#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. import numpy as np from typing import List from detectron2.config import CfgNode as CfgNode_ from detectron2.config import configurable from detectron2.structures import Instances from detectron2.structures.boxes import pairwise_iou from detectron2.tracking.utils import LARGE_COST_VALUE, create_prediction_pairs from .base_tracker import TRACKER_HEADS_REGISTRY from .hungarian_tracker import BaseHungarianTracker @TRACKER_HEADS_REGISTRY.register() class VanillaHungarianBBoxIOUTracker(BaseHungarianTracker): """ Hungarian algo based tracker using bbox iou as metric """ @configurable def __init__( self, *, video_height: int, video_width: int, max_num_instances: int = 200, max_lost_frame_count: int = 0, min_box_rel_dim: float = 0.02, min_instance_period: int = 1, track_iou_threshold: float = 0.5, **kwargs, ): """ Args: video_height: height the video frame video_width: width of the video frame max_num_instances: maximum number of id allowed to be tracked max_lost_frame_count: maximum number of frame an id can lost tracking exceed this number, an id is considered as lost forever min_box_rel_dim: a percentage, smaller than this dimension, a bbox is removed from tracking min_instance_period: an instance will be shown after this number of period since its first showing up in the video track_iou_threshold: iou threshold, below this number a bbox pair is removed from tracking """ super().__init__( video_height=video_height, video_width=video_width, max_num_instances=max_num_instances, max_lost_frame_count=max_lost_frame_count, min_box_rel_dim=min_box_rel_dim, min_instance_period=min_instance_period, ) self._track_iou_threshold = track_iou_threshold @classmethod def from_config(cls, cfg: CfgNode_): """ Old style initialization using CfgNode Args: cfg: D2 CfgNode, config file Return: dictionary storing arguments for __init__ method """ assert "VIDEO_HEIGHT" in cfg.TRACKER_HEADS assert "VIDEO_WIDTH" in cfg.TRACKER_HEADS video_height = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("VIDEO_HEIGHT") video_width = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("VIDEO_WIDTH") max_num_instances = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("MAX_NUM_INSTANCES", 200) max_lost_frame_count = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("MAX_LOST_FRAME_COUNT", 0) min_box_rel_dim = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("MIN_BOX_REL_DIM", 0.02) min_instance_period = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("MIN_INSTANCE_PERIOD", 1) track_iou_threshold = cfg.TRACKER_HEADS.get("TRACK_IOU_THRESHOLD", 0.5) return { "_target_": "detectron2.tracking.vanilla_hungarian_bbox_iou_tracker.VanillaHungarianBBoxIOUTracker", # noqa "video_height": video_height, "video_width": video_width, "max_num_instances": max_num_instances, "max_lost_frame_count": max_lost_frame_count, "min_box_rel_dim": min_box_rel_dim, "min_instance_period": min_instance_period, "track_iou_threshold": track_iou_threshold, } def build_cost_matrix(self, instances: Instances, prev_instances: Instances) -> np.ndarray: """ Build the cost matrix for assignment problem (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assignment_problem) Args: instances: D2 Instances, for current frame predictions prev_instances: D2 Instances, for previous frame predictions Return: the cost matrix in numpy array """ assert instances is not None and prev_instances is not None # calculate IoU of all bbox pairs iou_all = pairwise_iou( boxes1=instances.pred_boxes, boxes2=self._prev_instances.pred_boxes, ) bbox_pairs = create_prediction_pairs( instances, self._prev_instances, iou_all, threshold=self._track_iou_threshold ) # assign large cost value to make sure pair below IoU threshold won't be matched cost_matrix = np.full((len(instances), len(prev_instances)), LARGE_COST_VALUE) return self.assign_cost_matrix_values(cost_matrix, bbox_pairs) def assign_cost_matrix_values(self, cost_matrix: np.ndarray, bbox_pairs: List) -> np.ndarray: """ Based on IoU for each pair of bbox, assign the associated value in cost matrix Args: cost_matrix: np.ndarray, initialized 2D array with target dimensions bbox_pairs: list of bbox pair, in each pair, iou value is stored Return: np.ndarray, cost_matrix with assigned values """ for pair in bbox_pairs: # assign -1 for IoU above threshold pairs, algorithms will minimize cost cost_matrix[pair["idx"]][pair["prev_idx"]] = -1 return cost_matrix