import gradio as gr from qbigbird import QBigBird qbb = QBigBird() def guess_and_buzz(question): return qbb.guess_and_buzz(question) example = 'The speaker of one poem by this author asks, "Does my haughtiness offend you?" after opening that poem ' \ 'with the concession "you may write me down in history / with your bitter, twisted lies." This author insisted ' \ 'in another poem that "you, created only a little lower / than the angels, have crouched too long in / ' \ 'the bruising darkness." This author of "Still I Rise" opened a third poem with the phrase ' \ '"A Rock, A River, A Tree" and recorded that she stopped speaking for years after her mother\'s ' \ 'boyfriend raped her when she was eight. For 10 points, name this poet who read "On the Pulse of Morning" ' \ 'at Bill Clinton\'s inauguration and also wrote the autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.' interface = gr.Interface( fn=guess_and_buzz, inputs=gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Enter Quiz Bowl question..."), outputs=[gr.outputs.Textbox(label="guess"), gr.outputs.Textbox(label="buzz")], title="Quiz Bowl QA", examples=[[example]], description='''Open-Domain Question Answering model for Quiz Bowl questions using custom feature extraction and Wikipedia as the Information Retrieval system and ELECTRA as the Question Answering model. Given a question, the model outputs its guess and whether it would buzz in with that guess or not.''', theme='huggingface' ).launch(enable_queue=True)