import os import cv2 import yaml import copy import pygame import numpy as np from PIL import Image from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont import torch import torchvision.transforms as transforms def save_args_to_yaml(args, output_file): # Convert args namespace to a dictionary args_dict = vars(args) # Write the dictionary to a YAML file with open(output_file, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml.dump(args_dict, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False) def save_single_image(save_dir, image): save_path = f"{save_dir}/out_single.png" def save_image_with_content_style(save_dir, image, content_image_pil, content_image_path, style_image_path, resolution): new_image ='RGB', (resolution*3, resolution)) if content_image_pil is not None: content_image = content_image_pil else: content_image ="RGB").resize((resolution, resolution), Image.BILINEAR) style_image ="RGB").resize((resolution, resolution), Image.BILINEAR) new_image.paste(content_image, (0, 0)) new_image.paste(style_image, (resolution, 0)) new_image.paste(image, (resolution*2, 0)) save_path = f"{save_dir}/out_with_cs.jpg" def x0_from_epsilon(scheduler, noise_pred, x_t, timesteps): """Return the x_0 from epsilon """ batch_size = noise_pred.shape[0] for i in range(batch_size): noise_pred_i = noise_pred[i] noise_pred_i = noise_pred_i[None, :] t = timesteps[i] x_t_i = x_t[i] x_t_i = x_t_i[None, :] pred_original_sample_i = scheduler.step( model_output=noise_pred_i, timestep=t, sample=x_t_i, # predict_epsilon=True, generator=None, return_dict=True, ).pred_original_sample if i == 0: pred_original_sample = pred_original_sample_i else: pred_original_sample =, pred_original_sample_i), dim=0) return pred_original_sample def reNormalize_img(pred_original_sample): pred_original_sample = (pred_original_sample / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0, 1) return pred_original_sample def normalize_mean_std(image): transforms_norm = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) image = transforms_norm(image) return image def is_char_in_font(font_path, char): TTFont_font = TTFont(font_path) cmap = TTFont_font['cmap'] for subtable in cmap.tables: if ord(char) in subtable.cmap: return True return False def load_ttf(ttf_path, fsize=128): pygame.init() font = pygame.freetype.Font(ttf_path, size=fsize) return font def ttf2im(font, char, fsize=128): try: surface, _ = font.render(char) except: print("No glyph for char {}".format(char)) return bg = np.full((fsize, fsize), 255) imo = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surface).transpose(1, 0) imo = 255 - np.array(Image.fromarray(imo)) im = copy.deepcopy(bg) h, w = imo.shape[:2] if h > fsize: h, w = fsize, round(w*fsize/h) imo = cv2.resize(imo, (w, h)) if w > fsize: h, w = round(h*fsize/w), fsize imo = cv2.resize(imo, (w, h)) x, y = round((fsize-w)/2), round((fsize-h)/2) im[y:h+y, x:x+w] = imo pil_im = Image.fromarray(im.astype('uint8')).convert('RGB') return pil_im