import re import os import os.path as op from glob import glob import urllib import subprocess import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString # or for cloud service GROBID_URL = "http://localhost:8070" DIR_PATH = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__)) PDF_FIGURES_JAR_PATH = op.join( DIR_PATH, "pdffigures2", "pdffigures2-assembly-0.0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar" ) def list_pdf_paths(pdf_folder: str): """ list of pdf paths in pdf folder """ return glob(op.join(pdf_folder, "*", "*", "*.pdf")) def validate_url(path: str): """ Validate a given ``path`` if it is URL or not """ regex = re.compile( r"^(?:http|ftp)s?://" # http:// or https:// # domain... r"(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|" r"localhost|" # localhost... r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})" # ...or ip r"(?::\d+)?" # optional port r"(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$", re.IGNORECASE, ) return re.match(regex, path) is not None def parse_pdf( pdf_path: str, fulltext: bool = True, soup: bool = False, grobid_url: str = GROBID_URL, ): """ Function to parse PDF to XML or BeautifulSoup using GROBID tool You can see on how to run GROBID locally After loading GROBID zip file, you can run GROBID by using the following >> ./gradlew run Parameters ========== pdf_path: str or bytes, path or URL to publication or article or bytes string of PDF fulltext: bool, option for parsing, if True, parse full text of the article if False, parse only header grobid_url: str, url to GROBID parser, default at 'http://localhost:8070' This could be changed to "" for the cloud service soup: bool, if True, return BeautifulSoup of the article Output ====== parsed_article: if soup is False, return parsed XML in text format, else return BeautifulSoup of the XML Example ======= >> parsed_article = parse_pdf(pdf_path, fulltext=True, soup=True) """ # GROBID URL if fulltext: url = "%s/api/processFulltextDocument" % grobid_url else: url = "%s/api/processHeaderDocument" % grobid_url if isinstance(pdf_path, str): if validate_url(pdf_path) and op.splitext(pdf_path)[-1].lower() != ".pdf": print("The input URL has to end with ``.pdf``") parsed_article = None elif validate_url(pdf_path) and op.splitext(pdf_path)[-1] == ".pdf": page = urllib.request.urlopen(pdf_path).read() parsed_article =, files={"input": page}).text elif op.exists(pdf_path): parsed_article = url, files={"input": open(pdf_path, "rb")} ).text else: parsed_article = None elif isinstance(pdf_path, bytes): # assume that incoming is byte string parsed_article =, files={"input": pdf_path}).text else: parsed_article = None if soup and parsed_article is not None: parsed_article = BeautifulSoup(parsed_article, "lxml") return parsed_article def parse_authors(article): """ Parse authors from a given BeautifulSoup of an article """ author_names = article.find("sourcedesc").findAll("persname") authors = [] for author in author_names: firstname = author.find("forename", {"type": "first"}) firstname = firstname.text.strip() if firstname is not None else "" middlename = author.find("forename", {"type": "middle"}) middlename = middlename.text.strip() if middlename is not None else "" lastname = author.find("surname") lastname = lastname.text.strip() if lastname is not None else "" if middlename != "": authors.append(firstname + " " + middlename + " " + lastname) else: authors.append(firstname + " " + lastname) authors = "; ".join(authors) return authors def parse_date(article): """ Parse date from a given BeautifulSoup of an article """ pub_date = article.find("publicationstmt") year = pub_date.find("date") year = year.attrs.get("when") if year is not None else "" return year def parse_abstract(article): """ Parse abstract from a given BeautifulSoup of an article """ div = article.find("abstract") abstract = "" for p in list(div.children): if not isinstance(p, NavigableString) and len(list(p)) > 0: abstract += " ".join( [elem.text for elem in p if not isinstance( elem, NavigableString)] ) return abstract def calculate_number_of_references(div): """ For a given section, calculate number of references made in the section """ n_publication_ref = len( [ref for ref in div.find_all("ref") if ref.attrs.get("type") == "bibr"] ) n_figure_ref = len( [ref for ref in div.find_all( "ref") if ref.attrs.get("type") == "figure"] ) return {"n_publication_ref": n_publication_ref, "n_figure_ref": n_figure_ref} def parse_sections(article, as_list: bool = False): """ Parse list of sections from a given BeautifulSoup of an article Parameters ========== as_list: bool, if True, output text as a list of paragraph instead of joining it together as one single text """ article_text = article.find("text") divs = article_text.find_all( "div", attrs={"xmlns": ""}) sections = [] for div in divs: div_list = list(div.children) if len(div_list) == 0: heading = "" text = "" all_paragraphs = [] elif len(div_list) == 1: if isinstance(div_list[0], NavigableString): heading = str(div_list[0]) text = "" all_paragraphs = [] else: heading = "" text = div_list[0].text all_paragraphs = [text] else: text = [] heading = div_list[0] all_paragraphs = [] if isinstance(heading, NavigableString): heading = str(heading) p_all = list(div.children)[1:] else: heading = "" p_all = list(div.children) for p in p_all: if p is not None: try: text.append(p.text) all_paragraphs.append(p.text) except: pass if not as_list: text = "\n".join(text) if heading != "" or text != "": ref_dict = calculate_number_of_references(div) sections.append( { "heading": heading, "text": text, "all_paragraphs": all_paragraphs, "n_publication_ref": ref_dict["n_publication_ref"], "n_figure_ref": ref_dict["n_figure_ref"], } ) return sections def parse_references(article): """ Parse list of references from a given BeautifulSoup of an article """ reference_list = [] references = article.find("text").find("div", attrs={"type": "references"}) references = references.find_all( "biblstruct") if references is not None else [] reference_list = [] for reference in references: title = reference.find("title", attrs={"level": "a"}) if title is None: title = reference.find("title", attrs={"level": "m"}) title = title.text if title is not None else "" journal = reference.find("title", attrs={"level": "j"}) journal = journal.text if journal is not None else "" if journal == "": journal = reference.find("publisher") journal = journal.text if journal is not None else "" year = reference.find("date") year = year.attrs.get("when") if year is not None else "" authors = [] for author in reference.find_all("author"): firstname = author.find("forename", {"type": "first"}) firstname = firstname.text.strip() if firstname is not None else "" middlename = author.find("forename", {"type": "middle"}) middlename = middlename.text.strip() if middlename is not None else "" lastname = author.find("surname") lastname = lastname.text.strip() if lastname is not None else "" if middlename != "": authors.append(firstname + " " + middlename + " " + lastname) else: authors.append(firstname + " " + lastname) authors = "; ".join(authors) reference_list.append( {"title": title, "journal": journal, "year": year, "authors": authors} ) return reference_list def parse_figure_caption(article): """ Parse list of figures/tables from a given BeautifulSoup of an article """ figures_list = [] figures = article.find_all("figure") for figure in figures: figure_type = figure.attrs.get("type") or "" figure_id = figure.attrs["xml:id"] or "" label = figure.find("label").text if figure_type == "table": caption = figure.find("figdesc").text data = figure.table.text else: caption = figure.text data = "" figures_list.append( { "figure_label": label, "figure_type": figure_type, "figure_id": figure_id, "figure_caption": caption, "figure_data": data, } ) return figures_list def convert_article_soup_to_dict(article, as_list: bool = False): """ Function to convert BeautifulSoup to JSON format similar to the output from Parameters ========== article: BeautifulSoup Output ====== article_json: dict, parsed dictionary of a given article in the following format { 'title': ..., 'abstract': ..., 'sections': [ {'heading': ..., 'text': ...}, {'heading': ..., 'text': ...}, ... ], 'references': [ {'title': ..., 'journal': ..., 'year': ..., 'authors': ...}, {'title': ..., 'journal': ..., 'year': ..., 'authors': ...}, ... ], 'figures': [ {'figure_label': ..., 'figure_type': ..., 'figure_id': ..., 'figure_caption': ..., 'figure_data': ...}, ... ] } """ article_dict = {} if article is not None: title = article.find("title", attrs={"type": "main"}) title = title.text.strip() if title is not None else "" article_dict["authors"] = parse_authors(article) article_dict["pub_date"] = parse_date(article) article_dict["title"] = title article_dict["abstract"] = parse_abstract(article) article_dict["sections"] = parse_sections(article, as_list=as_list) article_dict["references"] = parse_references(article) article_dict["figures"] = parse_figure_caption(article) doi = article.find("idno", attrs={"type": "DOI"}) doi = doi.text if doi is not None else "" article_dict["doi"] = doi return article_dict else: return None def parse_pdf_to_dict( pdf_path: str, fulltext: bool = True, soup: bool = True, as_list: bool = False, grobid_url: str = GROBID_URL, ): """ Parse the given PDF and return dictionary of the parsed article Parameters ========== pdf_path: str, path to publication or article fulltext: bool, whether to extract fulltext or not soup: bool, whether to return BeautifulSoup or not as_list: bool, whether to return list of sections or not grobid_url: str, url to grobid server, default is `GROBID_URL` This could be changed to "" for the cloud service Ouput ===== article_dict: dict, dictionary of an article """ parsed_article = parse_pdf( pdf_path, fulltext=fulltext, soup=soup, grobid_url=grobid_url ) article_dict = convert_article_soup_to_dict( parsed_article, as_list=as_list) return article_dict def parse_figures( pdf_folder: str, jar_path: str = PDF_FIGURES_JAR_PATH, resolution: int = 300, output_folder: str = "figures", ): """ Parse figures from the given scientific PDF using pdffigures2 Parameters ========== pdf_folder: str, path to a folder that contains PDF files. A folder must contains only PDF files jar_path: str, default path to pdffigures2-assembly-0.0.12-SNAPSHOT.jar file resolution: int, resolution of the output figures output_folder: str, path to folder that we want to save parsed data (related to figures) and figures Output ====== folder: making a folder of output_folder/data and output_folder/figures of parsed data and figures relatively """ if not op.isdir(output_folder): os.makedirs(output_folder) # create ``data`` and ``figures`` subfolder within ``output_folder`` data_path = op.join(output_folder, "data") figure_path = op.join(output_folder, "figures") if not op.exists(data_path): os.makedirs(data_path) if not op.exists(figure_path): os.makedirs(figure_path) if op.isdir(data_path) and op.isdir(figure_path): args = [ "java", "-jar", jar_path, pdf_folder, "-i", str(resolution), "-d", os.path.join(os.path.abspath(data_path), ""), "-m", op.join(os.path.abspath(figure_path), ""), # end path with "/" ] _ = args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, timeout=20 ) print("Done parsing figures from PDFs!") else: print("You may have to check of ``data`` and ``figures`` in the the output folder path.")