import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import os import kornia import warnings from modules.layers.faceshifter.layers import AEI_Net from modules.layers.faceshifter.hear_layers import Hear_Net from third_party.arcface import iresnet100, MouthNet make_abs_path = lambda fn: os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), fn)) class FSGenerator(nn.Module): def __init__(self, id_ckpt: str = None, id_dim: int = 512, mouth_net_param: dict = None, in_size: int = 256, finetune: bool = False, downup: bool = False, ): super(FSGenerator, self).__init__() ''' MouthNet ''' self.use_mouth_net = mouth_net_param.get('use') self.mouth_feat_dim = 0 self.mouth_net = None if self.use_mouth_net: self.mouth_feat_dim = mouth_net_param.get('feature_dim') self.mouth_crop_param = mouth_net_param.get('crop_param') mouth_weight_path = make_abs_path(mouth_net_param.get('weight_path')) self.mouth_net = MouthNet( bisenet=None, feature_dim=self.mouth_feat_dim, crop_param=self.mouth_crop_param ) self.mouth_net.load_backbone(mouth_weight_path) print("[FaceShifter Generator] MouthNet loaded from %s" % mouth_weight_path) self.mouth_net.eval() self.mouth_net.requires_grad_(False) self.G = AEI_Net(c_id=id_dim + self.mouth_feat_dim, finetune=finetune, downup=downup) self.iresnet = iresnet100() if not id_ckpt is None: self.iresnet.load_state_dict(torch.load(id_ckpt, "cpu")) else: warnings.warn("Face ID backbone [%s] not found!" % id_ckpt) raise FileNotFoundError("Face ID backbone [%s] not found!" % id_ckpt) self.iresnet.eval() self.register_buffer( name="trans_matrix", tensor=torch.tensor( [ [ [1.07695457, -0.03625215, -1.56352194 * (in_size / 256)], [0.03625215, 1.07695457, -5.32134629 * (in_size / 256)], ] ], requires_grad=False, ).float(), ) self.in_size = in_size self.iresnet.requires_grad_(False) def forward(self, source, target, infer=False): with torch.no_grad(): ''' 1. get id ''' if infer: resize_input = F.interpolate(source, size=112, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) id_vector = F.normalize(self.iresnet(resize_input), dim=-1, p=2) else: M = self.trans_matrix.repeat(source.size()[0], 1, 1) source = kornia.geometry.transform.warp_affine(source, M, (self.in_size, self.in_size)) # import cv2 # from tricks import Trick # cv2.imwrite('warpped_source.png', Trick.tensor_to_arr(source)[0, :, :, ::-1]) resize_input = F.interpolate(source, size=112, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True) id_vector = F.normalize(self.iresnet(resize_input), dim=-1, p=2) ''' 2. get mouth feature ''' if self.use_mouth_net: w1, h1, w2, h2 = self.mouth_crop_param mouth_input = resize_input[:, :, h1:h2, w1:w2] # 112->mouth mouth_feat = self.mouth_net(mouth_input) id_vector =[id_vector, mouth_feat], dim=-1) # (B,dim_id+dim_mouth) x, att = self.G(target, id_vector) return x, id_vector, att def get_recon(self): return self.G.get_recon_tensor() def get_att(self, x): return self.G.get_attr(x) class FSHearNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, aei_path: str): super(FSHearNet, self).__init__() ''' Stage I. AEI_Net ''' self.aei = FSGenerator( id_ckpt=make_abs_path("../../modules/third_party/arcface/weights/ms1mv3_arcface_r100_fp16/backbone.pth") ).requires_grad_(False) print('Loading pre-trained AEI-Net from %s...' % aei_path) self._load_pretrained_aei(aei_path) print('Loaded.') ''' Stage II. HEAR_Net ''' self.hear = Hear_Net() def _load_pretrained_aei(self, path: str): if '.ckpt' in path: from trainer.faceshifter.extract_ckpt import extract_generator pth_folder = make_abs_path('../../trainer/faceshifter/extracted_ckpt') pth_name = 'hear_tmp.pth' assert '.pth' in pth_name state_dict = extract_generator(load_path=path, path=os.path.join(pth_folder, pth_name)) self.aei.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) self.aei.eval() elif '.pth' in path: self.aei.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, "cpu"), strict=False) self.aei.eval() else: raise FileNotFoundError('%s (.ckpt or .pth) not found.' % path) def forward(self, source, target): with torch.no_grad(): y_hat_st, _, _ = self.aei(source, target, infer=True) y_hat_tt, _, _ = self.aei(target, target, infer=True) delta_y_t = target - y_hat_tt y_cat =[y_hat_st, delta_y_t], dim=1) # (B,6,256,256) y_st = self.hear(y_cat) return y_st, y_hat_st # both (B,3,256,256) if __name__ == '__main__': source = torch.randn(8, 3, 512, 512) target = torch.randn(8, 3, 512, 512) net = FSGenerator( id_ckpt="/apdcephfs_cq2/share_1290939/gavinyuan/code/FaceShifter/faceswap/faceswap/checkpoints/" "face_id/ms1mv3_arcface_r100_fp16_backbone.pth", mouth_net_param={ 'use': False } ) result, _, _ = net(source, target) print('result:', result.shape) # stage2 = FSHearNet( # aei_path=make_abs_path("../../trainer/faceshifter/out/faceshifter_vanilla/epoch=32-step=509999.ckpt") # ) # final_out, _ = stage2(source, target) # print('final out:', final_out.shape)