#import requests import gradio as gr from gradio_client import Client from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from diffusers import StableDiffusionUpscalePipeline import torch import os import requests HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN') client_if = Client("ysharma/IF", hf_token=HF_TOKEN) client_pick = Client("yuvalkirstain/PickScore") # load upscaling model and scheduler model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler" pipeline_upscale = StableDiffusionUpscalePipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16) pipeline_upscale = pipeline_upscale.to("cuda") def get_IF_op(prompt, neg_prompt): print("inside get_IF_op") filepaths = client_if.predict(prompt, neg_prompt, 1,4,7.0, 'smart100',50, api_name="/generate64") folder_path = filepaths[0] file_list = os.listdir(folder_path) file_list = [os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in file_list if f != 'captions.json'] print(f"^^file list is: {file_list}") return file_list def get_pickscores(prompt, image_tmps): print("inside get_pickscores") #Get the predictons probabilities1 = client_pick.predict(prompt, image_tmps[0], image_tmps[1], fn_index=0) probabilities2 = client_pick.predict(prompt, image_tmps[2], image_tmps[3], fn_index=0) probabilities_all = list(probabilities1) + list(probabilities2) max_score = max(probabilities_all) max_score_index = probabilities_all.index(max_score) best_match_image = image_tmps[max_score_index] return best_match_image def get_upscale_op(prompt, gallery_if): print("inside get_upscale_op") print(f"^^gallery_if is: {gallery_if}") image_tmps = [val['name'] for val in gallery_if] # get pickscores best_match_image = get_pickscores(prompt, image_tmps) # let's get the best pick! low_res_img = Image.open(best_match_image).convert("RGB") low_res_img = low_res_img.resize((128, 128)) # Upscaling the best pick upscaled_image = pipeline_upscale(prompt=prompt, image=low_res_img).images[0] #upscaled_image.save("upsampled.png") return upscaled_image theme = gr.themes.Monochrome( neutral_hue="cyan", radius_size="md", spacing_size="sm",) title = """

🔥Gradio pipeline to use DeepFloyd IF more effectively!

Demo build using DeeepFloyd IF and Pick-A-Pic PickScore models.

💪💪Gradio-Client library allows you to use gradio demo for these two cutting edge models as API endpoints

""" description = """

Steps to build this pipeline: - Duplicate the Deepfloyd IF Space to avoid queue - Create a Cient for this duplicated space using gradio python client - Generate intial 4-image gallery using the client and a prompt - Create a Client for PickScore Space using gradio python client - Feed the image Gallery into PickScore client - Generate Probabilities for images, choose the image with highest probability value and display it

""" theme = gr.themes.Monochrome( neutral_hue="cyan", radius_size="md", spacing_size="sm",) title = """

🔥Gradio pipeline to use DeepFloyd IF more effectively!

Demo build using DeeepFloyd IF and Pick-A-Pic PickScore models.

💪💪Gradio-Client library allows you to use gradio demo for these two cutting edge models as API endpoints

""" description = """

Steps to build this pipeline: - Duplicate the Deepfloyd IF Space to avoid queue - Create a Cient for this duplicated space using gradio python client - Generate intial 4-image gallery using the client and a prompt - Create a Client for PickScore Space using gradio python client - Feed the image Gallery into PickScore client - Generate Probabilities for images, choose the image with highest probability value and display it

""" with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as demo: gr.HTML(title) gr.HTML('''
Duplicate SpaceDuplicate the Space to skip the queue and run in a private space
''') with gr.Row(variant='compact'): with gr.Column(scale=4): prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Prompt') neg_prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Negative Prompt') with gr.Column(scale=1): b1 = gr.Button("Generate 'IF' Output").style(full_width=True) with gr.Row(variant='compact'): with gr.Column(): gallery_if = gr.Gallery(label='IF Space outputs', ).style(columns=4, object_fit="contain", preview=True, height='auto') b2 = gr.Button("Get the best generation using Pick-A-Pic") image_picakapic = gr.Image(label="PickAPic Evaluated Output").style(height=450) gr.Markdown(description) b1.click(get_IF_op,[prompt, neg_prompt], gallery_if) prompt.submit(get_IF_op,[prompt, neg_prompt], gallery_if) b2.click(get_upscale_op,[prompt, gallery_if], image_picakapic) demo.queue(concurrency_count=2, max_size=10) demo.launch(debug=True)