import os import json import pandas as pd import PyPDF2 import traceback def read_flie(file): if'.pdf'): try : pdf_content = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(file) text = '' for page in pdf_content.pages: text+=page return text except Exception as e : raise Exception( 'error in reading the file >> Please try reuploading') elif'.txt'): return'utf-8') else : raise Exception( 'Not File desired format : only PDF and txt files are supported ' ) def get_table_data(quiz_str): try : quiz_dict = json.loads(quiz_str) table = [] for key,value in quiz_dict.items(): print(key," | ",value) ques = value['question'] options = ' | '.join( [ f"{option} : {options}" for option, options in value['options'].items() ] ) correct = value['correct'] table.append({'ques':ques,'options' : options, 'correct' : correct}) return table except Exception as e : # traceback.print(e) return False