import pandas as pd import asyncio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from transformers import SamModel, SamConfig, SamProcessor import torch from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, reactive, render, ui from PIL import Image app_ui = ui.page_fluid( ui.input_file("file1", "Upload Tile image for sidewalk segmentation", accept=".tif", multiple=False), ui.output_plot("mask"), # Changed from ui.output_table to ui.output_plot based on the context of output ) def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session): @reactive.calc def parsed_file(): file_info = input.file1() if file_info is None or len(file_info) == 0: return None return file_info[0]["datapath"] @output @render.plot async def mask(): filepath = parsed_file() if filepath is None: return print(filepath) # Assuming the model and processor are correctly configured model_config = SamConfig.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-base") processor = SamProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-base") my_sidewalk_model = SamModel(model_config) my_sidewalk_model.load_state_dict(torch.load("./sidwalk_model_checkpoint.pth", map_location='cpu')) device = torch.device("cpu") # Load image image = imarray = np.array(image) single_patch = Image.fromarray(imarray) inputs = processor(single_patch, return_tensors="pt") inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()} my_sidewalk_model.eval() # Model inference with torch.no_grad(): outputs = my_sidewalk_model(**inputs, multimask_output=False) single_patch_prob = torch.sigmoid(outputs.pred_masks.squeeze(1)) # convert soft mask to hard mask single_patch_prob = single_patch_prob.cpu().numpy().squeeze() single_patch_prediction = (single_patch_prob > 0).astype(np.uint8) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) # Plot the first image on the left axes[0].imshow(np.array(single_patch), cmap='gray') # Assuming the first image is grayscale axes[0].set_title("Image") # Plot the second image on the right axes[1].imshow(single_patch_prob) # Assuming the second image is grayscale axes[1].set_title("Probability Map") # Plot the second image on the right axes[2].imshow(single_patch_prediction, cmap='gray') # Assuming the second image is grayscale axes[2].set_title("Prediction") # Hide axis ticks and labels for ax in axes: ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) # Display the images side by side return fig app = App(app_ui, server)