import json import os import random import signal import albumentations as A import cv2 import h5py import numpy as np import torch import torchvision.transforms as T from albumentations.pytorch.functional import img_to_tensor, mask_to_tensor from skimage import segmentation from termcolor import cprint from import IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD class ImageDataset( def __init__( self, dataset_name: str, datalist: str, mode: str, transform=None, uncorrect_label=False, spixel: bool = False, num_spixel: int = 100, ): super().__init__() assert os.path.exists(datalist), f"{datalist} does not exist" assert mode in ["train", "val"], f"{mode} unsupported mode" with open(datalist, "r") as f: self.datalist = json.load(f) self.datalist = dict( filter(lambda x: x[1]["subset"] == mode, self.datalist.items()) ) if len(self.datalist) == 0: raise NotImplementedError(f"no item in {datalist} {mode} dataset") self.video_id_list = list(self.datalist.keys()) self.transform = transform self.uncorrect_label = uncorrect_label self.dataset_name = dataset_name h5_path = os.path.join("data", dataset_name + "_dataset.hdf5") self.use_h5 = os.path.exists(h5_path) if self.use_h5: cprint( f"{dataset_name} {mode} HDF5 database found, loading into memory...", "blue", ) try: with timeout(seconds=60): self.database = h5py.File(h5_path, "r", driver="core") except Exception as e: self.database = h5py.File(h5_path, "r") cprint( "Failed to load {} HDF5 database to memory due to {}".format( dataset_name, str(e) ), "red", ) else: cprint( f"{dataset_name} {mode} HDF5 database not found, using raw images.", "blue", ) self.spixel = False self.num_spixel = num_spixel if spixel: self.spixel = True self.spixel_dict = {} def __getitem__(self, index): image_id = self.video_id_list[index] info = self.datalist[image_id] label = float(info["label"]) if self.use_h5: try: image = self.database[info["path"].replace("/", "-")][()] except Exception as e: cprint( "Failed to load {} from {} due to {}".format( image_id, self.dataset_name, str(e) ), "red", ) image = cv2.imread(info["path"]) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) else: assert os.path.exists(info["path"]), f"{info['path']} does not exist!" image = cv2.imread(info["path"]) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if self.spixel and image_id not in self.spixel_dict.keys(): spixel = segmentation.slic( image, n_segments=self.num_spixel, channel_axis=2, start_label=0 ) self.spixel_dict[image_id] = spixel image_size = image.shape[:2] # 1 means modified area, 0 means pristine if "mask" in info.keys(): if self.use_h5: try: mask = self.database[info["mask"].replace("/", "-")][()] except Exception as e: cprint( "Failed to load {} mask from {} due to {}".format( image_id, self.dataset_name, str(e) ), "red", ) mask = cv2.imread(info["mask"], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) else: mask = cv2.imread(info["mask"], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) else: if label == 0: mask = np.zeros(image_size) else: mask = np.ones(image_size) if self.transform is not None: if self.spixel: transformed = self.transform( image=image, masks=[mask, self.spixel_dict[image_id]] ) # TODO I am not sure if this is correct for scaling mask = transformed["masks"][0] spixel = transformed["masks"][1] else: transformed = self.transform(image=image, mask=mask) mask = transformed["mask"] image = transformed["image"] if not self.uncorrect_label: label = float(mask.max() != 0.0) if label == 1.0 and image.shape[:-1] != mask.shape: mask = cv2.resize(mask, dsize=(image.shape[1], image.shape[0])) unnormalized_image = img_to_tensor(image) image = img_to_tensor( image, normalize={"mean": IMAGENET_DEFAULT_MEAN, "std": IMAGENET_DEFAULT_STD}, ) mask = mask_to_tensor(mask, num_classes=1, sigmoid=True) output = { "image": image, # tensor of 3, H, W "label": label, # float "mask": mask, # tensor of 1, H, W "id": image_id, # string "unnormalized_image": unnormalized_image, } # tensor of 3, H, W if self.spixel: spixel = torch.from_numpy(spixel).unsqueeze(0) output["spixel"] = spixel return output def __len__(self): return len(self.video_id_list) def crop_to_smallest_collate_fn(batch, max_size=128, uncorrect_label=False): # get the smallest image size in a batch smallest_size = [max_size, max_size] for item in batch: if item["mask"].shape[-2:] != item["image"].shape[-2:]: cprint( f"{item['id']} has inconsistent image-mask sizes," "with image size {item['image'].shape[-2:]} and mask size" "{item['mask'].shape[-2:]}!", "red", ) image_size = item["image"].shape[-2:] if image_size[0] < smallest_size[0]: smallest_size[0] = image_size[0] if image_size[1] < smallest_size[1]: smallest_size[1] = image_size[1] # crop all images and masks in each item to the smallest size result = {} for item in batch: image_size = item["image"].shape[-2:] x1 = random.randint(0, image_size[1] - smallest_size[1]) y1 = random.randint(0, image_size[0] - smallest_size[0]) x2 = x1 + smallest_size[1] y2 = y1 + smallest_size[0] for k in ["image", "mask", "unnormalized_image", "spixel"]: if k not in item.keys(): continue item[k] = item[k][:, y1:y2, x1:x2] if not uncorrect_label: item["label"] = float(item["mask"].max() != 0.0) for k, v in item.items(): if k in result.keys(): result[k].append(v) else: result[k] = [v] # stack all outputs for k, v in result.items(): if k in ["image", "mask", "unnormalized_image", "spixel"]: if k not in result.keys(): continue result[k] = torch.stack(v, dim=0) elif k in ["label"]: result[k] = torch.tensor(v).float() return result class timeout: def __init__(self, seconds=1, error_message="Timeout"): self.seconds = seconds self.error_message = error_message def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame): raise TimeoutError(self.error_message) def __enter__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.seconds) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): signal.alarm(0)