import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.transforms as T from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np import cv2 # from vgg19_loss import VGG19Loss # import pytorch_ssim from .vgg19_loss import VGG19Loss from . import pytorch_ssim from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import OrderedDict class abs_loss(ABC): def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): pass class norm_loss(abs_loss): def __init__(self, norm=1): self.norm = norm def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): """ M * (I-I') """ b, c, h, w = gt_img.shape return torch.norm(gt_img-pred_img, self.norm)/(h * w * b) class ssim_loss(abs_loss): def __init__(self, window_size=11, channel=1): """ Let's try mean ssim! """ = channel self.window_size = window_size self.window = self.create_mean_window(window_size, channel) def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): b, c, h, w = gt_img.shape if c != = c self.window = self.create_mean_window(self.window_size, self.window = l = 1.0 - self.ssim_compute(gt_img, pred_img) return l def create_mean_window(self, window_size, channel): window = Variable(torch.ones(channel, 1, window_size, window_size).float()) window = window/(window_size * window_size) return window def ssim_compute(self, gt_img, pred_img): window = self.window window_size = self.window_size channel = mu1 = F.conv2d(gt_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) mu2 = F.conv2d(pred_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) mu1_sq = mu1.pow(2) mu2_sq = mu2.pow(2) mu1_mu2 = mu1*mu2 sigma1_sq = F.conv2d(gt_img*gt_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) - mu1_sq sigma2_sq = F.conv2d(pred_img*pred_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) - mu2_sq sigma12 = F.conv2d(gt_img*pred_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) - mu1_mu2 C1 = 0.01**2 C2 = 0.03**2 ssim_map = ((2*mu1_mu2 + C1)*(2*sigma12 + C2))/((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1)*(sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2)) return ssim_map.mean() class hierarchical_ssim_loss(abs_loss): def __init__(self, patch_list: list): self.ssim_loss_list = [pytorch_ssim.SSIM(window_size=ws) for ws in patch_list] def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): b, c, h, w = gt_img.shape total_loss = 0.0 for loss_func in self.ssim_loss_list: total_loss += (1.0-loss_func(gt_img, pred_img)) return total_loss/b class vgg_loss(abs_loss): def __init__(self): self.vgg19_ = VGG19Loss() def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): b, c, h, w = gt_img.shape v = self.vgg19_(gt_img, pred_img, pred_img.device) return v/b class grad_loss(abs_loss): def __init__(self, k=4): self.k = 4 def loss(self, disp_img, rgb_img=None): """ Note, gradient loss should be weighted by an edge-aware weight """ b, c, h, w = disp_img.shape grad_loss = 0.0 for i in range(self.k): div_factor = 2 ** i cur_transform = T.Resize([h // div_factor, ]) # cur_diff = cur_transform(diff) # cur_diff_dx, cur_diff_dy = self.img_grad(cur_diff) cur_disp = cur_transform(disp_img) cur_disp_dx, cur_disp_dy = self.img_grad(cur_disp) if rgb_img is not None: cur_rgb = cur_transform(rgb_img) cur_rgb_dx, cur_rgb_dy = self.img_grad(cur_rgb) cur_rgb_dx = torch.exp(-torch.mean(torch.abs(cur_rgb_dx), dim=1, keepdims=True)) cur_rgb_dy = torch.exp(-torch.mean(torch.abs(cur_rgb_dy), dim=1, keepdims=True)) grad_loss += (torch.sum(torch.abs(cur_disp_dx) * cur_rgb_dx) + torch.sum(torch.abs(cur_disp_dy) * cur_rgb_dy)) / (h * w * self.k) else: grad_loss += (torch.sum(torch.abs(cur_disp_dx)) + torch.sum(torch.abs(cur_disp_dy))) / (h * w * self.k) return grad_loss/b def gloss(self, gt, pred): """ Loss on the gradient domain """ b, c, h, w = gt.shape gt_dx, gt_dy = self.img_grad(gt) pred_dx, pred_dy = self.img_grad(pred) loss = (gt_dx-pred_dx) ** 2 + (gt_dy - pred_dy) ** 2 return loss.sum()/(b * h * w) def laploss(self, pred): b, c, h, w = pred.shape lap = self.img_laplacian(pred) return torch.abs(lap).sum()/(b * h * w) def img_laplacian(self, img): b, c, h, w = img.shape laplacian = torch.tensor([[1, 4, 1], [4, -20, 4], [1, 4, 1]]) laplacian_kernel = laplacian.float().unsqueeze(0).expand(1, c, 3, 3).to(img) lap = F.conv2d(img, laplacian_kernel, padding=1, stride=1) return lap def img_grad(self, img): """ Comptue image gradient by sobel filtering img: B x C x H x W """ b, c, h, w = img.shape ysobel = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0], [-1, -2, -1]]) xsobel = ysobel.transpose(0,1) xsobel_kernel = xsobel.float().unsqueeze(0).expand(1, c, 3, 3).to(img) ysobel_kernel = ysobel.float().unsqueeze(0).expand(1, c, 3, 3).to(img) dx = F.conv2d(img, xsobel_kernel, padding=1, stride=1) dy = F.conv2d(img, ysobel_kernel, padding=1, stride=1) return dx, dy class sharp_loss(abs_loss): """ Sharpness term 1. laplacian 2. image contrast 3. image variance """ def __init__(self, window_size=11, channel=1): self.window_size = window_size = channel self.window = self.create_mean_window(window_size, def loss(self, gt_img, pred_img): """ Note, gradient loss should be weighted by an edge-aware weight """ b, c, h, w = gt_img.shape if c != = c self.window = self.create_mean_window(self.window_size, self.window = channel = window = self.window window_size = self.window_size mu1 = F.conv2d(gt_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) + 1e-6 mu2 = F.conv2d(pred_img, window, padding = window_size//2, groups = channel) + 1e-6 constrast1 = torch.absolute((gt_img - mu1)/mu1) constrast2 = torch.absolute((pred_img - mu2)/mu2) variance1 = (gt_img-mu1) ** 2 variance2 = (pred_img-mu2) ** 2 laplacian1 = self.img_laplacian(gt_img) laplacian2 = self.img_laplacian(pred_img) S1 = -laplacian1 - constrast1 - variance1 S2 = -laplacian2 - constrast2 - variance2 # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() total = torch.absolute(S1-S2).mean() return total def img_laplacian(self, img): b, c, h, w = img.shape laplacian = torch.tensor([[1, 4, 1], [4, -20, 4], [1, 4, 1]]) laplacian_kernel = laplacian.float().unsqueeze(0).expand(1, c, 3, 3).to(img) lap = F.conv2d(img, laplacian_kernel, padding=1, stride=1) return lap def create_mean_window(self, window_size, channel): window = Variable(torch.ones(channel, 1, window_size, window_size).float()) window = window/(window_size * window_size) return window if __name__ == '__main__': a = torch.rand(3,3,128,128) b = torch.rand(3,3,128,128) ssim = ssim_loss() loss = ssim.loss(a, b) print(loss.shape, loss) loss = ssim.loss(a, a) print(loss.shape, loss) loss = ssim.loss(b, b) print(loss.shape, loss) grad = grad_loss() loss = grad.loss(a, [b, b]) print(loss.shape, loss) sharp = sharp_loss() loss = sharp.loss(a, b) print(loss.shape, loss)