute the output's size in Megabytes encrypted_output_size = len(encrypted_output) / 1000000 # Save the encrypted output to bytes in a file as it is too large to pass through regular # Gradio buttons (see https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/issues/1877) encrypted_output_path = get_client_file_path("encrypted_output", user_id, filter_name) with encrypted_output_path.open("wb") as encrypted_output_file: encrypted_output_file.write(encrypted_output) # Decrypt the image using a different (wrong) key for display output_image_representation = decrypt_output_with_wrong_key(encrypted_output, filter_name) return output_image_representation, encrypted_output_size else: raise gr.Error("Please wait for the FHE execution to be completed.") def decrypt_output(user_id, filter_name): """Decrypt the result. Args: user_id (int): The current user's ID. filter_name (str): The current filter to consider. Returns: (output_image, False, False) ((Tuple[numpy.ndarray, bool, bool]): The decrypted output, as well as two booleans used for resetting Gradio checkboxes """ if user_id == "": raise gr.Error("Please generate the private key first.") # Get the encrypted output path encrypted_output_path = get_client_file_path("encrypted_output", user_id, filter_name) if not encrypted_output_path.is_file(): raise gr.Error("Please run the FHE execution first.") # Load the encrypted output as bytes with encrypted_output_path.open("rb") as encrypted_output_file: encrypted_output_image = encrypted_output_file.read() # Retrieve the client API client = get_client(user_id, filter_name) # Deserialize, decrypt and post-process the encrypted output output_image = client.deserialize_decrypt_post_process(encrypted_output_image) return output_image, False, False demo = gr.Blocks() print("Starting the demo...") with demo: gr.Markdown( """

Encrypted Photo filter app on encrypted image

Concrete-ML Documentation Community @zama_fhe

""" ) gr.Markdown("## Client side") gr.Markdown("### Step 1. Upload an image. ") gr.Markdown( f"The image will automatically be resized to shape ({INPUT_SHAPE[0]}x{INPUT_SHAPE[1]})." "The image displayed here is however using its original resolution. The true image used " "in this demo can be seen in Step. 8." ) with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image( label="Upload an image here.", shape=INPUT_SHAPE, source="upload", interactive=True ) examples = gr.Examples( examples=EXAMPLES, inputs=[input_image], examples_per_page=5, label="Examples to use." ) gr.Markdown("### Step 2. Choose your filter") filter_name = gr.Dropdown( choices=AVAILABLE_FILTERS, value="inverted", label="Choose your filter", interactive=True ) gr.Markdown("#### Notes") gr.Markdown( """ - The private key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data and shall never be shared. - No public key are required for these filter operators. """ ) gr.Markdown("### Step 3. Generate the private key.") keygen_button = gr.Button("Generate the private key.") with gr.Row(): keygen_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Private key generated:", interactive=False) private_key_size = gr.Number( label="Private key size (in kB):", value=0, precision=1, interactive=False ) user_id = gr.Textbox(label="", max_lines=2, interactive=False, visible=False) gr.Markdown("### Step 4. Encrypt the image using FHE.") encrypt_button = gr.Button("Encrypt the image using FHE.") with gr.Row(): encrypted_input = gr.Textbox( label="Encrypted input representation:", max_lines=2, interactive=False ) encrypted_input_size = gr.Number( label="Encrypted input size (in MB):", value=0, precision=1, interactive=False ) gr.Markdown("## Server side") gr.Markdown( "The encrypted value is received by the server. The server can then compute the filter " "directly over encrypted values. Once the computation is finished, the server returns " "the encrypted results to the client." ) gr.Markdown("### Step 5. Send the encrypted image to the server.") send_input_button = gr.Button("Send the encrypted image to the server.") send_input_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Encrypted image sent.", interactive=False) gr.Markdown("### Step 6. Run FHE execution.") execute_fhe_button = gr.Button("Run FHE execution.") fhe_execution_time = gr.Textbox( label="Total FHE execution time (in seconds):", max_lines=1, interactive=False ) gr.Markdown("### Step 7. Receive the encrypted output image from the server.") gr.Markdown( "The image displayed here is the encrypted result sent by the server which has been " "decrypted using a different private key. This is only used to visually represent an " "encrypted image." ) get_output_button = gr.Button("Receive the encrypted output image from the server.") with gr.Row(): encrypted_output_representation = gr.Image( label=f"Encrypted output representation ({INPUT_SHAPE[0]}x{INPUT_SHAPE[1]}):", interactive=False ) encrypted_output_representation.style(height=256, width=256) encrypted_output_size = gr.Number( label="Encrypted output size (in MB):", value=0, precision=1, interactive=False ) gr.Markdown("## Client side") gr.Markdown( "The encrypted output is sent back to client, who can finally decrypt it with its " "private key. Only the client is aware of the original image and its transformed version." ) gr.Markdown("### Step 8. Decrypt the output") gr.Markdown( "The image displayed on the left is the input image used during the demo. The output image " "can be seen on the right." ) decrypt_button = gr.Button("Decrypt the output") # Final input vs output display with gr.Row(): original_image = gr.Image( input_image.value, label=f"Input image ({INPUT_SHAPE[0]}x{INPUT_SHAPE[1]}):", interactive=False, ) original_image.style(height=256, width=256) output_image = gr.Image( label=f"Output image ({INPUT_SHAPE[0]}x{INPUT_SHAPE[1]}):", interactive=False ) output_image.style(height=256, width=256) # Button to generate the private key keygen_button.click( keygen, inputs=[filter_name], outputs=[user_id, keygen_checkbox, private_key_size], ) # Button to encrypt inputs on the client side encrypt_button.click( encrypt, inputs=[user_id, input_image, filter_name], outputs=[original_image, encrypted_input, encrypted_input_size], ) # Button to send the encodings to the server using post method send_input_button.click( send_input, inputs=[user_id, filter_name], outputs=[send_input_checkbox] ) # Button to send the encodings to the server using post method execute_fhe_button.click(run_fhe, inputs=[user_id, filter_name], outputs=[fhe_execution_time]) # Button to send the encodings to the server using post method get_output_button.click( get_output, inputs=[user_id, filter_name], outputs=[encrypted_output_representation, encrypted_output_size] ) # Button to decrypt the output on the client side decrypt_button.click( decrypt_output, inputs=[user_id, filter_name], outputs=[output_image, keygen_checkbox, send_input_checkbox], ) gr.Markdown( "The app was built with [Concrete-ML](https://github.com/zama-ai/concrete-ml), a " "Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning (PPML) open-source set of tools by [Zama](https://zama.ai/). " "Try it yourself and don't forget to star on Github ⭐." ) demo.launch(share=False)