import sqlite3 import click from flask import current_app from flask import g def get_db(): """Connect to the application's configured database. The connection is unique for each request and will be reused if this is called again. """ if "db" not in g: g.db = sqlite3.connect( current_app.config["DATABASE"], detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES ) g.db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return g.db def close_db(e=None): """If this request connected to the database, close the connection. """ db = g.pop("db", None) if db is not None: db.close() def init_db(): """Clear existing data and create new tables.""" db = get_db() with current_app.open_resource("schema.sql") as f: db.executescript("utf8")) @click.command("init-db") def init_db_command(): """Clear existing data and create new tables.""" init_db() click.echo("Initialized the database.") def init_app(app): """Register database functions with the Flask app. This is called by the application factory. """ app.teardown_appcontext(close_db) app.cli.add_command(init_db_command)