from datasets import load_dataset import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import os import random def list_to_string(lst): return '\n'.join(['{}. {}'.format(i+1, item) for i, item in enumerate(lst)]) auth_token = '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' winoground = load_dataset("facebook/winoground", use_auth_token=auth_token)["test"] df = pd.read_csv('BLIP2_Q2_CM.csv') winoground_pd = winoground.to_pandas() filter_id_set = set(df['id']) winoground_pd = winoground_pd[winoground_pd['id'].isin(filter_id_set)] for c in ['c0_i0_blip2', 'c0_i1_blip2', 'c1_i0_blip2', 'c1_i1_blip2', 'c0_i0_q2', 'c1_i0_q2', 'c0_i1_q2', 'c1_i1_q2']: df[c] = df[c].apply(lambda x: round(x, 1)) print("Load wino") import json df['qa_samples'] = df['qa_samples'].apply(json.loads) def func(index): print(f"index: {index}") example = winoground_pd.iloc[int(index)] values = get_instance_values(example) # print(f"index: {index}") # return get_img(example["image_0"]), example["caption_0"], get_img(example["image_1"]), example["caption_1"] # preds = ['yoyoyo'] return values demo = gr.Blocks() import PIL def process_key(item): if 'path' in item: return['path']) return item def get_vals(items): values = [] for idx, e in enumerate(items): if idx == 0: gr_val = gr.Image(value=e) else: gr_val = gr.Textbox(value=e) values.append(gr_val) return values def get_instance_values(example): item_q2 = df[df['id'] == example['id']].iloc[0].to_dict() left_keys = [x for x in example.keys() if '_0' in x] right_keys = [x for x in example.keys() if '_1' in x] left = [process_key(example[k]) for k in left_keys] right = [process_key(example[k]) for k in right_keys] # for k in left_side_columns + right_side_columns: # if k in enumerate_cols: # value = list_to_string(example[k]) # elif k == QA: # qa_list = [f"Q: {x[0]} A: {x[1]}" for x in example[k]] # value = list_to_string(qa_list) # else: # value = example[k] # values.append(value) blip_preds = {k.split("_blip2")[0]:v for k,v in item_q2.items() if "_blip" in k} q2_preds = {k.split("_q2")[0]: v for k, v in item_q2.items() if "_q2" in k} del blip_preds['model'] del q2_preds['model'] blip_preds_str = dict2string(blip_preds) q2_preds_str = dict2string(q2_preds) qas = pd.DataFrame(item_q2['qa_samples']) qa_image_0 = qas[qas['img_caption'].apply(lambda x: 'image_0' in x)] qa_image_1 = qas[qas['img_caption'].apply(lambda x: 'image_1' in x)] qas_image_0_str = qa_image_0.to_string() qas_image_1_str = qa_image_1.to_string() return [blip_preds_str, q2_preds_str, qas_image_0_str, qas_image_1_str] + left + right def dict2string(d): s = '' for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(d.items()): s += f"{k}: {v}" if idx < len(d) - 1: s += '\t|\t' return s with demo: gr.Markdown("# Slide across the slider to see various examples from WinoGround") with gr.Column(): index = random.choice(range(0, len(winoground_pd))) # index = 0 example = winoground_pd.iloc[index] example_values = get_instance_values(example) first_item = example_values[0] second_item = example_values[1] third_item = example_values[2] fourth_item = example_values[3] rest_values = example_values[4:] item_q2 = df[df['id'] == example['id']].iloc[0] slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=len(winoground_pd), step=1) preds_blip2 = gr.Textbox(value=first_item, label='BLIP2') preds_q2 = gr.Textbox(value=second_item, label='Visual Q^2') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): qas_image_0 = gr.Textbox(value=third_item, label='QA Pairs (Image 0)') with gr.Column(): qas_image_1 = gr.Textbox(value=fourth_item, label='QA Pairs (Image 1)') with gr.Row(): items_left = rest_values[:int(len(rest_values)/2)] items_right = rest_values[int(len(rest_values)/2):] with gr.Column(): # image_input_1 = gr.Image(value=get_img(winoground_pd.iloc[index]["image_0"])) # text_input_1 = gr.Textbox(value=winoground_pd.iloc[index]["caption_0"]) items = items_left gr_values_left = get_vals(items_left) with gr.Column(): # image_input_2 = gr.Image(value=get_img(winoground_pd.iloc[index]["image_1"])) # text_input_2 = gr.Textbox(value=winoground_pd.iloc[index]["caption_1"]) gr_values_right = get_vals(items_right) slider.change(func, inputs=[slider], outputs=[preds_blip2, preds_q2, qas_image_0, qas_image_1] + gr_values_left + gr_values_right) demo.launch(auth=("admin", "visual_q2_secret"))